Undertaking New Students
Undertaking New Students
Undertaking New Students
I, ................................................................................................................................................................,
Class Roll No. .................................. at Institute of Legal Studies, Ranchi University, Ranchi.
1. That it is clear to me that as per the norms of the Bar Council of India (BCI), I have to attain 70%
attendance in each semester (paper wise) to take all internal examinations & end semester examinations
2. That in case I fail to comply with the norms as mentioned above, I will be fully responsible for any loss
resulting due to my non-compliance. For that I may be debarred from internal class test/University
3. That I am signing this undertaking with my sound mind and under no coercion.
Place :
(Signature of Student)
Date :
Mob. No. ...........................................
I have read and understood the contents of undertaking signed by my ward as above.
Place :
(Signature of Parents/Guardian)
Date :
Name ...............................................
Address ............................................