Legal Framework and Environmental Protection Cireteria
Legal Framework and Environmental Protection Cireteria
Legal Framework and Environmental Protection Cireteria
EIA Report
2.1.1 The Qatalum Project will be subject to the laws of the State of Qatar and the various
international/regional protocols and agreements to which the State is a party. It has been
assumed that the financial institution(s) that are likely to be associated with the Project will
have adopted the “Equator Principles”, thus, the EIA process must also satisfy the Equator
• a description of the applicable national and local policies and an overview of the
regulatory system in Qatar;
• a summary of some of the key international conventions to which Qatar is a party;
• an overview of the Equator Principles;
• Hydro/QP Company Requirements; and
• an introduction to environmental criteria/guidelines/standards.
2.1.3 The relevant guidelines and standards, summarised in this Chapter, are used as a basis
for evaluating the environmental impact of the Qatalum Project in subsequent sections of
this report.
Regulatory Bodies
2.2.1 The principal environmental institution is the SCENR; this authority, established under Law
No. 11 (2000), was previously known as the Environment Department, which was part of
the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Agriculture (MMAA). The MMAA, established as a
result of Law No. 13 (1994), replaced the Environmental Protection Committee, which was
established as per Law No 4 (1981). SCENR is responsible for environmental protection
and conservation of endangered species and protection of their habitats. This is achieved,
in part, through the implementation and enforcement of environmental policies, which are
developed in consultation with the Administrative Authorities.
2.2.2 In addition to SCENR, a number of individual city authorities have also been set up in
Qatar. The MIC Authority was established in 1996, by Qatar Petroleum, as a single point
authority for all facilities in the Mesaieed Industrial Area. As part of this role, the MIC
Authority has the responsibility for the allocation of land and the provision of common
facilities wherever feasible.
2.2.3 Through SCENR, the State of Qatar enforces a number of national environmental laws,
regulations and standards; those of relevance to the Qatalum Project include:
2.2.5 The Executive By-Law also sets out requirements and expectations in respect of
environmental management and waste management as conditions for a “Consent to
Construct”, or “Consent to Operate”. Under this By-Law, industries should develop own
environmental monitoring programmes for atmospheric, aqueous and solid waste
discharges. The plan should specify the frequency and format of the resultant reporting
and needs to be approved by SCENR.
2.2.6 Currently the Executive By-Law is available in Arabic; however, only a draft English
translation has been made available to industry in the State of Qatar. The English version
has been used to define the environmental criteria / standards for use in the EIA.
2.2.7 In addition to the recent Environmental Executive By-Law, MIC Environmental Guidelines
and Environmental Protection Criteria have been established for industries operating
within the Mesaieed Industrial Area. The MIC Guidelines are in the process of being
updated; however a draft version of the update , referred to in the Qatalum land lease
agreement with the MIC Authority, was made available to the Qatalum Project in
September 2005. The most relevant Guidelines / Criteria have been included in this
Chapter of the EIA, although it should be noted that until a formal, approved revision of the
MIC Guidelines is produced, these can only be considered as draft. The MIC guideline
criteria are not statutory requirements in terms of regulation by SCENR; however, they
form part of land lease agreements between MIC and Project Proponents and as such are
2.2.8 The 1981 law creating the Committee for the Protection of the Marine Environment
empowers SCENR to:
• demand an EIA for new facilities and review and approve the EIA prior to
• authorise new activities and provides the right to revoke such authorisations;
• enforce regulations by entering premises of regulated facilities and taking
• impose fines for contravention of regulations; and
• follow-up on pollution incidents.
2.2.9 The Qatalum Project is committed to respecting all relevant legislation. The above listings
of national environmental laws / statutory requirements may not be exhaustive; however,
they are considered to be those that are most relevant in relation to undertaking the EIA
for the Qatalum Project.
