Module CHSM 1 Original
Module CHSM 1 Original
Module CHSM 1 Original
Message to the Learners
Dear Learners,
This module provides you with academic foundation about the subject Community
Health Service Management. An orientation will be done about this subject, its course
objectives, Institutional Core Values, Goals and Program Outcomes.
This module contains the various topics, assessment tasks, references and links that
you can open for further studies. Guidelines and instructions were also included on how
you can deal with learning tasks assigned to you and the mode of submission of the
It is of utmost importance that you read the module and do the learning tasks
independently unless otherwise instructed. If along the process, you find difficulty in
following the instructions or there are muddy points you want to be clarified about the
concepts, feel free to contact me by any means of social communication platforms you
can find below.
We are in a time where we need to keep safe to be able to live but since learning has to
continue in spite of this pandemic issue, the academe has to adopt a new learning
program known to the world now as Blended Learning Style. We are combining the use
of modules and computer assisted learning mode to reach out to you.
Respectfully yours,
COURSE OBJECTIVES: At the end of the course, given relevant situations, the students
will be able to:
3. Environmental Health
Health care Waste Management
Sanitation – Water, Food, Air Pollution
4. Family Health
Maternal and Child Health
Women’s Health
a. Safe Motherhood ( including BeMONC)
b. Family Planning
c. Violence Against Women and Children
d. Adolescent Reproductive Health
e. Prevention and Management of Abortion and its Complications
f. Older Persons
Integrated Maternal and Child Illnesses (IMCI)
Infant and Young Children Feeding (IYCF) including
Expanded Program on Immunization (EPI)
Oral Health
Adolescent Health
Child Injury
In this module, the activity will be more of virtual recall and discussion of learned concepts and
orientation on:
Criteria 4 3 2 1
Note: Information you can find here are data from the executive summary
of Dr. Manuel M. Dayrit in his written book entitled The Philippine Health
System Review.
eng.pdf?sequence =1&isAllowed=y
4. The majority of Filipinos are Christian Malays (92.2%), with Roman Catholics
constituting 87.4% of the Christian population. Muslim minority groups,
comprising 5.6%, are concentrated in Mindanao. --The country has an adult
literacy rate of 96.5%
5. The Philippines is currently one of Asia’s fastest growing economies with a gross
domestic product growth of 6.7% at the end of 2017
7. Filipinos tend to live longer now than in previous decades, with life expectancy at
birth increasing from 62.2 years in 1980 to 69.1 years in 2016. This is attributed
mainly to improvements in living conditions, better access to health services, and
improved management and treatment of infectious diseases like pneumonia and
tuberculosis (TB)
8. Filipinos now bear a triple burden of disease. First, there is the increasing health
impact of globalization and escalating climate change, with the Philippines
ranking third in the world in terms of exposure to disaster risks due to strong
typhoons occurring with high regularity. Second, changes in lifestyle and the
increasing prevalence of risk factors related to diet, tobacco smoke and high
systolic blood pressure contribute to a rising incidence of diseases of the
cardiovascular system, malignant neoplasms, diabetes and road traffic accidents,
which are cases of noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) in the country. Third,
despite advances in the management and treatment of infectious diseases, many
Filipinos continue to suffer from diseases for which effective interventions are
available. These include human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection, TB and
vaccine-preventable diseases (VPDs) such as measles and diphtheria.
9. Health service delivery is provided in the Philippines through a dual health
delivery system composed of the public sector and the private sector. The private
sector, consisting of for-profit and non-profit health-care providers, is largely
market oriented, where health care is generally paid for through user fees at the
point of service.
10. There is social health insurance administered by the Philippine Health Insurance
Corporation (PhilHealth)
11. Health financing- the Total health expenditure (THE) has consistently increased
since 2005 and compares well with neighbors like Indonesia. Government health
expenditure has increased significantly in nominal terms, but it has been eclipsed
by private sector funding sources, which have grown rapidly with the economy.
12. Health governance and regulation- DOH provides national policy direction and
strategic plans, regulatory services, standards and guidelines for health, and
highly specialized and specific tertiary-level hospital services.
13. Despite the DOH’s investments to construct and upgrade local health facilities
and deploy critical health staff, access remains highly inequitable due to the
maldistribution of health facilities, health personnel and specialists.
14. Health outcomes are generally improving, but the stagnant maternal mortality
ratio and neonatal mortality rate, and the sluggish rate of improvement in health
outcomes compared to neighboring countries, are worrisome.
15. The absence of a facilitated referral system robs the patient of the opportunity to
navigate the health system effectively – from identifying the appropriate health-
care provider, to getting advice on needed medical tests or procedures and
referral back from hospitals to primary care for continued health care.
Assessment Tasks:
1. Aside from the enumerated National Health Situation cited by Dr. Manuel M. Dayrit
above in 2017, give at least 5 or more health or health related problems that are being
confronted by the health sector to this very date through a short video presentation/clips.
A two (2) to five (5) minute video presentation will do.
Name:______________________ Task : Video Clip/Presentation
Date:_______________________ Score:_______________
2. Visit your nearest health center and get the data of the following: Please follow health
communication protocol.
a. Total Population of the community
b. Maternal and Infant Mortality Rate
c. Causes of Maternal and Infant Mortality
d. Using the significant figures that you have in your hand, make a recommendation
strategies/program/projects that you deem necessary to be undertaken if you were
the midwife in the Health Center.
Name: Section:
Date Submitted:
Name of Community:
Name of Midwife:
Total Population: