Concept King Series Class-15 Cross Multiplication Method
Concept King Series Class-15 Cross Multiplication Method
Concept King Series Class-15 Cross Multiplication Method
The ratio of income of two employees is 7 : 4, and the ratio of their expenditure
is 3 : 1. If each of them saves Rs 4800 per month, then find the sum of their
monthly income (in Rs)?
दो कर्मचारियों की आय का अनप
ु ात 7:4 है , औि उनके ब्यय का अनप
ु ात 3:1 है। यदद उनर्े से प्रत्येक
Rs 4800 की प्रततर्ाह बचाता है , तो उनकी र्ाससक आय का योग ( Rs र्ें) ज्ञात कीजिये? (CGL
PRE 2021)
A) 21120
B) 21150
C) 18150
D) 20120
2. A and B have their monthly incomes in the ratio 8 : 5, while their monthly expenditures are in the
ratio 5 : 3. If they have saved Rs.12,000 and Rs.10,000 monthly respectively, then the difference in
their monthly incomes is :
A औि B की र्ाससक आय 8: 5 के अनुपात र्ें है , िबकक उनका र्ाससक व्यय 5: 3 के अनुपात र्ें है। यदद उन्होंने
क्रर्शः रु 12,000 औि रु 10,000 की र्ाससक बचत की है, तो उनकी र्ाससक आय र्ें अंति है:\ (CGL PRE
a) Rs.52,000 b) Rs.42,000
c) Rs.44,000 d) Rs.46,000
3. X and Y have their monthly incomes in the ratio 9 : 7 while their monthly expenditures are in the
ratio 5 : 3. If they have saved Rs.16,000 and Rs.14,000 monthly, respectively, then the difference
in their monthly incomes is:
X vkSj Y dh ekfld vk; 9 : 7 ds vuqikr eas gS tcfd muds ekfld [kpZ 5 : 3 ds vuqikr esa gSaA ;fn mUgksaus Øe'k% #-
16]000 vkSj #- 14]000 ekfld dh cpr dh gS] rks mudh ekfld vk; esa varj fdruk gS\(CGL PRE 2022)
(a) Rs. 5,500
(b)Rs. 7,500
(c) Rs.8,000
(d) Rs. 6,000
4. The monthly incomes of A and B are in the ratio 5 : 8, A save `7,400 and B saves `6,500 per month.
If the ratio of the monthly expenditures of A and B is 1 : 2, then the monthly income (in `) of B is:
A vkSj B dh ekfld vk; dk vuqikr 5 : 8 gS] çfr ekg A `7,400 dh cpr djrk gS vkSj B `6,500 dh cpr djrk gSA
;fn A vkSj B ds ekfld O;; dk vuqikr 1 : 2 gks] rks B dh ekfld vk; fdruh gksxh\(CHSL 2021)
(a) `43,500
(b) `39,200
(c) `33,200
(d) `34,100
5. Ranita's income is equal to 56% of Bhaskar's income. If Ranita's income was `800, 40% more than
what it is and Bhaskar's income was `2,000 more than what it is, then the ratio of the incomes of
10. Before a battle the ratio of tanks to planes in an army was 5 : 3. During the war 1000 tanks were
destroyed and 800 planes were destroyed. The ratio of tanks to planes became 2 : 1. What is the
number of tanks after the war?
एक युद्ध से पहले एक सेना र्ें टैंको का विर्ानों से अनुपात 5: 3 था। युद्ध के दौिान 1000 टैंक नष्ट हो गए
थे औि 800 विर्ान नष्ट हो गए थे। अब टैंको की संख्या का विर्ानों की संख्या से अनुपात 2:1 हो
गया। युद्ध के बाद टैंकों की संख्या ककतनी है? (CGL MAINS 2017)
a) 2000 b) 1000
c) 3000 d) 4000
11. In a regiment the ratio between the officers to soldiers was 4:43 in a battle 8 officers killed and 7
soldiers join the regiment and the ratio becomes 2:23 find the number of soldiers after the battle?
ककसी सैन्य दल र्ें युद्ध से पहले ऑकिसि तथा ससपादहयों की संख्या का अनुपात 4:43 था ।युद्ध के दौिान 8
ऑकिसि र्ािे गए तथा 7 ससपाही औि भती हुए जिसके बाद ऑकिसि तथा ससपाही की संख्या का अनुपात 2:23
हो गया। युद्ध के बाद ससपादहयों की संख्या बताए?
a) 1610 b) 1426 c) 1386 d) 1472
12. An article is sold at a profit of 30%. If both cost price and selling price of the article are decreased
by 100 rupees. The profit now would be 45%. The original cost price of the article is:
एक वस्तु 30% के लाभ पर बेचा जाता है। यदि वस्तु की लागत मूल्य और ववक्रय मल्
ू य िोनों 100 रुपये कम हो
जाते हैं। लाभ अब 45% होगा। वस्तु की मूल लागत मूल्य है: \(CGL PRE 2020)
(a) 400 (b) 250
(c) 300 (d) 500
13. A watch is sold at a profit of 25%. If both the cost price and the selling price of the watch are
decreased by `75, then the profit would be 30%. The original selling (in `) of the watch is:
,d ?kM+h dks 25% ykHk ij cspk x;kA ;fn ?kM+h ds Ø; ewY; vkSj foØ; ewY;] nksuksa eas `75 dh deh dh tkrh gS] rks ykHk
30% çkIr gksrk gSA ?kM+h dk ewy foØ; ewY; (` esa) Kkr dhft,A\(CGL PRE 2021)
(a) 552. 60
(b) 525.60
(c) 526.50
(d) 562.50
14. An article is sold at 10 percent loss. If its cost price is decreased by Rs. 5 and selling price is increased
by Rs. 8, then profit of 10 percent is earned on it. What is the original selling price of the article?
,d oLrq dks 10 izfr'kr gkfu ij cspk tkrk gSA ;fn blds Ø; ewY; esa Rs. 5 dh deh dh tkrh gS vkSj foØ; ewY; esa Rs.
8 dh o`f) dh tkrh gS] rks bl ij 10 izfr'kr dk ykHk vftZr fd;k tkrk gSA oLrq dk okLrfod foØ; ewY; D;k
gS\(CHSL PRE 2022)
(a) Rs. 68.5