EIA Procedures
2.2.10 The State of Qatar complies with the principles of the United Nations (UN) Conference on
the Environment and Development and Agenda 21 (1992), to institutionalise EIA for all
new industry projects and it requires that activities and industries with potentially polluting
impacts gain clearance prior to initiation of construction/commencement of new projects
(Law No. 30 of 2002). The submission and approval of an EIA is the method for obtaining
clearance. The “clearance” procedure is outlined in the Policy and Procedures for
5 4
Environmental Impact Assessment (1997) and the recent Executive By-Law ; a basic
summary of the process is presented below:
2.2.11 Once an Environmental Authorisation has been granted (i.e. after an EIA has been
approved) then construction phase may commence, as specified in the terms of the
Permit. Prior to commissioning of the new plant, it is necessary to inform SCENR and
apply for a ‘permit to operate’ 60 days prior to planned start-up.
2.2.12 The MIC Authority’s role in the EIA process is primarily that of a facilitator and reviewer, as
well as providing coordination with SCENR.
2.2.14 Article (16) requires that the description and analysis of the project environmental impacts
include the following:
Environmental Regulation
2.2.15 The environmental regulation of specific industrial operations is enforced by the SCENR
through the consenting system. The ‘consent to operate’, mentioned above, specifies
source-specific standards (based on the recent Environmental Executive By-Law ) and
other conditions with which a company must comply. To ensure that compliance is uniform
and effective, industrial city authorities (e.g. MIC) are utilised as a focal point for industries
and activities operating within their areas.
2.3.1 To comply with SCENR’s requirements, industries must not contravene the conditions of
any international or regional convention to which Qatar is a signatory. The State of Qatar
is party to a number of international conventions. One of the key conventions is the Kuwait
Regional Convention for Co-operation on the Protection of the Marine Environment from
Pollution, 1978 (hereafter referred to as the Kuwait Convention); this provided the
framework on which the majority of the State of Qatar’s environmental control is based.
The Kuwait Convention established the Regional Organisation for the Protection of the
Marine Environment (ROPME), which establishes three protocols for protecting the marine
environment, one of which is of particular relevance to this Project:
• Protocol for the Protection of the Marine Environment against Pollution from Land-
Based Sources.
2.3.3 In addition to the above, Qatar is also a contracting party to the World Heritage
Convention and to the Action Plan for the Protection and Development of the Marine
Environment and Coastal Areas.
2.4.1 The Equator Principles have been adopted by a number of leading financial institutions
worldwide. They have been developed to promote sound environmental management
practices and social responsibility. Under the Equator Principles, projects are screened
and categorised in terms of environmental risk; depending on the type, location, sensitivity
and scale of the project and the nature and magnitude of the project’s potential
environmental and social impacts. A summary of the Equator Principle Categories is
presented below:
2.4.2 It has been assumed that this Project would be a Category A project, and thus will require
a full environmental impact assessment. To qualify for funding from “Equator banks” the
EIA report must address the following environmental and social issues (as applicable):
2.4.4 For Category A projects, an Environmental Management Plan (EMP) should be prepared,
based on the findings of the EIA, to address mitigation, action plans, monitoring
management of risks and schedules. In additional, structured and culturally appropriate
consultation should be held with affected groups (e.g. indigenous peoples and local
2.4.5 The International Finance Corporation Environment and Social Development Department
has prepared a series of guidelines to inform the private sector in addressing the social
dimensions of private sector projects. These include:
2.4.6 Recently, the International Finance Corporation prepared ‘Policy on Social &
Environmental Sustainability’ (30 April 2006) which incorporated eight performance
standards relating to:
2.5.1 Hydro has developed an internal corporate health, safety and environment (HSE)
directive , which describes the necessary policy and requirements governing its approach
to HSE and HSE management systems. The directive covers all HSE aspects and applies
to all parts of Hydro’s value chain and all other activities. It is Hydro policy that it is
mandatory for this directive to apply to all joint ventures where Hydro has an ownership
interest of more than 50%. For projects where Hydro has an ownership interest of 50% or
less and for Contractors / suppliers, the policy requires Hydro to exert their influence to
produce consistency with the directive.
• “Our ambition is to demonstrate a strong sense of responsibility for people and the
environment and to be at the forefront in environmental care and industrial safety.
• In respect for the inherent worth of all people, the value of the earth and the
resources it provides, Hydro is determined to work ambitiously, through
continuous improvement, for a healthy work environment, safe and secure
conduct, and low environmental impact.
