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No.GAB-I412024/38 Datetl Shillong, the 23"d August,'2024
From: Smti B. Lyngdoh,
Under Secretary to the Govt. of Meghalaya.

,/,/All De outv C o mmiss ioners

Subject: Aadhaar enrolment and Mandatory Biometric update for children aged 5 to <7 years
and 15 to <17 years
Reference: 1. F I LE No. RO-GHY- 17 01 2/l/ 12022-RO-GHY [E-93281] Dated. Jruly 2024
2. Memo. No.GAB-1412024/22 Dated Shillong, the2Tth Jane,2024

Dear Sir/Madam.

I am directed to bring to your attention the critical requirement for mandatory biometric updates for
children aged 5 to <7 years and l5 to <17 years (MBU-I & MBU-II). These updates are essentialto ensure
the accuracy and reliability of their Aadhaar data throughout their groMh years. Failure to complete these
mandatory biometric updates will result in the deactivation of the Aadhaar, which may subsequently hinder
the registration process for various national-level entrance exams and scholarship schemes for students.

The District wise number of children for mandatory biometric updates is as follows:

rlo of children fbr ',lo of children for

IBU I vlBU II (rectified)
last Garo Hi S , ZJJ t3t6
last Jaintia H ls ;082 t635
last Khasi H ls 14125 ;4415
West Jaintia Hills I 118
Vorth Garo Hills \876 ;849
li Bhoi ;917 t4921
iouth Garo Hills \497 t523
iouth West Garo Hills 7240 2164
iouth West Khasi Hills t554 i8 19
West Garo Hills 1 8928 \2265
West Jaintia I-{ills 177 15993
il/est Khasi Hills i700 18674
Iotal t330 t81692

Pin Code wise revised details are also attached at Annexure +l 9

In view of the above, you are kindly requested to take necessary. coordination with all District School
Education Officers and concerned officials to ensure widespread awareness among schools, institutions, and
students and parents and ensure Aadhaar camps are organized at strategically located venues to deliver
enrolment and update services to all residents, with a pafticular focus for providing mandatory biometric
updates for children aged 5 tb <7 years and 15 to <17 years.

Kindly take necessary steps to address this matter prornptly.

Yours faithfully,
Under Secretary to tlde Go\,1. oI Meghalaya.
General Administration f)epartment (B)
Memo. No.GAB-I4 12024t38 t Dated Shillong, the 23'd August, 2024
Copy forwarded for information to:-

1. The Commissioner& Secretary to the Govt of Meghalaya and State Nodal Officer (Aadhaar) for

2. ffJH':;T?fr?::.h" schoot education and literacy Kenilworrh Road, opposite Shiilong public
School Laitumkhrah, Shillong-793003 for information and ngcessary action.
3 . The Deputy Director, UIDAI Regional Office, Guwahati, Block - V, l't Floor, Housefed Complex Dispur,
Guwahati - 781006 for kind information

I Yi -
By order etc.,
Under Secretary to the Govt. of Meghalaya,
General Administration Department (B)

FILE No. RO-GHY-1 701211 I2022-RO-GHY [E-9328]
' qlT&qBfr{E rr6qn qrlq-+_qnI
Unique ldentification Authority of lndia

Regional Office, Guwahati

Housefed Complex, Dispur

Dated :the Ju$,2A24


The Nodal Officer (Aadhaar)

Govt of Meghalaya

Mandatory Biometrics Update (MBU) in Aadhaar


1. Please refer to thiS office letter No RO-GHY-170121112022-RO-GHY [E-9328] dated

15/16 April, 2024 (copy attached at Annexure 'l').

2. The importance of Mandatory Biometrics Updated (MBU) and fallouts of not carrying
out MBU has been explained vide the ibid letter. District wise population details of children
in the age category of 5-7 years and 15-17 years left out for carrying out the Mandatory
Biometrics Update (MBU-1 and MBU-Z) are tabulated as under. PIN code wise details of
the same are also attached at Annexure 'll'.

