1 November 1982
DOD-P-24562(SH) .
28 December 1977
(See 6.6)
This specification is approved for use by the Naval Sea Systems Command,
Department of the Navy, and is available for use by all Departments and
Agencies of the Department of Defense.
data which may be of use in improving this document should be addressed to:
Commander, Naval Sea Systems Command, SEA 55Z3, Department of the Navy,
Washington, DC 20362 by using the self-addressed Standardization Document
Improvement Proposal (DD Form 1426) appearing at the end of this document
or by letter.
WC 2010
2.i’.l Sp@Cffi’CatiOnSYstafid’ards,.
and handbooks,. Unless ot.lierwise
fied, the followingapecifica.tions, standards, and handbook of the issue Mated
in that issue of.k~e-~partment of”D&fense Ttiex of Fipecificatto,~. and .Standards
(DoDISS) specified-in the solicf.tatioti
fdrmap?art of ‘this.specifica&i’omto.the
extent specif~ed hereim.
FF>3-17~ Bktlrings,Ball, Annular (.&weral Purpo%~).
FF+3-~/35 Bearings, Roller, Cylind:ricaI;and Bearings.,Roller,
FF-B-187 Beami@g, Roller, Tapered.
FF-S-86. Screw, Capc Socket-Head.
FF-S-92 Screw, Machine: Slotted, Cross-Recessed or Hexagon
1 Head.
FF-S-200 Setscrews; Hexagon Socket and Spline Socket, Headless.
FF-S-21.O Setscrews: Square Head (Inch) and Slotted Headless
(Inch and Metric).
GG-I-492 Indicator,,Sight, Liquid.
QQ-T-390 Tin Alloy Ingots and Castings and Lead Alloy Ingots
and’Castings (AntifrictionMetal’)for Bearing -
TT-S-1732 Sealing Compound; Pipe Joint and Thread,’Lead Free
General Purpose.
P,PP-B-601 Boxes, Wood, Cleated-Plywood’c ‘“ ,,
PPP-B-621 Boxes, Wood, Nailed and Lock-Corner.
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MIL<-104 Crates, Wood; Lumber and Plywood Sheathed, Nailed
and Bolted.
MIL-S-901 Shock Tests, 11.I.(High-Impact); Shipboard Machin-
ery, Equipment and Systems, Requirements for.
MIL-E-917 Electric Power Equipment, Basic Requirements (Naval
Shipboard Use).
MIL-S-1222 Studs, Bolts, Hex Cap Screws, and Nuts.
MIL-C-2212 Controllers, Electric Motor A.C. or D.C., and
Associated Switching Devices.
MIL-P-2845 Packaging of Main Propulsion Shafting, Bearings,
. Boat and Ship Propellers, and Associated Repair
MIL-C-3774 Crates, Wood; Open 12,000- and 16,000-Pound
. Capacity.
MIL-B-3990 Bearings, Roller, Needle, Airframe, Antlfrlction,
. MIL-P-551O Packing, Preformed, Straight Thread Tube Fitting
Boss, Type I Rydraulic (-65° to 160”F).
MIL-C-15730 Coolers, Fluid, Naval Shipboard: Lubricating Oil,
Hydraulic Oil, and Fresh Water.
MXL-B-16392 Brakes, Magnet, Naval Shipboard.
MIL-T-16420 Tube, Copper-Nickel Alloy, Seamless and Welded
(Copper Alloy Numbers 715and 706).
MIL-P-16789 Packaging of Pumps, Including Prime Movers and
Associated Repair Parts.
MIL-M-17060 Motors, 6(FHertz, Alternating Current, Integral-
Horsepower, Shipboard Use.
MIL-M-17185 Mounts, Resilient; General Specifications and Tests
for (Shipboard Application).
MIL-I-17244 Indicators, Temperature, Direct-Reading, Bimetal-
lic, (3 and 5 Inch Dial).
MIL-E-17555 Electronic and Electrical Equipment, Accessories,
and Repair Parts; Packaging and Packing of.
MIL-P-17869 Pumps and Motors, Power, Oil Hydraulic (Naval
Shipboard Use). I
MIL-F-18240 Fastener, Externally Threaded, 250”F Self-Locking
Element for.
MIL-I-18997 Indicator, Pressure, Panel Mounted or Case Sup-
ported, General Specification.
MIL-I-20037 Indicators, Sight, Liquid Level, Direct Reading,
Reflex Tubular Gage Glass.
MIL-B-21230 Bronze, Nickel Aluminum and Manganese-Nickel
Aluminum: Castings, Ship Propeller Application.
MIL-T-22085 Tape, Pressure Sensitive Adhesive, Preservation
and Sealing.
MIL-G-23652 Gasket and Packing Material Petroleum and Phos-
phate Ester Fluid Resistant.
MIL-E-23765/3 - Electrodes, Welding, Bare, Copper and Copper Alloy.
MIL-L-23886 - Liquid Level Indicating Equipment (Electrical)
(Naval Shipboard Use).
MIL-H-24135 - Hose, Reinforced, Water and Oil Resistant, and End
Fittings, Reuseable, for Flexible Hose Connections. I
FED-S,TD-H28 Screw-Thread
. Stan’dar&sfor Federal Services.
FED-S’TD-15.1 Metal; Test ’Methods.
FED-STD-60’1 Rubber: Sampling and”~estiflg.
MZL-ST,D-’2:2 Welded Joint “Design..
MIL-STD-167-l - Mech@nica’1Vibrations df ‘ShipboardEquipment
(Type I - Environmental and Type II -
Internally Excited).
MIL-STD-248 - Welding .atsd
Brazing Procedure -and“Performance
MIL-STD-Z78 Fabrication Welding and Inspection; and Casting
Repair f@r ’’”Machinery,
Piping and
Pressure Vessels in Ships of the United .States
MIL-STD-419 Cleaning and ‘ProtectingPtplng, Tubing, and Fit-
tings for Hydraulic Power Transmission Equipment.
MIL-STD-740 Airborne and Structureborne Noise Measurements
and Acceptance Criteria of Shipboard Equipment.
MIL-STD-777 Schedule of P&ping.,Valves, Fittings,,and Assocl-
a’tedPiping Components for Naval Surface Ships.
MIL-STD-’794 Parts and Equipment, Procedures for Packaging
and Packing of.
MIL-STD-798 Nondestructive Testing, Welding, Quality Control,
Material Control and ‘Identificationand HI-.Shock
Test Requirements “forPiping System Components ~ . .
for Naval Shipboard Use. ! .’
MIL-STD-882 System Safety Program Requirements.
MIL-STD-1186 - Cushioning, Anchoring, Bracing, Blocking, and
Waterproofing; With Appropriate Test Methods.
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MIL-HDBK-227 - Selection and Installation of Regulating and Con-
trol Valves for Naval Shipboard-Use. -
S4824-1385509 - Lockina Devices -Valves.
