PAL Activity Generator
PAL Activity Generator
PAL Activity Generator
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Activity Types
Revision Plenaries
Starter Activities
Use these activities at the start of your sessions to help students get
to know their fellow attendees, to feel able participating in group
activities or to introduce the topic of the session.
Pick a Side
Aim: To get students moving and talking to each other. To develop networking skills.
Memory Match
Aim: To get students discussing and working together as well as testing their memory.
K. W. L (Know, Want, Learned)
Aim: To provide a structure to the PAL session that encourages reflection
• Try…
Aim: To get students energised for the PAL session to come.
Kahoot quizzes (starter or plenary)
Aim: To ease students into the session or serve as a recap for the end of a session
Activity Types
The Proof is in the Puzzle
Aim: To help students understand the steps that ned to be taken to solve a problem.
Preparation: Find a
step by step
breakdown of data/
a problem
Understanding Statistics
Aim: To encourage students to evaluate statistics and interpret statistics.
Activity Types
Use these activities for PAL sessions focusing on Modern Languages
to help students with vocabulary terms and speaking a new
Vocabulary Development
Aim: To help students group terms and vocabulary in meaningful ways.
Time: 10-15 mins 1. If you have a group of more than four, create some subgroups.
2. Hand out your packs of key vocabulary terms.
Resources: Several
sets of vocabulary 3. Ask each group to arrange them into meaningful categories.
4. Ask each subgroup to feed back to the main group a whole, explaining
their rationale behind their categorisation.
Selecting key terms
Language Karaoke
Aim: To help students gain skills in listening, translation and local music.
Preparation: To pick
a song and find the
Memory Match
Aim: To get students discussing and working together as well as testing their memory.
Predict Test
Aim: To test students’ understanding of a topic by asking them to create questions.
Preparation: To think
of a topic to cover
Activity Types
Essay Writing
Use these activities to help students gain skills in writing essay-type
assignments that are an inevitable part of any discipline here at
Grab Bag - Referencing
Aim: To help students with their referencing skills.
• You could do this for key terms and definition matching as well.
Selection of sources,
read citation guide
One Minute Paper – Generating Ideas
Aim: To help students break down the essay writing process.
• You could use this either at the beginning of the session (to see what
Preparation: Decide
needs to be covered) or at the end of the session (to summarise and
on topic check understanding)
• If a topic is complex, two minutes would also work.
The Essay Writing Recipe – Essay
Aim: To help students devise a clear approach to the essay-writing process.
Verbal Volleyball - Psychology
Aim: To consolidate an understanding of what should be included in a particular piece of coursework
Hook-a-duck and question (writing-based)
Whiteboard mania (writing-based
Aim: To create discussion amongst students surrounding different aspects of an assignment (starter
or main)
Activity Types
Discussing a Topic
Use these activities to help students debate a question or approach
to a problem, having them critically consider both sides of the
Peer Lessons
Aim: To encourage students to discuss a problem and its solutions in detail.
Aim: To encourage students to break a topic down into its parts and discuss.
Aim: To have the students consider a topic in a number of different ways with others
Mock Debate
Aim: To get students to apply knowledge with a slight competitive element.
Activity Types
Study Skills
Use these activities to help students with key skills for studying, such
as taking effective notes, asking useful questions, or developing
their ideas.
Cornell Note Taking Method
Aim: To familiarise students with this note taking method, to improve their lecture notes.
Pass the Pen
Aim: To get students to work together in creating a plan or piece of work
• This can be used in Languages to construct sentences using new
Preparation: Chosen
the • You can also do mind-maps this way – keep going round until no one
problem/essay to has anything new to add.
focus on
Divide and Conquer
Aim: To aid students struggling with a difficult reading or problem
Research a Problem
Aim: To help students understand different ways of researching questions using the internet
Pass the PAL-cel (primarily for writing-based
subjects, though could be adapted for sciences)
Aim: To provide a fun way to break down an assignment into smaller parts to tackle
Treasure Hunt
Aim: To get students to go through the stages/different parts of an assignment
Activity Types
Use these activities to help students prepare for their examinations
or other assessments by encouraging an overview of a large
amount of content.
Aim: To allow students to see their areas of strengths and weaknesses before an exam.