• We will design our products, develop and use technology to produce minimum
adverse effect on the environment, making efficient use of energy and resources.
• At the strategic and operational levels we will shape our businesses with due
concern to HSE, including the health and safety of our neighbours.
• When acquiring or entering into commercial agreements with companies that are
far from our standards, we shall set ambitious goals to ensure significant
improvements in their HSE performance.
• We will systematically seek to deepen our understanding of HSE risks and effects
of our activities, promote transparency and routinely publicize our health, security,
safety and environment goals and report on status and progress in a dialogue with
our stakeholders.
• We will continuously work to reduce environmental impacts and risks related to
our activities, and contribute to sustainable products and production in a life-cycle
• We are determined to have no injuries on our premises, and work continuously to
avoid work-related illnesses, property damage and production loss.
• We will encourage our employees to adopt a healthy, safe life-style for themselves
and their families.
• If accidents occur, we shall be prepared to do the utmost to prevent and mitigate
injury, damage to the environment, property and Hydro’s reputation. Saving life
has the highest priority.
• We will protect personnel, premises and activities against conscious and negligent
unauthorised actions, balancing the company’s need for protection of the integrity
of employees and third parties.”
2.5.4 An HSE programme will be developed specifically for the Qatalum Project, which will take
into account Qatari Acts and Regulations and Hydro’s and QP’s Corporate Policies and
2.5.5 In addition to its HSE policy, Hydro is committed to sustainable value creation for its
shareholders, its stakeholders and the communities in which it operates. As an
international industrial and natural resources company, Hydro’s operations impact the lives
of a large number of people around the world; thus, Hydro pursues opportunities, while
managing risks, taking the social impacts of business into consideration. This is what is
commonly called Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Hydro’s main CSR principles are:
Qatar Petroleum
2.5.6 QP is committed to the highest standards for health safety and the environment (HSE)
throughout its operations and has a long-term goal to ensure that QP employees and the
people of Qatar live in a clean, safe world.
2.5.7 QP has recently reinforced its commitment to HSE through reorganisation and
consolidation of all HSE activities and through establishing a direct line of reporting
Corporate HSE to the Minister of Energy and Industry (MEI). QP is in the process of
seeking accreditation to ISO14001 and are striving towards OHSAS 18001 certification.
2.5.8 The QP HSE system allows HSE issues to be identified, managed and streamlined
through all QP operations and regions. It promotes a cycle of continuous improvement and
ensures that QP HSE strategies and standards are aligned with national and international
standards and regulations. The immediate HSE objectives are to:
• achieve zero gas flaring to minimize waste and reduce carbon dioxide emissions;
• maximize the utilization of energy resources to produce clean, safe energy;
• maintain and continuously improve security to ensure the safety of people and
• achieve zero lost time injury through aggressive safety strategies; and
• attain a high level of preparedness to manage emergency incidents on land or at
2.6.1 The Project must specifically adhere to the requirements set out in the Environmental
3 4
Law and the associated By-Law . In addition, although not a regulatory requirement, the
guidelines proposed by the MIC Authority should be taken into consideration by industrial
facilities at Mesaieed. Furthermore, the full EIA for the Project must make reference to the
minimum applicable standards in the 1998 WB Pollution Prevention and Abatement
Handbook (PPAH) . This document contains detailed guidelines for a range of industrial
sectors, including aluminium manufacturing and new thermal power plant; it also provides
guidance on pollution management, good environmental practice.
2.6.2 Where numerical standards have not been developed by SCENR or the World Bank, the
regulatory assessment criteria for the evaluating Project impacts have been derived from
other sources of international standards or guidelines, such as:
2.6.3 The World Health Organization provides a number of recommended guidelines for various
environmental pollutants and media (e.g. air quality, noise and drinking water guidelines).
The guidelines are not mandatory but are generally accepted as levels which should not
be exceeded. The WHO guidelines are generally developed to protect human health and
may not necessarily be protective of the environment as a whole.
