s.3 Chemistry Paper Eot 1

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Name ………….............................…….................................


Uganda Certificate of Education

End of term 2 2024

Paper 1

2 hours


This paper consists of two sections; A and B. It has four examination items.

Section A has two compulsory items.

Section B has two Parts; I and II. Answer one item from each part.

Answer four items in all.

Answers to Section A must be written in the spaces provided while those of Section B
must be written on the answer booklet(s) provided.

Any additional item(s) answered will not be scored.


Item 1

Mr obo is a plastic collector, he also collects charcoal dust , animal droppings, egg
shells and plant materials he uses to make charcoal briquettes that he shells for
income. He also sells the collected plastic bottle and bags to the recycling industries
from which he also attain income for his survival.

Tr. Julius Chemistry Department 1 Turn Over

a) help Mr obo know how important he is to the environment. ( 5 scores)


b) As an official from NEMA write brief notes to be presented to the public in village
meetings including other ways of protecting the environment from harmful effects of
polymers. ( 5 scores)


Item 2

Your school has run of short of commercial indicators during the practical lessons and
the students where required to Identify solutions as neutral, acidic and alkaline.

Tr. Julius Chemistry Department 2 Turn Over

a) Assume you're a laboratory attendant help students carry out a practical by making
an indicator from locally available materials (5 scores)


b) Describe how the solutions can be identified (5 scores)


Tr. Julius Chemistry Department 3 Turn Over


Part 1

Item 3
Recently there is a general increase in the temperature in the whole world which has
impacted much on the climate. One of the effects is the elevated temperature
particularly at night. In one of the summits organized for the climatic changes in
Africa under the United Nations climate change conference, the members strongly
agreed that man has to be blamed for this rise in temperature and that it is man who
can also reduce it.
Evaluate the meeting’s resolution. (score 15)
Part 2

Item 4
You are a marketing manager at Hoima Oil Refinery in western Uganda. The factory produces
various petroleum products from crude oil, including gasoline, diesel, jet fuel, and fuel oil. Your
task is to promote the applications of these products in everyday life.


i) Write an essay to explain the different applications of the fractions obtained from
crude oil refining in everyday life. (15 cores)

ii) Identify the environmental effects of burning crude oil fractions and recommend the
possible control measures to the issue. (5scores)


Tr. Julius Chemistry Department 4 Turn Over

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