Potsdam Village Police Dept. Blotter Sept. 8, 2024

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POTSDAM POLICE DEPARTMENT BLOTTER ABP OVE! Tre ya Date: 09/06/2024-09/08/2024 Nae “Mahendersingh Rawat ‘Age 28 CiyrTownvitage | Potsdam sate: | nv [pate: | 09/06/24 ‘Charge: Failure to turn as required [#20 Loca ‘Maple Steet ReleaseReturn: | Potsdam Town Court, October 16%, 2024, 10:00 AM a “The above sted subject was eeued a Uniform Trafic Tekst afer patrol observed a them fal to tun as required; west on Main Street. = Michael C. Ditrberg Age a Cuy/TowaiViage | North Lawrence see: | ny [Date: | 09/06/24 ‘Operating a motor vehicle while wings portable Charge: electronic device. Time: | 5:26PM AUO~2nd Lacato Elm Street ReleasoRetura: | Potsdam Town Cour, September 18%, 2024, 1000 AM "The above listed subject was sued a Uniform Traffic Teket aftr patrol observed Narrative: ‘operating motor vehicle while using a portable electronic device. A DMV check revealed thatthe defendant holds a REVOKED NYS Driver's License Name -Marieanne | Mavrovie ‘Age 37 CuyiTownvvitage | Plttsburgh sae | wy [Dawes | 09/06/26 Charse: Speed in zone ~ 48/30 649 PM Tocatio ‘Maple Street ReleasefReturn: | Potsdam Town Cour, September 18%, 2024, 1000 AM The above listed subject was sued a Uniform Traffic Ticket after patrol observed Narrative: them traveling ata high rate of speed. Vehicle speed confirmed at 48 mph ina 30.mph zone. Page 1 of 12 Name Randy M.Sauvie ‘Age 38 CiyrTownVitage | Canton ste:| wy [Date: | 09/06/26 Charge: Failure to Stop ata Steady Red Signal, 825 pm Location: Sandstone Drive ReleaeRetura: | Potsdam Town Court, September 18°, 2024, 10:00 AM ‘auvie was esued the above Uniform Waffie Ticket ater patrol observed him fal to stop at a red light on Sandstone Drive. Name: ‘Alexandra R Kellogg ‘Age a Cuy/Town/Vitage | Sherburne sate: | NY [Date: | 09/06/24 Charge: No/Inadequate Headight Time: | 8:53pm Lecation: Main Street eleasefReturn: | Potsdam Town Court, September 18%, 2024, 10:00 AM ee Kellogg was sued the above Uniform Traffic Ticket after patrol observed her ‘operating 2 motor vehicle on Main Steet with na passenger side headlight. ‘Name: Emma. Seg0 ae A Ciy7Town/iage | indianapolis ‘sate:| WN [Date: | 09/06/24 Charges Speed in Zone 42/30 9:23 pm Location Pine Steet Relessemetura: | Potsdam Town Coun, September 18%, 2024, 10:00 AM Tego was issued the above Uniform Trae Ticket after patrol observed her Narrative: traveling at a high rate of speed on Pin Steet, radar confirmed a speed of 42 mph in a 30-mph zone Name: shal Anwar eee 26 ae sue] WY [Date | 09/06/28 Charge: Improper Left Turn Time: | 9:44pm Toca Elm street ReleaeReture: | Potsdam Town Court September 18%, 2024, 10:00 AM "Anwar was ised the sbove Uniform Teaffic Ticket ater patrol observed him Narrative: make animprope et tuen frm Elm Street to Market Street. Page 20f 12 Name: ‘Gabriel A. Marea Ane 1 Cityrtownvitage | Trumbull sue | CF [pate | 09/06/28 Charge Speedin Zane 43/30 10:20pm Locations Sandstone Drive ReleaseRetarn: | Potsdam Town Court, September 18°, 2024, 20:00 AM ‘Magra was sued the above Uniform Trafic Ticket after patrol observed him Narrative: ‘raveling a high ate of speed an Sandstone Drive, radar confirmed a speed of 43 mph ina 30-mph zone Name Wyatt Dubois Age: 20 CiyrTownsvitage | Earvle saz] nv [Date: | 09/06/28 : ‘Obstructing a Fre