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Morillo Denjell BEED 1C


Preamble constitution 1987

We, the sovereign Filipino people, imploring the aid of Almighty God, in order to build a just
and humane society, and establish a Government that shall embody our ideals and
aspirations, promote the common good, conserve and develop our patrimony, and secure
to ourselves and our posterity, the blessings of independence and democracy under the
rule of law and a regime of truth, justice, freedom, love, equality, and peace, do ordain and
promulgate this Constitution.

51-55 Five Religious orders

51. Augustinians

52. Franciscans

53. Jusuits

54. Dominicans

55. Recollects

56-60 Friars Acquisition Land

56. Royal Bequest

57. Donations and Inheritance

58. Buying of Land

59. Foreclosure of mortgage

60. Land Grabbing

61-64 The Importance of constitution

It ensures that those whose make decisions on behalf fairly represent public opinion it also
set out the which in with those who exercise power maybe held accountable to the people
they serve.

65- 67 three branch of Government



68-70 three Persona Included in propaganda movement

68. Graciano Lopez Jaena

69. Marcelo H. Del Pilar

70. Dr. Jose Rizal

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