810-4435837 - Ropelier.
803-5001025 - Electric Plant Installation, Standard Methods.
c’cdpfesshould beaddrdsed:totitie American Society of ~~ ‘“ ~
345 East 47th Street, New y~rk’,NY 10017’~)
2.3 Order of precedence. .In the event of a conflict between the text of Q)
this specffic’ationand tliereferences’cited herein, the text of this.specifica-
tion.shall take precedence.
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3.1.4 Noise. Propeller shall meet the structureborne and airborne noise
requirements specified (see table II and 6.2.1).
3.1.5 Shock. When shock hardening is required (see 6.2.1), the propeller
shall meet tfiock requirements in accordance with MIL-S-901, grade A, and
the following:
3.1.6 Bollard pull and towing. Propeller shall develop bollard pull and
towing characteristics, when specified (see 6.2.1).
3.1.8 Pitch reversal. Repeller shall have pitch reversal at rated r/rein -
from full-astern pitch to design pitch, and vice versa within the following time
3.1.9 Pitch holding. Propeller shall hold any pitch setting from full-
astern to full-ahead (see 6.3.4) under all operating conditions within the
Iidts irnpgs~dby &heimin tnglnQ8. . —
— ..—
3.1.10 Reverse rotation. Rotation of the propulsion shaft opposite the
normal direction of rotation by the use of a jacking gear, windmilling, or
under abnormal circumstances shall not result in damage to the propeller.
3.1.11 Pitch locking device. Means shall be provided to place and lock
the propeller blades in the full-ahead pitch position and operate the propeller
in the event of loss of pitch control through hydraulic failure.
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TABLE I. Materials.
Item Material Speciflcation- Remarks
1. Not applicable to blade design A where conformance with ABS Rules for -
ice strengthening are specified in the contract or order, and not
applicable to blade design D.
2. Propeller blade attachments consist of those components which are
attached to, and rotate with, the propeller blades and which serve
as the means for translating the linear motion of the pitch control
mechanism into the rotary motion of the propeller blade. The load-
carrying components of the propeller blade attachments shall be
formed by processes which minimize the number of inclusions and voids.
Components formed of materials with yield strengths in excess of -
550 megapascals (MPa) (80,000 pounds per square inch (lb/in2)) shall
have Charpy impact test strengths of not less than 40 joules (30
foot-pounds) at minus 18°C (O”F).
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3.2.7 Platings and coatings. Platfngs and coatings less than 1.6 miIli-
meters (mm) (1/16-inch) thick shall not be employed to protect steel parts from
sea water.
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Hydraulic pumps
See 3.7.19
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3.2.12 Valves. Directional and volume control, check, pilot, and servo
valves shall be designed for minimum resistance to flow when in the open posi-
tion. Valves may be pilot operated to maintain operating devices such as
solenoids, cams, and levers at a minimum size. No valve shall operate improperly
because of back pressure or surges. Valve operation shall prevent detrimental
surges. Valves shall be permanently marked to indicate proper connection in : :
the system, and directional arrows shall be.used where appropriate. The force
to operate control valves manually shall not exceed 65 newtons (15 pounds)
applied to the rim of the operating wheel or the end of the operating lever. x
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i DOD+-24562A(SH)
. Valves shall be mounted using cap screws or bolts extending through or into
‘) the valve body. Lug mounted valves shall not be used. Bypass or unloading
o valves shall operate without exceeding 170 kilopascals (kPa) (25 lb/in2)
pressure drop across the valve. Pressure control valves (including relief,
unloading~ back pressure, and sequence valves) and check valves shall be selected
in accordance with MIL-HDBK-227 for guidance and shall be damped to eliminate
hydraulic squeal and chatter at all rates of flow. Each control valve shall
assu~a fail position, using the most I%kely type of failure, which will best
assure personnel safety cm, it pexsonn~l $af~~y is not hvolved~ till have the . .
least effect on continued operation of the ship. Relief valves shall be adjust-
able, accurate within 9 percent of setting, and reseat at not less than 90
percent of setting. Relief valves shall be selected and set to meet rated
flows and reseat tightly within the accumulation and reseat envelopes specified
. on MS18282 or MS18283. Relief valves shall be provided where necessary to
protect equip~nt from damage due to excessive pressure during normal or emer-
gency operation, maloperation, or malfunction. The actual relief valve setting
required to meet the envelope requirements shall be marked on the valve label
plates. When the total back pressure on a relief valve is in excess of 10
percent of the set pressure, a relief valve of balanced design shall be used.
Locking devices similar to those specified on Drawing S4824-1385509 shall be
provided on adjustable valves to prevent tampering with their settings, and on
valves where inadvertent operation during system operation could be hazardous.
The use of padlocks is not permitted. If the valve construction does not
provide indication of valve position, a position indicator shall be provided.
Remotely operated valves shall be provided with position indicators at the
operating station.
o Valves in l/4-inch vent, drain, sample, and gage lines shall
be in accordance with MIL-V-24586 and MIL-v-24578, as appropriate.
3.2.14 Seals. Seals shall be designed for the surface speed, pressure,
Temperature, and service requirements of the installation. Inboard nonmetallic
dynamic seals shall be designed to permik replacement by Shipts forces while
afloat without the necessity for uncoupling any main propulsion shafting sections.
For propellers with a prairie air system, seals which separate air from hydraulic
fluid shall permit no leakage of hydraulic fluid into the air or air into the
hydraulic fluid. If the prairie air inlet to the propeller is located other
than at the forward end of the shafting, the contractor shall utilize dynamic
air seal designs for which successful tests or service experience results are I
available. The tests and service experience shall have been conducted under
similar or more severe operating conditions than will be experienced in the
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3.3.2 Strength..
.~ “Forthe propeller blades, the maximum (mean plus ,alterna.tingj
stress at full-power,,steady ahead, calm sea .condi.tions$
except under blade
bolt heads or tatattachment screw threads, shall not exceed 50 percent of the
yield strength of the propeller blade material. The mean stress shall not
exceed 35 percent of the yield’strength of the propeller blade material. For
alloy 1 of MIL-B-21230.,these stresses shall be 121 MPa (i7,500 lb,/in2)and
86 MPa (12,500 lb/in2’),,
respectively.,,For o,ther.,propeller
components (except .propulsio,n
shafting), the
maximum (mean plus alternating] stresses under any operating ,conditionshall
not exceed the applicable fatigue endurance limits as defined in 3.21.4..1.1
and the following: o :1
3.3.8 Bolt and pin connections. Bolt and pin connections between the
propeller blades and hub, and between the propeller hub and shaft shall be
drilled to jigs.
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3.3.9 Resilient mounts. When resilient mounts are specified (see 6.2.1) ,
or used, resilient mounts shall be in accordance with MIL-M-17185. Selection
and installation of mounts shall be in accordance with NAVSEA 0900-LP-089-5010.