No of children No of Children Total no of children

Ser District
for MBU 1 for MBu 2 for the State
East Garo Hills ) aa.) ????
{a) JZJJ 0
(b) East Jaintia Hills 5082 1 5083
(c) East KhasiHills 14125 1L 14167
(d) Jaintia Hills 1 0 I

(e) No(h Garo Hills 3876 0 JO/O

(0 Ri Bhoi 691 7 1 691 B
(g) South Garo Hills 2497 0 2497
(h) South West Garo Hills 7244 0 7240.
0) South West Khasi Hills 4554 0 4554
(k) Wesi Garo Hills 8928
1 1 1 8929
(t) West Jaintia Hills 8177 0 6l I
(m) West Rhasi Hills 6700 0 6700
Total 81 330 45 81375

3' Time bound targeted drive for MBU-I & ll is likely to be beneficial for students and
would go 'a long way in preventing inconvenience during competitive exams scheduled
ahead. ln order to achieve optimum saturation of Mandatory Biometric Update of children in t
the age group of 5-7 years and 15-17 years, AEKs available with EnrolmentAgencies need
to be mobilized and rationally distributed. District wise list of AEKs available lvith respective
Registrars are attached at Annexure 'lll'.
4. ln view of theaforesaid, it is requested to undertake necessary liaison with
Registrars and School authorities, both at primary and-secilndary level schools for carrying
out MBU of the targeted age group with a clear aim of achieving near-complete saturation
by Dec 2024.*
(Dina hToni Kakati)
Deputy Director

Copv to l-

The Director For kind information and necessary action please.

Directorate of School
Education & Literacy
Kenilworth Road, Opposite
Shillong Public School
Laitumkhrah, Shillong-

DC's/DM's (all districts) For kind information and necessary action please.

FILE No. RO-GtlY- 17o12tit2o22Ro-GHY IE-932s1 / l0 3

5E=s======= ======ir::ffimffiffi= :::==: = === == = ===== =====

Regional Offi ce, Guwahatl

Housefed Complex, Dispur

Dated :tne n,2024


The Director
- directorate of School Educatioi & Lileracy

Kenllworth Road, Opposite Shillong Public School
Laitumkhrah, Shillong-793003
E mail :[email protected]
Sub : Aadhaar Camp in Schools for Mandatory Biometric Update of Students - reg


1. The importance of Aadhaar as the most widely accepted proof of identity needs no further
emphasis in the current scenario. UIDAI with ils tireless efforts and close association / support of
State Government and Registrars has achieved Aadhaar saturation nearing 100% in most of the
states. The authentication services of Aadhaar have provided a seamless and efficient means of
establishing identity of an Aadhaar Number Holder.

2. Consequent upon the decision taken by National Testing Authority, UPSC and various
competitive I entrance examination conducting bodies for using updated Aadhaar linked with mobile
number as a mandatory requirement for submission of examination forms and further entry to the
exam centres, an updated Aadhaar is of paramount importance for students as well.

3. While no biometric of an Aadhaar holder is required for the age group of 0-5 years, it is
mandatory for such Aadhaar nurnber holders to update their biometrics between the age ol 5-7
years (considered as l"tmandatory biometric update) and'15-17 years (considered as 2nd
mandatory biometric update). Failing to update biometrics during this given age period, can result in
failure in availing services.

4. ln the recent pasl, a number of NEET, JEE, CUET aspirants had faced issues in submitting
the application forms due to non up-dation of their biometrics. In order to utilize the services of
Aadhaar, it is required to keep the Aadhaar updated at all times and age specific biometric update is
one of the features without which, authentication serviees cannot be performed. However, the issue
was resolved by carrying out the updates in a mission mode by UlDAl.

5. ln order to avoid inconvenience to the Aadhaar holders, specially the students, who may
require their Aadhaar for appearing various competitive examinations, it has been decided to set up
Aadhaar camps in Schools across lndia aimed at students of the age group between 5-7 years and
15-17 years for carrying out Mandatory Biometric Update {MBU) as well as linking of mobile number
to Aadhaar etc.

6. ln view of the aforesaid, it is requested to convey the same to all schools under your
jurisdiction and furrlish the undermentioned details in tabutar format, so as lo facilitate setting up
Aadhaar camps in sehools :-

Ser Board of Name & District Total students Total sludents Suitable period for
Education Address of between 5-7 years between 15-17 conducting camps
school of aoe vears aoe (Month)

T, yog are requested to ncminate a person from and on behalf of $lete Government, who will
co-ordinate with Ul:PAl $tate $ingle Point of Contact (SPOC) for smoolh condqct of this exersisa.
The detaits of UIDAI SPOC responsihle for oardinatilg the Aadhaar camp$ is given as under, who
may be contaded far anyfurther clarificalion o* the'i$sue-

t{ame & Designation : Shri Dpankar: Talukdar, Assistant Manager

Efnail lD : [email protected]
Grbntact Nurnber : 943557207{F

Tfanking you,
Yours faithfully,

Deputy Director
Soov to :-

Director u-t For favour of kind information please.

urnAtlto $ahib Road
Gole , Eehind Kali Mandir
New 1100s1

Nodal (Aadhaar) For fewur of klnd informalion and neceesary action

oAD t please,
Gpvt of

PIN Pending MBU-l
State District
Code lO5-O7 vears)
Meghalaya East Garo Hills 783L23 6
Meghalaya East Garo Hills 783L34 37
Meehalava East Garo Hills 793106 2
Meshalava East Garo Hills 793150 2

Meehalava East Garo Hi ls 794002 2

Meehalava East Garo Hi ls 794104 2

Meshalava East Garo Hi ls 794707 2

Meshalava East Garo Hi ls 794t08 44

Meshalava East Garo Hi ls 794110 1734
Meehalava East Garo Hi ls 794ttt 1401-
Meshalava East Garo Hi ls 794L12 1
Meehalava East Jaintia Hills 793LO9 1
Meshalava East Jaintia Hills 7931.50 64
Meshalava Easi Jaintia Hills 793L51 7
Meghalava East Jaintia Hills 793760 2623
Meghalava East Jaintia Hills 793200 2387
Meehalava East Khasi Hills 793001 1058
Meehalava East Khasi Hills 793002 91"8
Meghalava East Khasi Hills. 793003 278
Meghalaya East Khasi Hills 793004 654
Meghalava East Khasi Hills 79300s 248
Meghalaya East Khasi Hills 793006 583
Meshalava East Khasi Hills 793007 387
Meehalava East Khasi Hills 793008 301
Meehalava East Khasi Hills 793009 312
Meghalaya East Khasi Hills 793010 202
Meghalava East Khasi Hills 79301.1 717
Meshalava East Khasi Hills 793012 2L3
Meghalava East Khasi Hills 79301.4 287
Meshalava East Khasi Hills 7930].5 1051
Meghalaya East Khasi Hills 793016 127
Meghalava East Khasi Hills 793077 184
Meehalava East Khasi Hills 793018 79
Meehalava East Khasi Hills 793019 227
Meehalava East Khasi Hills 793021. 469
Meehalava East Khasi Hills 793422 704
Meshalava East Khasi Hills 793].07 L

Meghalaya East Khasi Hills 793103 7

Meghalaya East Khasi Hills 793706 381

Meghalaya East (6asi Hills 793107 1.67
Meghalava East Khasi Hills 7931.08 646
Meghalaya East Khasi Hills 793 109 56
ha lava East Khasi Hills 793710 t592
Meshalava East Khasi Hills 79311.1.

Meghalaya East Khasi Hills 793L12 489

Meehalava East Khasi Hills 793113 806
Meghalaya East Khasi Hills 79311"4 1
Meshalava East Khasi Hills 793L19 1

Meghalaya East Khasi Hills 793L20 27

Meshalava East Khasi Hills 793L21 1358
Meghalaya t Jaintia Hills 793X60 1

Meshalava North Garq Hills 783734 677

Meghalaya North Garo Hills 793L74 2

Meghalava North Garo Hills 794002 1242

Meghalaya North Garo Hills 794103 1
Meehalava North Garo Hills 794704 7

Meshalava North Garo Hills 794706 7

Meghalava North Garo Hills 794708 865

Meshalava North Garo Hills 7947LO 427
Meghalava North Garo Hills 7941.L2 726
Meehalava Ri Bhoi 781.13t 266
Meghalaya' Ri Bhoi 793002 1

Meehalava Ri Bhoi 793015 7

Meghalaya Ri Bhoi 79310t 683

Meghalava Ri Bhoi 793L02 2340
Meehalava Ri Bhoi 793703 L409
Meghala,i/a Ri Bhoi 793104 tL6
Meghalaya Ri Bhoi 793105 7897
Meghalava Ri Bhoi 7931.1.6 75
Meshalava Ri Bhoi 793122 82
Meghalava Ri Bhoi 793123 44
Meghalava Ri Bhoi 794't_04 3

Meghalaya South Garo Hills 794005 155

Meehalava South Garo Hills 79470L 1.

