CC Answers
CC Answers
CC Answers
compu ng resources, swi ly provisioned and released with minimal management effort. It
offers ubiquitous network access, allowing organiza ons to scale infrastructure dynamically
based on demand.
2) Infrastructure-as–a-Service (IaaS)
So ware-as-a-Service (SaaS)
3)MapReduce is a method for processing big data across mul ple computers, breaking tasks into
smaller chunks, processing them independently, and then combining the results. It's efficient for
tasks like analyzing large datasets, searching through logs, or training machine learning models.
4)Storage Devices:
2. Amazon Glacier
5) Storage services are online pla orms that offer scalable, reliable storage solu ons for digital data,
accessible over the internet. Examples include Amazon S3, Google Cloud Storage, and Microso
Azure Blob Storage.
6) A tenant refers to an individual or en ty using a service, while a mul tenant system serves
mul ple tenants simultaneously, offering each a separate and secure environment within the same
7) Horizontal scaling involves adding more machines or instances to your pool of resources,
distribu ng the load across mul ple machines. It's like adding more lanes to a highway to
accommodate more traffic.
Ver cal scaling involves increasing the resources of a single machine, such as adding more CPU, RAM,
or storage capacity. It's like upgrading a car's engine to make it faster and more powerful.
8) Load balancing distributes incoming network traffic across mul ple servers to op mize resource
u liza on and improve performance, ensuring high availability and reliability for users accessing web
applica ons or services. Common techniques include round-robin, least connec ons, and weighted
distribu on.
10) Common load balancing algorithms include Round Robin (distribu ng requests sequen ally),
Least Connec ons (direc ng requests to the server with the fewest ac ve connec ons), and
Weighted Round Robin (assigning weights to servers based on capacity). These algorithms aim to
op mize performance and resource u liza on in distribu ng incoming requests among available
11) Cloud compu ng enables convenient, on-demand access to a shared pool of configurable
compu ng resources, swi ly provisioned and released with minimal management effort. It offers
ubiquitous network access, allowing organiza ons to scale infrastructure dynamically based on
Infrastructure-as–a-Service (IaaS)
• PaaS provides the run me environment for applica ons, development and deployment
tools, etc.
So ware-as-a-service (Saas)
• SaaS model allows to use so ware applica ons as a service to end-users. Ex : Facebook
,twiter etc .
1. 12) Content Delivery Services: These are cloud-based services that help
deliver content (such as text, images, scripts, and streaming media) to end-
users efficiently, with high availability and performance.
2. Content Delivery Networks (CDNs): CDNs are a type of content delivery
service. They consist of a distributed system of servers located across multiple
geographic locations (known as edge locations). These servers store cached
copies of content, allowing them to serve it to users from locations closer to
them, thus reducing latency and improving performance.
3. Amazon CloudFront:
Amazon CloudFront is a content delivery service provided by Amazon
Web Services (AWS).
It delivers dynamic, static, and streaming content using a global
network of edge locations.
Content in CloudFront is organized into distributions, each specifying
the original location of the content (known as the origin). This origin
can be an Amazon S3 bucket, an EC2 instance, an Elastic Load Balancer,
or a custom origin server.
CloudFront improves website performance by caching static content
(like JavaScript, CSS, and images) at edge locations and proxying
requests for dynamic or interactive content back to the origin servers.
4. Windows Azure Content Delivery Network:
This is Microsoft's content delivery service within the Azure cloud
It caches Windows Azure blobs (objects stored in Azure storage) and
static content at edge locations to enhance website performance.
Azure CDN can be enabled on a Windows Azure storage account,
allowing users to leverage its caching capabilities.
Additionally, the text provides examples of cloud deployment tools categorized by programming
languages, such as Java, PHP, .NET, and Python, along with specific tools under each category.
Overall, these reference architectures offer guidelines for designing robust and scalable cloud
applications, considering factors like load balancing, auto scaling, database replication, and
storage reliability.
2. The guest OS doesn't need any modifica ons to run in a virtualized environment and operates as it
would on physical hardware.
3. Full virtualiza on achieves this by directly execu ng user requests and transla ng OS requests into
instruc ons that the hardware can understand.
1. Purpose:
IDAM services facilitate the management of user authentication and
authorization processes, ensuring that only authorized users can access
cloud resources.
These services are particularly beneficial for organizations with multiple
users accessing cloud resources, allowing for centralized control and
security enforcement.
2. Functionality:
IDAM services enable the management of various aspects of user
identities, permissions, security credentials (such as access keys), and
access control policies.
Users can be assigned specific permissions that dictate which cloud
resources they can access and what actions they can perform.
