Enq.No.:OCAC-SEGP-RES-0001-2024/24043 Odisha Computer Application Centre (OCAC) invites Request for Proposal (RFP) for Selection of Agency for Providing Services of Computer Assistants in Secondary Schools Under S & ME Department, Government of Odisha. For details please visit websites www.ocac.in & www.odisha.gov.in. The bid shall be submitted in electronic mode only in the portal https://enivida.odisha.gov.in latest by 16.04.2024, 2:00 P.M. OCAC reserves the right to accept/ reject any/ all bids without assigning any reason thereof. General Manager(Admin), OCAC, Plot No.-N-1/7-D, Acharya Vihar, P.O.-RRL, Bhubaneswar-751013, Ph.-2567280/ 2567064/ 2567295