A 6th. Standard Geo
A 6th. Standard Geo
A 6th. Standard Geo
6th Standard
Content Sheet
1 The Earth in the Solar System
Chapter 1
Our Earth is part of the solar system What is the Solar system?
which consists of various other objects The Sun, eight planets, satellites, and
like the sun, planets, asteroids, twinkling some other celestial bodies known as
stars, etc. Earth has all life supporting asteroids and meteoroids constitute
systems which work in sync to make life our solar system.
possible on Earth.
The Sun:
What are celestial bodies? It is made of extremely hot gases and it
yy Celestial bodies or heavenly bodies are is the centre of our solar system. It acts
objects in space such as the Sun, Moon, as pulling factor around which other
Planets, and Stars. They are part of the planets and objects revolve.
yy Stars like the Sun are made up of very The Planets:
hot gases and they emit their own light yy There are eight planets in our solar
and heat. system. In order of their distance from
yy Twinkling stars are like the Sun but we the Sun, they are: Mercury, Venus,
do not feel their heat or light as they are Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus,
far away from us. and Neptune.
yy All these planets revolve around the Sun
What are constellations? in an elongated orbit.
yy These are groups of stars and they form yy Mercury is the nearest to the Sun and
different patterns. it takes only 88 days to complete 1 orbit
yy Ursa Major or Big Bear is one such around the Sun.
example of constellations. yy Venus is called Earth’s twin because of
yy One of the most recognizable its same size and shape which is very
constellations is Saptarishi; it is a group much similar to that of Earth.
of seven stars that forms part of the
Ursa Major constellation. The Earth:
yy We can locate the position of the yy It is the third nearest and fifth largest
Pole star with the help of Saptarishi planet in our solar system. It is slightly
constellations. flattened at poles. That’s why; its shape
is described as “Geoid”.
What are the Planets? yy Life favourable conditions such as
The Earth in the Solar System
yy The word Planet came from the presence of water, air and neither too
Greek word “Planetai” which means hot nor too cold temperature etc.,
Wanderers. makes the Earth a unique planet.
yy These are the celestial bodies that don’t yy It is also called ‘Blue planet’ because
emit heat and light. its two-third part is covered with water.
Chapter 1
yy Earth has only one satellite, the Moon, of the galaxy which is called the Akash
which is 3, 84,400 km away from Earth. Ganga. The whole Universe is made of
yy The Moon revolves around the Earth in millions of such galaxies.
27 days; it takes exactly the same time
to complete one spin. Interesting Points:
yy Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus have rings
Asteroids: around them which are belts of small
These are numerous tiny bodies which debris.
move around the Sun. They generally yy ‘Sol’ in Roman mythology is the ‘Sun
found between the orbits of Mars and god’. ‘Solar’ means ‘related to the Sun’.
Jupiter. They are considered as part of The family of the Sun is, therefore,
the planets which exploded many years called the solar system.
back. yy A Satellite is a celestial body that moves
around the planets in the same way as
Meteoroids: the planets move around the Sun.
These are tiny rocks that move around yy A Human-made Satellite is an artificial
the Sun. Sometimes, they come in body which is designed by scientists to
contact with the Earth’s atmosphere gather information about the universe
and due to the friction, they get heated or for communication.
up and burn with a flash of light. While yy The Moon and the planets shine due
Meteor, without being completely burnt, to reflected sunlight (According to
falls on Earth and makes hollow. Aryabhatta).
yy Light travels at the speed of about
Galaxy: 3,00,000 km per second.
A galaxy is a cluster of billions of stars yy The light of the Sun takes about eight
that look whitish. The Milky Way is such minutes to reach the Earth.
an example. Our solar system is part
The Earth in the Solar System
2 Globe: Latitudes and
Chapter 2
Globe is a true model (miniature form) from the Equator to either of the
of the Earth, which is very helpful to poles is one-fourth of a circle round
improve understanding of Earth’s shape the Earth, it will measure ¼th of 360
and size such as the Earth is flattened degrees, i.e. 90°. Thus, 90 degrees
at Poles and bulge at Equator (middle). north latitude marks the North Pole and
90 degrees south latitude marks the
What is the globe? South Pole.
yy Globes may be of varying size and type yy All parallels north of the Equator are
– big ones, which cannot be carried called ‘North Latitudes.’ Similarly, all
easily, small pocket globes, and globe- parallels south of the Equator are called
like balloons, which can be inflated and ‘South Latitudes.’
are handy and carried with ease. The yy The value of each latitude is, therefore,
globe is not fixed. It can be rotated the followed by either the word North or
same way as topspin or a potter’s wheel South. Generally, this is indicated by the
is rotated. On the globe, countries, letter ‘N’ or ‘S’.