3. Amazon Identity and Access Management (IAM):
AWS IAM is Amazon's IDAM service designed for managing users and
their permissions within an AWS account.
It provides capabilities to create, manage, and revoke user credentials,
such as access keys, and to define granular permissions for accessing
AWS resources.
IAM enables administrators to control data access and resource
creation by users, enhancing security and governance within AWS
4. Windows Azure Active Directory (AAD):
AAD is Microsoft's IDAM service that offers a cloud-based identity
It seamlessly integrates with on-premises Active Directory deployments,
allowing organizations to extend their existing identity management
infrastructure to the cloud.
AAD also supports integration with third-party identity providers,
providing flexibility in authentication mechanisms.
It enables organizations to control access to applications hosted in
Windows Azure, ensuring secure authentication and authorization for
cloud-based services.
15)Map reduce
ii)data flow
MapReduce is a parallel data processing model designed for analyzing and processing vast
amounts of data efficiently. Let's break down its key components and how it works:
1. Phases:
MapReduce operates in two main phases: Map and Reduce.
In the Map phase, input data is read from a distributed file system and
partitioned across multiple computing nodes in a cluster.
Each node processes its portion of data and emits intermediate key-value pairs.
The intermediate results are stored locally on the disk of the node running the
map task.
In the Reduce phase, the intermediate data with the same key is aggregated
together to produce the final output.
2. Key-Value Pairs:
Input data to the Map and Reduce functions are in the form of key-value pairs.
This data format facilitates efficient processing and analysis by allowing the
system to organize and manipulate data based on keys.
3. Locality of Data:
MapReduce takes advantage of the locality of data by processing it on the
nodes where it resides.
This minimizes data movement across the network, reducing transmission
overhead and improving efficiency.
4. MapReduce Runtime System:
The MapReduce runtime system handles various tasks such as data
partitioning, job scheduling, and communication between nodes in the cluster.
This abstraction simplifies the development of MapReduce programs, as
programmers don't need to worry about low-level tasks like data partitioning
and scheduling.
5. Shuffle and Sort:
The Shuffle phase in MapReduce involves transferring the map output from
Mapper to a Reducer.
The Sort phase covers the merging and sorting of map outputs, grouping data
by key and sorting it.
Each Reducer receives all values associated with the same key, enabling
aggregation and final processing.
6. Advantages:
MapReduce reduces the need for data movement by bringing computation to
the data, improving efficiency.
It enables efficient processing of massive-scale data by distributing tasks
across multiple nodes in a cluster.
In summary, MapReduce provides a scalable and efficient framework for processing large
datasets by parallelizing computation, leveraging data locality, and abstracting low-level
tasks from programmers.
17) n cloud computing, both SQL (Structured Query Language) and NoSQL (Not Only
SQL) databases are commonly used for storing and managing data. Each type of
database has its own strengths and use cases, and cloud computing platforms offer
services to support both SQL and NoSQL databases. Here's an overview of SQL and
NoSQL databases in the context of cloud computing:
1. SQL Databases:
Definition: SQL databases are relational databases that store data in
tables with rows and columns. They use SQL for querying and
manipulating data.
Use Cases: SQL databases are suitable for applications that require
complex queries, transactions, and structured data with predefined
schemas. They are commonly used in traditional business applications,
such as financial systems, e-commerce platforms, and customer
relationship management (CRM) systems.
Cloud Offerings: Cloud providers offer managed SQL database
services, such as Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS), Google
Cloud SQL, and Azure SQL Database. These services handle database
administration tasks like provisioning, scaling, backups, and
maintenance, allowing users to focus on application development.
2. NoSQL Databases:
Definition: NoSQL databases are non-relational databases that store
data in flexible, schema-less formats, such as key-value pairs,
documents, graphs, or wide-column stores.
Use Cases: NoSQL databases are well-suited for applications with large
volumes of unstructured or semi-structured data, real-time data
processing, and horizontal scalability. They are commonly used in web
applications, IoT (Internet of Things) platforms, social networks, and big
data analytics.
Cloud Offerings: Cloud providers offer managed NoSQL database
services, such as Amazon DynamoDB, Google Cloud Firestore, Azure
Cosmos DB, and MongoDB Atlas. These services provide features like
automatic scaling, high availability, global replication, and support for
various data models, allowing developers to build scalable and flexible
3. Considerations:
Scalability: NoSQL databases are typically more scalable horizontally,
allowing them to handle massive volumes of data and high throughput.
SQL databases can also scale, but may require more effort to scale
Consistency vs. Flexibility: SQL databases prioritize data consistency
and ACID (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation