Who Decides Which Version
Who Decides Which Version
Who Decides Which Version
hen the Church began, there ample, the Dead Sea scrolls, containing their own faith for the Pharisees to limit
recognized only the twenty-seven books in The numbering of the Psalms diverges after Psalm 8. The Septuagint also includes one additional
our current New Testament as canonical. Psalm.
(To this day, the Nestorian recognize a Daniel here does not include those sections separately labelled as "The Song of the Three
tw entytw o — b o o k s u b s e t a n d th e Children," "Daniel and Susannah," or "Daniel, Bel and the Snake (Dragon)."
Ethiopians a superset of the New 4 Maccabees is always in an appendix.
Testament.) clearly decided or closed by the Church. It est Christians was the LXX. However, the
is clear from the quotations from the Old books cited as Scripture vary widely even
The canon of the Old Testament
Testament by the New Testament writers among the New Testament writers. For
and other very early Christian witnesses that example, St. Jude, the stepbrother of the
the preferred and almost exclusive Lord, in his canonical New Testament let-
believe that the thirty-nine books in the
Most of the Deuterocanonical books truncated, missionary-society-produced Old
Testaments were the only "true" books of the
Old Testament.
are quoted or alluded to as Scripture Most evangelical Protestants in America
are heirs of this missionary movement.
by the Apostles, the Church Fathers, Consequently, many Americans who take the
B ible seriously hold a grave mis-
understanding about the Old Testament.
and even Jesus Christ Himself. They sincerely but mistakenly believe that
the Deuterocanonical books of the Old
Testament are not a part of the Christian
Although modern English translations Bible. They are ignorant of the fact that most
Today, the only Christian group to include
of the Old Testament take into consider- of the Deuterocanonical books are quoted or
Enoch in the canon of the Old Testament is
ation the LXX and other text traditions, they alluded to as Scripture by the Apostles, the
the Ethiopian Coptics.
have continued to rely principally on the Church Fathers, and even Jesus Christ
In fact, differences in Old Testament Himself.
canons exist among most major Christian M asoretic tradition. This has led to the
groups in spite of a common New Testa- sometimes embarrassing situation of an
ment canon. Most Protestants reject the English Bible in which the New Testament —
A Septuagint Revival
Deuterocanonical books completely. The quotations of the Old Testament are very
different from the supposed "original" Currently there is no translation of the LXX
Roman Catholic and Greek Orthodox lists into modern English. Thank God that the St.
of accepted Deuterocanonical books differ found in the Old Testament translation in-
cluded in the same Bible. Athanasius Academy has undertaken the Old
(the Greek list is longer). There are even Testament Orthodox Study Bible project in
slight differences between the Russian For example, the New Revised Stan- order to provide a good translation of the
Orthodox and Greek Orthodox versions of
dard Version of the Bible has Paul quoting LXX into contemporary English. However,
the Old Testament. However, these dis- Isaiah as saying , "He who believes in him