Units installed on such mounts shall have sufficient stability to pievent ~~
excessive motion under all ship operating conditions including shock when
specified. Sufficient clearances shall be provided to prevent resiliently
mounted units from striking structures! adjacent fried or resiliently mounted
units, or other fixed objects under all ship operating conditions including ;
shock when specified. Piping rigidlyactached to a resiliently ”mountedunit -’
shall be c.onsideredas integral with the.unite If inan installation placed ...
on resilient mounts, there is a possibility of misalinement between two or
more components connected by shafting} the components shall be mounted Oria
common subbase with the mounts installed between the subbase and.the supporting ,
structure. The subbase shall not result in misalinement .ofcomponents when
the subbase is rigidly supported at three extreme corner points.
3.3.10 Piping and tubing. Piping and tubing shall be designed in accord-
ante with ASME B31.1.
3.3.11 Vents. Tank vents shall be 1-1/2 inches iron pipe size minimum.
Tank vents shall be run with the maximum attainable slope and with no pockets
to facilitate draining back to the tanks served. Sump tank vents shall terminate
in the hub head tank, unless pressurized hub head tanks are provided. Other
tank vents shall terminate in return bends, the weather, or ventilated spaces
clear of air ports> ventilation intakes> and sources.of heat or sparks. Pipe
line vents shall be provided at the high points of oil and water lines for
bleeding air from lines. Vents on the oil distribution box shall be designed
and located to preclude visible oil leakage.
m ,
3.3.12 Drains. Drains shall be provided as required for system operation
and at low points for complete drainage of the inboard portions of the propeller
for maintenance and disassembly. Hydraulic fluid drains shall discharge to the
sump tank$ except that hydraulic fluid drains used only for maintenance may be
arranged to drain into a bucket.
3.3.14 Shaft bore tubing and hose joints. Joints in tubing and hoses in
the shaft bore shall be provided at or immediately adjacent to each shaft
section coupling. Joints at any shaft section coupling shall be separable
without disturbing the joints at other couplings.
3.3.15 Fluid velocities. Fluid velocities shall not exceed the following:
(a) Air flow through vent piping: 7.6 meters per second (m/s)
(25 feet per second (ft/s)) when tanks are being filled at
the maximum rate.
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3.4.2 Blade design A. The design of the propeller blades shall suit the
.. hydrodynamic blade design, predicted powering performance, wake data, and
unsteady blade forces provided by the contracting activfty. Minor modifications
In the hydrodynamic blade design are acceptable if the bl~de palm diameter
selected by the contractor differs from the one assumed in che hydrodynamic
design, provided that the changes do not degrade the dee@n.
3.4.3 Blade designs B, C, and D. The design of the propeller bkk~ shall
be suitable for the intended service. In addition, blade design C shall meet
AM requirement for propellers without ice strengthening, and blade design D
shall meet ABS requirements for ice strengthening for the AX ice class specf-
3.4.4 Blade fillet dee%gn. The fillet between the hydrodynamic blade
surface and the blade palm shall be designed in accordance with Drawituz
810-4435837, except th~t deviations are ~ermissible where hydrodynamic-surfaces
abut the edge of the blade palm and to improve distribution of forces among
propeller blade bolts.
located along a locus of points 19 mm (3/4 inch) from the edge of the blade
in the developed view. Holes shall extend from the intersection of the blade
surface and the fillet, around the leadfng edge, to a point 125 mm (5 inches)
past the blade centerline. The channel for air supply to the holes may be
machined in either the pressure or suction face. The channel shall be approxi-
mately 25 mm (1 inch) wide. Depth of the channel shall provide sufficient pas-
sage for the air to the holes. Minimum depth of the channel shall be 2’.4mm
(3/32 inch) at the blade tip. Changes in depth shallbe faired smoothly. The
channel shall be provided with lands for welding “of a-cover plate. Minimum ,. ,,
dimensionsof the cover plate shall be”38 mm (1-1/2 inches) wide by 2.,8mm
(7/64 inch) thick after final machining.. Joint design shall be in’accordance
with lfIL-STD-22. Joints between prairie air channel cover plates and propeller
blade c&stings shall be of the single “V’”or single ‘“U’Stype with minimum root
openings of 4.8 mm (3/16 inch). Butt welds in prairie air channel cover plates $
shall be such to assure 100 percent penetration without burnthrough. The
completed fabrication shall be free of slagj weld chips$ and other material
which could interfere.’withair flow.
3.5 Main propulsion shafting. Main propulsion shafting shall meet the
requirements as specified .(se”e
6.2.1). The contractor shall ensure that all
components of the propeller are compatible with these requirements.
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3.7*4 Wpe 1 hydraulic system. &e main hydraulic pump shall be driven
by the propulsion shaft or reduction gear. An electric motor-driven standby DUMP
shall be provided. Normally, the standby pump shall run only when insufflc~ent -
pressure and volume of hydraulic fluid is provided by the main hydraulic pump
because of low shaft speed or malfunction. For low shaft speed conditions,
insufficient pressure and volume of hydraulic fluld shall be considered to
exist when the time for pitch reversal is more than twice that specified in
3.1.8. Starting and stopping of the standby pump shall be automatic. Provtsion I
X* for continuous operation of the standby pump shall be provided.
3.7.5 Type 2 hydraulic system. The main hydraulic pump shall be electric
motgr-driven. An electrfc motor-driven standby pump shall be provided. An
emergency pump driven by the shaft or reductton gear and of sufficient capacity
for lubrication and, for style 1-?
propellers, maintenance of the pitch setting
shall be provided. Under normal operating conditions, &he emergency hydraulic
pump shall discharge to the sump tank through an unloading valve upstream of
the pump discharge filter.. The unloading valve shall close automatically upon
indication of low hydraulic fluid pressure or flow or electric power failurei
Controls shall provide for the utilization of either the main or the standby
pwnp as the main hydreulic pump at the discretion of the Shipqs crew. The
standby pump shall start automatically whenever the pressure or volume of
hydraulic fluid is inadequate for proper operation.
3.7.6 Type 3 hydraulic system. The main hydraulic pump shall be electric
motor-driven. A shaft or reduction gear-driven standby pump shall be provided.
Under normal operating conditions, the standby hydraulic pump shall discharge
to the sump tank through an unloading valve upstream of the pump discharge
filter. The unloading valve shall close automatically upon indication of low
oil pressure or flow or electric power failure.
3.7.7 Make-up system. Means shall be provided for delivering make-up oil
to the hydraulic system through the purifier. Where no storage tanks are pro-
vialed,a flush deck filling connection shall be provided for filling from drums.