Research Cells
Aim: To encourage students to use existing material to answer a question.
• You could introduce an element of competition by challenging groups
Preparation: Idea of
to find the answer quickest – perhaps have a chocolate prize!
what resources
students have
access to
What Would You Do?
Aim: To encourage students to apply what they have learnt to real-life situations.
• You could give each group a different scenario to discuss. Ask each
Preparation: Write
group to summarise their scenario before feeding back.
out a series of • You could use the scenarios as one stage of a think, pair, share activity.
scenarios related to
your topic.
Peer Pong
Aim: To provide students with a fun and relaxing way of covering course content.
Time Lines
Aim: To use a visual representation of content to explain a method/process.
Preparation: Pre-
drawn timeline, idea
of process/method
Elevator Pitch
Aim: To help students summarise notes by presenting to another student.
Rotating Concept Maps
Aim: To help quickly gather all the information in the room on any given subject
Activity Types
Use these activities to end a session, review aims and consolidate
student learning. These are a vital part of PAL sessions and should
not be skipped over.
Assess the Student
Session Survey
Aim: To get feedback from your Aim: To get effective and structured
students in a simple, relaxed way feedback (if time-consuming)
Instructions: Instructions:
1. At the end of your session simply ask 1. Create the survey! You can ask the
the students questions – such as: same questions used in ‘Assess the
1. Do they feel that the session Session’.
went well? 2. Hand the survey out at the end of the
2. Were all the questions session or email it to students.
answered? 3. Collect and respond to feedback
3. What do they want to cover next (and make sure to send feedback to
session? [email protected])
4. What do they want improved
about the session?
5. What are their suggestions for
how to improve?
Tweet it! Emojigram
Aim: To help students summarise Aim: To summarise material in a
material. more visual form
Instructions: Instructions:
1. Assign a topic/concept/problem to 1. Choose a key topic or topics.
each group 2. Students summarise the content in
2. Have each group summarise the the form of emojis.
content in the form of a tweet (max. 3. Other students have to work out
140 characters) what the concept is, charades-style.
3. Have each group present their tweet
to each other. Variation:
Can also be performed using pictures
Variation instead of emojis.
Can use over social media platforms
e.g. Instagram or TikTok.
Quiz WWW & EBI
Aim: To provide a short and fun Aim: To help students identify areas
summary, maybe with prizes! for improvement.
Instructions: Instructions:
1. Before the session, prepare a (short) 1. Hand out two post-it notes to all
quiz testing key concepts. students.
2. Once you have done the main part, 2. On one post-it have them write What
hand out quiz sheets or put Went Well (WWW) in the session.
questions on slides/the board. 3. On the other have them write Even
3. Get students to mark each others’ Better If (EBI) – how could they have
work and perhaps have a prize for improved their learning even more?
the winning group. 4. Collect responses from students and
In the News Mistakes
Aim: To help students provide a Aim: To help students use their
written summary of their learning. knowledge to spot errors.
Instructions: Instructions:
1. Choose a topic or assign different 1. Show students a solution to a
topics to different groups problem or a paragraph of text with
2. Working together, have each group multiple errors in.
or individual make a short news 2. First, ask students to identify the
article about what they’ve learnt in errors.
the session. 3. Next, ask them to solve or correct the
3. Make it clear that their article should errors.
be clear and easy to understand – 4. Have a slide with the ‘correct’ answer
and also very short given the time so you can see whether students’
limit! conclusions are the same as your
Variation own.
If pressed for time, you can use just
Step-by- Write Exam
Step Questions
Aim: To help students summarise a Aim: To get students to create self-
process. test questions.
Instructions: Instructions:
1. Choose a method or process. 1. Choose a topic.
2. Ask students to summarise this as a 2. Get students to write a potential
‘step-by-step’ guide. exam question on one of the topics
3. Once these have been made, get covered in the session.
students to swap their guides. 3. Have students swap questions and
4. Pose a question and ask students to attempt to answer them.
use their new ‘step-by-step’ guide to 4. Swap questions back so the original
come to a conclusion/answer. author can mark and give feedback.
Activity Types
Activity Name
Aim: To…
Plenary 1 Plenary 2
Aim: Aim:
Instructions: Instructions: