Notes On NRES Review 1
Notes On NRES Review 1
Notes On NRES Review 1
Right to fair treatment means that the subjects receive Theoretical framework is based on theories.
equitable treatment before, during, and after their
participation in the study. Conceptual framework is rooted on specific
concepts or conceptual model
Right to privacy means that researchers need to Both provides the structure for examining a problem
ensure that their research is not more intrusive than it and serves as a guide to examine relationships
needs to be and that the subject’s privacy is between variables.
maintained throughout the study The use of a framework
In quantitative research, the framework is a testable
Anonymity occurs when even the researcher can not theory that may emerge from a conceptual model or
link a subject with the information for that subject. The may be developed inductively from published
subjects remain unknown. research or clinical observations
In qualitative research, the initial framework is a
Confidentiality to the subjects is a guarantee that philosophy or a worldview. A theory consistent with
any information that the subjects provide will not be the philosophy is developed as the outcome of the
publicly reported or made accessible to parties other study.
than those involved in the research.
Nuremberg Code The hypothesis is a tentative, declarative statement
This ethical code of conduct contains rules that were about the relationship between two or more variables.
developed to guide investigators in conducting
research ethically w/c are: It is a tentative explanation for certain behaviors,
1. voluntary consent phenomena or events that have occurred or will
2. withdrawal of subjects from studies occur.
3. protection of subjects from physical and mental
suffering, injury, disability, death It is an educated guess, which needs to be tested.
4. balance of benefits and risk
Characteristics Quantitative Designs
• It should be reasonable.
• It should state in definite terms, the • Descriptive design is used to identify a
relationship between variables. phenomenon of interest, identify variables within
• It should be testable. the phenomenon, event or group in real life
Types situations for the purpose of discovering new
Null hypothesis (Ho) is a statement of a no meaning, describing what exists, determining the
relationship, no difference, no effect or no interaction. frequency with which something occurs, and
It is tested with statistics. categorizing information.
Example: There is no relationship between nursing
admission test results and board examination ratings • Survey designs are employed to measure the
among the graduates of nursing schools in Manila. existing phenomenon without inquiring into why it
exists. The main intention is to use the data for
Alternative or research hypothesis (H1) is the problem solving rather than for hypothesis testing.
expectation based on theory. This could either be:
• Correlational designs help one determine the
Directional – specifies the direction of the extent to which different variables are related to
relationship. each other in the population of interest. The
critical distinguishing characteristic is the effort to
Non-directional – only specifies that there is a estimate a relationship as distinguished from
relationship. simple description.
Pretest Posttest Control Group Design or Sampling involves selecting a group of people,
Classical Experimental Design events, behaviors, or other elements with which to
Notation: conduct a study.
RS O1 X O2
____________________ Sampling plan defines the process of making the
RC O3 O4
Where: Sample defines the selected group of people or
R – Random assignment elements.
O1 – Experimental pretest
O2 - Experimental posttest Population or target population is the entire set of
O3 – Control pretest individuals or elements who meet the sampling
O4 – Control posttest criteria.
X - Treatment/Intervention
S – Study group Sampling criteria list the characteristics essential for
C – Control group membership in the target population.
Accessible population is the portion of the target Accidental, convenience, incidental: utilizes readily
population to which the researcher has reasonable available subjects
Snowball or network: subjects act as informants
Elements are the entities that make up the sample or who identify others for inclusion in the sample who in
the population turn leads to more samples
Types of questions
Closed ended: respondents answer a number of
alternative responses
1. Dichotomous: two-response alternative
2. Multichotomous: multiple responses
Open ended: respondents are given enough
flexibility to answer questions or specify
answers other than those found in the
Characteristics of tools
Validity refers to the ability of a data-gathering
instrument to measure what it is supposed to
measure and to obtain data relevant to what is
being measured.
Reliability refers to the ability to obtain consistent
results when reused.
Quantitative Analysis
The manipulation of numerical data through statistical
procedures for the purpose of describing
phenomenon or assessing the magnitude and
reliability of relationships among them.