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3.’7.15 Filters. Duplex oil filters with cutout valves desigded to use
filter elements in accordance with table II shall be provided at all pump.
discharges, except on pumps mounted on the propulsion shafting. Filters shall
be external to the propulsion shafting. Filters shall be provided with a
full-flow bypass designed to open before the filter element is clogged to
assure a flow of oil at all times. Indicators shall be provided on filters to
show when the f%lter is bypassing. Fflter elements shall be of the noncleanable I
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3.7.21 Hub head tank. A hub head tank shall be provided and installed
on each propellers located above the ship’s water line so as to maintain a mfni-
mum static head on the hub of 14 .kPa(-2lb/in2.)above sea water pressurtiwhen
the shipis at full-load displacemen~..Volume of the hub head tank shall:be. ; . .
at .N2astequal to the volume of oil in ‘thdhub. The tank shall be provided ,.
with a vents level indicators access ports for cleaning and maintenances low
level alarm contacts, connections for the oil purifier~ and a means for complete
drainage to the sump tank. Level indicators shall be marked to indicate the ,7
normal operating level.
3.7.23 Sump tank. A sump tank shall be provided for each propeller. The
sump tank shall be situated low enough to insure gravity f’lowfrom drains under 9
specified or expected conditions of trim and list.. The sump tank shall serve as ‘“
a source for pumps and the purifier and shall receive oil-discharged from drains,
relief valves, oil coolers, and the overflow from the hub head tank. The minimum
usable capacity in the sump tank shall be a minimum of three times the volume of
oil in the propeller pitch control and lubricating systems, excepting oil within
,the propulsion shafting. When filled to the maximum operating level, enough
volume shall remain in the tank to permit drainage of all oil from the hub head
tank$ oil distribution box, and associated piping and fittings. The tank shall
be provided with a vent, access ports for cleaning and maintenance, connections
for the oil purifier, level indicators, provision for filling, draining, and
checking for the ,presenceof water, and high and low level alarm contacts. Level
indicators shall be calibrated in gallons and marked to indicate high and low
levels. Insofar as possible, sump tank penetrations shall be above the normal
operating oil level and maximum bilge water levels.
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drops %n the system and Bea water premure. Paes~ge of air between the air
“) injection point and hub shall be by msans of supported tubing or hoses. Use
of close-fitting shaft bore liners or direct contact between prairie air and
a shaft bore is not permitted.
3.9.1 &neral requirements. The control system shall permit the propeller
to attain the performance requirements specified (see 3.1), protect the propeller
from exceeding speed and stress limitations, and provide tuning and adjustment.
Provision shall be made for testing the alarms by the ship’s crew. Provision
for additional alarms shall be prov%ded when specified (see 6.2.1) or when
required for safe operation of the propeller.
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3.9.4 Pitch control faflure warxdqg system. When spedf~ed (sea L5.2.1)D
a pitch control fsdhre warning system shall be provided. Pitch control failure
warning system shall operate to sound an alarm whenever any of.&he following @
conditions occur during:operation of the propeller: The word ‘“order’”in 3,9.4 shall,mean the movement.of the pitch
controller on che propulsion cont~ol,console or operating station while in
service. For single lever or combi’ned.piech.and power controls, “’order”shall 1
mean movement of the controller so as to require a change of pitch,. Sensitivity
of the pitch control failure warning system shall be adjustable. Provision shail ,:
be made for testing the pitch concrol failure warning system by the Shipgs crew. \
3.11 Gages.
3.11.1 Propeller blade gages. When required (see 6.2.1), sets of gages
for inspection of propeller blades shall be provided for each propeller design.
Each set shall consfst ofcylindrical , edge, tip, and fillet gages and shall-be
in accordance with NAVSEA 0987-LP-011-2000, excepc that the fillet gages shall
extend 6 mm (1/4 inch) beyond 0.6 radius in lieu of 0.5 radius and the scribe
lines theieupon shall be at 0.4 radius in lieu of O;3 radius. Fillet gages
shall be designed for application at design pitch and shall be usable when
blades are mounted on the hub. The “hub contour’”portion of fillet gages
shall terminate at the edge of the blade palm. The opening on edge and tip
gages shall be increased over the amount specified in NAVSEA 0987-LP-011-2000,
if required, to fit all in-tolerance conditions. As a minimum, cylindrical
and edge gages shall be p~ovided for 0.4R, 0.5R, 0.6R, 0.7R, 0.8R, 0.9R, and
0.95R radius lines for both pressure and suction faces of the blades. When the spindle axis is not coincident with the blade center
axiss the spindle axis shall be used as the primary preferenceline for the
purposes of defining axial centerline (inNAVSEA 0987-LP-011-2000)and for . ~~
locating fillet gages. Location of the projection of the blade center axis on
blade surfaces shall be engraved on cylindr%calgages in addition to the cylinder, ~~ .
center element. .-,.
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3.11.2 Thread gage~. When required (see 6.2.1)D sets of “go” and “no go-
3 ga.gesfor inspection of screw threads larger than 6 inches (nominal diameter)
shall be provided for each propeller design. Each set shall con~ist of male and
a female thread gages.
3.11.3 Gage usage. Propeller blade gages and Chread gages shall be used
for final inspection only. If In-process gages are required, separate gages
shall be manufactured for this purpose. In-process gages shall remain the
property of the contractor.
3.12 Pitch scale. A circular pitch scale for reading blade pitch directly
from the propeller hub shall be provided with each hub furnished. The scale
shall be read utilizing the lines scribed on the hub and blades specified in
3.19.2(n). Accuracy of the pitch scale shall be plus or minus 1 percent of
design pitch.
3.13 Drill jigs. Drill jigs shall be repairable and of sufficient thick-
ness to prevent distortion. When required (see 6.2.1); sets of drill jigs,
including all drill jigs necessary for manufacture of the propeller, shall be
3.14.1 Dummy hub. A dummy hub is a tool for the determination of ‘the
. -. static balance of a set of propeller blades in accordance with In
) ahfft~on9 the dummy hub shall be suitable for use in ‘thefnspecthn of propeller
blades. A single dummy hub shall be utilized for both left and right handed
propeller blades of the same design~ where applicable~ unless -precludedby the
blade attachment configuration.
3.14.3 Major hub component balancing arbors. Ma~or hub component bahnchg
arbors are tools for the determination of the balance of those hub assembly
components listed in 3.18.1 when moupted in comerchlly awdlable dynamic
balancing equipment.
3.15 Patterns. When specified (see 6.2.1), patterns for propeller blades
and castings developed for the production of the propeller shall become the
property of the contracting act$tity.
3.16 Special tools. When required (see 6.2.1), the contractor shall
provide sets of special tools and fixtures required for handling, assembly,
disassembly, testings and maintenance of the propeller and~ if applicable, for
changing propeller blades under water. Special tools are defined as those
tools not listed in the Federal Supply Catalog (copies of this catalog may be
consulted in the offices of the Defense Contract Administration Service Manage-
ment Area (DCASMA)).
