Project #1: Controlling The Tabletop Satellite (Tablesat) Embedded System
Project #1: Controlling The Tabletop Satellite (Tablesat) Embedded System
Project #1: Controlling The Tabletop Satellite (Tablesat) Embedded System
Issued: Thurs., Nov.10 , 2011 Due (CTools & t1000 at 11:55pm): Tues., Nov. 22, 2011
TableSat is a 1-DOF satellite simulation platform driven by two computer fans that apply + and torque, respectively. The primary objectives of this assignment are to write a program that uses the onboard rate gyro to control the rotation speed of TableSat, and to write a program that will store magnetometer data for which you will develop a calibration to compass heading (indicated by labels under TableSat). You will be working in groups of two to solve this assignment. TableSat runs the QNX operating system ( on Diamond Systems PC/104-based data acquisition and computer systems, relying on the DSCUD driver software provided by Diamond Systems Corporation ( to interface with the hardware. (The DSCUD manual is available online at if you are interested.) We have two TableSat platforms available for this class, TSat1 or TableSat I, and TSat2 or TableSat II. Both use a Diamond Systems Athena processor. You have been given as a reference separate programs for reading the gyros (read_gyros) and driving the fans (command_fan). You can find these programs on, under the /home/public/tsat subdirectory. As of today, you all should have accounts on t1000 runs the QNX real-time operating system (smaller footprint than Linux but similar command-line interface) and is required to compile your TableSat code since the embedded TableSat platforms do not have sufficient disk space for the compiler. (Your default login password is blah please change this by logging in and running the passwd command! Otherwise, you run the risk of other students and external hackers finding easy access to the machines and your files.) As a native QNX platform, you have limited editor access on t1000. If you feel comfortable with emacs nw (no window only) or vi you can use those on t1000; otherwise edit your code on another machine and transfer it to t1000 for compilation only. You can use telnet to login to t1000 and ftp to copy files to/from t1000 from another machine. You can connect *from* any of the QNX machines (at the QNX prompt $) *to* a Linux machine with ssh to login or scp to copy files. Two-person teams have been designated for this assignment your project partner will be a student from your lab section (Tom will be informing you of teams in lab sessions today). Each team will submit to CTools one report (tablesat.pdf) for this project, under either students CTools login (but not both). Just make sure your report and code comments have both names in them. Below is 1
machine information for TSat1 and TSat2. Each team will have access to only one TableSat (not both) to constrain the number of students who might possibly be accessing the systems at any one time. You will be assigned a TSat in your lab session this week and will obtain accounts for all machines you need to use. TSat1 information: Log in to (a Linux machine with 2 network cards) (use ssh). From maximilian, you can log into TSat1 as (through a local wifi router network) (use telnet); always log into all machines with your user name; you will want to use root only to run your code on TSat (and then always stay in your home directory and delete extra data files after completing a data acquisition run). TSat1s video (overhead) can be accessed via the web site When you get to this site, you will need to enter username tsatview and password viewer to view the video. Click on the single tab at the top of the screen and try a lower-resolution format if the screen is too jumpy with the default resolution. TSat2 information: Log in to (another Linux machine with 2 network cards) (use ssh). From eywa, you can log into TSat2 as (through a local wifi router network) (use telnet); always log into all machines with your user name; you will want to use root only to run your code on TSat (and then always stay in your home directory and delete extra data files after completing a data acquisition run). TSat2s video (overhead) can be accessed via the web site When you get to this site, you will need to enter username tsatview and password viewer to view the video. Click on the single tab at the top of the screen and try a lower-resolution format if the screen is too jumpy with the default resolution. ---------------------------------------------------------Please make sure you dont leave TableSat spinning, except when youre actively testing a program. A simple execution of the available program command_fan with a thrust level of 0 entered will turn off the fans. [Note that working versions of command_fan and read_gyros can be found directly on the TableSat disk in /home/public for each TSat platform please copy the appropriate set of files to your home directory for your use.] As a final note of etiquette, please do not leave any data files on TableSat itself. As an embedded system, the TableSats have a very limited hard disk size, and if we fill a disk, that TableSat will be unusable until we get the chance to clean the disk. Once you collect usable data, you can use ftp to move the data from TableSat to maximilian or eywa, where you can use scp to copy your data to any machine youd like to use to plot your data. Once you have your data on maximilian/eywa, please delete (rm) the data files from TableSat. Also, please note that only one executable can be run at a time on each TableSat platform. We highly recommend that when you are ready to test your program on your designated TableSat system, that you use the CTools ENGR151 chatroom to create and monitor a queue of users for TSat1 and TSat2, 2
