Dribble Drive Zone Offense System
Dribble Drive Zone Offense System
Dribble Drive Zone Offense System
By Coach Olesen
Copyright 2010 Coach M. All rights reserved Including the right of reproduction In whole or in part in any form
This is where the most important read of the offense takes place. The whole team must read whether 1 is picked up by the top of the zone (Xor the bottom of the zone (X3). If X1 is picked up by the top of the zone you should always get an open three pointer in the Push play. If X1 is picked up by the bottom of the zone the offense flows into the Fresno 2-Game Offense, which must be recognized by all players. On the swing to 4 the big man 5 must step into the key and start looking for the ball to occupy X5. The top of the zone matched up with 1, and the ball is swung to 3, which forces the bottom of the zone, X4, to cover a guard spot, or give up the easy three. At this point the zone is totally out of shape. On the swing to 2 in the corner the big defender X5 is the only option to cover the shot. If X5 does get to 2's shot, this usually leaves 5 open in the key.
After a while X4 and X5 will usually start cheating out, leaving 5 open inside for a pass. Even if they don't cheat, 5 should be open inside, as the only available option to front him is X3, all the way from the other side of the zone. The inside pass can come from either 4 or 3 on the swing. The inside pass from 3 will be open a lot if he fakes the pass to the corner first, causing X5 to sprint out. Getting the ball inside a couple of times will keep the defence honest.
On any pass inside to 5 the weak side action is exactly the same as in the normal Dribble Drive Motion. 4 dives and 1 finds the open window. Note: 4 and 1 may repeat the action if nothing is open - now 1 would dive and 4 find the open window.
Skip It's important that the offense keeps looking to skip the ball over the zone, especially from the corner. The reversal pass to 3 is not a good option, as it doesn't move the zone, or gets it out of shape.
Rebounding position On shots the offensive rebounding out of Push is the same principle as in the Dribble Drive Motion. The post covers the front of the rim, the weak side wing (covers the base line, and the weak side guard (crashes the boards between them.
After the kick out from the post to the diagonal shooter, the rebounding principles remain the same.
Push Entries There are several different ways to enter into the Push play.
Drag Option
When the defence is doing a good job of everybody matching up with a man on the swing, go to the Drag option.
As the swing is completed and the defence has matched up nicely, 2 dribble-drags up, and 5 drags up the key. As 3 now cuts behind X2 and the post players X3 is now the only defender who can cover him. X3 must make the choice between covering 3 or covering the skip to 1.
5 is the key to making the 2 game work. Whenever the ball is with 1, 2 or 3 the post 5 follows it around in a half moon shape between the mid post and the high post. It's important that 5 gets all the way to the high post, to draw up X5
The wing--mid post--short corner triangle poses some match-up problems for the zone, forcing it to almost match up man-to-man.
When the ball is on the wing, the options are: Shot Inside Skip As in the man offense the 3 will be on the diagonal when the ball is on the opposite wing. He will wave his hands to show when he's open for the skip.
1-man available Also the 1-man must always be available for a pass to relieve pressure, even if he has to go to mid court. If the defender at the top of the zone follows him it also opens up a penetration lane to the middle of the court. Also 1 must attempt to take X2 away from a position where he can cover the pass to both 1 and 5 at the same time.
On the pass to the mid post 4 must go back door while the ball is in the air. 4 is looking for the inside pass, but must carry on through to the opposite short corner without stopping. After passing to the mid post 2 relocates to the corner. The options are: Look backdoor for short corner man Look corner for wing who just passed inside Look to rack it if both the above are covered Look to skip opposite Look up top (last choice).
If X3 turns his head to the ball, 5 will pass to 2 in the corner. On the pass to the corner 4 immediately dives back to the ball side short corner, to the area X3 has just vacated. 3 on the opposite wing is again on the diagonal
Pass to short corner On the pass to the short corner the first look is rip and go through to the basket. More than likely X4 will be able to stop 4 from scoring, but the move will leave shooter 3 open for a 3-point shot on the opposite base line. 2 drags behind so 4 has a release behind.
Next look for the short corner is the 5 diving to the basket. To dive 5 steps behind X5, looking for the clear lane instead of fighting with him. It likely won't be open, but it drags X5 away from the mid post.
Moving the ball from side to side Moving the ball from side to side with passes and skips will make the offense much more successful. On the skip all players sprint to their new positions on the other side of the court.
Often the swing through the post will be open. On the swing from 2 to 1 the big man 5 jumps to the high post, gets the ball and reverses it.