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For fractional”
Magntiude .of For dimensions For decimal ‘: or whole
dimension in mm ‘ inch dimensions inch dimensions
6 or less 0.01 1/32
Over 6 0.02 3/64
Over 24 0003 1/16
Over 36 0.03 5/64
3.17.2 Tolerance level 1 for propeller blades and the exterior surfaces
of propeller hubs. Fore and aft location of blades., Extensions of the blade spindle
axes at the propeller hub centerline shall lie between twoplanes” perpendicular
to the prope~ler hub centerline separated by 1/8 percent of the propeller blade
diameter or 6.5 mm (1/4 inch), whichever is larger.
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DOD-P-24562A(W) Edge and tip gage clearances. Leading and trailing edge gages
and tip gages applied as specified in 4.4.l.8(d) and 4.4.l.8(f)
.- shall contact
the blade edge and pressure or suction face s~p~raeely with a maximum clearance
under the gage of 0.4 mm (1/64 inch). Edges shall not have flat spots unless
specifically required by the design. Fillet gage clearances. Clearance under the fillet gages applied
as specified in 4.4.l.8(e) shall not exceed 0.8 mm (1/32 inch) between the edge
of the blade palm and a point 15 percent of the propeller blade radius outside
of the hub. The 0.4 radius fillet gage match mark shall not fall outside the
0.4 radius line on the blades nor more than 3 mm (1/8 inch) inside of 0.4
‘. -
radius line. Drill rod clearances. Clearance under the drill rod specified
in 4.4.l.8(a) when held at any two points, shall not exceed 0.8 mm (1/32 inch)
at any location and shall not-vary it a rite greater ‘than0.8 mm (1732 inch)
in 150 mm (6 inches). Blade section half lengths. Blade section half lengths measured
in accordance with 4e4..l.8(h)at each design radius shall be wf~hin a tolerance
of plus zero$ minus 1/2 percent of the longest blade section length of the
propeller blade. The difference between deviations at two adjacent design
radii shall not exceed 1/4 percent of the longest blade section length.
c’,’ Downloaded from http://www.everyspec.com
DOD--P-2456.2A(SH) Pitch variation on a blade set. When blades are assembled on -..
hubs, variations in pitch among blades at full-ahead, zero, and full-astern
pitch seetings, as measured with the pitch scale, shall not exceed 25 mm 0)
(1 inch) of pitch or 1/2 percent of design pitch, whichever is greater. Track and rake. Blade spindle axes at 0.95 ‘radiusshall track
within 1/4 percent of the propeller blade diameter or 6.5 mm (1/4 .inch)$which- .
ever is larger. Maximum deviation of a blade spindle axis froni design at 0.95 ~ . .
radius shall be l/2.percen.tof the propeller’blade diameter or 15 nim(1/2 inch)~
whichever is largers measured parallel to the propeller’hub axis. “’ ,’ The blade bolt head seating surfaces on the propeller blades
shall be perpendicular to the threaded holes for blade bolt attachment in the
propeller hub assembly within 6 minutes of arc.
3.17.3 Tolerance level 2 for propeller blades and the exterior surfaces
of pfopeller hubs. Edge and tip gage clearances. Leading and trailing edge gages
and tip ,gagesshall contact the pressure or suction face separately with a
maximum clearance under the gage of 0.8 mm (1/32 inch) when applied in accord-
ante with 4.4.l.8(d) and 4.4.l.8(f).
‘ Fillet gage clearances. Clearance under the fillet gages applied
in accordance with 4.4.l.8(e) shall not exceed 1.6 mm (1/16 inch). Drill rod clearances. Using the drill rod specified in 4.4.l.8(a),
the clearance when held at any two points shall not exceed 1.6 mm (1/16 inch). Blade section half lengths. The half length of each design
radius section measured in accordance with 4.4.l.8(h) shall be within a toler-
ante of plus zero, minus 3/4 percent of the longest section length of the propel-
ler blade. Difference between the deviations at two adjacent design radii
shall not exceed 1/4 percent of the longest blade section length: ,,
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1 IXMH-24562A(SH)
design pitch at that radius~ except that the difference in percentage pitch
deviation from design for two adjacent design radii shall not exceed 3/4 percent.
Arithmetic average of the percentage deviations shall not exceed plus or dnus
1 percent for any blade. Pitch variation on a blade set. When blades are assembled on hubs, I
variation in pitch among bladee at full-ahead, zero, and full-astern pitche as
measured with the pitch scale, shall not exceed 25 mm (1 inch) of pitch or 1/2
percent of desfgn pitch, whichever is greater. Track and rake. Blade spindle -es at 0.95 radius shall track
“within6.5 mm (L/4 inch) or 1/4 percent of the propeller design diameter, which-
.- ever is greater. .Maximum deviation of a blade spindle axis from design at 0.95
radius shall be 15 mm (1/2 inch) or 1/2 percent of the propeller design diameter,
,whicheveris greater, measured parallel to the propeller hub axis. The blade bolt head seating surfaces on the propeller blades
shall be perpendicular to the threaded holes for blade bolt attachment in the
propeller hub assembly within 6 minutes of arc.
w 3.17.4 Tolerance level 3 for propeller blades and the exterior surfaces
of propeller hubs. Tolerances shall be as specified for tolerance level 2
(see 3.17.3), except as specified fn through Blade section half lengths. The half lengeh of each design radius
section measured In accordance with 4.4.l.8(h) shall be within a tolerance of
plus or minus 1 percent of the longest section length of the propeller blade.
Difference between the deviation~ at two adjacent design radii shall not exceed
1/4 percent of the longest blade section lengeh. Track. Blade spindle axes at 0.95 radius shall track within 15 mm
(1/2 inch) or l~rcent of the propeller design diameter, whichever is greater.
/— ---’..
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. . .“.
3.17.5 Tolerance leve14 for propeller blades and the exter%or surfaces
of propeller hubs. Tolerances shall be appropriate for the %ntended serv%ce.
3.18 Balancing and mass tolerances.
U= 0.00389W
U = .62.
,, U= .O.0623W/R
,, . , ,. ., ..,., .-. .
allo,wable:unbalance in mewto,n-metets,(.N.4Mj
W -=mass o.f,item in !kilo:g~,&s
.(b) Non-meer’tc:.un’its::
e,n1’25and flXO.O.0::
,, ‘:mfxe u = max’imumw~lowa’ble:unba~.anc.e
:W.=:mas.sof ,i:t
em in ,po.unds
~R= raced :r/min -
-.. Downloaded from http://www.everyspec.com
(a) SI wits:
For rated r/reinbelow 125:
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3.18.3 Propeller blades and major hub component balance adjustments. ~~~
The maximum allowable unbalances calculated in accordance with 3.18.1 or 3.18:2
shall be adjusted to take into consi~eration the”p”er’missible
between the propulsion shafting centerline and the propeller ‘nubcenterline
and9 for propeller blades9 the permissible variation in the peipimdicular ,..,
. distance from the innermost ~chined surface of a propeller blade to the hub
centerline. The resultant adjusted unbalance shall reflecr the worst Combina- ~
tion of tolerances.