2.6.4 The European Commission develops and proposes European Union (EU) legislation. Draft
proposals are submitted to the Council of Ministers, which approves, amends or rejects
the proposals. The associated legislation can be produced in the form of Regulations,
Directives, Decisions and Recommendations (the latter are not binding). The usual
legislative form for environmental issues is a Directive (which is binding); however, the
implementation of the directive is usually left to each EU Member State. Thus, in general,
each European country also has its own standards and regulations, which can be more
detailed and more stringent than the original EC directives.
2.6.5 In the United States (US), federal laws and regulations provide the basis for environmental
protection. Federal laws are enacted by Congress and are generally approved by the
President. Examples of environmental laws include: the Clean Air Act, the Solid Waste
Disposal Act, and the Clean Water Act. The federal laws authorise the USEPA, or other
federal agencies, to set regulations in order to ensure the implement of the laws at an
operational level. USEPA has promulgated effluent limitations, guidelines, and standards
in the last thirty years for many industries. Each of the individual States within the US may
also enact laws and regulate environmental matters, with the stipulation that a particular
State’s regulations must be at least as stringent as the USEPA’s.
2.6.6 Qatalum is committed to meeting all relevant Qatari Standards and to employing the best
practical means to meet any more stringent international environmental standards/limit
2.6.7 In general, there are two types of standards / guidelines for the protection of the
environment that are considered herein:
2.6.8 Ambient standards set maximum allowable levels of a pollutant in the receiving medium
(e.g. air, water, and soil). Ambient standards can offer a simple method of establishing
environmental priorities; since areas that comply with the relevant ambient standards can
be considered to require no further intervention, while other areas may be ranked by the
extent to which concentrations exceed the ambient standards. Historically, ambient
standards in the industrial market economies have been continually tightened in the light
of medical evidence on the impact of certain pollutants and in response to increased
demand for better environmental quality.
2.6.9 Pollutants can result in acute (short-term) and/or chronic (long-term) effects on human
health and/or on ecosystems. Thus, ambient standards and guidelines are usually
expressed over averaging periods that reflect whether a substance has acute and/or
chronic effects. Ambient standards can be set at different levels for different locations, e.g.
a different standard may be set for the protection of human health than that for the
protection of vegetation.
2.6.10 Emissions, or discharge, standards set maximum amounts of a pollutant that may be
released by a plant or other source; typically expressed as a concentration. Emissions
standards are generally established in terms of either:
2.6.11 Technology-based standards are based on knowledge of what can be achieved with
current equipment and practices. A wide range of principles are used, including “best
available techniques” (BAT), “best practicable technology” (BPT), “best practicable
environmental option” (BPEO) and “best available techniques not entailing excessive cost”
(BATNEEC). These approaches are open to interpretation; however, all are related to
establishing the highest levels of equipment and performance that can reasonably be
demanded from industrial plants. Alternatively, emissions standards can be established by
estimating the discharges that are compatible with ensuring that receiving areas around
the plant meet the ambient standards defined for a pollutant.
2.6.12 The remainder of this section of the EIA provides a summary of Qatari ambient and
emission standards for all relevant media, as well as some of those derived from
international standards/guidelines and Hydro/QP company requirements. Process-specific
emission standards for aluminium manufacture, based on BAT, are discussed further in
3.12 – Technology Selection and BAT.
Air Quality
2.6.13 The ambient air quality criteria, considered for the Qatalum Project, for the protection of
human health are presented below in Table 2.1. The most relevant of these are the
SCENR and World Bank standards / guidelines. Although not regulatory requirements,
and only currently available in draft form, the MIC Guidelines have also been included for
comparative purposes. Criteria specific to the protection of vegetation are presented and
discussed in Section 6.6.
Table 2.1 – Ambient Air Quality Criteria for the Protection of Human Health
2.6.14 Since aluminium production is a new industry to Qatar there are no specific industry
standards for this part of the Qatalum Project in the Executive By-Law . The Qatari
Standards do contain environmental criteria for stack emissions for Thermal Power Plant
greater than 25 MWe; these are presented for NOx in Table 3.8, Section 3.12 –
Technology Selection and BAT.
2.6.15 Standards/ limits for the Reduction Plant (Potrooms), Carbon Plant and Power Plant have
been put forward based on what is considered to be BAT for these processes and by
benchmarking against similar, existing, plant (see Section 3.12 – Technology Selection
and BAT).
