Plan Anual Ingles
Plan Anual Ingles
Plan Anual Ingles
Principio 1. Proporcionar múltiples formas de representación (visual, auditiva, oral) EXPERIENCIA Y REFLEXIÓN.
Principio 2. Proporcionar múltiples formas de acción y expresión (uso de herramientas) CONCEPTUALIZACIÓN
Principio 3. Proporcionar múltiples formas de implicación, motivación. APLICACIÓN.
AMIE: 12H02611 CIRCUITO: 12D01C11_a
[email protected] TELÉFONO: __________________ AÑO LECTIVO 2023_2024
Docente: Msc. Mónica Moncayo, Msc. Asignatura: INGLES
Grace Rebolledo, Lcda.Carolina
1 LESSON 1: Hello!
LESSON 2: Is your
N# De Semanas; SEMANA 10 A LA 13
name Stella?
LESSON 3: I’m a boy.
I’m a girl.
LESSON 4: What do you see?
LESSON 5: Where’s the
LESSON 6: What color is it?
PHONICS: Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff
Grado / curos: CUARTO Sección: Matutina y Vespertina Fecha de inicio:26 de junio del
VALORES U OTROS EJES INTERCULTURALIDAD, PROTECCIÓN Competencias Digitales: COMUNICACIONALES, Fecha de final: 21 de julio del 2023
OG.EFL 1 Encounter socio-cultural aspects of their own and other countries in a thoughtful and inquisitive manner, maturely, and openly
experiencing other cultures and languages from the secure standpoint of their own national and cultural identity.
OG.EFL 2 Draw on this established propensity for curiosity and tolerance towards different cultures to comprehend the role of diversity in
building an intercultural and multinational society.
OG.EFL 3 Access greater flexibility of mind, creativity, enhanced linguistic intelligence, and critical thinking skills through an appreciation
of linguistic differences. Enjoy an enriched perspective of their own L1 and of language use for communication and learning.
OG.EFL 4 Deploy a range of learning strategies, thereby increasing disposition and ability to independently access further (language)
learning and practice opportunities. Respect themselves and others within the communication process, cultivating habits of honesty and
integrity into responsible academic behavior
Students learn to: say EFL.2.1.2 Recognize the Communication and cultural awareness CE.EFL.2.1. Differentiate
hello; differences between where Drawing different houses and labeling different rooms and between different living
introduce oneself and people live among the objects in a house. situations in a variety of
say goodbye; follow regions of the country in • Using question words (who, what, where) to ask about surroundings and express
essential directions for order to appreciate their places. curiosity about the world
learning; ask and own environment. • Reflecting on differences between a house and an through simple questions.
answer questions to (Example:house/apartmen,c apartment.
identify essential ountry/city, etc.) • Creating a diorama of urban and rural aspects. I.EFL.2.1.1. Learners can
items for learning EFL.2.1.3. Ask simple basic • Drawing a map of a neighborhood. recognize differences
questions in class about the • Asking and answering questions about where you and between where people live
Students learn to: world beyond one’s own others live. and write or talk about their
greet someone immediate environment in
own surroundings, as well
they have recently order to increase their Oral communication (listening and speaking)
met with understanding of different Listening to a very short and simple story and ordering the as ask questions about how
Hi and a question to cultures. pictures showing what happens. (Example: Jane is taking other people live. (I.2, S.2)
check EFL 2.1.4. Express curiosity her dog for a walk. They see some birds. The birds fly away, CE.EFL.2.6. Listening for
knowledge of their about the world and other etc.) Meaning: Understand the main
name; give and follow cultures by asking simple • Listening to a short and simple conversation between 2 ideas in short simple spoken
some essential WH- questions in class after speakers and deciding who is speaking, where they are, and texts that include familiar
directions for learning reading and/or participating how they feel. (Example: a boy and his Dad, at a soccer vocabulary and are set in
and some other useful in presentations or other game, happy, etc.) everyday contexts.
directions; ask group work • Watching a video clip and selecting the best title for it.