Meghalava South Garo Hills 794102 795

Meehalava South Garo Hills 794703 1.O62

Meghalaya South Garo Hills 7941.07 197

Meghalava South Garo Hills 794L14 287
Meshalava South West Garo Hills 794107 2

Meghalaya South West Garo Hills 794103 13

Mephalava South West Garo Hills 794t04 7

Meghalaya SouthiWest Garo Hills 794105 2429

Meshalava South West Garo Hills 794106 1836
', -l
Meehalava South West Garo Hills 794LO9 7

Meshalava South West Garo Hills 794L15 2958

Meehalava South West Khasi Hills 793106 1.557
Meehalava South West Khasi Hills 7931.14 2418
Meghalaya South West Khasi Hills 7931.79 578
Meehalava South West Khasi Hills 793L20 1
Meehalava West Garo Hills 79400L 899
Meghalaya West Garo Hills 794002 L470
Meehalava WestGaro Hills 794003 46
Meghalava West Garo Hills 794005 s86
Meshalava West Garo Hills 794707 48s
Meghalava West Garo Hills 794703 1990
Meghalaya West Garo H ls 794104 8801
Meshalava West Garo Hills 794L05 L126
Meghalaya West Garo H lls 794L06 3

Meshalava West Garo Hills 794109 3577

Meehalava West Garo H lls 794115 5
Meehalava West Jaintia Hills 793709 467
Meshalava West Jaintia Hills 793150 5225
Meehalava West Jaintia Hills 7937s7 221"1
Meshalava West Jaintia Hills 7931.61 274
Meehalava West Khasi Hills 787729 2
Meshalava Wdst Khasi Hills 793008 z
Meshalava West Khasi Hills 793077 7

Meshalava West Khasi Hills 793106 2

Meshalava West Khasi Hills 79371,4 L

Meghalaya West Khasi Hills 793L19 4047

Meghalava West Khasi Hills 793720 2645
Pending MBU-
State District il (1s-17
Meehalava East Jaintia Hills 793200 t
Meghalaya East Khasi Hitls 793001 L

Meehalava East Khasi Hills 793002 2

Meshalava I East Khasi Hills '' 793003 3

Meghalava East Khasi, Hills 793006 t

Meehalava East Khasi Hills 793007 1"

Meghalava East Khasi Hills 793009 7

Meghalava East Khasi Hills 793018 t

Meehalava West Garo Hills 794104 I
Meehalava East Khasi Hills 793001 4
Meehalava East Khasi Hills 793003 T9

Meghalaya East Khasi Hills 793007 1

Meghalaya East Khasi Hills 7930L1 7

Meghalaya East Khasi Hills 793022 L

Meghalava' Ri Bhoi 793LO3 1

Meghalava East Garo Hills 783123 50

Meghalaya East Garo Hills 783t34 185

Meshalava East Garo Hills 793706 6

Meehalava East Garo Hills 793150 3

Meshalaya East Garo Hills 794002 56

Meehalava East Garo Hills 794\O4 2

Mephalava East Garo Hills 794108 '704

Meghalaya East Garo Hills 794L70 2609

Meghalava East Garo Hills 7947L1 4300
Meghalaya East Garo Hills 794L74 1

Meshalava East Jaintia Hills 793109 5

Meghalaya East Jaintia Hills 793150 69

Meshalava East Jaintia Hills 7931.5t t

Meghalaya East Jaintia Hills 793160 3579
Meshalava East Jaintia Hills 793200 3980

Meehalava East Khasi Hills 793001 4048

Meehalava East Khasi Hills 793002 3682
Meshalava East Khasi Hills 793003 L34L
Meehalava East Khasi Hills 793004 2661
Meghalaya East Khasi Hills 793005 1513
Meghalaya East Khasi Hills 793006 2304
Meshalava East Khasi Hills 793007 1330

Meshalava East Khasi Hills 793008 1747

Meghalava East Khasi Hills 793009 L270
Meghalaya East Khasi Hills 793010 azs
Meghalava East Khasi Hills 7930L1 356
Meehalava East Khasi Hills 793012 581

