AWS Overview
AWS Overview
AWS Overview
1. Root Account:
● Definition: The root account is the account that is created when you first sign up for
AWS. It has full access to all AWS services and resources in the account.
● Permissions: The root account has unrestricted access to everything in AWS. It can
perform any action on any resource, including sensitive operations like closing the
account, managing billing, and deleting resources.
● Best Practices: It is highly recommended not to use the root account for everyday
tasks. Instead, it should be reserved for only the most critical tasks that cannot be
performed by an IAM user. AWS advises enabling multi-factor authentication (MFA)
on the root account and storing the credentials securely.
● Use Case: Examples of when you might use the root account include creating your
first IAM user, setting up billing information, and performing certain account-wide
● Elastic Load Balancing: Distributes incoming application traffic across multiple EC2
instances to ensure high availability.
CloudWatch: Monitor the performance and health of your EC2 instances.
There are two primary types of scaling: horizontal scaling and vertical scaling.
3. S3 bucket
Amazon S3 (Simple Storage Service) is a scalable, high-speed, web-based cloud storage
service designed to store and retrieve any amount of data from anywhere on the web. An S3
bucket is a fundamental container in S3 where you store your data (objects).
4. Lambda
AWS Lambda is a serverless computing service provided by Amazon Web Services (AWS)
that allows you to run code without provisioning or managing servers. Lambda automatically
scales your application by running your code in response to events such as HTTP requests
via API Gateway.
Serverless Architecture:
● No Server Management: AWS Lambda allows you to focus solely on your code.
You don't need to worry about managing servers, scaling, or infrastructure.
We don’t need to create servers on our own, AWS manages everything itself.