questions to check EFL.2.2.1. Understand (Example: Funny monkeys at the zoo, etc.) I.EFL.2.6.1. Learners can
knowledge of the meanings expressed in short Reading understand the main ideas
words for recently dialogues on familiar topics, • Drawing a line from individual words to a picture or a in short simple spoken texts
learned objects. as well as basic spoken scene. (Example: learners read a list of farm animals and and infer who is speaking
instructions and simple draw a line from each word to the appropriate animal in the and what the situation is,
Students learn to: questions about self, people, scene, etc.)
without decoding every
identify animals, or things, especially • Reading a list of four words and crossing out the word that
themselves and others when spoken slowly and doesn’t belong. (Example: arm – leg – house – foot, etc.) word. (I.3)
as a boy clearly. (Example: greetings, • Reading a simple sentence, looking at the accompanying
or a girl; give and short phrases, basic range of picture, and ticking yes/no. (Example: This is a house. Yes,
follow essential classroom instructions, etc.)
classroom common personal • Completing a gap in a sentence (print or online). CE.EFL.2.11. Identify and
instructions; identify information questions: (Example: Words: go, sleep. Sentence: Every day I --- to understand individual every-
things they see What’s your name? etc.) school, etc.) day words, phrases, and
EFL.2.2.2. Infer who is Writing. sentences, including
speaking and what the • Locating specific words on the page and writing them in a list. (Example: instructions.
situation is when listening to all the words beginning with the sound /k/ or all the words that contain the
short simple texts, especially long /a:/ sound, etc.) I.EFL.2.11.1. Learners can
when • Matching words to pictures. (Example: under the picture of a chair, understand familiar words,
accompanied by pictures or learners write the word chair with the five letters of the word on the five phrases, and short simple
other visual aids, or sound lines provided, etc.) sentences and can
effects. (Example: • Unscrambling words or sentences and writing them out correctly. successfully complete the
shopkeeper speaking to a (Example: Word: veleen = eleven. Sentence: There’s – under – the chair. – simple accompanying task.
customer who is buying a backpack, etc.) (I.4)
some fruit.) • Finding hidden questions in a box and writing them down with the correct
EFL.2.2.6. Enjoy extensive punctuation and capitalization. (Example: does it live on a farm / does it
listening in English. have two legs, etc.) CE.EFL.2.17. Write simple
(Example: listen to stories, • Writing new words in a picture dictionary and adding a sticker or picture. words, phrases, and sentences
watch short movies, to demonstrate knowledge of
experience song lyrics or Language through the Arts spelling, punctuation,
poetry, etc.) • Listening to or reading stories and drawing the main characters. capitalization and
EFL.2.2.7. Be comfortable • Choosing pictures of or drawing the scenes of a literary text. handwriting / typography, and
taking meaning from spoken • Standing up every time they hear the name of a character.
identify their meanings.
texts containing words or • Explaining through pictures or charts (ICT) the
I.EFL.2.17.1. Learners can
sections which are not relationships between characters. (Example:
mom/daughter, friends, etc.) write words, phrases, and
Be aware that understanding
short simple sentences
spoken texts does not using the correct
require decoding every conventions (spelling,
word. punctuation, capitalization,
EFL.2.3.1. Demonstrate and handwriting or
basic reading typography, etc.), for
comprehension skills making simple learning
by identifying the meaning resources. (I.3)
of individual words, phrases,
and sentences, including CE.EFL.2.21. Distinguish key
simple written instructions. information in stories and
EFL.2.4.1 Know how to spell other age-appropriate literary
simple English words texts, both oral and written.
correctly, demonstrating I.EFL.2.21.1. Learners can
awareness of sound-letter
recognize, through pictures
relationships.(Example: sea,
mean, bee, etc.) or other media such as ICT,
EFL.2.4.2. Make a simple key aspects of a story or
learning resource, in order to literary text (both oral and
record and practice new written). (J.1, I.2)
words. (Example: a picture
a word list, set of flashcards,
EFL.2.4.3. Write simple
words, phrases and
sentences with correct use
of standard writing
mechanics. (Example:
spelling, punctuation,
capitalization, and writing by
hand and/ or on the
EFL.2.5.1. Identify key
information such as events,
characters, and objects in
stories and other age-
appropriate literary texts if
there is visual support.
