Las Shs Physci Melc 8 q2 Week-3
Las Shs Physci Melc 8 q2 Week-3
Las Shs Physci Melc 8 q2 Week-3
Physical Science
Activity Sheet
Quarter 2 – MELC 8
Week 3
Photon Theory of Light
Physical Science
Activity Sheet No. 8- Photon Theory of Light
First Edition, 2020
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Introductory Message
Welcome to Physical Science!
The Physical Science Activity Sheet will help you facilitate the leaching-
learning activities specified in each Most Essential Learning Competency (MELC) with
minimal or no face-to-face encounter between you and learner. This will be made
available to the learners with the references/links to ease the independent learning.
Name of Learner: ___________________________________________________
Grade and Section: _______________________________Date: _______________
Explain how the photon concept and the fact that the energy of a photon is directly
proportional to its frequency can be used to explain why red light is used in
photographic dark rooms, why we get easily sunburned in ultraviolet light but not in
visible light, and how we see colors (S11/12PS-IVf-61).
happen at all! What happened was that the electrons were emitted at the same
energy level as before; there were just more of them. Scientists then recognized that
their theory is inaccurate, because if light was really a wave, the one that should
have increased is the energy of the electrons rather than the number of electrons.
The electrons were not absorbing energy in a way that matched the wave theory of
light. So, if light was not really a wave, then what could it be? Albert Einstein
formulated a good answer to this problem. He made use of Planck’s concept to
address the problem of the photoelectric effect. He theorized that light is composed
of bundles of wave energy called as photons, in agreement with Planck’s findings.
Sample Problem:
What is the energy of a photon of red light with a frequency of 4.00 x 10 14 Hz?
Using Table 1, you know that red light has the longest wavelength and lowest
frequency, while violet light has the shortest wavelength and highest frequency.
Using the relation E = hf, you can therefore say that red has the least energy and
violet has the greatest energy.
Due to photon energies, there are distinguishable differences in the
characteristics of light between the two ends of the visible spectrum. This fact
explains why red light is used in photographic darkrooms. Using red light allows
photographers to manipulate light carefully. This makes light-sensitive photographic
paper safe from being overexposed, hence the pictures will not be ruined during the
developing process.
On the other hand, dyes that absorb violet tend to fade more quickly than
those that do not, because violet light has a higher photon energy. Were you able to
notice some faded colored posters? Isn’t it that the blues and violets are the last to
fade? Well, this is because other dyes, such as red and green, absorb blue and
violet photons, the higher energies of which break up their weakly bound molecules.
UV and Visible Light: Which is More Hazardous?
levels in the receptor molecule equal to the red photon’s energy, but there is an
energy step for the violet.
Guide Questions
1) Based on the word problems that you have solved, given that the value of h is
constant, what mathematical relationship exists between the frequency and
energy of a photon?
For items 2 – 4, use the relationship that exists between the frequency and the
energy of the photon to answer the following questions.
2) Why is red light used in photographic dark rooms?
3) Why do you get easily sunburned in ultraviolet light but not in visible light?
4) How do you perceive perceive see colors?
III. Reflection
Before you proceed to your next journey, you have to get your 3-2-1 Pass by
completing the following sentence prompts.
3 things I have learned are _______________________________________
2 things I want to know more are _________________________________
1 thing I am still confused of is ___________________________________
Exercise 1
1) Given: f = 7.00 x 1014 Hz
h = 6.63 x 10-34 J∙s
Required: E = ?
Equation: E = hf
Solution: E = (6.63 x 10-34 J∙s) (7.00 x 1014 Hz)
= (6.63 x 10-34) (7.00 × 1014) J∙s × 𝑠
= 4.64 x 10–19 𝑠
= 4.64 x 10–19 J
2) Given: f = 5.00 x 10-7 Hz
h = 6.63 x 10-34 J∙s
Required: E=?
Equation: E = hf
Solution: E = (6.63 x 10-34 J∙s) (5.00 x 10-7 Hz)
= (6.63 x 10-34) (5.00 × 10-7) J∙s × 𝑠
= 3.32 x 10–40 𝑠
= 3.32 x 10–40 J
3) Given: f = 6.50 x 1014 Hz
h = 6.63 x 10-34 J∙s
Required: E=?
Equation: E = hf
Solution: E = (6.63 x 10-34 J∙s) (6.50 x 1014 Hz)
= (6.63 x 10-34) (6.50 x 1014) J∙s × 𝑠
= 4.31 x 10–19 𝑠
= 4.31 x 10–19 J
Answer Key IV.
Guide Questions
1) The energy of a photon is directly proportional to its frequency. This means
that the higher the frequency of a photon, the higher is its frequency; the
lower the frequency of a photon, the lower is its energy.
2) Answers may vary. The following are the possible answers:
Since red light does not have enough photon energy to expose most black-
and-white film, it is therefore used in illuminating darkrooms where such film
is developed.
Darkrooms used red lighting to allow photographers to control light carefully,
so that light-sensitive photographic paper would not become overexposed and
ruin the pictures during the developing process.
Red light is used as it falls in the visible region of the spectrum. Has the longest
wavelength, therefore its frequency is low and by relation E = hf where E
corresponds to energy, its energy is also low, therefore, it does not affect the
photo developing process.
3) Answers may vary. The following are the possible answers:
We can get easily sunburned with ultraviolet (UV) light but not in visible
because UV has shorter wavelength, higher frequency, hence greater energy
than visible light.
4) Answers may vary. The following are the possible answers:
The absorption and reflection of light waves by various materials results in
human perception of color as follows:
Most materials absorb light of some frequencies and reflect the rest.
If a material absorbs a certain frequency of light, that frequency will not
be reflected, so its color will not be perceived by the observer.
If the material does not absorb a certain frequency of light, that frequency
will be reflected, so its color will be perceived by the observer.
If all colors of light are reflected by a material, it will appear white. If all
colors of light are absorbed by a material, it will appear black.
V. Links and Other References
Bayo-ang, R. B. et al. (2017). Physical Science for Senior High School. Quezon City.
Educational Resources Corporation
Bord, D. J., and Ostdiek, V. J. (2012). The World of Physics. Manila: Vibal Publishing
House, Inc.
Frontiers for Young Minds. 2013. How Do We See Color?. [online] Available at:
<> [Accessed 1 January
Silverio, A. A. (2007). Exploring Life Through Science: Physics. Quezon City: Phoenix
Publishing House, Inc.