Meehalava East Khasi Hills 793074 tlo4

Meshalava East Khasi Hills 793015 4872
Meghalava East Khasi Hills 793016 538
Meghalaya East Khasi Hills 793017 1267
Meshalava East Khasi Hills 793018 371
Meghalaya East Khasi Hills 793019 728
Meshalava East Khasi Hills 793021 1896
Meshalava East Khasi Hills 793022 848
Meshalava East Khasi Hills 793702 4
Meehalava East Khasi Hills 793103 4
Meehalava East Khasi Hills 793L06 L572
Meehalava East Khasi Hills 793107 600
Mephalava East Khasi Hills 793108 21.52
Meehalava East Khasi Hills 793t09 246
Meshalava East Khasi Hllls 793770 4624
Meehalava East Khasi Hills 793777 2078
Meehalava Easi Khasi Hills 793112 L476
Meehalava East Khasi Hills 793Lt3 3110
Meehalava East Khasi Hills 793Lt4 T

Meehalava East Khasi Hills 7931L9 6

Meghalaya East Khasi Hills 793720 49
Meehalava, East Khasi Hills' 793121 5105
Meghalaya East Khasi Hills 793150 11
Meshalava Jaintia Hills 793109 L

Meehalava Jaintia Hills 793150 34

Meshalava Jaintia Hills 793L51 3
Meghalava Jaintia Hills 793t60 9
Meehalava Jaintia Hills 793200 71
Megh'alaya North Garo Hills 783134 119s
Meghalaya North Garo Hills 793114 65
Meghalaya North Garo Hills 794002 2227
Meeha ava North Garo Hills 794LO4 2
Meeha ava North Garo Hills 7941.05 1

Meeha ava North Garo Hills 794108 1374

Meeha ava North Garo Hills 794110 795
Meeha ava North Garo Hills 794L12 1256
Meshalava Ri Bhoi 78LL31. 693
Meghalava Ri Bhoi 793002 7

Meehalava Ri Bhoi 793015 1"

Meghalava Ri Bhoi 793tOL 2539

Meghalaya Ri Bhoi 793102 5188
Meghalaya Ri Bhol 793703 2640
Meghalaya Ri Bhoi 793104 272
Meehalava Ri Bhoi 793105 3084
Meghalaya Ri Bhoi 7931.L6 150
Meehalava Ri Bhoi 793122 157
Meshalava Ri Bhoi 793723 94
Meehalava Ri Bhoi 794104 1
Meghalava South Garo Hills 794005 436
Meghalaya South Garo Hills 794102 7796
Meghalava South Garo Hills 794103 7273
Meghalaya South Garo Hills 794t07 444
Meghalaya South Garo Hills 7941L4 574
Meghalava i South West Garo Hills v 7941{L 42
Meghalaya South West Garo Hills 794103 19

Meghalaya South West Garo Hills 7941.A5 39L4

Meshalava South West Garo Hills 794106 3475
Meghalaya South West Garo Hills 7947L5 47L4
Meghalava South West Khasi Hills 793106 2745
Meshalava South West Khasi Hills 793'tL4 3775
Meghalava South West Khasi Hills 7931t9 948
Meghalaya South West Khasi Hills 793120 10
Meghalava West Garo Hills 794007 2983
Meghalava West Garo Hills 794002 2681
Meghalaya West Garo Hills 794003 39
Meghalava West Garo Hills 794005 976
Meghalaya West Garo Hills 794101 L209
Meehalava West Garo Hills 794703 2866
Meghalava West Garo Hills 794704 r4521
Meehalava West Garo Hills 794105 L948
Meghalaya West Garo Hills 794706 2

Meshalava West Garo Hills 794109 5035

Meghalaya West Garo Hills 7941-75 4
Meehalava West Jaintia Hills 793109 1.234
Meghalaya West Jaintia Hills 793150 10814
Meehalava West Jaintia Hills 793L57 3622
Meehalava West Jaintia Hills 7931,67 323
Meghalava West Khasi Hills 787129 4
Meehalava West Khasi Hills 783723 5

Meghalava West Khasi Hills 793008 2

Meghalava West Khasi Hills 793417 3

Meghalava West Khasi Hills 793103 .1

Meghalava West Khasi Hills 793]-06 4
Meghalaya West l(hasi Hills 793113 1

Meghalaya West l(hasi Hills 7931L4 4

Meghalaya West Khasi Hills 793L19 12346
Meehalava West Khasi Hills 793L20 6304

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