RCCircuit 0323c
RCCircuit 0323c
RCCircuit 0323c
In DC circuits, capacitors store electrical energy by storing electrical charge, which can be released to
do work. When a voltage is applied to a capacitor, current flows until the capacitor can hold no
additional charge. At every, instant, the ration of stored charge Q to the capacitor’s voltage V is the
𝐶= Equation 1
𝐶𝑜𝑢𝑙𝑜𝑚𝑏ሺ𝐶ሻ Equation 2
ሾ𝐶ሿ𝑆𝐼 = 1𝐹 ሺ𝐹𝑎𝑟𝑎𝑑ሻ, 1𝐹𝑎𝑟𝑎𝑑ሺ𝐹ሻ = 1
We have sensors for measuring voltage and current, but none for measuring stored charge. The stored
charge can be determined indirectly, however, by measuring the current flowing into the capacitor as
it charges.
Electric current is the rate of charge flow: 𝐼 = Δ𝑞/Δ𝑡 , and this definition can be rearranged to
calculate the charge due to a steady current. Unfortunately, the current in a charging capacitor isn’t
steady, so you’ll use software to calculate the total charge delivered to the capacitor.
If you connect a resistor, capacitor, and power supply in series, current flows until the capacitor’s
voltage (𝑉𝐶 ) equals to the voltage provided by the power supply (𝑉0).
𝑉𝐶 = 𝑉0 ൬1 − 𝑒 −𝑅𝐶 ൰ Equation 3
You can then discharge the capacitor by connecting the capacitor directly to the resistor. While
discharging, the capacitor’s voltage decreases exponentially:
𝑉𝐶 = 𝑉0 ൬𝑒 −𝑅𝐶 ൰ Equation 4
Lab 5 Physics 212/226 Lab
Here, Vc is the capacitor’s voltage at time t, and V◦ is its voltage at t=0 (when discharging begins). The
quantity RC in the exponent of Equation 4 is called the time constant, τ:
𝜏 = 𝑅𝐶 Equation 5
In the experiment, you’ll determine the time constant for the circuit by measuring the capacitor’s
”half-life” t1/2, the time it takes for capacitor’s voltage to decrease by 50 %. The half-life is related
rather simply to the time constant:
𝑡1/2 = 𝑅𝐶 𝑙𝑛 2 Equation 6
• DC power supply • Alligator clips
R C Circuits Physics 212/226 Lab
Question 2:
If the capacitance in the circuit is doubled, how is the half-life affected?
Question 3:
If the resistance in the circuit is doubled, how is the half-life affected?
Question 4:
Linearize Equation 4: Vc = V◦e−t/RC so that what you plot results in a straight line, what quantity
do you have to plot vs. time. What is the expression for the slope of this straight line?
R C Circuits Physics 212/226 Lab
Figure 1 – Circuit
Part 1
Part 2 X X X X
Part 3 X X
R C Circuits Physics 212/226 Lab
F) Let the capacitor continue to charge all the way to 5 V even though you have your data. It
may take about two minutes. As long as it gets into 4.9 V region it’s fine.
Now you are going to measure the half-life again but a different way.
G) Start your timer as you flip the switch to Discharge and measure the time it takes to get
to half of the maximum value of 5 V. Record this value in Table 1 of the lab report
H) Sketch a graph of what you think the voltage of the capacitor vs time will look like for the
full charge and discharge cycles.
I) Average your two half-life values and place this value in Table 1.
J) Use the color band chart to determine the resistance of your resistor. Also record the
value of the capacitance of the capacitor.
R (Ω) C (F)
R C Circuits Physics 212/226 Lab
Table 2 – Part 2
15 50
20 55
25 60
30 65
35 70
40 75
R C Circuits Physics 212/226 Lab
D) Open Excel on the lab computer and use your answer to Pre-lab Questions 4 to make a
plot of your data in linear form.
Hint: You should have found to plot ln ( 𝑉𝐶 ) 𝑣𝑠 𝑡. Hopefully you did the Q before finding this.
Question 5:
Comparing your linearized version of Equation 4 and the equation of a line 𝑦 = 𝑚𝑥 + 𝑏 fill in
the blank:
𝑦 = ln ൬ ൰ , 𝑥 = 𝑡, 𝑏=0
𝑚 = ________________
E) Push the “Curve Fit” button shown here. And scroll down in the General Equation section
until you find “Inverse Exponent”, then click Try Fit. Check to see if it’s a good fit, then
click OK.
If it’s not a good fit, call over your Instructor.
F) Use the fit to calculate the half-life.
a In the little window that points to the curve, there is a value labeled “C”. This is
the fit coefficient C, not the capacitance.
b The fit coefficient C is equal to 1/𝑅𝐶. Use this to calculate 𝑅𝐶.
c Use the value you calculated for RC to calculate the half-life. Show your work in
your report and place the value in Table 1.
R C Circuits Physics 212/226 Lab
A) Make sure the switch is set to Charge and the capacitor is sufficiently charged.
B) Push Collect, wait 2 seconds and then flip the switch to Discharge. Let it discharge till it
gets close to 0 V and press Stop.
C) Repeat steps E) and F) from charging but this time pick “Natural Exponent” equation
instead. You don’t have to show work again.
D) Calculate the average half life from your two half life values and place this value in Table
Question 6:
Why does the graph for the voltage of the resistor look the way it does on the computer
screen? In your explanation you must use Kirchhoff’s Loop Law.
R C Circuits Physics 212/226 Lab
Question 8:
Why should you get the same half-life for charging and discharging cases? Base your answer on
examining your graph.
Question 9:
Include the values found for the half-lives and the % differences. Does the theoretical value life
within the range of precision of your measurements? Explain what causes the differences.