Water Quality
2.6.16 SCENR’s water quality criteria have been developed to minimise adverse impacts to soils,
groundwater and water quality and to protect marine life and water supply. The Executive
By Law includes the following water quality related standards of potential relevance to the
Qatalum Project. The most pertinent of these are presented in tabular form below for the
parameters of potential relevance to the Qatalum Project (see Table 2.2 and Table 2.3):
• standards for treated wastewater from industrial land based facilities used for
• standards for the quality of cooling water; and
• standards for seawater quality.
2.6.17 The Executive By Law also includes:
2.6.18 The standards listed directly above have not been specifically considered for the Qatalum
Project as there will be no discharges to sewer (other than sanitary waste, which will be
treated in the MIC wastewater treatment works) and there will not be any on-site treatment
of sanitary wastewater. The Project will not produce drinking water; however, a selection
of the drinking water standards has been provided in Table 2.2 for comparative purposes.
2.6.19 In addition to the above, the non-statutory draft MIC Guidelines include quality criteria for
point source discharges to the Arabian Gulf and for wastewater to be used in landscaping
and these are also presented in Table 2.2 below for comparative purposes. In common
with many countries, SCENR does not have any specific criteria for groundwater quality;
however, those for seawater quality, treated irrigation water and drinking water can be
used to give an indication of groundwater quality and these are presented together below.
It should however be recognised that the groundwater underlying the Qatalum Site is
saline, and as such is unlikely to be used for drinking water purposes.
Treated Wastewater
Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) mg/l 2000 2000 1500 1700 1500 1700 - 1000
Total Suspended Solids (TSS) mg/l 50 - 20 30 20 40 30 -
Floating Particles mg/m2 None None None - None - - -
pH - 6-9 6-9 6-9 - 6-9 - 6.5-8.3 6.5-8.5
Ammonia mg/l 15 (as N) 15 (as N) 15 (as NH4+) 20 (as NH4+) 1 (as NH4+) 2( as NH4+) 15 (as N) 1.5 (as N)
Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD5) mg/l 10 50 15 25 15 25 - -
Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) mg/l 150 150 100 150 100 150 - -
Chlorine (residual) mg/l 0.1 0.1 0.5 1 0.5 1 -
Chlorophyll mg/l - - - - - - 1 -
Cyanide (total) mg/l Nil 0.2 0.1 0.5 0.05 0.1 - 0.07
Dissolved Oxygen (DO) mg/l >2 >2 >2 - >2.5 - >4 -
Fluoride (F-) mg/l 15 15 10 15 15 20 - 1.5
Nitrates mg/l - - - - - - 100 50
Nitrites mg/l - - - - - - 35 3
Phosphate (as Phosphorous) mg/l 30 30 15 30 1 2 30b -
Treated Wastewater
Salinity - - - - - - 33-45 -
Silica mg/l - - - - - - 900 -
Sulphate mg/l 400 400 300 400 - - - -
Sulphide mg/l 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.5 0.05 0.1 - 0.05 (H2S)
Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (as nitrogen) mg/l 35 35 50 75 5 8 - -
Organic Compounds
Oil and Grease mg/l 10 10 8 15 5 10 - -
Phenols mg/l 0.5 0.5 0.1 1 0.1 0.5 - -
Total Organic Carbon (TOC) mg/l 75 75 50 75 50 75 - -
Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPH) mg/l - - - - - - 5 -
Aluminium (Al) mg/l 15 15 15 20 15 20 - 0.2
Arsenic (As) mg/l 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.5 0.1 0.5 - 0.01
Barium (Ba) mg/l 2 2 1 2 1 2 - 0.7
Boron (B) mg/l 1.5 1.5 0.75 1.5 - - - 0.5
Cadmium (Cd) mg/l 0.05 0.05 0.01 0.05 0.01 0.02 0.7 0.003
Chromium (total) (Cr) mg/l 0.01 0.2 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.5 - 0.05
Treated Wastewater
2.6.20 Supplementary sources of water quality standards/guidelines for groundwater and the
marine environment are not presented here, however these have been considered in the
seawater and groundwater baseline Sections of this report (see 5.3 and 5.4).
