Effect of Raw Materials On Polyvinyl Chloride Quality
Effect of Raw Materials On Polyvinyl Chloride Quality
Effect of Raw Materials On Polyvinyl Chloride Quality
The maximum amount of water allowed in the VCM product is 200 PPM
for processes that store the monomer at pressures of 5 bar or that are supplied
directly from VCM storage tanks from the VCM plant, refrigerated storage
processes will not have this likelihood of excess water because it is stored at
very low temperature and should have a maximum of 5 PPM. If a significant
amount of water comes with VCM (happens in the VCM neutralization
processes of some licensors) the amount of additional water causes variation in
the VCM/water ratio, which will generate fine loads and a fine trend of the final
The specification for HCL in VCM is less than 0.5 ppm; higher values
come from unstable operation of the HCL stripping column or, in earlier
technologies, poor HCL neutralization in the VCM product. PVC
polymerization processes allow variations of HCL and the quantities of
suspension agents must be varied; there are plants that operate stably, without
abnormal loads, up to limits of 5 PPM of HCL in the VCM. Similarly, if there
are high HCL values in the reactor feed, it will tend to destabilize the suspension
agents and in extreme cases will increase the iron (Fe) PPM, obtaining course
loads due to high Fe content as a result of corrosion.
The maximum allowed Fe in VCM is 0.3 PPM. Fe++ reduces the
colloidal stability of the suspension due to the decomposition reaction of the
dispersants, originating course loads; in addition, it catalyzes the formation of
vinyl chloride peroxides. Iron causes poor thermal stability of PVC, yellowing
of the resin and dark spots.
1,3 Butadiene
Butadiene formation is derived from a high conversion of the cracking
furnace in the VCM plant, which means high operating temperature at the set
load. The maximum amount of butadiene allowed in VCM is 5 PPM. Butadiene
is an inhibitor of VCM polymerization, reducing its polymerization rate and
increasing reaction times in the reactors.
Acetylene has a maximum specification of 2 PPM in the VCM product.
Acetylene is present due to high operating temperature in the cracking furnace
at the VCM plant or low quality in the EDC feed to the cracking furnace.
Concentrations above 0.3 ppm tend to promote scale formation on the reactor
walls and, therefore, increase the number of fish eyes. When the concentration
of this reaches 110 ppm, colloidal instability occurs, generating heavy loads in
the reactors.
Chloroprene is a strong inhibitor of VCM polymerization and produces a
resin with low thermal stability, since it favors the formation of defective
structures in PVC, such as allylic and tertiary chlorides. In the medium term, it
increases the formation of dark spots due to the polymerization of chloroprene
on the reactor walls by forming non-soluble gums.
Ethyl chloride
Ethyl chloride has a maximum specification of 10 PPM. This compound
acts as an additional chain transfer agent and causes reduction of the reaction
rate. It slightly increases reactor pressure and in some extreme cases has masked
reactor pressure drop.
Trichloroethane modified the particle size distribution by widening it,
which is a prelude to colloidal instability capable of generating a coarse charge.
Erratic instability is experienced when in 20 - 50 ppm concentration range.
Solids are generally present in the VCM coming from the recovery
system and generate fish eyes and coarse grain size when their content exceeds
1 PPM.
The PH of a demineralized water is 7, which achieves an excellent control
of the polymerization quality as the generated suspension is stable. In facilities
where the VCM is neutralized with caustic soda, high pH events can occur due
to the soda emulsified in the VCM, pH higher than nine, affecting the colloidal
stability of the reaction mixture and generating coarse charges, low thermal
stability and dark spots.
High Fe content affects the colloidal stability of the reaction mixture
and generates coarse charges, low thermal stability and dark spots.
Test done in 90´s determined that silica at values higher than 100 ppm
can generate coarse fillers by interfering with the emulsifying capacity of the
suspending agents.