Evaluation of Bistatic and Monostatic RCS For Simple and Complex Targets in X-Band
Evaluation of Bistatic and Monostatic RCS For Simple and Complex Targets in X-Band
Evaluation of Bistatic and Monostatic RCS For Simple and Complex Targets in X-Band
Evaluation of Bistatic and Monostatic RCS for Simple and Complex Targets in X-
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3 authors:
All content following this page was uploaded by Haraa Raheem Hatem on 22 January 2021.
In [7], the authors compared the RCS between simple targets results which are different in shape
Proton Exora and Toyota Rush through a LTE and size of targets, types of targets, frequencies,
signal as a sender because of various bistatic and materials that are made of. Moreover, in [5],
angles. The results of [7] showed that the the authors compared RCS of the same simple
difference in shape, size, and angles of plane shape of targets which were made of various
wave and the moving of targets affect the RCS. materials using monostatic and bistatic systems.
Moreover, the largest area RCS of Toyota Rush The results of it showed that the target was made
in 90°, of sending signal had a better outcome of steel material had a significant RCS compared
than that in 59°. with FR4 and wood materials. This research has
compered the RCS of various simple and
While different angle of transmitting signal can complex shapes of targets which are made of the
be given a smaller RCS as in [8]. This small RCS same of material for both monostatic and bistatic
area is caused by reducing the area RCS, which systems.
moves 45 degree depending on the front side
view of Toyota Rush and 135 degree depending The remainder of the paper is organized as
on back side of Toyota Rush. This implies that follows. The principle of Radar Cross Section is
the sensitivity of elevating targets might be introduced in Section II. The simulated analysis
improved with adjusting the received angle of of RCS on CST MWS is presented in Section III.
targets. The [9] used two metallic targets for the Section IV presents simulation results and
RCS measurements in which those targets are a discussion. Finally, conclusions are given in
section of an air-to-air missile and a cylindrical Section V.
body with four square fins. Moreover, the FEKO
simulation software calculated the RCS of
models for these two targets. They obtained an II. RADAR CROSS SECTION
excellent comparison between simulations and
experimental data. The experimental methods is RCS, which is a physical quantity, determines the
used to collect of the RCS data. capability of radar target to scattering
electromagnetic fields. It is dependent on the
In [10], they prepared a simple setup built inside size, material, appearance, and other various
an anechoic chamber to measure a RCS for factors of a target [11]. It is called a RCS
simple targets such as cylinders, sphere, flat monostatic when transmit and receive antennas
plates, dihedral corner reflectors, and Luneberg of a radar are gathered while in a RCS bistatic,
lens. They compared the RCS data, which is transmit and receive antennas of a Radar are
calculated theoretically, in the frequency range 8- split. In general, the cross section refers to the
12GHz. scattering toward the receiver as shown in Fig. 1
This paper is used CST software in order to
simulate the RCS for various simple and complex
targets, which differs in shapes, for various
angles. RCS analysis is carried out with various
angles in two different systems include a
Monostatic and a bistatic using the same
frequency which is 9.4 GHz, i.e. X-band
frequency. The polar and cartesian forms are
analyzed and simulated in order to observe the
influences on monostaic and bistatic RCS. These
measurements and comparisons of RCS
calculations definitely differ from previous Fig. 1 Radar systems
For the bistatic radar, RCS can be involved as These evaluation values are measured in decibels
relative to square meter (dBsm). This paper deals
with simple and complex targets. The simple
targets can be a rectangular, cylindrical, and
truncated cone, and ellipsoid while the complex
Where indicate the power of the targets are composed with many effective simple
received and transmitted signals, respectively. targets. The iron material used of all various
The indicate the gain of the receive and targets and targets were fixed on the rotating
support (figures) and rotated from 00 to 3600.
transmit antennas, respectively. The indicates
the Radar Cross Section (RCS). is a distance
from transmitter to target and is the distance IV. RESULTS
from receiver to target. Under assumption of
employing single transmit and receive antenna, The influences of using various targets, which
the gain and R will be equal to the both sides as differ in shapes and size are presented in RCS
stated in (2). radiation pattern for many different angles at 9.4
GHz. The simulation results are analyzed and
plotted in the form of a polar and a Cartesian for
these two different systems. In Monostatic, it's
Therefore; the monostatic radar range can be required to rotate a sender around a target. This
written (1). means that the sender and the acceptor are
located in the same direction.