On the swing from the high post, if 3 is able to hit the short corner, 4, it will often lead to a wide open layup for the diving 5.
4X Option When both 4 and 5 are active and can move run 4X. With that kind of personnel always have 4 and 5 X-cut on a skip (and possibly any ball reversal)
Freeze Dribble on swing If on the swing 1 freeze dribbles the opposite top defender X2 before passing to 3 it forces X4 to cover 3, leaving either the post or the short corner open.
It's important to remember that it's not just a passing offense. Penetration from the top will often be open on ball reversal or skips, when the whole defence is moving in the other direction.
Zone Plays
There are two sets of plays attached to the Dribble Drive Zone Offenses, with them all being quick hitters that flow right into the 2-game offense. The Fresno 20-Series is a series of quick hitters out of the 2-game.
The 40- and 50-series plays are run from the Fresno Push setup. They are essentially the same but they're run slightly differently against even and odd zones. The 40-series is used against even zones (2-3, 2-1-2) and 50 series against odd zones (1-2-2, 3-2, 1-3-1).
Fresno 20-series set plays The Fresno 20-Series is a series of quick hitters out of the 2-game. The 20-series designates that it's run out of the 2-game, while the last number which player it's run for; 21 would be run for the 1, 22 for the 2 and so on.
Fresno 22/23
Fresno 22 and 23 are the same plays - only 22 is run to the 2-side while 23 is run to the 3-side. This will confuse the defence, but it's the same play. Fresno 22/23 is a quick hitter to get an open three-point shot out of the 2game setup. Instead of cutting to the short corner 4 sets a blind back screen on X3 and shooter 2 cuts to the corner to receive the skip pass. This should leave 2 with the wide open corner shot. If 2 doesn't have a shot 5 X-cuts to the short corner and 4 goes mid pst.
Fresno 21
Fresno 21 is the 22/23 play run for the 1-man. As in 22 and 23 the 4-man screens the bottom back man of the zone. Instead of 2 receiving a pass he will now screen the top back of the zone while 1 cuts behind it for the skip pass.
Fresno 24
24 is only run once the defence has been burned by 22 or 23 several times. To avoid being beaten by 22/23 X3 will adjust and step up higher and be on the top side of 4, getting ready to intercept the skip or contest the three. Once 3 makes that read he will fake the skip, sending X3 scrambling towards the corner, then pass the ball to the rim for 4 to catch and score.
Fresno 40-series and 50-series set plays The 40- and 50-series plays are run from the Fresno Push setup. They are essentially the same but they're run slightly differently against even and odd zones, though either will work with some success against odd and even zones alike. The 40-series is used against even zones (2-3, 2-1-2) and 50 series against odd zones (1-2-2, 3-2, 1-3-1). The aim of the both series is to get an easy inside shot. If unsuccessful the plays flow into the 2-game. For both plays we set up in the same set-up as in the Push play, 4 out and a post weak side. The movement of the off-ball players at the start of the play is also the exact same as for Push, disguising the play.
The difference from Push is that as the ball is swung from 1 to 3 to 2 the big man 5 cuts across the key setting a screen on the last bottom defender X3. This can be a post up. 4 now cuts hard to the front of the rim from behind X2. 5 shapes up looking for the ball high. Note: Getting the timing of the screen right takes some tinkering. It's important that the screen is set early and that 4 cuts at the right time. Also 5 rolling to post up is important. 5 needs to open up in the direction X3 is trying to get around him, effectively making it an illegal screen. This is why it's important that he makes it look like he's just putting his body on the defender and pivoting to post up. If he comes across with his hands in the screening position and rolls to cut off 3 it will be called as a foul. If neither 4 nor 5 gets the ball they cut to the short corner and mid post and the team goes straight into 2-game. Fresno 40-series - odd
5 must now read how the zone moves. If the offense is successful in making X2 match up with 2 on the drive it forces X4 to match up with 3 on the swing. This forces X5 to either give up the open 3-pointer or match up with 2 in the corner. 5 must read which defender drops to the bottom of the zone and screen him (X3 in the example shown here). It's also possible to have 5 screen for X5 early, opening up the corner 3pointer for 2 and the cut by 4. If X5 gets by the screen 5 looks for the next defender to screen. If the defence manages to match up with X2 on the swing to 3 big man 5 must screen inside for X5. 4 now flashes hard to the ball. This screen must be set early.
If neither 4 nor 5 gets the ball they cut to the short corner and mid post and the team goes straight into 2-game.