? (AC-S03) Week 03 - Task Assignment - Family Events (PA1) (INGLES 3)
? (AC-S03) Week 03 - Task Assignment - Family Events (PA1) (INGLES 3)
? (AC-S03) Week 03 - Task Assignment - Family Events (PA1) (INGLES 3)
Indicaciones de la tarea
Hello everybody!
Now it's time for you to do the task for this week. Read the instructions below.
Remember that if you need to review a topic, you can always check the course material
as many times as you need. Keep in mind that you have to present this task during
week 3.
Lee los anuncios. En ellos, tu docente está compartiendo información importante sobre el desarrollo
1. Learning Outcome
Through this activity, students talk about the most important family events they
remember using the grammar and vocabulary learned in Weeks 2 and 3.
2. Description
Step 1: Collaborative work (get into pairs or groups of 3)
Step 2: Check this week’s study material and your sessions’ notes.
Situation: You and your partner(s) are talking about 2 family events you
remember the most from your past. Ask each other questions about
specific details that happened that day. Tell your partner as many things
as possible about each event.
Student A asks B about the family event he/she remembers the
most. Student B describes the event. Student A asks about any
specific details he/she wants to know about. Student B responds.
Student A asks B about the second family event he/she
remembers the most. Student B describes the event. Student A
asks about any specific details he/she wants to know about.
Student B responds.
Student B asks A about the family event he/she remembers the m
ost. Student A
describes the event. Student B asks about any specific details he/
she wants to know about. Student A responds.
Student B asks A about the second family event he/she
remembers the most. Student A describes the event. Student B
asks about any specific details he/she wants to know about.
Student A responds.
Vocabulary and expressions from Unit 1 (Weeks 2- 3)
Family events
Personality adjectives
Adjectives to describe people and things.
Past simple with verb to be and regular verbs in statement and
question forms
Linking words “and” and “but”.
Step 3:
Practice the dialogue with your partner(s) paying attention to the
pronunciation and intonation.
Remember to transmit your personal emotions as if you were in a real
Step 4: Once you are ready, record yourselves in multimedia in the virtual
platform or upload your video in Youtube /Drive and share the link in a Word
format in the paltform.
Step 5: Use the following structure:
Cover: Your names and last names must be there. Include your photos.
There are 2 options to do it: (Choose one)
Option 1: Insert the cover in your video if you record it on the
learning platform.
Option 2: Insert the cover in a Word format with the YouTube
link/Drive link.
3. Materials to be used
Study materials of the week
Vocabulary of the week
Personal notes
Additional material:
Dictionary Cambridge
online: https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/essential-american-
english/Links to an external site.
Oxford American English
Dictionary: https://www.oxfordreference.com/view/10.1093/acref/97801
95392883.001.0001/acref-9780195392883Links to an external site.
Englisch-Hilfen: https://www.englisch-hilfen.de/en/Links to an external
All things Grammar: https://www.allthingsgrammar.com/present-
simple.htmlLinks to an external site.
Raymond Murphy - English Grammar In Use
Book: https://idoc.pub/documents/1-raymond-murphy-english-grammar-
in-use-with-answers-elementarypdf-6ng2exg9rjlvLinks to an external
4 . Presentation
Indicaciones de la tarea
Hello everybody!
Now it's time for you to do the
task for this week. Read the
instructions below. Remember that if
you need to review a topic, you can
always check the course material as
many times as you need. Keep in
mind that you have to present this
task during week 3.
Lee los anuncios. En ellos, tu
docente está compartiendo
información importante sobre el
desarrollo de la tarea
1. Learning Outcome
Through this activity, students
talk about the most important family
events they remember using the
grammar and vocabulary learned in
Weeks 2 and 3.
2. Description
• Step 1: Collaborative work (get
into pairs or groups of 3)
Componentes principales:
Las gaseosas tienen su origen en el siglo XVIII, cuando los farmacéuticos comenzaron a
mezclar agua carbonatada con sabores. A lo largo de los años, estas bebidas han evolucionado y
se han convertido en un fenómeno global.
Las principales marcas de gaseosas son producidas por grandes corporaciones como
Coca-Cola, PepsiCo, y Dr. Pepper Snapple Group. La industria de las gaseosas es una de las
más lucrativas del mundo, con un mercado que incluye desde las tradicionales bebidas
azucaradas hasta versiones bajas en calorías y con ingredientes naturales.