KV Class 7 Annual Exam Model Question Paper MATHS 1
KV Class 7 Annual Exam Model Question Paper MATHS 1
KV Class 7 Annual Exam Model Question Paper MATHS 1
FA-3: 2016-2017
Subject – Mathematics.
Class – VII
Time- 1:30min Max. Marks -40
General Instruction
1) All questions are compulsory
2) The question paper consists of 4 questions divided into four sections A, B, C & D.
3) Section A comprises of o5 questions 1 Marks each section
Section B comprises of 04 question 2 marks each.
Section C comprises of 05 question 3 marks each.
Section D comprises of 03 question 4 marks each.
1) The simplest form of 15/60 is…………………
2) Find the ratio of 50 paise to Rs 1.5
−7 2
3) Fill the correct symbol out of >, < or = in ......
5 3
4) The numerical coefficient in -7xy.
5) what is the value of 0.35+0.035 .
6) If CP = Rs 2000 profit = 10, find SP.
7) Solve: 2/3 + 1/6
8) Find 15 % of 25
9) Add -7mn+ 5 , 12mn +2 , 9mn -8, -2mn-3
10). Simplify the expression and find the value if x is equal to 2
3(x + 2) + 5x- 7
11). Find three rational numbers between ½ and -1.
12) I buy a T.V. for Rs 10,000 and sell it at a profit of 20%. How much money do I get for it?
1 2 1 2 1
13) Solve (i) +2 (ii) − +
3 5 3 6 6
14).What should be added to 𝑥 2 + 𝑥𝑦 + 𝑦2 to obtain 2 𝑋 2 +3XY?
15) If Meena gives an interest of Rs 45 for one year at 9% rate p. a.. What is the sum she has
3 −2 −3
16) Find the value of (i) (II) 2
7 5 5
17) From the sum of 4+3x and5 − 4𝑥 + 2𝑥 2 , subtract −𝑥 2 + 2