Unity 3 DD
Unity 3 DD
Unity 3 DD
u s a g e o f t h is a s s e t . I t c o n t a in s b e s t
p ra c t ic e s a n d p o s s ib le p ro b le ms y o u ma y
e n c o u n t e r.
Please change your color space in the “Player Settings” For all active cameras in the scene it is recommended
from Gamma to Linear. For future cases set your color to set your rendering path to deferred. This will allow
space to Linear before asset importing (to avoid you to use a few extra features in the post processing
reimporting). stack.
All textures including HRD’s are All materials can be found here
located here (Root-> Assets-> (Root-> Assets-> Materials). The
Textures). The texture name is materials follow the same filing
followed by the map type and then convention as their textures.
resolution. Example: Materials are named by their texture
CleanSteel(texture name followed by the
name)_normal(map instance/variation of the material.
type)_2k(resolution) Example: CleanSteel(material
All .fbx files can be found here (Root- All prefabs can be found here (Root->
> Assets-> Models). All models make Assets-> Prefabs). Each prefab follow
use of the standard material called the same filing and naming convention
“NoName”. We recommend using as its .fbx base file. All .fbx files in the
prefabs instead. “Models” folder has a prefab instance in
the “Prefab” folder.
General Usage:
Navigation (Continued)
All profiles including LUT’s are All scenes can be found here (Root-
located here (Root-> Assets-> > Scenes).
PostProcessingStack). The profile
located here uses the highest
available settings to improve the
visual quality of the asset. Please
see the optimisations page for
optimisation related questions.
Optimisation Methods
Screen space reflections are compute heavy, but enhances the visual quality
greatly. Disabling this should be one of the last resorts.
Please be sure to disable anti aliasing from the “Quality Settings” as it no longer
serves any purpose.
Here are a few parameters to decrease baked map sizes and essentially
increase overall performance. A by product of this is faster baking times. These
are some basic settings that has been tested to work with this asset.
Currently the scene uses 1k maps for reflections (both reflection probes and
environment reflections). In this scene there aren’t any large fully reflective
objects (windows excluded) and you can get away with lower reflection quality.
For best performance set all reflection probe “Resolutions” to 512. Set the
“Environment Reflection” “Resolution” under the “Lighting” window to 512.
Most textures in this project uses a 1k (1024x1024) resolution. Although it looks
beautiful it can also have some extra GPU overhead. We have tested the lowest
resolution for all the textures and came across a pattern. The best rule of thumb
would be to cut the current resolution in half. This will leave most textures with a
1k (512x512) resolution.
A large portion of the asset uses textures where it is used on a large object.
Thus going lower than half might cause some unwanted imperfections. If the
texture is only used on small objects the resolution can go down further than
For best performance change the “Max Size” of each texture under the import
settings to half of its current resolution. So 1024 will become 512.
[email protected]