Math Project 12 TH
Math Project 12 TH
Math Project 12 TH
Leonhard Euler
Leonhard Euler was a Swiss mathematician,
physicist, astronomer, geographer, logician, and
engineer who founded the studies of graph theory
and topology and made pioneering and influential
discoveries in many other branches of
mathematics such as analytic number theory,
complex analysis, and infinitesimal calculus. He
introduced much of modern mathematical
terminology and notation, including the notion of a
mathematical function. Euler introduced and
popularized several notational conventions through
his numerous and widely circulated textbooks.
Most notably, he introduced the concept of a
function[6] and was the first to write f(x) to denote
the function f applied to the argument x. He also
introduced the modern notation for the
trigonometric functions, the letter e for the base of
the natural logarithm (now also known as Euler's
number), the Greek letter Σ for summations and
the letter i to denote the imaginary unit. Euler
introduced the use of the exponential function and
logarithms in analytic proofs. He discovered ways
to express various logarithmic functions using
power series, and he successfully defined
logarithms for negative and complex numbers,
thus greatly expanding the scope of mathematical
applications of logarithms.[65] He also defined the
exponential function for complex numbers and
discovered its relation to the trigonometric
functions. For any real number φ (taken to be
radians), Euler's formula states that the complex
exponential function satisfies e^itheta = cos theta
+ isintheta. A special case of the above formula is
known as Euler's identity, e^ipi + 1 = 0.
Srinivasa Ramanujan
Archimedes of Syracuse was an Ancient Greek
mathematician, physicist, engineer, astronomer,
and inventor from the ancient city of Syracuse in
Sicily. Considered the greatest mathematician of
ancient history, and one of the greatest of all time,
Archimedes anticipated modern calculus and
analysis by applying the concept of the infinitely
small and the method of exhaustion to derive and
rigorously prove a range of geometrical theorems.
These include the area of a circle, the surface
area and volume of a sphere, the area of an ellipse,
the area under a parabola, the volume of a
segment of a paraboloid of revolution, the volume
of a segment of a hyperboloid of revolution, and
the area of a spiral. Archimedes' other
mathematical achievements include deriving an
approximation of pi, defining and investigating the
Archimedean spiral, and devising a system using
exponentiation for expressing very large numbers.
He was also one of the first to apply mathematics
to physical phenomena, working on statics and
hydrostatics. Archimedes was able to use
indivisibles (a precursor to infinitesimals) in a way
that is similar to modern integral calculus.[5]
Through proof by contradiction, he could give
answers to problems to an arbitrary degree of
accuracy, while specifying the limits within which
the answer lay. This technique is known as the
method of exhaustion, and he employed it to
approximate the areas of figures and the value of
π. He also proved that the area of a circle was
equal to π multiplied by the square of the radius of
the circle. Archimedes proved that the area
enclosed by a parabola and a straight line is 4/3
times the area of a corresponding inscribed
triangle. He expressed the solution to the problem
as an infinite geometric series with the common
ratio ¼.