Erection Work by 160 Ton Crane

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Job Title: Hot , height JSA NO. Department / Routine/ Non

New/ Revised
& rigging work Activity/ No… Routine
Reference work
Permit no:

Prepared By:

Plant Location:(UNIT-1)
Department: Project
Reviewed By:
Fourth Floor

Job Description: Lifting & erection of pipe line/pipe rack/equipment and

column by 160 ton crane, welding, grinding, gas cutting and scaffolding
Approved By:


 Damages due to use of  Ensure Tool Box Talk should be given by site supervisor according
defective tools and lack to the work before starting the work.
 Site Preparation of job clarity.  Ensure working tools properly checked by site supervisor and site
safety officer before starting the work.
 Under competent person will perform this activity.
 Barricading of work  Use of required PPEs as per company rules safety norms- safety
area  Personal injury shoes, safety helmet, safety goggle, reflective jacket.
 No any unauthorized material to be kept inside barricading area.
 10-meter area should be barricaded.

 Lifting and erection  Inadequate crane  Obtain work permit prior to start work.
work by 160 ton crane working platform (due  All lift shall have a lifting plan prior to lift.
to soft/unstable soil,  Ground must be leveled and compacted.
outrigger not fully  Weight shall be determined prior to any lifting to prevent from
deployed etc.) overload.
 Over loading of crane  Rigger shall always consider the center of gravity and ensure right
 Damage to lifting technique being followed.
equipment since  Crane operator should have valid license and third party certified.
inspection  Provide a certified flagman in the working area.
 Unknown weight  Operator shall check soil condition and see that outriggers are in
 Pinch point position before starting lifting operations
 Improper  Crane to be operated within SWL
lifting/rigging/signal  Cranes shall have a valid safety inspection sticker issued by client
 Personal crossing or prior to use.
under the suspended  Crane operation shall stop or will not start when wind speed is
load high and reaches minimum allowable wind speed of the cranes.

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 High wind  Do not lift when wind speed exceeds 32km/h.

 Personnel having body  Daily inspection of the crane to be carried out prior to start work.
part trapped by load  Valid third party certification with clear SWL chart.
 Moving crane/load  All rigging, singing and lifting to be done by competent person
hitting people / assets  All lifting/rigging tools shall be inspected and checked by a
 Material stacked too competent person prior to each lift.
high  All lifting/rigging tools shall have a valid third party certification
 Failure of lifting/rigging with clear SWL marking.
tools cause failing of  Only competent rigger are carrying out rigging activity.
load leads to severe  Ensure sufficient room for operation
personal injury/fatality  Tag line to be attached to load to prevent swinging
 The material not to be stacked too high
 Good housekeeping to be maintained
 Barricade the working area & prevent unauthorized personnel of
 Keep away your hand from pinch point
 Work at height  Personal Injury  Barricade the area if some critical work is in progress at height &
 Fall / Slip of persons remove workers working under it.
from height  Proper working platform.
 Collapse of scaffold  Provide warning sign “Men working above” and tools to be string
 Damage to property secured.
due to struck against by  No loose/unsecured materials allowed at height.
materials while lifting  Never leave unprotected floor openings leading edges unattended.
 Fall of materials  Secure floor openings when temporarily removed and provide
 Fall hazards to handrails.
personnel working at  Lowering/raising of tools by rope/bucket only, no throwing
height. permitted.
 Unguarded floor  No crossing into barricaded area.
openings/edge  Maintain good housekeeping at elevated structures.
structures.  Full Body harness to be worn at all times.
 Unsecured materials.  Ensure that temporary supports installed are stable.
 Incomplete access  100% tie off at unprotected elevated structures.
stairs.  Install life line where guard rail system is not possible.
 Hard hat to be protected by chin strap.
 Scaffold under use is to be inspected by competent person.
 All hand tools to be inspected prior to use at height /elevated
 All tools/loose materials to be stored in containers.
 Lifeline and full body harness need to ensure.
Procedure needs to be followed.
 Electric shock.  Before starting welding make sure the area is clear of all types of
 Welding work.  Burn injury combustible material.
 Inhalation problem with  Ensure use good condition of cable at site.
toxic fumes, which  Wear mandatory PPEs at site.
fumes produced in  Ensure electrical equipment properly checked by electrician
welding work. before starting the work.
 Irritation and redness in  Ensure inspection tag is display
eyes with toxic fumes.  Ensure all electrical connections routed through rated RCCB /
 Fire hazard. ELCB.

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 Hot tabs end pieces of  Make sure fire extinguisher at site a deploy trained fire watcher.
welding rods.  Make sure spark containment is used such as a welding hood/fire
 Ensure that rod holder in good condition.
 Ensure effective cable management (laying separately i.e. power &
welding cable/ overhead & buried with route marking).
 The welder helper must be wear welding goggles.
 Ensure proper ear thing system shall be made as per IE rules.
 Ensure electrical work under the licensed electrician.
 Use B class fire blanket as approved.
 Ensure welding machine inspection done.

 Burns  Deploy trained fire watcher at hot working area.

