School Earthquake Cotingency Plan

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As in all emergencies, the safety of school students is paramount. All decisions and
actions taken to respond to an earthquake situation should reflect the magnitude of
the emergency. The following guidelines provide a framework for preparing and
carrying out the school’s response.


The person in charge or plan administrator shall designate an evacuation area and
pre-assign duties to

the school staff. These duties include:

• Search and Rescue

• First Aid

• Gas, electric, water and other structural hazard control

• Coordination of student supervision and release

• Communications with first responders, parents and media

After the earthquake strikes, the person in charge or plan administrator shall first
account for all staff members available to carry out their pre-assigned duties and,
as necessary, make reassignments. The person in charge or plan administrator shall
initiate the emergency protocols and continually monitor the progress of the
response. All communications with third parties must be coordinated by the person
in-charge or plan administrator.


1. Drop, Hold and Cover. Instruct students to do this; do it yourself.

2. Exit. When the shaking stops, survey the scene; if you are by yourself and can do
so, report to the designated evacuation area. If you are with other people, direct
those who are able to move under their own power to go to the designated
evacuation area. If any person is trapped or injured and not able to leave: (a) apply
first aid to stop severe bleeding; (b) use appropriate methods to start breathing, if
necessary, (c) summon help; (d) if help is coming, assure these individuals that
search and rescue/first aid will be coming, then exit yourself; (e) if the trapped or
injured person is a child, an adult should remain with the child, if possible, until help

3. Take roll and stay with class in designated area.

4. Report immediately to the Person in charge.

5. Carry out your pre-assigned task when authorized to do so by the Person in
Charge or plan


6. Report to the Person in charge or designee when you have completed your task.


• Gather first aid kits

• Search the grounds systematically for injured or trapped persons

• If the person is not conscious, check the vital signs and administer care as

• If the injured person is not able to move on his/her own power, do not move
him/her unless there is imminent danger (fire; broken and/or live power lines, etc.)

• If the injured person is able to move accompany him/her to the first-aid station

• When the entire area is checked, and you have done all you can for the injured,
proceed to the First Aid Station and report to dispatcher

When the emergency is over, fill out any necessary reports.


The pre-assigned supervisor:

• Dispatches search and rescue

• Receives reports from search and rescue of the injured who cannot be moved;
sends additional help as needed

• Decides who gets attention, first, second, etc. (triage)

• Provides first aid

• Informs the person in charge know if more help is needed

• Coordinates with emergency medical personnel

• Gives report to person in charge when demands permit First Aid Station

• Accept directions from the supervisor

• Use own training and knowledge in attending to the injured

• If assigned, go to the injured who cannot be moved

• Inform the Person in charge of what has been done in attending each injured

• Transport injured to hospital if no emergency services available

• Carry out any other task assigned by the supervisor


The team pre-assigned to check and control for structural hazards:

• Checks the physical plant for dangerous conditions and take action to prevent
access as appropriate

• Checks for gas leaks, broken or downed power lines, water leaks, and other
hazards and turn off

utilities as necessary in response

• Puts out fires or report those not containable

• Reports any chemical spills, broken power lines, potential hazards, to the person
in charge


Pre-assigned gatekeepers:

• Gather the student emergency forms

• Proceed to the area designated for release of students

• Provide reassurance as necessary to families seeking information about their


• Do not allow unaccompanied entry into school grounds for any persons other than

emergency personnel (e.g., fire, paramedics, police, utility workers)

• As parents arrive to pick up students, check the emergency card

• If the person is identified on the card, check identification and contact the student
release coordinator

• When the student is released, note the name of the person to whom the student is
released, and the date and time of release
Student Supervisors and Release Coordinators:

• Assume post at the designated evacuation area

• Collect the student roll cards or lists from the teachers who have taken roll after
the earthquake

• Calm and re-assure students

• Distribute emergency supplies (e.g., water, blankets, shelter)

• Manage use of bathroom or emergency toilet facility

• Locate students to be released to gatekeepers

• Assign someone to accompany students to the gatekeepers

• Check off the students who have been released from the roll card or list


• Keep informed, listen to radio, television, monitor social media

• Encourage students to relay information they obtain to the communications team

• Exercise prudence in relaying information about the emergency situation to


• If parents/guardians call, advise them of the following (if true)

 Students are gathered in the safe designated evacuation area

 Staff members are conducting search and rescue tasks, applying first aid
techniques and supervising the students
 Provide with any information on a specific student or staff member, can
make messages through barangay officials (LGU)
 Parents may come to the school to pick up students; we will not release
students except to those identified on the emergency card

• Assign bilingual staff members to monitor and respond to incoming calls, texts,
Tweets or emails

• Communicate school conditions to emergency first responders after checking with

person in charge.

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