2.6.21 The main source of aqueous effluent from the Qatalum Project is the once through cooling
water for the Power Station and Aluminium Plant. The Qatari Standards for cooling water
are presented below.
2.6.23 Although not technically international standards, many appraisals of soil quality utilise the
Dutch guidelines for soil contamination , also referred to as “The Dutch List”. These
guideline values, which have been generated using a risk-based approach, are intended to
highlight the need for any potential remedial action and to present target values that
should be achieved by the remedial works. The Dutch List values, typically used for initial
screening of soil quality, are the Dutch Target Values (DTVs) and the Dutch Intervention
Values (DIVs).
2.6.24 DTVs indicate the level at which there is a ‘sustainable’ soil quality (i.e. the concentrations
at which the functional quality of the soil is suitable to humans, plant life and animal life). In
addition, the DTVs provide an indication of the long-term environmental quality of the soil
in relation to risks to ecosystems. DIVs indicate the concentrations at which soil
remediation may be required (i.e. the concentrations at which the functional properties of
the soil in relation to humans, plant life and animal life are seriously impaired or
threatened). Where there are no DTVs or DIVs, Indicative Levels of Serious
Contamination (ILSC) values have been derived. In general, ILSCs exist for substances
where there may be larger uncertainties in the underlying risk assessment methodology
used to generate these values.
2.6.25 Although no internationally agreed sediment quality standards exist, most appraisals of
sediment quality utilise two sets of guidelines generated by the Canadian and Dutch
2.6.26 Interim sediment quality guidelines have been adopted by Environment Canada for a
range of toxic substances. The concentrations are based on equilibrium partitioning (not
necessarily relevant for metals) and expressed for a standard sediment consisting of 5%
organic carbon. The Canadian guidelines include two values: an Interim Sediment Quality
Standard (ISQG), which corresponds to threshold level effects below which adverse
biological effects are not expected; and a Probable Effect Level (PEL), above which
adverse effects would be expected. The values are set on effects-based observations and
are expressed at bulk sediment concentrations.
2.6.27 The Dutch guidelines also provide two values; a short-term Maximum Permissible
Concentration (MPC), which takes into account background concentrations of ‘naturally
occurring’ elements and to which a Maximum Permissible Addition (MPA) of the
contaminant is added (based on toxicity data) to generate the standard. The second value
is a lower threshold value, which has been derived to represent a longer term No Effect
Concentration (NEC).
2.6.28 A selection of the Dutch and Canadian sediment quality guidelines are presented in Table
SCENRa 55 45
Residential areasc MIC Guidelineb 50 50
World Bankc 55 45
SCENRa 65 55
Commercialc MIC Guidelineb 65 65
World Bankc 70 70
SCENRa 75 75
Industriald MIC Guidelineb 75 75
World Bankc 70 70
Roadside areas –
residential (1 m from MIC Guidelinee 70 -
Roadside areas – within
building with windows MIC Guidelinee 50 -
a Maximum noise limits (20 minutes average) outside the property boundary. Night time is defined as
22:00 – 04:00.
b Maximum noise measured at property line; no to be exceeded more than 10% of the time, excludes
roadside areas
c Maximum allowable log equivalent (hourly) values, applicable at receptors outside of the Project
boundary. Where these are not achievable, noise abatement should ensure that noise levels do not
exceed an increase over background levels of 3 dB(A). Night time is defined as 22:00 – 07:00.
d In Qatar, residential areas are defined as those in which homes or residential buildings, including
schools, hospitals and mosques, form more than 50% of the buildings. Commercial areas are those in
which department stores, business offices, garages and places of work represent more than 50% of the
buildings. The designation of Industrial area applies to an area in which industrial facilities represent
more than 50% of the buildings.
e Measured as L10 (18 hours), representing the noise level that is exceeded 10% of the time over 18
hours (this is the hourly L10 measurement averaged arithmetically over the period 6:00 a.m. to midnight)
2.6.32 Unauthorised dumping or burial of any wastes is prohibited, with special reference to
hazardous wastes. Disposal of any wastes at sea is also prohibited. The law appears to
allow practical solutions to be adopted, calling for the best available techniques to be
used, providing it is economically feasible.
