LP Tle 8 Week 23 and 24
LP Tle 8 Week 23 and 24
LP Tle 8 Week 23 and 24
Week 23 & 24
Topic: Reference: TLE7 Text Book
Content Standard : The learners demonstrate an understanding of the use and maintenance
of equipment in cookery and Performing Mensuration and Calculation in cookery
Performance Standard :The learners independently use and maintain tools, equipment, and
materials in cookery according to standard operating procedure.
LC1 : Select various
types of chemicals for Fruits, vegetables and other ingredients plays a very crucial
cleaning and role in our every day lives. It can helps use to be healthier, it can aid
sanitizing kitchen us to reduce stress and it can be use as natural cleaning materials.
tools, equipment, and
paraphernalia Natural Cleaning Materials
9. Tea Tree oil and Orange oil- can be used as safe, effective
kitchen cleaners. These natural products will keep your
kitchen clean without leaving a chemical residue behind.
LC3: Demonstrate in FA1: What is natural cleaning material and how it is differ from
front of the class how chemical cleaning agent?
to sanitize and
disinfect kitchen tools
and equipment using FA2: Why natural cleaning materials is important?
the different cleaning
agents. FA3: If you are going to choose between the two, what are you
going to choose is it the chemical cleaning agent or natural
Learning Target: cleaning materials?
Show the steps in
cleaning a specific FA4: Why is it important to clean our kitchen before and after using
tool using the it?
appropriate natural
cleaning material
Activity 1: Scaffold for Transfer 1
(Fun Facts)
-1 cup of salt
-Baking soda
-Dishwashing liquid
-Pot or pans or skillet
1. Get 1 cup of salt and rub it in the bottom of a pan.
2. Apply the baking soda and soak it for 3 mins.
3. Use the dishwashing liquid and rinse it.
4. Cover it using the tissue and leave it for 5 mins.
5. Rinse it again to see the final result.
Give at least 8 specific ways of cleaning the kitchen area and
explain it briefly.
LC4: Explain the Answer the question with 4-5 sentences. Write your answer on a
different ways of piece of paper.
cleaning the tools,
equipment and 1. How do you and your family keep your house especially the
kitchen. kitchen clean and sanitize? Give examples and ways on how to keep
your home clean and sanitize.
Approved by:
Dr. Jeofrey D. Capili