The God Equation Theory of Everything
The God Equation Theory of Everything
The God Equation Theory of Everything
DOI: 10.5923/j.ijtmp.20231301.01
Abstract This paper doesn’t aim to compare but rather create awareness on the final form of relativity using the title of the
paper above. If Albert Einstein wanted more, then general relativity was definitely not the end, but he was surely in the right
direction. There exist a final form and it is the ultimate law of the universe. Mathematically and observationally, Ultimate
Relativity as the ultimate law of the universe reveals that the universe originates from Pi and everything in the universe are
related in Pi terms/rules. The identity of this final form is definitely seen in the subject equation of general relativity and I
hope this short paper educates the world more on the details of the universe.
Keywords Ultimate Relativity, General Relativity, Pi
Pi is 3.125 which is . When listing the Pi extension
values, the sequence re-arranges after each 8way starting
with 8π = 25 as explained in [4]. This is 1 out of 8 major
ways to prove to the world that Pi is 3.125, the other 7 major
ways are seen in my previous paper [4].
observe things like orbits/shells and spins. These similarities for the reader; go to a fruit market and observe what you see
are in accordance with the ultimate law of the universe. in general.
Next, we observe the natural things around us and see if
they are generally in Pi shape, starting with trees. Trees have
trunks, leaves and fruits.
Leaves are light like feathers and they can have different
patterns and styles in their structure but it appears in a 2D Pi Creatures are the only living things in the universe, it is
shape generally, they can be 2D oval or 2D ellipse. creatures that observe their universe and can agree that
things are really Pi in the universe, the non-living can’t
testify. So there’s one thing important for this observation
which is the eyes. The eyes must be in a Pi shape to agree to
what we see. The eyes are spherical generally. We can also
see that the Iris and Pupil appears circular, this should end
the debate but we haven’t finished yet.
Another thing important in creatures are the cells, the Humans created sports, it’s a very important idea in the
smallest unit that makes up these living organisms and they lives of humans but look at that, looks like something we’ve
are circular as displayed. This is where we settle the case for seen before.
4. Conclusions
From 2022, people tagged “Ultimate Relativity” as the
final form of relativity and the leading candidate for a
“Theory of Everything”. Well, this paper shows the reason
and don’t forget to share this paper with friends. Pi is the
universe, its symbol is the symbol of the universe, everything
about Pi is everything about the universe, and we just have to
International Journal of Theoretical and Mathematical Physics 2023, 13(1): 1-5 5
keep listening to more things PI have to say. This theory is [2] H.E. Puthoff, “Everything for Nothing”, New Scientist
novel and proposed by Prince C. Igboejesi. (1990).
[3] Prince Jessii, Pi = 3.125, International Journal of Theoretical
and Mathematical Physics, Vol. 12 No. 1, 2022, pp. 11-24.