Why Management by Intimidation Can Never Work in IT
Why Management by Intimidation Can Never Work in IT
Why Management by Intimidation Can Never Work in IT
Takeaway: The dubious technique of managing by cultivating fear and insecurity has a long history, and sometimes actually works; but its the worst-possible approach for IT, and heres why. The project team in question had spent more than a year under the thumb of an executive who wanted more than he could get for what he was willing to spend. The team failed to deliver - and the executive was shown the door. His replacement gave the team what it needed to the job, and it was a grand slam The new executive was showered with praise. He did not pass that praise on to the team. When the teams manager called him on it, and implored him to thank the folks who had done the work, his response was, They were just doing their jobs. Thats not something you thank. We call this management by intimidation, or MBI, and its an honest-to-god strategy that some managers and executives embrace. The rationale is this: setting the bar higher and higher, by refusing praise and taking exceptional performance for granted, ratchets up personal potential . And stress, after all, is what makes champions, right? Does a power hitter, or a running back, or a Kentucky Derby winner ever hit the mark without through-the-roof stress? Lets just say straight-up that this mindset demonstrates an unimaginable vacuum in understanding human nature, and launch into the reasons why IT, in particular, is a poor domain within which to unleash such a strategy. Management By Intimidation just isnt right for IT.
If all this isnt enough, theres a clincher: MBI personalities tend to be authoritarian, and IT professionals tend not to be. The MBI believes that people respond to intimidation with fear as a default, but that tends to only be the case with other authoritarian personalities. The nonauthoritarian personality might get stressed out, but they wont respond with fear ; theyll simply think of the MBI as a jerk to be avoided. If youre reading this and you manage by intimidation, dont take my word for it: ask your peers in the industry what they think. And if youre on the receiving end of MBI - well, print this blog out and leave it on somebodys desk. And if that doesnt work, get your sysadmin to install Doom on the network Get IT Tips, news, and reviews delivered directly to your inbox by subscribing to TechRepublics free newsletters.