3.18.4 Other rotating paris, For other parts rotating with the hub or
propulsion shafting not included under 3.18.1 or 3.18.2, similar components ,,
arranged axisymmetrically shall have the same mass wfthin’O.5 percent or 15
grams,(O.5 ounce), whichever is greater. Where counter-balancing of dissimilar
pai~s is employed and for items co-axial with the hub or propulsion shafting
centerline, tolerances shall be chosen so that the total possible unbalance-or
each counter-balanced set or co-axial item does not exceed the value obtained
by the applicable formula in 3.18.1 Or 3o18.2e
3.19.2 Propeller hub and propeller blades. Propeller hub and propeller
blades shall be marked using 6 mm (1/4 inch) to 12 mm (1/2 inch) high characters
with the following data. Unless otherwise indicated, data shall be stamped:
-.. .
., .
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3.19.3 Special tools and devices. Special tools and devices shall be
marked with the ship class, applicable drawing number, and National stock number
(assigned by the contracting activity).
3.19.5 Gages. Each gage shall have the following data engraved or etched:
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(a) Motors:
(1) Number required.
(2) Rating: watts (W) or bp, voltage, and phases.
(3) Full-1oad or synchronous r/mln.
(4) Starting torqk as percent of full-load torque.
(5) Load data: full-load amperes and power factor, starting
current across-the-line, starting current at reduced
voltage, and starting power factor.
(6) Duty.
(7) Type of winding.
(b) Controllers:
(1) Rating: W or hp, voltage, and phases.
(2) Operation (magnetic).
(3) Type.
(4) Duty.
(5) Protective features.
(6) Number required.
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DOD-P-24562A(SH) Prairie air system drawings. For propellers with a prairie afr
system~ drawings~ including a schematic drawing, shall be prepared. Drawings for special tools and fixtures. Drawings for special
tools and fixtures shall be prepared which shall include application drawings
or descriptions.
3.2i.l.7 Gage drawings. Propeller gage data and application data drawings
shall be prepared in accordance with NAVSEA 0987-LP-011-2000. Drawing lists and schedules. Drawing lists and schedules shall
be prepared. .
(1) Maintaining the level in the hub head tank during periods
of shutdown.
(2) Operating the hydraulic fluid make-up system.
(3) Operating the pitch locking device.
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(g) criteria for adjustisagcontrol”and relief valves.
i) (h)
subject to wear.
the replaccxaeneof 61ea%a,gaskets, 12mdparts
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‘eq =
8- 1+%
Where Seq = equivalent cyclic stress amplitude
sa~~ = calculated cyclic stress amplitude
Su = ultimate strength of material
% = adjusted mean stress, which shall be determined as
........ . --- -
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ahead and the maximum time-average and ‘uns@ady 5iCress. Strength integrity of
propeller bladea and blade attachments daa.11be determined by numerical aimlysis
Or e_riYF2nt13. ~f tlU~~iCd &?L!V3@i3i6T
ii3WE!d, th technique .9h3d~be acceptable
to the contracting activity. The mQIy0i8 shall include Che Ioad%n.gsdue to
centrifugal forces~ radial load distribution on the blades, and unsteady forces.
Although the strength integriky will generally be based on the full-power
ahead conditions, the contractor shall make streso andyseso including consider-
ation of the transient loads and periodic loads due to the blades rotating
through the wake field, for crash back, crash ahead, and full power full rudder
. .
turn maneuvers for assurance that maximum stresses in the blade attachment
under any operating condieion shall not exceed the limits stated in
Calculation shall be prepared for at least two maneuvering conditions which
comprise the ~ost critical Ioada expected.
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(developed and equivalent); associated pressure drop of inlet and outlet ‘_a,
relfef valve piping; and size~ operating characteristics~ flow capacity~ and
manufacturer of the relief valve.
o Gear calculations. Calculations shall be prepared to demonstrate
the adequacy of gears utilized in the propeller. Wher@ pack@d reduction
gears are u,tilized,the gear minufacturerqs certification that the reduction’
.gear,unit is satisfactory for use i.nthe application willbe acceptable in Ii&u
,,, . ....
,of the calculations.
‘3.21.5 Test agenda. The contractor shall”prepare test agenda in accordance ,
with the data ordering document included in the contract or order (see 6.2.2).
The following features shall be”included:
(a) Component, assembly, and load test agenda. ,For component,
assemblyg and load testing, an agenda shall be prepared which
shall include lists and descriptions,of tools~ fixtures,
instrumentation, and other’ancillary ~tems necessary for the
conduct of the tests,”assembly and handling instructions,
cleaning procedures~ test procedures, drawfngs$ data sheets$
and acceptance criteria.
(b) Installation and post-installation test agenda. Agenda shall
be prepared for installation and post-installation testing.
Agenda shall include lists of s,pecialtools, devices, and
instrumentation necessary for the conduct of the tests, in-
structions for $nstallatfon$ and use of the test equipment$
necessary drawings~ test procedures~ data sheets$ and accep- “h
tance criteria.
3.21.6 Installation instructions. The contractor shall prepare installa-
,, a
tion instructions in accordance with the data ordering document included in the
contract or order (see 6.2.2). Instructions shall include lists and descriptions
of special tools,”devices> and instrumentation necessary for the installation and
testing during Installation, handling and test procedures, cleaning procedures,
applicable drawings$ data sheets, and acceptance criteria. The program for clean-
liness shall be in accordance with MIL-STD-419 and shall extend from manufacturing
through final shipboard installation and filling.
3021e8 Deviations and waivers. Requests for deviations and waivers shall
be in accordance with the data ordering document included in the contract or
order (see 6.2.2).
4.1.1 InspectIon system program. The contractor shall provtde and main-
tatn an inspection system program in accordance with the data ordering document
. included in che contract or order (see 6.2.2).
4.2 Acceptance criteria.
(a) Defects in the external surface of the hub shall not have any
dimension greater than 6.5 mm (1/4 inch), shall not be closer
together than 25 mm (1 inch), and shall not cause leakage into
or from the propeller. .
(b) Wfects On propeller blades within 25 mm (1 inch) of the leading
edge and within 25 mm (1 inch) of the break of the knuckle, if
provided, on the trailing edge shall not exceed 0.25 mm (0.010)
inch maximum dimumsion.
. ,., Downloaded from http://www.everyspec.com
. .,
test results. The Navy shall be given the opportunity to witness and participate 7
in testing and ‘examinations
$ to repeat such testing and examinations, and to
conduct such additional testing and examinations as the Navy may deem necessary.
4.2.6 Noise certification. .Certificationof noise levels, when specified
(’see6.2.1], shall be prepared. Propeller cciqxmmts shall be tested tmde”r
opertxing conditions which sl,mulaceshipboard installation in accordance with
a notse test arrangemetitdr’awing. : ‘,
.,. ,’
4.3 Report%e The co’ntrictorshall prepar~ reports in+iecoidance with the “
data ordering documents included in the contract or order (see 6.2.2) and as
specified in 4.3.1 through 4.3.7.
4.3.1 Propeller blade inspection reports. Each propellerblade inspection
report shall include the followlng:
I (a) Repeller blade identification data.
(b)’ Clearances under cylindrical gages applied in accordance with
(1) Pressure and suction face cylindrical gage clearances at each
10 percent offset station at each design cylindrical section.
(2) At locations other than the 10 percent offset stations, the
location and magniiude of pressure and suction face cylin-
drical gage clearances which exceed the specified tolerance
shall be recorded for all design cylindrical sect$ons.
r Blade section half lengths (see 4.4.l.8(h)):
(1) Blade section half length deviations at each design
> ,..
(2) Difference in blade section half length deviations between
adjacent cylindrical sections. m
(d) Pitch (see 40401.8(i)):
~: (1) Height of points ‘OJ”and ‘“K’”on each pressure and suction
face cylindrical gage.
r (2) Calculation of percent pitch deviation at each design
cylindrical section for-pressure face only.
(3) Calculation of percent pitch deviation between adjacent
cylindrical sect%ons for pressure face only.
(4) Calculation of average pitch deviation of each blade for
pressure face only.
(e) Rake (see 4.4.l.8(i)):
(1) Height of point “L”.or “M’”on each cylindrical gage. For
pressure face cylindrical gages which do not have a point
, the height of the pressure face center offset station
or the height of the axial projection of the blade center
Itne at the pressure face shall be recorded.
(2) Calculation of actual rake for each blade using pressure
face measurements.
‘(3) Calculation of actual rake deviation from design rake.
(f) Calculation of track for each set of blades from actual rake of
blades in the set (see 4.4.l.8(i)). ‘ ,..’
(g) Actual radius of each cylindrical”gection (see 4.4.l.$(j)).
(h) Blade thicknessand deviations from design at each I’Opercent’ i
offsetstation at each design cylindrica~ section ‘(see4.4.l.8(g)). ~~ “)
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Location aid magnitude of leading tzutd
trailing edge gage ckaramim
at ealdhdwqys Cylnndrncal section on pre!3’sure!
and S1.aet%orl
(sew 4.4.l.8(d)).
(j) Locacion and mgnieude of tip gage clearances on pressure and
suction faces (see 4.4Ql.8(f)).
(k) Fillet gages (see
(~) Ff&kt gage C~QaTalXX?i31at 0.6 r@diu$I,0.55 radius, 0.5
radius, 0.45 rdiu$$ 0.4 radius, Ear!gelltpoint of the hub
and fillet, end of the hub gage and three locations equally
spaced between 0.4 radius and tangent point.
(2) At locations other than those specified in 4.3.l(k)(l), ‘
the locations and magnitudes of fillet gage clearances which
exceed the specifted tolerance shall be recorded.
(3) Radial displacement of 0.4 radius reference line on the
fillet gage from the 0.4 radius.
(4) Axial location of the hub gage and its axial displacement
from the design position.
(1) Radius of each propeller blade and deviation from design
(see 4.4.l.8(j)).
(m,) Locations and magnitudes of drill rod clearances which exceed
the specified tolerance on blade and fillet surfaces and along
blade edges (see 4.4.l.8(a)).
(n) Angle between palinand spindle ads (see 4.4.l.8(b)).
(o) Deviations from design of all other dimensions shown on the
propeller blade drawing (see 4.4.l.8(m)).
(P) Balance (see
(1) Identification of and relative position of the blades
constituting the set.
(2) Magnitude and location of residual static unbalance for
each set of blades.
(3) Location of zero degree reference position.
(4) Specified unbalance tolerance.
(5) Direction of angular rotation during test.
(q) Result@ of the liquid penetrant inspection (see
(r) Visual inspection results for each bla% (see
(s) Location of areas which have been welded, excluding mandatory
welds (for example, prairie air channel cover plate welds).
(t) Material inspection data required by material specifications
(u) Thread gage clearances exceeding tolerance limits (see
4.3.2 Hub inspection reports. Each hub inspection report shall include
the following:
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4.3.3 Propeller blade gage inspection reports. Each propeller blade gage
inspection report shall include the following (see
4.3.6 Noise test reports. When noise level requirements are speeifled,
noise te~t reports shall be prepared.
4.3,7 Shock test reports. When shock hardening is required by the con-
tract or order (see 6.2.X), shock qualification data , shock test,extension action
.’ requests (if applicable)s and shock test-reports shall:.be’prepared. ..
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IXX)-P-24562A(SH) Prairie air system tests. Air pressure drop at the specified
flow rate through each propeller blade shall be mea~ured. When the inlet air
pressure to the prairie air system is sp@cified, te8t$ shall verify that the
inlet air pressure, less the back pressure due to the depth of the propeller
blade In the water at full-draft, less the estimated air pressure drop in the
prairie air system between the air inlet and blade is equal to or greater than
the measured air pressure drop through the blade. Each propeller blade prairie
air channel shall also be pressurized with water in a horizontal position with
pressure face up and with suction face up. Height of the discharge from the
holes shall form a faired curve with no evidence of irregularity due to blockage
* of the holes or air passages.
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DOD-P-24562A(SH) Gage and dummy hub examination. Propeller blade gages and thread
gages shall be dimensionally examined go verify their accwracy within che tole- “\
rances specified in NAVSEA 0987-LP-011-2000and gage manufacturing drawings. The
,dummy hub shall be balanced and dimensionally ex.a~ined. Following use, the gages m’
and dummy hub shall be re-examined. Defects shall be repaired by the contractor.
Gages and che dummy hub shall be examined following any repair or suspected damage.
(a) Fairness of blade and hub exterior surfaces and blade outline shall ~
be examined with a 3 mm (1/8-inch) diameter straight carbon steel
drill rod of a length of 400 mm (16 inches) or 30 percent of the .
propeller radius, whichever is smaller. This test shall only ..>
be utilized on those areas whose curvature is such that the drill
rod can be applied without exceeding its elastic limit.
(b) Projection of the blade spindle axis on the pressure face of
each blade at each design radius shall be measured and corrected
by dimension “H” from table I of the propeller blade gage data
drawing to determine.axial location of the blade spindle axis
of each blade. The averageof the heights of th~ individual
blade spindle axes shall become the propeller blade spindle axis
from which the position of the “hub contour””portion of each .,.
suction face and pressure face fillet gage shall be determined. ..