2.6.33 The draft, non-statutory, Environmental Guidelines & Environmental Protection Criteria for
MIC detail waste management requirements across MIC. The document describes the
classification of wastes, storage instructions for hazardous and non-hazardous wastes,
record keeping, disposal and transport requirements. In particular, it defines the criteria for
disposal to landfill. Guidance for hazard minimisation and recycling is also provided.
2.6.34 For liquid waste streams, the draft MIC Guidelines state the following:
Occupational Health
2.6.35 The SCENR has developed a series of standards for closed spaces of work; these include
standards for noise, heat stress and dust.
2.6.36 In terms of noise levels within the plant boundary the aim is to set limits that will:
2.6.37 The noise limits within different areas of a production plant are usually set in order to help
achieve these aims. Illustrative typical limits are given in Table 2.7.
dBLAeq Limit
2.6.38 The Executive By-Law gives noise limits for Closed Places of Work. The 8-hour exposure
level for unprotected persons is set at 85 dBLAeq, with the standard noise level/time trade-
off for shorter periods of exposure at higher noise levels. The By-Law also notes that
exposure should be limited to no more than 115 dBA, unless the employee is provided
with ear plugs of the appropriate type. An absolute limit of 140 dBA is also noted. The
Qatari noise exposure limits are generally in line with the WHO recommendations,
although some countries are reducing the 8-hour exposure limit to 80 dBLAeq.
2.6.39 Standards / guidelines relating to occupational exposure are presented in the Impact
Assessment Chapter of this report, Section 6.11 – Occupational Health and Safety.
2.7.1 Article 60 states that “no projects or facilities shall be built within at least 200 m from the
seaboard line without the approval of the competent administrative authority in
coordination with the Council”. Article 61 states that “it is prohibited to carry out any activity
that affects the natural seaboard line or change it by moving towards the seawaters or the
tidemark without the approval of the competent administrative authority which will be
granted in coordination with the Council”. The Ministry of Industry is understood to be the
competent administrative authority for approving exceptions from these clauses in areas
regulated for industrial use.
2.7.2 Article 9 of the Law by Decree No. 30 of the Year 2002 Promulgating the Environmental
Protection Law (2003) states that the Council shall have the right to:
2.7.4 The use of BPEO as a means of controlling pollution was first proposed by the Royal
Commission on Environmental Pollution (RCEP) in its Fifth Report (1976) , as an early
form of air pollution control. The report suggested that a unified pollution inspectorate
should be established whose aim would be “to achieve the best practicable environmental
option taking account of the total pollution from a process and the technical possibilities for
dealing with it”. In its 12th Report (1988) , the RCEP defined its concept of BPEO in more
detail and included guidelines on its implementation. The refined concept defined BPEO
as: “the outcome of a systematic decision-making procedure which emphasises the
protection and conservation of the environment across land, air and water. The BPEO
procedure establishes, for a given set of objectives, the option that provides the most
benefit or least damage to the environment as a whole, at acceptable cost, in the long-
terms and well as in the short-term”.
2.7.5 Under the BPEO procedure, pollution control technology should consider:
2.7.7 The IPPC directive introduced “BAT”, which further develops the BATNEEC concept,
originally introduced in the EU framework directive on combating air pollution from
industrial plant . BAT requires competent authorities to ensure that “installations are
operated in such a way that all appropriate preventative measures are taken against
pollution, in particular through the application of best available techniques…”. The
definition of these terms is as follows:
• ‘best available techniques’ are defined as “the most effective and advanced stage
in the development of activities and their methods of operation which indicate the
practical suitability of particular techniques for providing in principle the basis for
emission limit values designed to prevent and, where that is not practicable,
generally to reduce emissions and the impact on the environment as a whole”;
• ‘available techniques’ means those “developed on a scale which allows
implementation in the relevant industrial sector, under economically and
technically viable conditions, taking into consideration the costs and
• ‘best’, in relation to techniques, is defined as the “most effective in achieving a
high general level of protection of the environment as a whole”; and
• ‘techniques’ “includes both the technology used and the way in which the
installation is designed, built, maintained, operated and decommissioned”.