Hydrant vom ee Possession ofa Forged Driver's Ucense a aan “Location ‘Maple Steet TRelease/Retura: | Potsdam Town Court, September 18%, 2024, 10.00 AM ‘Dubois was issued the above tickets after patrol observed him obstructing fre Narrative: hydrant on Maple Stret, Upon making contact with Dubois, he presented a fake license to patrol. Name: ‘Austin M. Black Age: 29 CityrFowe/Vitage | Auburn state: | NY [Dawe | 09/05/24 Charge: tering Time: | 21:18pm ‘Location: ‘Maple Street ReeasefReturn: | Potsdam Town Cour, September 18%, 2024, 12:00 PM ao “lack was issued the above Appearance Ticket afer patrolobsenved him intentionally drop garbage on the ground on Maple Street. Page 3 of 12 Name: James D. Farmer Age: 2 CuyiToweViage Eimira Stat: | NY Date: | 09/07/24 Harassment 2% Physical Contact “408 PM 38 Main Street ‘Relese/Return: | Potsdam Town Court, September 25th, 2024, 12.00 PM : Farmer was sued an Appearance Ticket following a harassment complaint on Narrative: erate Name Wiliam Small ‘Age 19 Cuy/TowaiViltage | Webster state:| NY [Dawe | 09/07/24 Charge No/inadequate Headlight Time: | 9:03pm Locat Pierrepont Avenue Releaseern: | Potsdam Town Cour, September 18%, 2024, 10:00 AM ‘Sill was lsued the above Uniform Trafic Ticket after patrol observed him Narrative: ‘operating a motor vehicle on Perrepont Avenue with no passenger side headlamp. a ohn. Colins ge a Cuy/Town/Village | Potsdam sae: | NY [Date | 09/07/24 Charge: NoflnadequateTalight Time: | 9:23pm Locations Grove street Releaseewen: | Potsdam Town Cour, September 18%, 2024, 10:00 AM aaa Colins was sued the above Uniform Traffic Ticket after patrol observed ims eee ‘operating a motor vehicle on Grove Street with no der side tallght Name: Robert Aifela ‘Age 35 Ciy/TowniVillage | Canton sate: | NY | Date: | 09/07/28 Charge: ‘No/lnadequate Headlight Time: | 9:54pm TLocat ‘Maple Street Releaseetmen: | Potsdam Town Coun, September 18%, 2024, 10:00 AM sears ‘fed was sued the above Uniform Trafic Ticket afer patrol observed Nim ‘operating a motor vehicle on Maple Street with no passenger sde headlight Page 4 of 12 Name ‘louse R. Hartson Jr ee a CityrFoww Vilage | Hannawa Falls sue] wr [pae: | 09/07/26 Charge: No/inadequate Brake Lamps 10:12 pm Location: Pierrepont Avenue ReleaseReturn: | Potsdam Town Cour, September 18°, 2024, 1000 AM gee Warlson was etued the above Uniform Taf Ticket after patrol observed him operating a motor vehicle on Pierrepont Avenue with no driver side brake lamp. Name ick. Smithers Sr Age @ CuyrTowvitage | Potsdam staw:| NY [Dawes | 09/07/24 Charge No/Inadequate Headlight Time: | 10:44pm Location: Plerrepont Avenue ReleaseReturn: | Potsdam Town Court, September 18%, 2024, 10:00 AM ‘Smithers was issued the above Uniform Traffic Ticket after patrol observed him ‘operating a motor vehicle on Pletrepont Avenue with no driver side headlight. Name: ‘Quentin A. Thompson ‘Age 18 Ctyftowe/Vilage | Mastic Beach wy | pate: | 09707724 Charge: Speed in Zone 47/30, Time: | 2107 pm Locations ‘Maple Street Releaseeturm: | Potsdam Town Cour, September 18%, 2024, 10:00 AM "Thompson was sued the above Uniform Traffic Ticket after a patrol obsewed Narrative: him operating a motor vehicle at a high ate of speed an Maple Street. Radar confimed a speed of 47 mph ina 30-mph zone, ‘Name: “Madeleine A. Throumoulos Age 18 Cuy/TowwVilage | Webster state: | NY | Date: | 