(c) Cylindrical section gages are to be applfed in a truly cylindrical ~ “.,
position, Cylindrical elements of the gages shall be parallel to o
the propeller hub axis within a tolerance of 8 parts in 1000. Posi-
tioning of the gages shall be checked with levels at the ‘*J’”, “K’,
and “L’*or “M” locations (see MiVSEA 0987-LP-011-2000)and also
midway beLween these points for blade widths greater than 1000 mm
(40 inches). Pressure’ face cylindrical gages shall be positioned
on blades with the cylindrical center element alined with the local
axial projection of the blade spindle axis. Suction face cylin-
drical gages shall be alined with the position of Che end lines of
the pressure face cylindrical gages. Cylindrical gages shall be
alined with the axial projection of design sections (radius lines)
so that the lines are covered by the gages.. Clearances shall be
measured at each 10 percent offset station on each gage.
(d) Leading and trailing edge gages are to be applied flat (not rolled
,on a chord that touches the cylindrical section (radius lines)
at ~he blade edge and open end of the gage. Edge gages shall be
applied parallel to the propeller hub axis and used as a contour
gage for each side of the blade separately. To insure proper
contour of the leading edge~ clearance under the leading edge
gages shall be measured around the leading edge to a point on
the opposite face 5/8 percent of the blade section length (3 mm
(1/8 inch) .minimum, 6.5 mm (1/4 inch) maximum) from the leading
,,, edge. Maximum clearance under the suction and pressure face ~~ ‘
sides of each edge gage shall be measured. ,.
.. \
I ,_ f$.
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DOD-P-24562A(SH) Assembly tests for prototype propeller. For the first propeller,
the contractor shall completely assemble the propeller blades and hub, oil
distribution box or pitch control unit, hydraulic system, and the prairie air
system. Complete assembly of the propulsion shafting is not required, but the
test assembly shall be of sufficient length to demonstrate the suitability of
shafting internal component joints, guides~ supports, and other design features.
Hoses and nonstandard piping may be used in nonrotacing portions of the hydraulic
and prairie air systems provided that specified-flow rat,esandpressure’drops
are not exceeded. Assembly of the control system shall demonstrate.remote,- ~
pitch control and response of the pitch control system to remote combined
pitch and speed control, including the accuracy of the remote pitch indication.. ,’) .!
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DOD-P-24562A(Sli) ‘. .
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The,contractoi shall completely assemble the propeller blades and hub, oil
distribution’box or pitch c’ontrolunit, and the prairie air system. Complete
assembly of the propulsion shafting is not required, but the test assembly .,
khall.’bea sufficient length to demonstrate the suitability of shafting internal
component joints, guidesy supports, and other design features. Assembly of
hydraulic and control systems shall be sufficient to demonstrate pitch changing
ability., Hoses and nonstandard piping may be used provided that specified
flow rates and pressure drops arenot exceeded. Nonrotating tests of limits,
accuracy of the mechanical indicator * prairie air flow and hydrostatic integrity
of joints shall be performed.
4.4.4 Assembly tests (test level C). The ability of the controllable
pi~ch propeller to achieve performance requirements specified shall be demon-
strated as specified in 4.5 and 4.6.
4.4.5 Load test (test levels A, B, and C). When specified (see 6,2.1),
the first propeller shall be load tested in accordance with an agenda (see
3.21.5). As a minimum, highly stressed components of the propeller hub shall
be instrumented with strain gages or other devices and one blade shall be loaded
to simulate hydrodynamic and centrifugal forces during operating conditions.
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,. -. DOD-P-24562A(SH) .
.. . . . .
4.6.5 Sea trials. During sea trials, the propeller shall be operated to
demonstrate the following:
4.7 Inspection of packaging. Sample packages and packs and the inspection
of the p~eservation-packaging, packing, and marking for shipment and storage
shall be in accordance with the requirements of section 5 and the documents
speclfi.ed therein.
(The preparation for delivery requirements specified herein apply only for
direct Government acquisitions. For the extent of applicability of the prepara-
tion for delivery requirements of referenced documents I$sted in section 2P
see 6.5.)
5.2.1 Preservatives used shall provide the required protection and shall
be easily removable upon reassembly and installation of che equipment. For
internal surfaces of mechanical components, the normal operating hydraulic
fluid shall be used as the preservative.
\ 52
5.2.3 F3ubs.
m Packaging. Each hub shall be filled wi~h Che system’s normal
operating hydraulic fluid. ArIexpansion tank shall be provided to protect the
hub against temperature changes and to insure that the fluid completely fills
the hub at all times. All hub openings shall be mealed to preveat Ieatige
during hand~ing, shipzwmt, and storage. Moving parts shall be secured or
cushioned in a manaer to prevent damage during handling, shi~nt, and storage.
External presemed surfaces and areas shall be protected with a greaseproof
barrier. Each hub shall be tagged stating that the hub is filled with the normal
operating lubricant, its identification (for ex~le, specification, type), in-
cluding precautionary @formation necessary for hub handling, ship~nt, and
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-.. ‘.
Type Preservat-ion-packaging “=”’’,’’’”””.
On board A c
Shore-based A B
5,2.8.1 Special tools and gages shall be preuared for shimnent in accord- ;
,“ ante with MIL-STD-794. Special ~o~ls shall be packaged one per-unit pack
1 except that all parts constituting a,single tool shall be packaged together.
When a unit package consists of more than ,onepart, each part shall be wrapped ‘;
or cushioned to prevent direct surface contact with the surface of adjacent
parts. Propeller blade gages and thread gages shall be unpreserved and each
set shall be packed vertically in a lamellated container.
5.2.9 All level B containers shall be reusable. Rough handling tests are
not required.
damage, or loss during shipment from the contractor to the receiving activity.
Packages or shipping containers as a minimum shall conform to level C of )
MIL-P-2845. Technical manuals and propeller certification forms shall be
prepared for delivery as specified in MIL-P-2845.
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6.’3 Definitions.
6.3.5 Design pitch. EMJign pitch is the ahead propeller pitch setti~
. which, under full-power conditions, will result in ship operation at rated r/rein.
6.3.6 Full-astern pitch. Full-astern pitch is the ~imum astern propeller
pitch setting attainable with the control system:
6.4.1 When ordering spare parts or repair parts for the equipment covered
by this specification, the contract should state that such spare parts and repair
parts should meet the same requirements and quality assurance provis~ons as the
parts used in the manufacture of the equipment. Packaging for such parts should
. also be specified.
6.6 Changes from previous issue. Asterisks are not used in this revision
to identify changes with respect to the previous.issue due to the extensiveness
of the changes.
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Navy - SKI
(Project 201O-NO17)
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Co& ) - Optional
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