PDF Assignments - Form 3 - History

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Term 3 - 2023
PAPER 2 (311/2)
Time: 2½ Hours

Name: …………………………………………………………. Adm No: ……………….

School: ……………………………………………………….. Class: …………………..
Signature: ………………………………………..…………… Date: …..……………….

Instructions to candidates:
a) This paper consists of three sections A, B and C.
b) Answer all questions in section A, Three questions from section B and Two questions from section C.
c) Answers to all Questions must be written in the Answer booklet provided.
d) Candidates should check the Question paper to ascertain that all pages are printed as indicated and no
Questions are missing.
e) Answer all questions in English

For Examiner’s use only


1-17 18-21 22-24 24

25 45 30 100

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Attempt all the questions from this section.

1. Identify the period in history that deals with the study of man in recent times. (1 mark)
2. State two disadvantages of the use of Anthropology as a source of information on history and
government. (2 marks)
3. Name two species of Australopithecus. (2 marks)
4. Who invented the seed drill during Agrarian revolution in Britain? (1 mark)
5. List down two types of trade. (2 marks)
6. Give two political impacts of Trans – Atlantic trade in Africa. (2 marks)
7. Mention one early source of energy. (1 mark)
8. State two functions of Meroe. (2 marks)
9. Identify the main symbol of unity among the Shona. (1 mark)
10. Name one urban coastal area in Senegal where French policy of assimilation was applied. (1 mark)
11. Name the political party that led Mozambique to independence. (1 mark)
12. Give two social reasons for the scramble for Africa. (2 marks)
13. Identify one community outside East Africa that collaborated with the British. (1 mark)
14. State two advantages of electronic sources of information. (2 marks)
15. Which type of constitution does Britain use? (1 mark)
16. Mention the main aim of Berlin Conference of 1884. (1 mark)
17. Identify two forms of government. (2 marks)


Attempt any three questions from this section.

18. a) Give five reasons why Africa is regarded as the cradle of man. (5 marks)
b) Explain five importance of the study of history. (10 marks)

19. a) State five benefits of domestication of animals. (5 marks)

b) Explain five causes of food shortages in Africa. (10 marks)

20. a) List down three earliest water vessels. (3 marks)

b) Explain six positive effects of modern means of communication. (12 marks)

21 a) Give five reasons for Samori’s Long resistance. (5 marks)

b) Explain five reasons for Samori’s defeat. (10 marks)

SECTION C (30 MARKS) Attempt any two questions from this section.
22 a) State five social aspects of the Asante Empire. (5 marks)
b) Describe the political organisation of Buganda Kingdom. (10 marks)

23 a) Give five reasons why it was difficult for Lugard to apply indirect rule in Southern Nigeria. (5 marks)
b) Explain five reasons why French policy of assimilation failed in Senegal. (10 marks)

24. a) Give five reasons for slow decolonisation of Mozambique. (5 marks)

b) Explain the role of Nelson Mandela to the fight for freedom and democracy in South Africa.
(10 marks)

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