PWT - 2 Class 7 Final 2

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TIME: 1.30 Hrs. MARK: 40
TEST ITEM: 1 (5X1=5)
Do you remember about falling of your teeth some years ago? The first set of teeth grows during infancy
and they fall off at the age between six to eight years. These are termed milk teeth. The second set that
replaces them are the permanent teeth. The permanent teeth may last throughout life or fall off during old
age or due to some dental disease. Food is taken into body through mouth. We chew the food with the
teeth and break it down mechanically into small pieces. Each tooth is rooted in separate socket in the
gums. Our teeth vary in appearance and perform different functions. Accordingly they are given different
names and the dental formula in human beings is 2, 1, 2, 3. (Learning outcomes: understand the
biological process of tooth decay, describe best practice for keeping teeth clean, and state the key oral
health messages on tooth brushing, fluoride and dental visiting.)

1. In dental formula 2, 1, 2, 3, the number 1 stands for which type of teeth?

a) Incisor b) Premolar c) Molar d) Canine
2. Which type of teeth help in grinding of the food?
a) Incisor b) Premolar c) Canine d) Milk teeth
3. Which of the following is piercing and tearing teeth?
a) Milk teeth b) Permanent teeth c) Canine d) Incisor
4. In total, how many teeth are present in an adult human being?
a) 24 b) 32 c) 16 d) 30
5. The first set of teeth grows during infancy and they fall off at the age between six to eight years are
called ___________.
a) Milk teeth b) Permanent teeth c) Canine d) Incisor
TEST ITEM: 2 (5X1=5)
Thermometer is an apparatus used to measure the temperature. Temperature is the measurable amount of
hotness and coldness. It can be described as a mathematical representation of heat. Temperature can be
measured in Celsius (℃), Kelvin (K) and Fahrenheit (F°). Doctors use a special thermometer called the
clinical thermometer for measuring the temperature of the patient's body.
(Learning out comes: Critically analysis the different units of measuring heat )

1. Identify the type of thermometer in figure –

a) Laboratory thermometer b) Maximum- minimum thermometer
c) Clinical thermometer d) Digital thermometer.
2. The metal is used in clinical thermometer?
a) Sodium b) Copper c) Mercury d) Silver
3. Read and write correct temperature shown in figure.
4. What is the range of temperature in laboratory thermometer?
5. Why Kink is present in clinical thermometer?
TEST ITEM: 3 (5X1=5)
The small intestine is highly coiled and is about 7.5 metres long. It receives secretions from the liver and
the pancreas. Besides, its wall also secretes juices. The liver is a reddish brown gland situated in the upper
part of the abdomen on the right side. The pancreas is a large cream coloured gland located just below the
stomach. The pancreatic juice acts on carbohydrates, fats and proteins and changes them into simpler
forms. The partly digested food now reaches the lower part of the small intestine where the intestinal
juice completes the digestion of all components of the food. (Learning outcomes: Describe the functions
of the human digestive system)
1. Which of the following is the largest gland of our body?
a) Salivary gland b) Pancreas c) Liver d) Pituitary gland
2. The bile juice stored in which of the following?
a) Liver b) Small intestine c) Stomach d) Gall bladder
3. Protein digested to form _______.
a) Fatty acid b) Glucose c) Amino acid d) Glycerol
4. Inner walls of the small intestine have thousands of fingers like projections called _____.
a) Gall bladder b) Villi c) Liver d) HCL
5. Bile juice helps in digestion of which component of food?
a) Carbohydrate b) Fat c) Protein d) Vitamin
TEST ITEM: 4: (5X1=5)
Observe figure, and answer the following:

1. Sea breeze is an example of –

a) Conduction b) Radiation c) Convection d) None of these.
2. Warmer air will always –
a) Sink b) Stays as it is c) Rise d) none of these.
3. During which breeze, warm air over land rising and cool air from the sea taking its place?
4. When does land breeze takes place? (Day or Night)
5. What is the direction of air flow in land breeze?
(Learning outcomes :)
1. The image shows an experiment set up in which boiled rice was taken in test tube A and boiled and
chewed rice was taken in test tube B.
When the iodine solution is dropped into both the test tubes, the colour of water in test tube A changed to
blue black, but the colour in test tube B remained unchanged. Which of the statement describes the
correct reason for this observation?
(Learning out comes :)
2. A baby passed watery stool for two days. The doctor suggested (ORS) for the baby. Write the full form
of ORS and How would the ORS help the baby?
(Learning out comes: Know the efficiency of ORS solution for treatment of children)
3. Why are handles of cooking utensils made of wood or ebonite?
(Learning out comes: Realize the importance of wood and ebonite in cooking utensils.)
4. Ritu noticed that as soon as we take laboratory thermometer, out of hot water, the level of mercury
begins to fall, but the mercury does not fall or rise in clinical thermometer, when taken out from the
mouth. Why? (Learning outcomes: Define the differences and similarities in the thermometers)
1. Answer the following statement with a tick mark against Yes/No

(Learning out comes : Recall the freezing point and boiling point of water in degrees Celsius and
degrees Fahrenheit.)

2. Which part of digestive canal is involved in:-

a) Absorption of food b) Chewing of food c) Complete digestion of food d) Killing of bacteria
(Learning out comes: Describe the functions of the human digestive system)
3. Read the passage and select the correct option for its fill ups.
________is a microscopic single celled organism found in pond water .It constantly changes its
shapes and position .It has finger like projection called ____________or false feet for
movement and capture of food. (Learning out comes: Explain the characteristics, body structure,
digestion of the single cell animal)
4. Why are you wearing dark color in winter and light color in summer?
(Learning out comes: List different common clothing items. analyze the roles of weather and occasion in clothing
5. State any two differences between clinical thermometer and laboratory thermometer.
(Learning out comes: Differentiate lab and clinical thermometer)
6. In places of hot climates, outer walls are advised to paint with light or white colours.Why?
(Learning out comes: Analyze the roles of painting depending on if it is warmer or colder weather condition.)
1. Draw and label the parts of Human digestive system. Write the steps of digestion.
(Learning out comes: Identify, label, and describe the functions of the human digestive system)


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