AFRICA by David Diop (Poem Analysis) - Waza Elimu
AFRICA by David Diop (Poem Analysis) - Waza Elimu
AFRICA by David Diop (Poem Analysis) - Waza Elimu
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AFRICA By David Diop (Poem Analysis)
AFRICA (BY David Diop (Senegal)
Africa my Africa
This poem is written by David Diop – A Black African who was born in France in 1927. His father was
from Senegal and his mother from Cameroon and he grew up in France and West Africa aware of
both cultures and traditions. He was deeply concerned by the question of independence from
colonial rule.
This poem is a dramatic monologue where the speaker seems to be in conversation with Africa. The
poem can be thematically divided into three parts; pre colonial Africa, colonial Africa and post
colonial Africa.
There are evidences of exploitation in the poem in the fact that the poet expresses how the sweat of
Africans was lost in vain.
All this was done at a time when Africans were turned into slaves and worked for their masters
without any bene t.
Oppression and humiliation were common practices in colonial time. They were used to force
Africans work for colonisers without objection. This has left scars to Africa that we still depend on
them even when they seem to mistreat us.
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The poet concludes his poem by showing the e ects that colonialism had on African continent.
Nevertheless, he seems to be optimistic that at least Africa is growing up again just like a young tree.
The poem is about the e ects colonialism has had on Africa. It traces the history of pre-colonial
Africa, then shows the torture that Africans underwent in colonialism and how Africa is starting
afresh like a young tree.
b) What does the symbol ‘that tree young and strong” suggest?
First of all the symbol refers to Africa. It suggests that after colonialism Africa began to grow up
again just as a young tree.
c) Why do the fruits acquire a bitter taste of liberty? Why does liberty taste bitter?
The fruits acquire a bitter taste because liberation of the oppressed is not a simple thing. It needs
sacri ce and determination. Some people lose their lives in the process. So in such a case liberty is
never sweet but bitter memories.
‘Scars’, ‘whip’ and ‘blood’. They stand for the torture that Africans went through in colonial time.
e) What is the tone of the poem? The tone changes from the beginning it is happy in the middle it
becomes sad but at the end it becomes optimistic.
f) Why does the poet say that “black blood ows in his veins”?
Black blood in this poem symbolises Africanism as there is no blood that is black in colour. So he
shows that although he grew up in France he is still aware of his African identity.
g) How have the past e ects of colonialism shaped the Africa’s present?
The socio-political and economic state of Africa today was seriously a ected during colonial time. So
Africa was paralysed and is just starting afresh as a young tree while the colonisers are well o .
Anadiplosis; the repetition in which the last expression of one statement becomes the rst
expression in the following statement
The blood of your sweat
Ø Scars’, ‘whip’ and ‘blood’. They stand for the torture that Africans went through in colonial time.
Personi cation.
The poet addresses Africa as though it is a human being and has blood that ows, and can sweat etc.
Under exaggeration.
Ø We must know our identity as Africans, where we come from, where we are and what we need to
do to get where we are going.