Candidate Charter VTCT 1

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Yve Holistic Training - STUDENT CHARTER

Your student Charter applies on enrolment of this course

Yve holistic Training is committed as a company to offering its students quality

courses which are continually improving. Our Student Charter is one way in which
we can outline our commitment to you and what you can expect from us, whilst
informing you of the responsibilities placed upon you in return and what we expect
from you.

When taking an iTEC/Diploma course with Yve Holistic Training you can expect:

An appraisal of course content showing key stages and criteria for examination;
that the teaching you receive will be evaluated. We will use feedback to enhance the
quality of our teaching;

That we will work with you to help you develop your learning skills, recognising that
this is an ongoing process;

That we will provide a quality learning environment;

That we will provide you with access to appropriate resources to enable you to
complete your studies or, if we are unable to do so, direct you to where additional
resources can be located;

That we will support you in your learning, to help you complete your studies;

That tutors will be courteous, professional, punctual, and efficient;

That we will seek to create and maintain an atmosphere and environment which is
conducive to learning;

That we will monitor feedback from students with a view to continually enhancing the
quality of our provision;

That we will respect your right to dignity & confidentiality;

That we will comply with all relevant legislation.

What we expect of you as a student in return:

That that you will take responsibility for your own learning and assist in creating and
maintaining an atmosphere and environment which is conducive to learning for all.

That you take responsibility for seeking any support you need.

That you use our facilities with respect and consideration for others.
That you will be courteous, efficient and behave in a professional manner towards
staff and fellow students;

That you will be punctual, arriving in good time for lessons or notify tutors of any
expected late arrival or absence.

That you produce all assignments required in the timeframe given.

Though we operate a non - discrimination policy, respecting amongst other things,

spiritual and religious views, nonetheless, it is vital that each student can work freely,
with everyone else in the class, regardless of race, religion, or sex. This is a learning
environment; therefore, students are expected to work with each other, during the
practical sessions of the course, regardless of gender.

It is vital that students take part in the giving and receiving of massage, so that
different body types, skin types, age groups and musculature can be experienced for
training and development purposes.

That you notify us of any sickness and absence from class as soon as possible.

That you will pay all fees and charges due when required.
Yve Holistic Training has the right to withdraw students from courses and to refuse
further course training if it deems necessary.

If students are found advertising themselves as therapists before completing and

passing their final exams (practical and anatomy) or working without qualifications
and appropriate insurance, the student will be withdrawn from the course and
refused further training, the local authorities will also be informed as a duty of care
on behalf of the school.

• We deliver and receive back assignments electronically by using personal email
addresses -all relevant marking and tutor feedback will be fed back by the tutor in the
same way. We will also accept assignments in a written format, if students do not
have access to a laptop etc. Assignments will be handed to the tutor in class and
marked for the student by the next course day. This will be subject to agreement with
the tutor on commencement of the course.
• We expect all homework/assignments to be handed in or electronically received by
the tutors by the deadlines given in class. Where problems or delays are anticipated
by the student, we request that the tutor is notified as soon as possible.

All assessment days are to be attended as well as course days, failure to complete
course day’s results in the student not completing their guided learning hours.

If a student cannot attend assessment or course days, then a catch-up day will be
arranged with the tutor, this will incur the tutors fee, extra room hire and invigilator if
required. Dates will be arranged at a suitable time for the tutor/assessor.
• Examinations are included in the full price of the course fee and all students are
expected to sit the practical and theory examinations on the allocated date provided
by the company; the date of the examinations will be confirmed as soon as possible,
after the first day of the course; Yve Training and iTEC has the right to change this

The iTEC/VTCT external quality assurer has the right to request that students attend
classes/exams at different dates as advertised.
• Once the examination day is confirmed, students are expected to attend.

If students are unable to attend the allocated examination day, only those with a
certificated medical condition (issued by a suitably qualified medical practitioner) or
those with unforeseen personal circumstances prohibiting them from taking the
examination will be allowed to postpone. In such instances (and in line with
iTEC/VTCT ruling), students must subsequently attend the next available
examination day, which will be agreed with the Company Director, this action will
incur a fee. (PLEASE SEE BELOW)

In cases of unforeseen circumstances, the company reserves the right to request

suitable written documentation if examinations are to be postponed. Without medical
reasons, (this requires a doctor covering note), students will be asked to pay for their
exam and any additional revision time/practical tuition, they may require at the tutor’s
• All students are required to have completed all course work by the date of the
mock exam. Failure to produce a complete portfolio of written work to the
required standard will result in the student being withdrawn from the final
• If students decide to postpone their exam for personal reasons or are unable
to attend, they will be expected to attend the next examination date and
accordingly this will incur an exam fee of £155.00. If the next exam exceeds 3
months from the date the course finishes, then students will be asked to
attend revision days before the next available exam (and in consultation with
the course tutor) –this will incur a daily fee of £170.00 per required revision
day. A fee may also be charged for room hire, invigilator fees and assessor’s
• Students must pass the mock exam before being entered into the final exam
with the Itec examiner, failure to pass the mock exam will incur extra training
days at a cost of £170.00 per day.
• 1st resit fee for failing the anatomy and physiology exam is charged at £155
for re enrolment. 2nd resit will be charged at £170 re enrolment.

