UDL - Example #1 Dominguez

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Author: Emily
Lesson: Group Motion, Dancing Course: EDUG 404 Date: 7/11

STEP ONE: Pre-Planning

In this lesson, students will need to learn how to understand rhythm within the body. This is so
when we are working with music, they will be able to identify study beats in multiple different
ways. Whether it be the quarter note single pulse double, or triple, students will be able to identify
the three by using their bodies to explain it.
Essential Question(s)
How can we feel rhythm in our bodies?
(IN Duple Meter) What does a steady pulse look like?

Understandings Music has a pulse. Music has a steady beat.
Mastery Objectives Content What students will know

- Music has a steady beat

- the study be can be felt in multiple different ways, as long as
it follows the downbeat.
- There is a difference between strong and weak beats
- we find our study beat through the speed of the music

Skills What students will be able to do

- listen attentively to music to find the steady beat
- pat the steady beat somewhere on their bodies
- relate the steady beat within their dance moves
- use descriptive words such as slow or fast when describing
a steady beat
- can differentiate different speeds of music

Relevance When listening to music, it is easier to enjoy it when you are able to
relate it in a way that works with our bodies. This is through dance
clapping or even nodding your head to the beat.
Assessment/Checking as the lessons go through, I will be observing each student for indications
for Understanding of “feeling the beat” whether it be through clapping or bouncing their
head, to even watching them dance, these many assessments will assure
me that the students understand what a steady beat is

STEP TWO: The Lesson

How are you teaching it? Why are you teaching it that way?
How do you know the students get it? How do the students know they get it?
Opening/ The students will have a listening party, where they will be able to listen to
Activator different songs and be able to tell me if the beat alone is moving fast or slow.
But instead of telling me by raising their hand and speaking it to me, they will
be able to write it down on their own piece of paper as a pop quiz by listening
to pop music that they usually listen to at home!
Instructional Steady beat video on YouTube
Activities walking songs

Multiple Means all students will be provided with resources in the class audibly. Should they
Representation need extra practice at home, they will be able to practice walking or patting the
beat at home.
Multiple Means
of Engagement Considering students who are ELLs, some of the music that I will be playing
will be in the students respective language. This lesson adopts to the issue of
the language barrier: music is not heard, but also felt. With this in mind for my
students who are ells and that I don't speak the language for, we will walk to
Multiple Means the beat of the song in there respective language as an example for them to
of Expression understand and relate to more. If I have a student who is able to translate for
me, the student will be able to be nearby me to help translate and ask me to
repeat things easier.

I will create a classroom friendly playlist where students will be able to study
the different study beats in the different songs. As a test, i will randomly play
different songs for different groups of students and have an impromptu dance
party where the different students will have to showcase their dance moves
with the steady beat to a random song within the playlist that they have been
made aware of.
Closing The lesson will end with the dance party mentioned above. By creating the
foundation of understanding a steady beat, students will be able to take this
double meter example to easily bridge this into the triple meter which will be
the next lesson set.


What do you need to be prepared for the lesson?
On the Board Objectives By the end of the period, you will be able to . . .
Identify study beat in double meter

Do Now
Agenda Dance to the steady beat!

Homework find a song that you love, and be able to tell me if the beat was fast or
slow, while patting it out in your lap
Materials and YouTube, Spotify, carpet to walk on, hands to pat on, awareness of different
Resources language spoken in the classroom, rhythm sticks, projector for videos
Needed for the

STEP FOUR: Reflections

What did you learn in the process of teaching the lesson?
Ending Where did the lesson end? What needs to happen tomorrow for this specific class?
Reflection What went well? Why? What did you learn while teaching it? What areas need work?
on the What steps can you take to make improvement?

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