continents, and oceans are shown in
their correct sizes. Important parallels of latitude:
yy A needle is fixed through the globe Besides the Equator (0°), the North
in a tilted manner, which is called Pole (90°N), and the South Pole (90°
its axis. S), there are four important parallels of
yy Two points on the globe through which latitudes:
the needle passes are two poles – the yy Tropic of Cancer (23½° N) in the
North Pole and the South Pole. Northern Hemisphere.
yy But in case of the real Earth, it has no yy Tropic of Capricorn (23½° S) in the
such needle. It moves around its axis, Southern Hemisphere.
which is an imaginary line. yy Arctic Circle at 66½° north of the
What is the Equator? yy Antarctic Circle at 66½° south of the
yy The imaginary line running on the globe Equator.
divides it into two equal parts. This line
is known as the equator. The Northern Heat zones of the Earth:
Hemisphere is north of this line and the yy Torrid Zone:
Globe: Latitudes and Longitudes
Chapter 2
Frigid zones:
This is the area between the Arctic Circle
and North Pole in Northern Hemisphere
and Antarctic Circle and Southern pole
Globe: Latitudes and Longitudes
Chapter 2
Longitude and Time: Therefore the longitude and the latitude
yy The best means of measuring time is by are very crucial in understanding about
the movement of the Earth, the Moon, any place on globe or on Earth.
and the planets.
yy The shadow cast by the Sun is the Interesting Points:
shortest at noon and longest at sunrise yy Tonga Islands (in the Pacific Ocean) and
and sunset. Mauritius Islands (in the Indian Ocean)
yy The Earth rotates 360° in about 24 are situated on the same latitude.
hours, which means 15° an hour or 1° in yy We can know the latitude of our place
four minutes. by measuring the angle of the Pole Star
yy In India, the longitude of 82½° E from our place.
(82° 30’E) is treated as the standard
3 Motions of the Earth
Chapter 3
The Earth has two types of motions, with its orbital plane. The plane formed
namely Rotation and Revolution. by the orbit is known as the orbital
yy Rotation is the movement of the Earth plane.
on its axis. yy The circle that divides the day from
yy Revolution is the movement of the Earth night on the globe is called the circle of
around the Sun in a fixed path or orbit. illumination.
yy The period of rotation is known as Earth
Rotation and associated terms: day which is the daily motion of the
yy The axis of the Earth, which is an earth.
imaginary line, makes an angle of 66½°
Chapter 3
Important dates in Earth’s revolution: vertically at the Tropic of Capricorn
On 21st June: (23½° S), a larger portion of the Southern
yy The Northern Hemisphere is tilted Hemisphere gets light. Therefore, it is
towards the Sun. The rays of the Sun summer in the Southern Hemisphere
fall directly on the Tropic of Cancer. As with longer days and shorter nights.
a result, these areas receive more heat The reverse happens in the Northern
and areas near poles receive less heat Hemisphere. This position of the Earth
due to slanting rays. Places around the is called the Winter Solstice.
Arctic Circle receive continuous daylight
for 6 months. Therefore it is called On 21st March and 23rd September:
the summer season in the Northern yy Direct rays of the Sun fall on the Equator.
Hemisphere. At this position, neither of the poles is
yy The longest day and the shortest night tilted towards the Sun; so, the whole
occur at these places on 21st June. Earth experiences equal days and equal
The reverse happens in the Southern nights. This is called an equinox.
Hemisphere. This position of the Earth yy On 23rd September, it is the autumn
is called the Summer Solstice. season in the Northern Hemisphere
and spring season in the Southern
On 22nd December: Hemisphere. The opposite is the case
yy The Tropic of Capricorn receives direct on 21st March when it is spring in the
rays of the Sun as the South Pole Northern Hemisphere and autumn in
tilts towards it. As the Sun’s rays fall the Southern Hemisphere.
Chapter 3
4 Maps
Chapter 4
A map is a representation or a drawing rainfall maps, maps showing the
of the Earth’s surface or a part of it distribution of forests, industries, etc.
drawn on a flat surface according to are known as thematic maps.
a scale. Generally, maps provide more
information than a globe. Important components of maps:
yy Scale: Scale is the ratio between the
Types of Maps: actual distance on the ground and the
yy Physical Maps: Maps showing natural distance shown on the map. Small scale
features of the Earth such as mountains, and large scale maps are two types of
plateaus, plains, rivers, oceans, etc. are maps.
called physical or relief maps. yy Cardinal points: These points on maps
yy Political Maps: Maps showing cities, are directions such as North, East, West,
towns and villages, and different and South.
countries and states of the world with yy Symbols: Maps have a universal language
their boundaries are called political that can be understood by all. There is
maps. an international agreement regarding
yy Thematic Maps: Some maps focus on the use of these symbols. These are
specific information; such as roadmaps, called conventional symbols.