Payment for the course

Full payment of the course is due 21 days before day 1 of the course. Payment plans
are required to be agreed with Yve Holistic Training at the time of enrolment.

We request that:
• That all payments are made by the due date, as outlined in the original email
acknowledgement sent at the time of booking.
• Any payments not received by the agreed due date, incur a late fee of £50.00 thus
includes any payment plans that have been pre agreed by the Head of School– no
exceptions made, unless a late payment has been pre-authorised.
• If students decide to leave the course early and do not continue with their studies,
the full outstanding balance is still payable at the time of notification.
• The Company reserves the right to pursue any non-payment legally.

Yve Holistic Training reserves the right to cancel this arrangement if payments are
not being met on the due dates.

Revised 20/01/24

ITEC Malpractice and Maladministration Policy


This policy is aimed at all current registered approved iTEC tutors and students who are
involved in teaching, or studying iTEC approved qualifications either now or in the future
through Yve Holistic Training

The policy covers those who are:

• Involved in
• Suspected of
• actually involved in malpractice/maladministration

Because this policy applies to all the above, all malpractice/maladministration matters are
dealt with in a consistent manner.

This document sets out the steps we follow when we receive notification, or a report of
malpractice/maladministration and our responsibilities in dealing with such cases; it also
sets out the steps we follow when reviewing these cases.

Our responsibilities as a Company

It is important that we make our tutors aware of the management, assessment and quality
assurance of the qualifications we offer and that our learners are also fully aware of the
policy. To minimise the risk of instances of malpractice/maladministration and actual
instances of such, details of this policy are made available to all learners, via our Student’s
Charter and on our company website, under the heading of Policies and Procedures. Tutors
are also issued with a copy of this document.
We understand that as a Company involved in the delivery of ITEC approved course, that
sanctions may be placed on us by ITEC as an awarding body, if the outcome of any
investigation identifies consistent malpractice/maladministration, or where we have failed
to take steps to ensure that any previous incidents and recommendations have not been
complied with. Our compliance with this policy and how we take reasonable steps to avoid
or investigate instances and reports of maladministration/malpractice will be reviewed on
an annual basis.

Definition of malpractice

Malpractice is essentially an activity or practice, which deliberately contravenes regulations

and compromises the integrity of either internal or external assessment process and/or the
validity of certificates. It covers any deliberate actions, neglect, default or other practice
that compromises, or could compromise:

• The assessment process

• The integrity of a regulated qualification
• The validity of a result or a certificate
• The reputation and credibility of both Yve Holistic Training and ITEC as an awarding body
• The qualification or the wider qualifications community.

Examples of the above could include:

• Deliberate falsification of records in order to claim certificates

• Failure to maintain appropriate record systems
• Discrimination or bias towards certain groups of students
• Misconduct of tutors towards students

Malpractice can occur at:

• Company level
• Tutor level
• Student (Learner) level.

NB: This is not an exhaustive list.

Definition of Maladministration

This is defined as any activity or practice which results in:

• Non-compliance with administrative regulations

• Poor administration e.g. poor student records
• Repeated mistakes

NB: This is not an exhaustive list.

Examples of Malpractice and Maladministration may include:

• Failure to carry out internal assessment, modification or verification in accordance with

ITEC requirements
• Allowing students to use inappropriate materials or equipment during an examination
process, such as use of mobile phones, textbooks, etc.
• Collusion or allowing collusion to take place between tutors and students, or between
• Plagiarism or allowing plagiarism to take place between staff and students, or between
• Fraudulent claims for certificates
• A breach of confidentiality between tutors and students
• Persistent maladministration
• Intentionally withholding information from ITEC which is critical in maintaining the rigour
of quality assurance and standards of qualification
• Loss, theft or breach of confidentiality of assessment materials.
• Misuse of logos and trademarks or misrepresentation of relationship Yve Holistic Training,
and ITEC.
• Inappropriate assistance to students, such as helping them to pass a unit or qualification
• Unauthorised circulation of exam assessment papers or procedures, other than those
which appear on the ITEC website for learners to access, e.g. assessment criteria.