A. Rectangular Target
From equation (3), the expression of RCS in a It is the simplest target, it is designed by using
monostatic Radar is CST MWS software with dimensions
for width, length,
and height, respectively, as shown in Fig.2.
There are various calculations of RCS which are The monostatic and bistatic RCSs’ in cartesian
considered as valid traditional types. CST MWS and polar forms of this target is shown in figures
software is one of these methods. Evaluating 3 and 4.
RCS by CST simulation is in terms of a
Monostatic and a Bistatic RCS employing the
same frequency which is 9.4 GHz for both.
B. Cylindrical Target
A. Cartesian
A. Cartesian A. Cartesian
B. Polar B. Polar
Fig. 4 Bistatic RCS of a rectangular target Fig. 6 Monostatic RCS of a cylindrical target
A. Cartesian A. Cartesian
B. Polar B. Polar
Fig.7 Bistatic RCS of a cylindrical target Fig. 9 Monostatic RCS of a truncated cone target
A. Cartesian
D. Ellipsoid Target
A. Cartesian
E. Complex Target
A. Cartesian
Truncated Complex
A. Cartesian Angle (θ) rectangular cylinder Ellipsoid
Cone target
0 -15 -0.702 -28 -37 -24
30 -41 -25 -28 -30 -25
60 -36 -20 -30 -33 -25.1
90 -38 -29 -60 -35 -22.5
120 -37 -21 -30.1 -33.8 -17
150 -40 -25 -28.1 -30 -13
180 -15 -0.702 -28.1 -36 -27
A. Cartesian
B. Polar
Table 2: Comparative result of the RCS The comparative results clearly show that the
RCS calculations of simple targets at range of
Ref Frequency of Target RCS
frequencies were performed in the previous
target articles, while the current research calculates the
Rectangular RCS of simple and complex targets for a single
Plane 0.7 sqm at 00
typical frequency. In [1], the RCS of a cylinder is
0.48 m2 at 9 GHz, while in this research, bistatic
Cylinder 0.48 sqm at 00
[1] 2-6 GHz Simple RCS of a cylinder is -0.702 dBm2 at 9.4 GHz.
Also, it uses an iron material for all various
Cone 0.32 sqm at 00
simple and complex targets which differ
Bistatic RCS
from [5] that uses different materials for
46.7 dBm2 at single target which is a cuboid target.
target of
Monostaic RCS
is 46.65 dBm2
Bistatic RCS
Cuboid 16.2 dBm2 at 00
[5] 9.4GHz simple
target of Monostaic RCS In this paper, the electromagnetic energy
FR4 is 16.3 dBm2 at scattering for various targets, which differ in
Bistatic RCS shapes and sizes, is an important concept to study
Cuboid 16.3 dBm2 at 00 RCS phenomena of such target. Using CST
target of Monostaic RCS
WOOD is 16.28 dBm2 at
software, RCS is evaluated for various targets in
00 different incident angles of a bistatic and a
Sphere 0.3 m2 at 9 GHz monostatic Radar with X-band frequency, which
is 9.4GHz. It has compered the RCS of various
[10] 8-12 GHz Simple Flatplate
12.9 m2 at 9 simple and complex shapes of targets which are
made of the same of material for both monostatic
Dihedral 19 m2 at 9 GHz and bistatic systems. The obtained results, RCS
Bistatic RCS -15 radiation pattern in cartesian and polar forms,
dBm2 at 00 illustrate that the main lobe magnitude of
Rectangular Monostaic RCS
is 16.8 dBm2 at truncated cone target is larger than other target
2700 shapes. Due to the large main lobe magnitude,
Bistatic RCS - imagination of truncated cone target is more
0.702 dBm2 at 00
Cylinder Monostaic RCS visible. Thus, truncated cone target is more easily
is 18 dBm2 at detected. Furthermore, it can be designed more
Bistatic RCS -37
complex targets by CST software then
In this paper