First Periodical Exam Science 9
First Periodical Exam Science 9
First Periodical Exam Science 9
I. Choose the letter of the best answer. 12. If solid and liquid wastes are removed from the
1. The body system made up of organs that help body through defacation and urination, what is
us to breath. released by the body as waste during
a. Respiratory c. Circulatory respiration?
b. Excretory d. Digestive a. Oxygen c. sweat
2. Responsible for distributing materials b. Carbon dioxide d. other nutrients
throughout the body 13. What will happen when oxygen is not
a. Respiratory c. Circulatory transported by the blood to the different parts
b. Excretory d. Digestive of the body?
3. The air sacs that allow the gas exchange in the a. It increases the risk of cardio vascular
lungs. disease.
a. Trachea c. Bronchi b. We will not be able to breathe.
b. Bronchioles d. Alveoli c. Cells will not perform its functions.
4. Identify the correct pathway of oxygen in the d. Nothing will happen.
breathing system. 14. A heterozygote shows a phenotype that is
a. Nose, nasal passages, trachea, bronchi, intermediate between the two homozygous
bronchioles, alveoli phenotypes. Neither allele is dominant over the
b. Alveoli, bronchioles, bronchi. Trachea, nasal other.
passages, nose a. Incomplete dominance
c. Nose, nasal passages, bronchi, bronchioles, b. Co dominance
trachea, alveoli c. Multiple alleles
d. Nose, nasal passages, trachea, bronchioles, d. Sex-linked genes
bronchi, alveoli 15. Both alleles are expressed equally in the
5. Which of the following sentences is incorrect? phenotype of the heterozygote. Example, red
a. When we breathe in or inhale, the cow crossed with white cow produces roan.
diaphragm muscles contracts. a. Incomplete dominance
b. When we breathe out or exhale, the b. Co dominance
diaphragm muscles relax. c. Multiple alleles
c. When we inhale, air pushes IN from the d. Sex-linked genes
outside where there is low air pressure. 16. Traits that are expressed exclusively in one sex.
d. When we exhale, air pushes outside where a. Sex linked genes
there is low pressure. b. Sex-limited traits
6. It carries the blood throughout the body. c. Sex-influenced traits
a. Heart c. blood vessels d. Multiple alleles
b. Blood d. oxygen 17. It is considered the genetic material of all living
7. Movement of blood from the heart, to the things. The blue print of the organism.
lungs, and back to the heart. a. Allele c. gametes
a. Systemic circulation b. DNA d. sugar
b. Coronary circulation 18. The nucleotide is composed of the following:
c. Pulmonary circulation a. Adenine, guanine, cytosine, thymine
d. Body circulation b. Sugar, phosphate, and four nitrogenous
8. The receiving part of the heart. bases.
a. Valves c. ventricles c. Sugar and phosphate only
b. Atria d. septum d. None of the above
9. Blood vessel that carry the oxygenated blood 19. Pertains to the number of organisms of the
away from the heart. same species living in a certain area.
a. Blood c. arteries a. Biodiversity
b. Veins d. capillaries b. Communities
10. All of the following sentences are correct except c. Populations
for one. Identify the incorrect sentence. d. species
a. All muscle tissues of the heart do not 20. Environmental conditions that keep a
contract at the same time. population from increasing in size and help
b. Heart is a hollow muscular organ about the balance ecosystem.
size of the fist. a. Population c. carrying capacity
c. Heart is a double pump that pumps left and b. Limiting factors d. communities
right sides. 21. The maximum population size an environment
d. The bottom chambers of the heart are left can support.
and right atrium. a. Population c. carrying capacity
11. Which is the best way to prevent diseases in b. Limiting factors d. communities
respiratory and circulatory systems? 22. Occurs when the last member of that species
a. Staying late at night dies.
b. Drinking alcohol a. Endangered c. threatened
c. Have a healthy lifestyle b. Extinct d. endemic
d. Eat junk foods and drink carbonated drinks. 23. Major cause of species extinction
a. Air pollution c. habitat loss the index of diversity if the number of runs is
b. Water pollution d. acid rain 5?(3pts)
24. The process by which a body of water becomes
enriched in dissolved nutrients that stimulate 5. You always hear and see the statement
the growth of aquatic plant resulting in the “Government warning: Cigarette Smoking is
depletion of dissolved oxygen Dangerous to Your Health”. What does cigarette
a. Acid rain c. PCB smoking do to our body? (3pts)
b. Eutrophication d. deforestation
25. Oxygen and carbon dioxide are gases that cycle
out in the ecosystem. Which of the following 6. As students, what can you contribute to help
gases is important to photosynthesis? preserve our environment for the future
a. Ozone layer c. oxygen generations?(5pts)
b. Water vapour d. carbon dioxide
26. Plants are considered as food makers. In which
of the following cell organelles does
photosynthesis occur?
a. Ribosome c. chloroplast
b. Chlorophyll d. mitochondrion
27. The light dependent reaction of photosynthesis
must come first before the light dependent
reaction because its products are important to
the fixation of carbon dioxide. which of the
following is/are the product/s of the light-
dependent reaction?
a. ADP only c. ATP
b. NADPH only d. NADPH and ATP
28. Plants are very unique among other organisms
due to their capability to trap sunlight and make
their own food. Which of the following enables
plants to trap energy from the sun?
a. Epidermis c, cuticle
b. Chloroplast d. chlorophyll
29. Plants make food by absorbing water and
carbon dioxide. Which of the following
substances is the origin of oxygen released as
gas by green plants during photosynthesis?
a. Water c. carbon dioxide
b. Sugar d. ribose-1
30. Which of the following t explains why planting
trees and putting up urban gardens can help
prevent global warming?
a. Plants produce oxygen during daytime and
perform transpiration.
b. Plants absorb carbon dioxide that
contributes to the rising of earth’s
c. Plants perform photosynthesis.
d. Plants use up carbon dioxide during
photosynthesis, release oxygen to the
environment, and perform transpiration.