Lesson Plan 6th
Lesson Plan 6th
Lesson Plan 6th
Subject Learning Objective Lesson Procedure Assessment
M Welcome Students will practice Students will sing and Students is
O introduce themselves, dance the song abbreviated = Ss.
N using simple present “Jump in jump out” Teacher
D and introduce abbreviated = T.
A themselves.
Y On a worksheet
students will write
about them and will
read it to the class
Students will make
teams and answer How many
questions about their Teams?
partner according to
what they said.
T What I did Students will practice On board T. will write
U on the simple past a list of some
E vacations activities that can
S been done on
D vacations, then T. will
A write the simple past
Y tense of the verbs.
On a worksheet
students will write
about their vacations
using the list of verbs
Then they will pretend
to be youtubers and
talk about their
Write the missing
verbs in past of the
song “Viva la vida” Is it in English?