Backpack Journalism Syllabus (Winter 2012)
Backpack Journalism Syllabus (Winter 2012)
Backpack Journalism Syllabus (Winter 2012)
Room 240 BRMB on T-Th at 01:00 pm - 02:15 pm Course Website Address: Newsroom Lab
Instructor: Dale Cressman, PhD Ofce: 360A BRMB Ofce Hours: Call receptionist for app't Ofce Phone: 422-1686 Email: [email protected] Lab instructor: Rich Johnson Email: [email protected] Phone: 422-7212 Location: Newsroom TA: Marty Twelves (Digital Editor) Email: [email protected] Location: Newsroom
Learning Outcomes
Newsgathering Students will use consumer or prosumer grade digital technology to gather video, audio, and still images. Editing & Producing While in the eld, students will write news and edit video, audio and still images. Social media Students will use social media to gather and disseminate stories
Equipment Needed
Camera (or mobile device with camera) capable of capturing still and moving images. This may be the same device or it may be two separate devices. Audio recorder (or mobile device with audio recording capabilities).
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Prices for these devices vary. Please consult the Backpack Journalists Equipment Wishlist at:
Grading Scale
A AB+ B 93-100 90-92 87-89 83-86 BC+ C C80-82 77-79 73-76 70-72 D+ D DE 67-69 63-66 60-62 59 and lower
Teaching Philosophy
I'm excited to introduce you to this still-developing area of journalism. I am passionate about journalism and a love learning new ways of practicing it. I will work and learn alongside you, sharing what I've learned. I invite you to do likewise as we build a learning environment in which you will work with classmates--sometimes helping someone else, other times asking a colleague for assistance. You will not leave this class knowing everything you need to know. Our goal is to get you started, give you condence, spark your interest, and (most of all) learn how to learn and problem solve. You should leave this class with some signicant competence and condence, as well as with the tools you'll need to adapt to a continually changing eld.
Mobile media production, including eld reporting, editing, and distributing news for multiple platforms. (3 credit hours). This course trains students to report directly from the eld to multiple digital platforms, as the news story warrants. Backpack journalists work independent of a crew and often employ small, light-weight consumer or prosumer equipment to capture digital audio, video, and photography. A backpack journalist is a sort of broadcast reporter for the web, capable of rich storytelling or quick reporting of breaking news. Students in this class will report for the online Universe.
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Classroom Procedures
We are working in a classroom with computers. We will use part of our time in lecture or demonstration mode; other times we will be working directly on the computers.
Attendance Policy
While you are not being graded on attendance, per se, any absences or tardies may be reected in quiz scores or in-class activities. These cannot be "made up," even for excused absences.
Participation Policy
Your active participation is essential to your success and the success of your classmates. You should consistently demonstrate that you have knowledge of the news and that you have completed the assigned readings. It is expected that you will arrive on time and remain for the entire class session, so as not to disrupt your fellow students. Please turn off your cell phones, unless otherwise directed. Please refrain from using social media, texting, email, or other outside communication activities during class.
Grading Policies
Lab assignments will be graded by the lab instructor (Rich Johnson) and the TA / Digital Editor (Marty Twelves). All other work will be evaluated by the course instructor. Because of the nature of journalism, it is expected that all work will meet deadlines. In the event that stories will not make deadline, you are expected to give editors as much advance notice as possible.
Note: Assignments, grading schema and course schedule may be changed in order to enhance student learning. Any changes will be discussed in class and posted on the course website,
Point Breakdown
Assignments Lab assignments Web site & blogging Social media Final online portfolio Class work Total Points Points 40 15 10 25 10 100
Assignment Descriptions
Lab assignments: You'll have story assignments nearly every week. Due dates and assignment specics will be established with the lab instructor (Rich Johnson) and the TA / Digital Editor (Marty Twelves), who will also grade your weekly work. Note: At least one of your lab stories needs to be of breaking news. Web site & blogging: You will be expected to design a personal website and maintain a personal blog to which you will post all your work for this class. You will be expected to blog at least twice every week the class meets. Your blog should be focused on a particular area chosen in consultation with the instructor. Note: If you already have a suitable website it may be modied to accommodate this class (ask the instructor for clarication and approval). Social media: You will be expected to be active on Twitter--following, posting, retweeting, and responding. There is no pointbreak-down for this category. Thus, grading will of necessity be somewhat subjective. Essentially, the more active and substantive your Twitter stream, the better your grade. Note: As you participate in social media you should be thinking of how this material may be viewed when seeking employment. Final online portfolio: Your best work should be assembled and organized onto a page on your website and should include (but need not be limited to) the following items: 1. Slideshow with captions 2. Slideshow with audio 3. Video story 4. Video story that includes still images You will be asked to present this work in class toward the end of the semester. Note: The stories included in this portfolio may be those you've submitted for weekly assignments or otherwise produced for this class.
Class work: This category includes any work you're asked to do for class, such as: 1. Quizzes & exams (on New York Times and assigned readings) 2. Papers 3. Presentations 4. Images, audio, or video captured for in-class work.
Plagiarism Policy
Writing submitted for credit at BYU must consist of the student's own ideas presented in sentences and paragraphs of his or her own construction. The work of other writers or speakers may be included when appropriate (as in a research paper or book review), but such material must support the student's own work (not substitute for it) and must be clearly identied by appropriate introduction and punctuation and by footnoting or other standard referencing.
Policy Enforcement
If an instructor feels he or she has a student in violation of this policy, the following should be followed: First warning: This will come from the instructor. A meeting between the instructor and the student will be conducted to resolve the issues of unprofessional behavior. If the violation is excessive enough, the department can be involved (cases of cheating and plagiarism). Following this consultation, the professor and student will sign a letter that describes the problem and subsequent resolution. The department will keep this letter in the students file. Second warning: This will come from the department (either the Chair or Associate Chair for Undergraduate Studies). At this time, the student will be reviewed for removal from the department. Both sides of the case will be presented to a review committee composed of faculty from the students
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emphasis, and a decision will follow a deliberation. A letter explaining the decision must be signed by the members of the committee and will be placed in the students file. Appeal: The first appeal will be to the Undergraduate Committee. Second appeal will be to the Department Chair. Final appeal will be to the College.
It begins with the demand for entrance into our emphases and the fact that some students are being turned away. However, some who are successful in their pursuit of a particular major then demonstrate unprofessional behavior. We have decided we would rather take a student who has a less-impressive academic record but will work diligently than a higher ranking student who treats the major casually and without respect. A second factor is the tendency of some majors to coast once in an emphasis. This behavior is potentially serious to a student, who is unlikely to suddenly develop professionalism if hired by an agency, newspaper or television station, nonprofit organization or other employer. This, in turn, reflects on the reputation of the university, our department and the degree conferred. Our new policy is consistent with those already in effect elsewhere in the university. With thousands of young people desiring to attend BYU many with an interest in Communications we feel an obligation to admit and retain the students who demonstrate the kind of work ethic and behavior that will enhance our collective academic and professional performance.