Learn to: describe EFL.2.1.4. Express curiosity Communication and cultural awareness CE.EFL.2.2. Catalog everyday
things they see; count about the world and other • Labeling pictures with correct names. objects and places in different
from 1 to 10 cultures by asking simple • Creating a poster of things that can be recycled. cultures and recognize ways to
Learn to: ask and WH- questions in class after • Matching objects with the places where they can be found. (Example: act responsibly towards one’s
answer questions reading and/or participating stove in kitchen, bed in bedroom, etc.) environment and
about where things in presentations or other • Simulating actions through TPR activities where learners follow basic surroundings.
are; agree. group work. commands. (Example: Put away your book, etc.).
Describe the color of EFL.2.1.5. Recognize ways to • Choosing pictures that demonstrate responsibility (cleaning room, I.EFL.2.2.1. Learners can
things relate responsibly to one’s watering the flowers). classify everyday objects
Recognize, pronounce, surroundings at home and at and familiar places.
and form Aa through school by exhibiting Oral communication (listening and speaking) Learners can compare
Ff; identify anchor responsible behaviors • Listening to short, staged instructions and carrying them out. (Example:
objects from different
words for each letter towards the environment. Open the door. Take this book to Mr. Davila. Walk, don’t run! etc.)
(Example: chores at home, • Listening to very short (spoken or recorded) descriptions of scenes, and cultural contexts. Learners
recycling, etc.) writing, coloring, or drawing items within them. (Example: learners are can say and recognize ways
EFL2.2.3. Recognize familiar given a simple picture of a classroom. They listen to a description of it and to take care of the
names, words, and short identify the table where Sara sits and draw 3 pens and a red book on it, etc.) environment and one’s
phrases about simple • Listening to a short dialogue and filling in a simple form. (Example: a surroundings. (J.3, S.1)
everyday topics whether conversation between a boy and a teacher meeting for the first time.
heard isolation or within Learners fill in the boy’s name, age, birth date, (part of his) address (e.g., CE.EFL.2.7. Listening for
short, simple spoken texts house number Information: Follow short and
describing people and or street name), favorite subject, etc. on a simple form.) simple spoken texts that
objects. (Example: • Listening to a short text and demonstrating understanding of it using an include familiar vocabulary
vocabulary about self, accompanying graphic organizer. (Example: marking the route on a map and are set in everyday
family, friends and while listening to directions, etc.) contexts. Identify key items of
immediate surroundings at information within the text,
school and home, adjectives Reading and record or act upon them.
for color and size, etc.) • Reading a short text and showing comprehension by completing the
EFL.2.2.4. Identify items of accompanying graphic organizer. (Example: learners read about the I.EFL.2.7.1. Learners can
specific information within location of a house and mark the point X on a map.) understand short and
simple messages or from • Reading a short simple story of just a few lines and ordering simple
simple spoken texts well
short and simple pictures of familiar objects.
• Reading a short simple text and coloring a picture. (Example: This is enough to be able to pick
descriptions about familiar
Ben’s room. His bed is green. Learners draw a green bed, etc.) out key items of
contexts, especially if visual
support is provided. • Reading a short simple text and circling the correct answer. (Example: information and record
(Example: letters of the Question: What’s her name? Answer: Mary / Sandra / Mia, etc.) them in writing or drawings,
alphabet, numbers, prices or physically act upon them.
and times, days, dates and Writing. (I.3)
months, etc.) • Completing simple sentences to practice a grammar structure by writing
EFL.2.2.5. Record key items words in gapped sentences. Support learners by providing pictures for
of specific information from context and / or a box of answers, from which they can choose. (Example: CE.EFL.2.12. Understand the
a heard message or My best friend is ten --- old. --- name is Carol. --- birthday is in May, etc.) gist and details in short simple
description, either in written • Identifying the differences between two pictures and writing simple written texts (online or print).
form or by drawing picture. sentences. (Example: In picture A, there’s one car, but in picture B there are
(Example: letters of the two cars, etc.)