 Damaged or leaking  Inspect the cylinder & hoses before starting the work.
 Gas Cutting work cylinders or hoses  Ensure inspection tag must be displayed on the cutting set.
 Fire & Explosion due to  Ensure competent/ designated person will perform this activity.
mishandling of Gas  Follow gas cutting safety procedures & handling of compressed
cutting Set gas cylinders.
 Fire hazard due to bad  Wear mandatory PPEs like cutting goggles, safety shoes, apron,
housekeeping such as helmet etc.
paper, wooden  FBA & NRV should be fixed for gas cutting set.
material, chemical  All cylinder should be secured with trolley.
material available near  Ensure compressed gas leakage system is provided
about hot work area  Ensure competent/ designated person will perform this activity.
 Ensure remove flammable material from working area before
starting the work.
 Cordoning of the area.
 Ensure near man hole and drain properly covered with fire blanket
before starting the work (if applicable)
 Ensure proper cylinder trolley
 Ensure fire extinguisher at cutting area.
 Make sure spark containment is used such as a fire blanket.
 Ensure All electrical cable over had.
 Use of job specific PPE
 Grinding Work  Physical cut injury  Grinding & Cutting wheel properly checked before starting the
 Electric shock due to work.
use  Make sure guards are fitted to all moving parts.
 Damage grinding disc  Ensure proper use of guard
 Electrocution  Ensure Wheel RPM match with machine RPM.
 Flying object/eye injury  Make sure that disc is compatible with grinding machine.
 damage cable use at site  Correct installation of grinder wheel.
 Fire hazard  Ensure inspection tag must be displayed to the machine.
 Rotating equipment  Ensure competent/ designated person will perform this activity.
spark  Ensure industrial plug and cable condition properly checked
before starting the work.
 Make sure rated ELCB / RCCB properly checked before starting the
 Only experienced personnel to use the equipment.

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 Ensure remove flammable material from working area before

starting the work.
 Deploy a fire watcher at site.
 Make sure fire extinguishers are available on site
 Ensure fire blanket at location.
 Ensure all electrical cable overhead.
 All loose pipe when cutting/grinding follow the locking system
 All loose pipe/structure when cutting/grinding follow the locking
 Wear sufficient PPEs like leather gloves, face shield, ear plug/muff,
helmet, apron etc.
 Erection of scaffolding  Use of defective hand  Scaffolding is erected as per standard procedure.
tools(hammers and  Only inspected hand tools are used.
spanners) may cause of  TBT is given to erection crew before start of activity
bodily injury  Don’t used rusted and damage material.
 Fall of material from  Only medically fit for height and trained worker must be deploy for
height lead to bodily erection work.
injury  Line of fire must be follow strictly.
 Collapse of scaffolding  Only nominated scaffolders to do the erection of scaffolding.
due to improper  Activity is done under continuous supervision
erection/uneven surface  Put RED tag on scaffold during erection
 Worker fall from height  The ground on which the scaffolding is erected is thoroughly
due to improper leveled and compacted, don't use bricks/stones, wooden things
working platform etc. below base.
 Overhead power cable  Proper packing for the sole plate to that it should not slip.
 Ensure no gaps and toe boards are fitted on the working platform
 Standard size of base plate (150 mm for normal surface and
150mm with additional planks for soft surface) is ensured
irrespective of the foundation surface.
 Scaffolding erection is carried out by competent person under
close supervision.
 Additional care is taken for the erecting a scaffold near excavated
 The ratio of the minimum base dimension to the height of the
working platform does not exceed 1:4, unless the scaffold is
secured to another permanent structure at all times.
 Free-standing scaffolds is not used above 4m unless tied with
adequate bracing.
 Follow the sequence of scaffolding erection.
 Platforms are constructed with grating & tied with binding wire
(double) and supported properly.
 Working platform should not be over loaded by material.
 Working platform secured by mid rail and top railing with
adequate specification.
 Ensure no any defectes identified in working platform.
 Provide working platform, safe access & use of full body safety
harness above 1.8mtr from ground level.

 Dismantling of  Missing of sequence  Job specific tool box talk to be conducted before starting the work.

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scaffolding manually leading to collapse of  Follow the sequence of operation.

scaffolding  Fall area is barricaded at ground level.
 Fall of scaffolding  Dismantling scaffolding pipes should be bringing down by rope
material from height pulley/rope.
may cause severe bodily  Tools to be tied with string.
injury  Follow the step of scaffolding dismantling procedures.
 Hit by scaffolding  Ensuring that trained examined scaffolders are only involved in the
material mentioned process.
 Fall of person  Ensure use of mandatory PPE.
 Only medically fit and trained worker must be deployed for
dismantling work.
 Proper anchorage point or if required life line provided.
 Only nominated scaffolders does the dismantling of scaffolding.
 Display visual control safety signage board.
 Activity to be done under continuous supervision.

 Site Emergency  Confusion  Emergency assembly point, emergency access should be defined &
always free from any obstructions.
 Emergency contact details to be displayed at prominent locations
of site.
 Emergency vehicle must be available at work locations during all
working hours.
 All workers shall aware / trained about site emergency procedure.
 Fire Team-4666
 First aid -4777

Day-1 Day-2 Day-3

Permit issuer

Permit acceptor

Prepared by- Permit Issuer and Permit Acceptor Reviewed by-Plant Manager/ Safety officer

Approved By HOD

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