2.7.8 The Qatalum Project will consider the requirements of BAT, which encompasses both the
BPEO and BATNEEC philosophies. It is assumed that the detailed design will incorporate
the general concepts of BAT described in documents such as the EC BREF Note for the
Non-Ferrous Metals Industry . The Qatalum EIA report focuses on those aspects of BAT
which appear to have the most significant cost, schedule and environmental implications.
BAT, as considered applicable to the Qatalum Project, is discussed further in Section 3.12
– Technology Selection and BAT.
Agenda 21
2.7.9 The Qatari Government adopted the plan of action and principles outlined in Agenda 21 of
the UN Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED or the Earth Summit) held
in 1992 in Brazil. Commitment to these principles was re-affirmed at the World Summit on
Sustainable Development (WSSD) in South Africa, in 2002.
2.7.10 The main aim of the Earth Summit was to find ways to “halt and reverse the effects of
environmental degradation” while increasing efforts “to promote sustainable and
environmentally sound development in all countries”. Agenda 21 aims to provide guidance
for governments in establishing environmental policies that meet the needs of sustainable
development; it covers all areas of pollution, energy policy, population and development
issues. These principles need to be considered and upheld by new developments.
Greenhouse Gases
2.7.11 Qatar has ratified the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNCCC) and the
Kyoto Protocol. The UNCCC sets an overall framework for intergovernmental efforts to
tackle climate change. Under the convention, governments:
• gather and share information on greenhouse gas emissions, national policies and
best practices;
• launch national strategies for addressing greenhouse gas emissions and adapting
to expected impacts, including provision of financial and technological support to
developing counties; and
• cooperate in preparing for adaptation to the impacts of climate change.
2.7.12 The 1997 Kyoto protocol shares the Convention’s objective, principles and institutions but
significantly strengthens the Convention by committing Annex I parties to individual legally
binding targets to limit, or reduce, their greenhouse gas emissions.
Biological Diversity
2.7.13 Qatar has ratified the UN Convention on Biological Diversity, which aims to protect and
preserve endangered species on land and in the ocean. The Convention came into force
in December 1993; as of August 2000 178 countries had ratified the Convention. Under
the Convention, states are required to draw up a list of “protected areas”. The three main
goals of the Convention are:
• conservation of diversity;
• the sustainable use of the components of biodiversity; and
• the fair and equitable sharing of the benefits arising from use of genetic resources.
2.7.14 The impact of any new development must take into account the aims of the Convention.
2.7.15 Despite having ratified the Montreal Protocol in 1996, the State of Qatar has been
designated as an “Article 5 Country”. Article 5 of the Montreal Protocol relates to
developing countries whose annual calculated consumption of controlled substances is
less than 0.3 kg per capita (ca) on the date of entry into force of the protocol. In order to
meet its basic domestic needs, the State of Qatar is entitled to delay compliance with the
control measures set out in Articles 2A to 2E of the protocol for 10 years.
2.7.16 The Basel Convention on the control of transboundary movements of hazardous wastes
and their disposal was prepared under the auspices of UNEP and came into force in May
1992. The Convention takes as a basic principle the need to reduce the generation of
hazardous wastes and to keep their transboundary movements to a minimum. Under the
Convention, all states have the right to ban the import of hazardous wastes; the accord
also prevents signatory states from accepting hazardous wastes from non-signatory
2.7.17 An exporting state has a duty to ensure that all wastes, whether for recovery or disposal,
can be dealt with in an environmentally sound manner; it also has a duty to arrange for the
return of any wastes failing to go to an appropriate treatment or disposal site. Any wastes
which are exported must be labelled, packaged and transported in accordance with
recognised international standards.
2.7.18 An amendment to the Convention, agreed by the signatories in 1998, defines and
categorises the type of wastes controlled in three lists. List A includes over 50 categories
of wastes defined as hazardous; List B covers those waste categories which the Basel
Convention does not define as hazardous but which nevertheless may contain hazardous
characteristics and thus be covered by the ban. A further List C covers wastes awaiting