alphabet, numbers, • Answering questions about a scene using full sentences. (Example: How EFL.2.12.1. Learners can
quantities, prices and times, many boys are there? There are four boys, etc.) understand a short simple
days, dates and months, text on an everyday topic
etc.) Language through the Arts and successfully complete a
EFL.2.3.2. Read a short • Creating a dance for a song or rhyme. simple task to show that
simple text (online or print) • Illustrating a short piece of writing.
they have understood most
and demonstrate • Participating in TPR activities such as acting out the movements of a
understanding of the gist character in a story as it is read aloud. or some of it. (I.4)
and some basic details of • Discussing things learners have done that are similar to those the
the content. characters in the story have done. (Example: gone on vacation to the beach,
EFL.2.3.3. Understand most got into a fight with a parent or friend, etc.)
of the details of the content • Moving to the rhythm of a song or chant. CE.EFL.2.18. Writing in order
of a short simple text (online • Creating an audio message or short video that tells what the student to perform controlled practice
or print). thought about the text. of vocabulary and grammar
EFL.2.4.3. Write simple • Writing short weekly journal entries. items.
words, phrases, and I.EFL.2.18.1. Learners can
sentences with correct use write short simple phrases
of standard writing and sentences to show that
mechanics. (Example: they know how to use
spelling, punctuation, simple grammar or
capitalization, and writing by vocabulary items. (I.3, I.4)
hand and/or on the
EFL.2.4.4. Write simple
words, phrases, and
sentences for controlled
practice of language items. CE.EFL.2.22. Describe and
EFL.2.5.2. Express emotions write about emotions and
and feelings using basic responses to literary texts
adjectives and related through words and images, or
images through written work other media (video, audio) on
on the school or class class or school bulletin boards
bulletin board. and expand on ideas and
EFL.2.5.3. Use audio, video, responses to texts
and pictures to respond to a read/seen/heard in by
variety of literary texts participating in songs/chants,
through online or in-class ICT TPR activities and playground
activities. games.
EFL.2.5.6. Generate and I.EFL.2.22.1. Learners can
expand ideas by responding report emotions and
in a fun and playful manner
to oral and written texts in compose short responses to
order to increase enjoyment literary texts through words
of the language through and images, or other media
TPR, playground games, and (video, audio). Learners can
songs and chants.
generate and expand on
personal opinions and
responses to oral and
written texts through TPR,
playground games, and
songs. (I.3, S.3)
ESTUDIANTES CON NECESIDADES EDUCATIVAS ESPECÍFICAS: En esta sección se plasman las estrategias dirigidas a los
estudiantes con necesidades educativas específicas ligadas o no a la discapacidad.
DATE October 27, 2023 DATE
AMIE: 12H02611 CIRCUITO: 12D01C11_a
[email protected] AÑO LECTIVO 2023_2024
Docente: Msc. Mónica Moncayo, Asignatura: INGLES
Msc. Grace Rebolledo,
Lcda.Carolina Rumazo
UNIDAD DIDACTICA: 3 LESSON 12: Can you N# De Semanas; Semana 9
swim? a la 14
LESSON 13: Who’s
she? Who’s he?
LESSON 14: She’s my
Uu Vv
LESSON 15: Can you
LESSON 16: I’m
Yy Zz
OG.EFL 5 Directly access the main points and important details of up-todate English language texts, such as those
published on the web, for professional or general investigation, through the efficient use of ICT and reference tools
where required.
OG.EFL 6 Through selected media, participate in reasonably extended spoken or written dialogue with peers from
different L1 backgrounds on work, study, or general topics of common interest, expressing ideas and opinions
effectively and appropriately.
OG.EFL 7 Interact quite clearly, confidently, and appropriately in a range of formal and informal social situations with a
limited but effective command of the spoken language (CEFR B1 level)
CE.EFL.2.25. Implement a
range of creative thinking
skills to show a respect for
sharing and accepting
different ideas in
brainstorms and pair work.
CE.EFL.2.25. Implement a
range of creative thinking
skills to show a respect for
sharing and accepting
different ideas in
brainstorms and pair work.