respectively, and check the process queue on the TSat machine with ps ef. Note that if a Tablesat process has been running for some time (over a couple of minutes), you are authorized to use the kill command *only for student-created processes for this assignment!!!* (please be sure dont kill processes you dont understand). The TableSat platforms will be online today then offline until next Thursday after your second C++ midterm is over. TableSat will be on for 6-8 hours every day from next Thursday until the assignment is due (11:55pm Tues 11/22) specific hours will be posted to as announcements to CTools by next Thursday. Please complete the following tasks for this project: 1) Write a program rate_control.cpp that a) asks the user to input a desired TableSat rotation speed (in gyro-Volt units 0-5V), b) ramps to and maintains that speed for 30 seconds, and c) captures data during the drift ramp-down to near-zero velocity (gyro voltage at its 0 reading +/0.1 volts). Save time (since program start), thrust command, and rate gyro data in output data file rate_data.txt at 100Hz from when you issue the first non-zero fan command output (just after the user enters the desired speed) until TableSat ramps down to its near-zero velocity described above. Leave your working code in your home directory on, the QNX server. We will be grading your code from there, not downloading it from CTools. Submit to CTools (as a single PDF containing all data for this project) plots of time vs. fan command (in +/- Volts) and time vs. rotational rate (in gyro-Volts) for three different reference commands: 1 gyro-Volt, 3 gyro-Volts, and 4 gyro-Volts. Define the control law(s) you tested, the procedure by which you tuned gains, and the behavior observed in these plots in approximately one page of text not including your figures. 2) Write a program magnetometer.cpp that slowly rotates TableSat through multiple revolutions. Capture time, rate gyro, and x, y, z magnetic field data in data file mag_data.txt at 100Hz. Note that the magnetometer, a Honeywell HMC2003 Magnetic Sensor that measures the magnetic field in three orthogonal directions, is connected through A/D channels vin1 (x-axis), vin2 (y-axis), and vin3 (z-axis). Note that, as shown in the example code, the rate gyro is read through A/D channel vin0. Plot time vs. each magnetometer channel over a span of 2-3 platform revolutions. Describe the behavior of each channel in a couple of paragraphs (min/max voltages for each channel, variation over a full rotation of the platform). Even if you did not complete the extra credit, describe in a paragraph of text a strategy for calibrating the magnetometer based on the observed data. As part of your text answer the following: which channels of magnetometer data are needed to determine TableSat pointing direction, and how might they be used independently vs. together to compute this direction? 3) As a final step, create a linear calibration of the rate gyro from gyro-volts to degrees/second using your rate controller and minima/maxima from your magnetometer data. In your report, present a plot of gyro-volts vs. degrees/sec to show the linear curve fit. As a minimum, plot data points at 1, 2, 3, and 4 gyro-volts. Note that the best way to capture this data is to run your rate control program four times, once for each gyro-volt setting (1, 2, 3, 4). In the text part of your report, specify the slope and intercept of your linear curve fit; as always be sure to make your units clear.
Extra Credit (up to 25 points added to your score please only attempt this if you have time!): Specify a valid calibration (applicable over different heading intervals) for the magnetometer. The input(s) are magnetometer voltage(s), and the output is a TableSat compass heading in degrees from North. If needed, you also can use the last known heading determined by automatically rotating TableSat after startup since you cant physically point TableSat to a specific heading manually; you can also use gyro reading (converted from gyro-Volts to deg/sec your job!). Code for this extra credit should be left on t1000, and your PDF submitted to CTools must include any attempt at extra credit at the end of the regular assignment, including a list of source file(s) on t1000. In your PDF, include a description and specification of your algorithm, and a Matlab or Excel plot showing real magnetometer data on the same graph as your calibrated heading is plotted.
If you are having trouble using the command line editors on t1000 Example ssh login and other commands, working through maximilian (or eywa) on TSat 1 (or TSat2): Open a terminal ssh to your work computer ssh -Y [email protected] Give your password for maximilian Edit your code in your home directory on maximilian (you can see GUI display windows if you have an X11 server on your computer because of the -Y option) gedit your_code.cpp & Save your code Copy your code from maximilian to t1000 for compilation ftp Give your username (uniqname) and password for t1000 Copy the source code to t1000 put your_code.cpp Log out of the ftp client quit Log in to t1000 telnet Give your username (uniqname) and password for t1000 Compile your code g++ your_code.cpp o your_program Copy your executable from t1000 to maximilian scp your_program [email protected]:~/your_program Give your password for maximilian Log out of t1000 exit Copy your executable from maximilian to TSat1 for testing (you are currently logged in to maximilian) ftp Give your username (uniqname) and password for TSat1 (note: do NOT use root to access!) Copy the executable to Tsat1 put your_program Log out of ftp client (one of these two should work: exit, quit) exit Log in to TSat1 (you are currently logged in to maximilian) telnet Give your username (uniqname) and password for TSat1 (note: do NOT use root to access!) (Check to make sure you are in your home directory, listed under /home/your_uniqname ) Elevate privileges to root / superuser su 4
(Wait until no-one is using TSat1 we recommend you use the chatroom on CTools to create a queue) Test / Run executable program ./your_program (Run program as many times as necessary) (Watch the TSat1 camera while running to notice if things are working properly, see login instructions p.2) When done, copy datafile(s) as necessary; from maximilian login, use ftp to get data file from Tsat: ftp Log into Tsat as yourself, not root, then get the data from Tsat to maximilian and quit/exit get datafile1.txt quit Repeat other groups of steps above as necessary Log out of maximilian exit
---------------------------------------------------------Note: For the eywa / TSat2 case, replace maximilian and above with eywa and, and TSat1 above with TSat2, and above with **Also a general note: t1000 doesnt have a working gcc command so please use g++ as your only compiler, even if you choose to work with pure C code as is provided in the examples. **New note: We are adding an additional QNX server as a backup to t1000. This server will go online over the weekend (Nov. 12-13) and a CTools announcement will be posted about it. This server is; you can telnet/ftp to it just like you interface with t1000. Your login and password information is the same as the default values were on t1000 please be sure to change your password with the passwd command the first time you log in (hopefully soon). ** New note 2: Yesterday (Nov. 10) Tsat2 experienced a severe meltdown resulting in flash disk failure. You will all need to recreate your login accounts (!!!), but I believe the network issues have been resolved. Let me know if you have any troubles with Tsat2.