Babalola Idris 10423
Babalola Idris 10423
Babalola Idris 10423
Dear Respondent,
I am a student of this institution (FEDERAL SCHOOL OF STATISTICS, AJIBODE
Conducting a research on the above-mentioned topic.
I am soliciting for your sincere response and detailed information in the question below.
All information supplied will be treated as confidential. Thank you.
Yours faithfully
Please answer these questions honestly, and remember that your responses will be kept
5. Length of Service: Less than 1 year ( ) 1-3 years ( ) 4-6 years ( ) 7-10 years ( ) More
than 10 years ( )
( ) Doctoral Degree ( )
9. How familiar are you with the concept of Small and Medium Scale Enterprises (SMEs)?
10. Do you believe that SMEs play a significant role in reducing unemployment in Oyo State?
11. In your opinion, what are the main challenges faced by SMEs in Oyo State? (Mark all that
No ( )
13. What type of support do you think the government should provide to SMEs to help reduce
unemployment? (Mark all that apply) Financial support ( ) Training and capacity building ( )
(please specify ( )
14. How effective do you think current government policies are in supporting SMEs in Oyo
15. Do you think the education system in Oyo State prepares individuals adequately to start and
16. What do you think is the most critical factor for the success of SMEs in Oyo State? Access
17. How likely are you to start your own SME in the future? Very likely ( ) Likely ( ) Neutral ()
applies to you.
KEY: SA- Strongly Agreed, A- Agreed, U- Undecided, SD- Strongly Disagreed, D-disagreed.
What is your idea about the role of each of the following factors, contributing towards
educational effects on birth rates? Based on the importance of each factors, please score using