Human Trafiking Rights
Human Trafiking Rights
Human Trafiking Rights
Sl no The rights The Reference
Sl no The rights The Reference
21. A prosecutrix of a sex-offence cannot be State of Maharashtra Vs
put on par with an accomplice and is a Chandra Prakash Kewal
victim of the crime. Her evidence must Chand Jain, AIR 1990 SC
receive the same weight as is attached to 658
an injured in cases of physical violence.
The same degree of care and caution
must attach in the evaluation of her
evidence as in the case of an injured
complainant or witness and no more.
22. It is legally mandatory for the union, Mahender Chawla Vs Union
all states and union territories to enforce of India, WP (Crl) 156 of
the Witness Protection Scheme, 2016 (decided on
2018 in letter and spirit in order to 5.12.2018)
ensure that a witness has the “right
to testify in courts in a free and fair
manner without any pressure and
threat whatsoever.”
Nipun Saxena v. Union of India, WP(C) no.565 of 2012, Order dated 11.05.2018