Company responsibilities

• Notify ITEC immediately if the Company, its Tutors or its Learner(s) identify alleged or
actual maladministration or malpractice.
• Inform a Tutor or candidate if they are suspected of malpractice that a fact finding
exercise and/or investigation will be launched and that they have a right to reply and appeal
against any sanction imposed on them.
• Comply with any ITEC requests for information in relation to the fact finding exercise
within timescales agreed by ITEC and Yve Holistic Training, to enable us to carry out and
complete the fact find or investigation.
• Co-operate with ITEC during the investigation.
• Carry out a fact finding exercise or investigation using people who are independent of
those involved in the maladministration or suspected or actual malpractice.
• Provide ITEC with a report of any fact finding or relevant part of the investigation
• Inform tutors and candidates affected of the implications of the actions and
• Take appropriate action to prevent the incident of maladministration or suspected or
actual malpractice recurring.
• Respect the confidentiality of the information revealed during any investigative exercise.
• Retain records and documentation relating to the fact find or investigation for a period of

Who can identify an incident that may be a case of alleged or actual maladministration or
Anyone can come across an issue that they think could constitute alleged or actual
maladministration or malpractice. This can include but is not restricted to:

• ITEC staff who identify it through our own working relationship with a venue
• Venue staff and tutors
• Candidates
• External agencies, e.g. Skills Funding Agency, OFSTED, qualifications regulator (Ofqual)
• Whistle-blowers (e.g. a person who works at a venue who wishes to disclose malpractice
in the venue)
• Anonymous informants

In cases where we a third party reports an alleged or actual maladministration or

malpractice, the Company will establish whether they agree to us using their name. As part
of our fact find or investigation, if they do not wish us to reveal their identity, e.g. a whistle-
blower, we will respect this.
We will only disclose their name if we are legally required to do so. Nevertheless, we will
still carry out the investigation; however, we will make the person who informed us aware
that the extent of our investigation may be limited.

Process for making an allegation of malpractice or maladministration.

Anybody who identifies or is made aware of any instances of malpractice

/maladministration may do so by email, or in writing, promptly to:
Yvonne Potter – Company Director
The best form of contact will be by email:
[email protected]
An alternative form of contact may be made in writing, to the company address, which will
be provided on initial contact by email. In doing so, all reports and notification should
include supporting material or evidence, in order to assist with the investigative process. All
allegations must include the following where appropriate, possible and relevant:

• Student/ITEC candidate number

• Staff/tutor name
• Details of the course/qualification affected, or nature of the service affected.
• Nature of suspected case, including dates(s)
• Details of any preliminary investigative process, including mitigating circumstances if
relevant and conclusions drawn initially.
• A statement of facts and circumstances
• Written statements from all or any other staff concerned.
• Written statements from any students concerned
• Extenuating circumstances, such as medical reports
• Copies of registers
• Copies of schemes of work or lesson plans.
• Details or copies of any unauthorised learning materials during assessment /examination
• Mode of discovery
• Students work if relevant

Recommendations for action/resolution.

In an initial investigation by the company, prior to notifying ITEC We will ensure that:

• Staff investigating the nature of the allegation is competent to undertake the process
• Have no personal interest in the outcome of the investigation.

We notify ITEC (operations manager) of details of

• The initial investigative process, or

• The stage we are currently at, or
• The final outcome of the investigation, or
• Any recommendations made to ensure that such instances do not recur, or where steps
have been taken to minimise risk.

Investigation, timelines and summary processes

• Yve Holistic Training Director Yvonne Potter, who will investigate the process will
endeavour to:
• Acknowledge receipt of any notification of maladministration or malpractice, within 2
working days of receipt, whether it is received by post or by email.
• Review the report and carry out the fact finding/investigative processes within 10 working
days of receipt of the notification.
• It should be noted that in some cases the investigation may take longer; for example, if a
visit is required by ITEC for example. In such instances, we’ll advise all parties concerned of
the likely revised timescale.
• Notify the complainant of the outcome of our fact find within 2 working days of making
our conclusions and any steps taken to ensure the incident does not recur, if and where
appropriate and relevant
• Notify ITEC operations manager of the outcome of the whole investigation and steps taken
to ensure future compliance with nay policies/procedures and steps taken to minimise risk
to prevent future recurrences of the relevant matter.
• Where reports of malpractice or maladministration are reported to the company and are
relevant to the actions of the Director, or their administration team, details and ALL relevant
paperwork and documentation will be forwarded on to the operations manager at ITEC for
external investigation.

Principles of investigation into malpractice/maladministration

The company recognises that the principal of all investigations is to ensure that:

• All investigations should be conducted in a reasonable, fair and legal manner

• All evidence should be considered if relevant and without bias.
• All facts should be established to determine any irregularities and build a picture of what
has occurred.
• The scale of the irregularities is established.
• Any whistle blowers and anyone who notifies the company of any relevant information
has the right to privacy and anonymity in accordance with relevant legislation.
• Any identification of inadequate systems, patterns or trends leading up to the identified
incident are reviewed and any remedial action or change in systems required is
implemented as soon as is reasonably possible.
• Any changes to systems or processes should seek to ensure that future recurrence of
• malpractice/maladministration is minimised or eradicated, where reasonable steps can be
• Risk to students, or the integrity of the qualification is paramount to all investigative
processes and associated actions taken to effect change.

All paperwork, relevant to all or any cases of malpractice/maladministration will be kept for
a minimum period of 5 years in accordance with legal requirements.

For any queries about the contents of this policy, please contact Yvonne Potter:

Revised 20/01/2024

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