Research CV

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Curriculum vitae with track record (for researchers)

Please note:

The CV should be maximum 4 pages. It is not possible to upload a CV that exceeds this limitation.

Keep the page format of this template (A4, 2 cm margins, single spacing, font 11, Calibri).

Delete this box, and any non-applicable sections, before submitting the CV.

Role in the project Project manager Project participant

Personal information

First name, Surname:

Date of birth: Sex:


Researcher unique identifier(s)

(ORCID, ResearcherID, etc.):

URL for personal website:


Year Faculty/department - University/institution - Country

Yyyy Ph.D.

yyyy Master

Positions - current and previous

(Academic sector/research institutes/industrial sector/public sector/other)

Year Job title – Employer - Country



Career breaks

Year Reason


Project management experience
(Academic sector/research institutes/industrial sector/public sector/other. Please list the most relevant.)

Year Project owner - Project - Role - Funder


Supervision of students
(Total number of students)

Master's Ph.D. University/institution - Country

students students

Other relevant professional experiences

(E.g. institutional responsibilities, organisation of scientific meetings, membership in academic societies,
review boards, advisory boards, committees, major research or innovation collaborations, other
commissions of trust in public or private sector)

Year Description - Role


Track record
 The total number of publications during the career.
 A list of up to ten publications in major national or international peer-reviewed journals, peer-
reviewed conference proceedings, peer reviewed book chapters and/or monographs

If applicable:

 Other outputs of relevance (e.g. datasets, software, non peer-reviewed publications)

 Granted patent(s).
 Industrial or public innovation or design and/or highlights from research or innovation with societal
 Invited presentations to peer-reviewed national or international conferences and/or international
advanced schools.
 Experiences from major research communication, dissemination or outreach activities and/or
invited presentations in public conferences.
 Fellowships, awards and prizes.

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