5 Major Domains of the Earth
Chapter 5
Chapter 5
surface are called the troposphere, Oceans:
the stratosphere, the mesosphere, the yy Oceans are the major part of hydrosphere.
thermosphere, and the exosphere. They are all inter-connected and water
in the ocean is always moving.
yy The three chief movements of ocean
waters are the waves, the tides, and the
ocean currents.
yy The five major oceans are the Pacific
Ocean, the Atlantic Ocean, the Indian
Ocean, the Southern Ocean, and the
Arctic Ocean, in order of their size.
yy The Pacific Ocean: It is the largest ocean
which is spread over one-third of the
Earth. Mariana Trench, the deepest part
of the Earth, lies in the Pacific Ocean.
The Pacific Ocean is almost circular in
shape. It is surrounded by Asia, Australia,
North, and South America.
yy The Atlantic Ocean: It is the second-
largest ocean in the world. It is ‘S’
shaped. It is flanked by the North and
Fig. 5.1: Layers of the Atmosphere South Americas on the western side,
and Europe and Africa on the eastern
yy The atmosphere is composed mainly of side. The coastline of the Atlantic Ocean
Nitrogen and Oxygen, which make up is highly indented. This irregular and
about 99 per cent of clean, dry air. indented coastline provides an ideal
yy Nitrogen 78 per cent, Oxygen 21 per cent location for natural harbours and ports.
and other gases like Carbon Dioxide, From the point of view of commerce, it
Argon and others comprise 1 per cent is the busiest Ocean.
by volume. yy The Indian Ocean: It is the only ocean
named after a country, that is, India. The
Hydrosphere: shape of the ocean is almost triangular.
yy The Hydrosphere comprises water In the north, it is bound by Asia, in
in all its forms, i.e. ice, water, water the west by Africa, and in the east by
Major Domains of the Earth
Chapter 5
yy In the Greek language, Lithos means yy The first Indian woman to climb the
Stone; Atmos means Vapour; Hudor highest peak on 23rd May, 1984 was
means Water; and Bios means Life. Bachendri Pal.
6 Major Landforms of the Earth
Chapter 6
Landforms on the surface of the Earth land surface. The wearing away of the
are the ultimate result of internal and earth’s surface is called erosion. The
external processes. surface is being lowered by the process
yy Internal process which leads to the of erosion and rebuilt by the process
upliftment and sinking of the Earth’s of deposition. These two processes
surface at several places. are carried out by running water, ice,
yy External process is the continuous and wind.
wearing down and rebuilding of the
Chapter 6
yy Block Mountains: These types of and the lowered blocks are called
mountains are created when large areas graben. The Rhine valley and the Vosges
are broken and displaced vertically. The Mountain in Europe are examples of
uplifted blocks are termed as horst such mountain systems.
Major Landforms of the Earth
Chapter 6
yy Volcanic Mountains: These Mountains Importance of Plateaus:
are formed due to volcanic activity. Mt. yy World’s major mining areas are generally
Kilimanjaro in Africa and Mt. Fujiyama in found on plateaus. For example; African
Japan are examples of such mountains. plateau is famous for gold and diamond
mining. In India, huge reserves of iron,
coal, and manganese are found in the
Chota Nagpur plateau.
yy In the plateau areas, there may be
several waterfalls as the river falls
from a great height. In India, the Hundru
falls in the Chotanagpur plateau on the
river Subarnarekha and the Jog falls
in Karnataka are examples of such
yy The lava plateaus are rich in black soil
that is fertile and good for cultivation.
These are large stretches of flatlands;
they are generally not more than 200
Fig. 6.4: Volcanic Mountains meters above sea level. Generally, plains
are very fertile. Most of the plains are
Significance of the Mountains: formed by the rivers by depositing the
yy They are storehouse of water. eroded material along their courses and
yy Water from the mountains is also used in their valleys. These plains are thickly
for irrigation and generation of hydro- populated regions in the world such
electricity. Gangetic belt in India, the Yangtze in
yy Mountains provide an idyllic site for China etc.
yy They are also useful for crop cultivation Interesting Points:
e.g. terrace farming etc. yy A hill is a land surface that rises higher
than the surrounding area. Generally,
Plateaus: a steep hill with an elevation of more
Major Landforms of the Earth
7 Our Country – India
Chapter 7
India is a country of vast geographical yy There are seven countries that share
expanse. In the North, it is bound by the land boundaries with India that are
lofty Himalayas. The Arabian Sea in the China, Bhutan, Nepal, Pakistan and
West, the Bay of Bengal in the East and Afghanistan in the North or north-west,
the Indian Ocean in the South, wash the and with Bangladesh and Myanmar in
shores of the Indian peninsula. the East.