03/08/20 Charge Underage Possession of Alcohol ‘Time: | 1245am Bay street Potsdam Town Court, September 18%, 2024, 10:00 AM “Thvoumoulos was issued the above Appearance Ticket after patrol observed her on Bay Street in possession of alco while under the age of 21. Page Sof 22 ame: Jerome K. O'Rourke ‘Age aH Cityffown/Vitlage | Henderson state: | NY 09/08/24 [Svrownvaeee | | 09/08/28 | charge: Criminal Trespass 2 2:26am Location: Elm street Reeaseeturn: | Potsdam Town Court, September 18,2024, 10:00 AM ‘Rourke was arested onthe above charge stemming rom a complaint made to PPD in which a caller reported an unknown intoxicated male entered his Narat apartment and refused to leave. Upon arrival patrols located the suspect and oe identified him as O'Rourke. Rourke was transported to PPD and processed and released with an appearance ticket for Potsdam Court forthe above sted date and time. ‘Name Courtney tyan Gehrig Age 30 CiyrTownvitage | Oswego sue: | Ny [Date: | 09/08/24 (Charge ‘Speed in zone ~ 49/30 ‘Time: | 451 PM Loca Maple street RememRecura: | Pat Town Court, October 9", 2024, 10:00 AM ‘Geiig was bse the above Uniform Traffic Ticket after patrol observed them Narrative: traveling ata high rate of speed on Maple Street, radar confimed a speed of 49 mph ina 30-mph zone = Misty A. Maroney Age a CuyiTownVilage | Norwood sete: [ wv [Date: | 09/08/24 Charge: ‘Speedin zane -49/30 Time: | 5:07PM Location: ‘Maple Steet Releaseetura: | Potsdam Town Court, October Sth, 2024, 10:00 AM ‘Maroney was issued the above Uniform Trafic Ticket ater patrol observed them Narrative: traveling ta high rate of speed on Maple Street, radar confirmed a speed of 22 ‘mph ina 30-mgh zone. Page 6 of 12 Name: Brianna, Siles Age 8 Cay/Town/Vilage | Potsdam sue: | NY [Date | 09/08/24 Charge: Speed in Zone ‘Time: | 5:22 Pm Lacation: Maple street ReleasefReturn: | Potsdam Town Court, October Sth, 2024, 10:00 AM “les was sued the above Uniform Traffic Ticket after patra oberved them ‘traveling a high rate of speed on Maple Stret, radar confirmed a speed of 48 mph in a 30-mph zone, ‘Name: James 1. Besaw, B CyrtowniVitage | Norwood ‘state: | NY 09/08/24 ‘Aggravated Unlicensed Operation 3 ‘549M ‘Maple street Potsdam Town Court, October Sth, 2024 10:00 AM Defendant was issued the above Uniform Traffic Ticket ater patrol observed ‘them operating a motor vehicle with a known suspended NYS Drivers License, osinean24 229 Propet chesk on Elm Sct 0236 Property check on Maket Steet (237 Propeny check on Market Steet 239 Propet check on Elm Stet 0702 Traffic stop on Leroy Steet 0722. Traffie stop on Outer Eim Steet (0729 Taaffe sop on lm Stost 0840 Assist Business —38 Main Stet (0853 School check (846 Traffic top Main Suet 1009 School check Page 7 of 22 16 at 1358 110 is49 1624 1658 1108 mat 1155 119s 182 1807 202s 2083 2056 212 2123 2126 aus ais 2202 2210 nis 220 2235 2308 School check ‘Trespassing ~ May Road ‘VET complaint on Clarkson Avenue ‘Teale sop - Lawrence Avenue Property damage accident — Market Street “Trafic sop ~ Maple Stet ‘Trafic top ~ Main Street ‘Trafic top ~Main Street Assit Ctzen ~ Dept treet Potsdam Rescve dispatched oa call Potsdam Rese dispatched oa call “raf stop ~ Maple Steet Accident—“erash detection’ - Clarkson Univesity “Trafic top Maple Strest ‘Trafic Stop on Maple Strest ‘eae Stop on Outer Main Sret Harassment on Racquets Road ‘Trae Stop on Maple Steet ‘Trafic Stop on Maple tect ‘Assist Citizen on Racquete Road Suspicious Persons on May Road ‘Trafic Stop on Swan Street, ‘eafic Stop on Maple Sect Harassment on Racquet Road Local Law on Maple Set ‘Trafic Stop on Market Street, ‘eafic Stop on Sandstone Drive ‘Traffic Stop on Main Steet Page 8 of 12 2308 2310 210 au 213 aie 234s 2356 Local Law on Maple Stet Potsdam Rescue dispatched to call Unconscious Person on Riverside Drive ‘Teale Stop on Maple Stet Potsdam Rescue dispatched oa call Potsdam Rescue dispatched toa call School Check on Leroy Stet Property Check on Market Stret oooran4 oot 016 030 ons os 203 0206 as na 02s9 040s 0659 ons 083 wir 956 1031 1126 1135 ‘Noise Complit on Outer Maple Stet Traffic Stop on Market Street Propet Check on Country Lane Property Check on Maple Street Noise Complaint on Washington Strt Potsdam Rese dispatched oa call ‘rac Stop on Clarkson Avenue Local Law on Bay Strost Potsdam Rescve dispatched toa call Noise Complaint on Market Steet Trafic StpiFailure to Comply on Pine Stet “Traffic Stop on Market Stet Found Property in Ives Park Special Detail Alarm ~ Burglary ~ Marke Strost Trae stop ~ Main Sweet Assist Other Law EnforcementvEMSFire— RE 11 Assist Fire~SUNY Potsdam Potsdam Rescue dispatched toa call Page 9 of 12 1135 ns 1608 1886 912 2050 2103 2123 2138 2154 an 248 2252 2326 ast Ait EMS — Elm Strost Potsdam Rescue dispatched to aca Harassment ~Cotage Strest ‘Noise complain ~ Racquete Road Harassment ~ Market Set ‘Trafic Stop on Market Street, Trafic top on Pierrepont Avene “Teac Stop on Walnut Stet Accident on Elm Stet ‘Trafic Stop on Maple Steet “Trafic Stop on Pierrepont Avenue ‘Trafic Stop on Pierrepont Avenue Potsdam Rescue dispatched oa cll “Trafic Stop on Maple Street School Chock on Leroy Set “Traffic Stop on Market Street onsi2024 01s 024 025 030 cose 0053 057 104 12s o1s0 o1s6 Local Law on Bay Street {Local Law on Market Street Local Law on Bay Street Potstam Rescue dispatched incl “Trafic Stop on Marks Sst lets Hazard on Clarkson Aveoue Potsdam Rescue dispatched to cal “Teac Stop on Em Steet Local Law on Maple trost ‘Trafic Stop on Elm Stet ‘Local Law on Maple Stret Page 100f 12 0200 20s ong on2s 0226 ont 0800 ovat 100s toa 1036 10s ust not bat 4s 16st i071 ima 2 in 1802 2002 2023 2037 2099 2103 2106 ‘Traffic Stop on Maple Street ‘Trac Stop on Lower Bay Sweet, Tale Stop on Maple Steet Local Law on Main Stet Criminal Trespass on Elm Steet Potsdam Rescue dispatched toa call Community Outreach As Fire ~ Alarm SUNY Potsdam VET complaint Assist Citizen ~ Market Steet. “Traffic stop ~ Pierrepont Avene Assist Other Law Enforcement 28 Munson Steet Potsdam Rescue dispatched toa call Patol spon (0 esa Poa Rescue Animal complaint ~ Maple Stet sist Citizen ~SeaComm Plaza Traffic sop -Maple Stet Traffic stop ~ Maple Stet “Trai stop - Maple test Paro asst Potsdam Fite at Fite alarm ~ SUNY Potsdam Traffic stop ~ Maple Stet Trafic stop ~Maple Stet Sex Offense on Bay Street Teale Stop on Market Street ‘Tralie Stop on Clarkson Avenue Traffic Stop on Cedar Steet Property Check on Lawrence Avenue School Check on Leroy Street Page 11 of 12 aut aia 21s ase 2355 “Traffe Stop on Garden Sst ‘Trafic Stop on Willow Stet ‘ralle Stop on Markt Stost Property Check on Markt Stet “Traffic Stop on Grove Steet, Page 12 0f12

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