Chapter 7
Physical Division of India:
yy India is marked by a diversity of physical peaks are located in this range. In the
features such as mountains, plateaus, South of Greater Himalaya, Middle or
plains, coasts and islands. Himachal, Himalaya is situated. Many
yy Himalayan Mountain divided into 3 popular hill stations are situated here.
Our Country – India
Chapter 7
flat and level. These plains are formed yy Island groups: Two groups of islands
by rivers like Ganga, Brahmaputra, also form part of India. Lakshadweep
Sindhu and their tributaries. These Islands (Coral islands) are located in
regions provide fertile soil for agriculture the Arabian Sea. The Andaman and the
that’s why these are one of the regions Nicobar Islands lie to the southeast of
of highest population concentration. the Indian mainland in the Bay of Bengal.
yy The Great Indian Desert: It lies in the
western part of the country. It is a dry, Interesting Points:
hot and sandy stretch of land. It has yy The peninsula is a piece of land that is
very little vegetation. surrounded by water on three sides.
yy Peninsular Plateau: yy Large countries which stretch extensively
⚪⚪ It is situated south of the northern from east to west do not have a single
plains, it is triangular in shape and Standard Time for the whole country.
its relief is highly irregular. This The USA and Canada have seven and six
region has numerous hills such as time zones respectively.
Aravali, one of the oldest residual yy Alluvial deposits: These are very fine
mountains in the world, situated in soils, brought by rivers and deposited in
the north-west part. the river basins.
⚪⚪ The rivers Narmada and Tapi (West yy Tributary: A river or stream which
flowing rivers) flow through Vindhyas contributes its water to a main river
and Satpura ranges. by discharging it into Main River from
⚪⚪ The Western Ghats or Sahyadris either side.
border the plateau in the West yy World’s largest delta is the Sunderban
and the Eastern Ghats provide the delta which is triangular in shape.
Eastern boundary. yy Corals are skeletons of tiny marine
⚪⚪ The Coastal plains lie to the West animals called Polyps. When the living
of the Western Ghats and the East polyps die, their skeletons are left.
of Eastern Ghats. Western coastal Other polyps grow on top of the hard
plains are very narrow and eastern skeleton which grows higher and higher,
coastal plains are much broader due thus forming the coral islands.
to delta formed by various rivers
such as Mahanadi, Godavari, Krishna
Our Country – India
8 India: Climate, Vegetation and
Chapter 8
Weather is about day to day changes in Factors affecting climates:
the atmosphere. It includes changes in The climate of a place is affected by
temperature, rainfall, and sunshine, etc. its location, altitude, distance from
the sea and relief. Therefore, regional
Seasons in India: differences in the climate of India are
yy Cold Weather Season or Winter experienced.
(December to February): During this
season, the Sun rays do not fall directly in Natural vegetation:
the region. As a result the temperatures yy The grasses, shrubs, and trees, which
are quite low in northern India. grow on their own without interference
yy Hot Weather Season or Summer (March or help from human beings, are called
to May): In the hot weather season natural vegetation.
sun rays more or less directly fall in yy Due to varied climatic conditions, India
this region. Temperature becomes very has a wide range of natural vegetation.
high. Hot and dry winds called loo, blow
during the day. Significance of the forests:
yy Southwest Monsoon Season or Rainy yy Forests are the natural habitat of wild
(June to September): This season is life.
marked by the onset and advance of yy Forests perform various important
monsoon. The winds blow from Arabian functions such as providing oxygen,
Sea and Bay of Bengal towards the absorbing CO2, improving quality of soil,
land. They carry moisture with them. controlling soil erosion etc.
When these winds strike the mountain yy It also provides herbs, lac, honey, gum,
barriers, rainfall occurs. fuel, fodder, shelter, raw material for
yy Season of Retreating Monsoon or various basic or primary industries and
Autumn (October and November): also for secondary industries.
Winds move back from the mainland to yy It provides various medicinal plants for
the Bay of Bengal. This is the season of treatments and the cultural significance
the retreating monsoons. The southern of forests is very high.
parts of India, particularly Tamil Nadu