Jun2019 Pediatric
Jun2019 Pediatric
Jun2019 Pediatric
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Objective: To evaluate the trends in pediatric researches performed at the main hospital in
Bahrain and to identify existing research gaps.
Method: All scientific contributions produced by the pediatric department were identified between
1 January 1977 and 31 May 2018. Annual and cumulative trends of scientific production were
calculated. Articles were stratified based on publication type, medical subspecialties and types
of publishing journals. Pediatrician’s gender, job description and current job were documented.
Result: Out of 416 scientific contributions, 309 scientific publications were analyzed (293 journal
articles, 5 books, 9 book chapters, 2 booklets). There was a significant increase in the number of
publications over the last four decades (P-value<0.0001). Hematology and gastroenterology were
the most researched specialties, 38 (12.3%) publications each. Publications on infectious diseases
were eight (2.6%) and seven (2.3%) on oncology. Out of 257 (83.2%) publications, 125 (40.5%)
articles were published in international journals. Forty-seven (51.1%) out of 92 pediatricians had
scientific publications. Of the 47 pediatricians, 36 (76.6%) were consultants and 11 (23.4%) were
residents (P-value <0.0001). Gender (P-value=0.838) and position (P-value=0.633) had no effects
on publication.
Conclusion: In the last four decades, there has been a remarkable increase in the number of
pediatric publications at the main hospital in Bahrain, with special emphasis on hematological
and gastrointestinal problems. Yet, there is a continuous need to study important health problems,
such as cancer and infections.
Medicine is an evolving science1. All scientists aim to discover better understanding of diseases, higher social or hospital
and disseminate truth via generating and testing hypotheses2. standing, and research grants or awards acquisition are the
In the era of evidence-based medicine (EBM), physicians are main benefits of conducting clinical research10. Furthermore,
required to deliver the best management to their patient1,3. the academic standard makes publication obligatory for an
Research is one of the pillars for patient management1,4. academic promotion1,11. Research and journal publications are
The importance of research in pediatric age groups is well also necessary for academic institutions11.
recognized5,6. Improvement of child health outcomes can be
strengthened by properly conducted research7,8. It is common Salmaniya Medical Complex (SMC) was established in 1970
that clinical decisions about pediatric care rely on adults and remains the main hospital that provides secondary and
research5. However, because of the physiological differences tertiary healthcare to all the citizens and residents of Bahrain at
between children and adults, it is not sufficient to rely on results the high-quality level12. Recently, in November 2016, a pediatric
obtained from adult studies and generalize them to children5,6. research committee has been established. Data management,
statistics and epidemiology, and study implementation are the
Research articles remain the most influential method of three main basic requirements necessary to support any clinical
spreading new knowledge and establishing academic research division13.
hierarchies at both individual and institutional levels9. Attaining
Bahrain Medical Bulletin, Vol. 41, No. 2, June 2019
SPSS version 21 was used. Data were expressed as frequency
No. of publications
Bahrain Medical Bulletin, Vol. 41, No. 2, June 2019 Pediatric Medical Research: Where is the Gap?
25 local and 42 (13.4%) in regional journals. Two hundred two
(65.4%) were published in journals with an impact factor, see
23 23
12.9 12.9 12
was 0.71 (range 0.03 to 10.3). International journals had higher
10 8.8
8.5 7.8 7.8 7.5 8 8
impact factors (median 2.4, range 0.2 to 10.3) compared to
6 6
5 4.1 3.7
2.7 2.7 2.4 2.0 2.0
1.7 3 2
regional (median 0.7, range 0.06 to 1.2) and local (median
0.15, range 0.03 to 0.66) journals (P<0.0001).
1.0 1
0.7 0.3
Number Percehtage
Number and pecentage of publications
Bahrain Medical Bulletin, Vol. 41, No. 2, June 2019
al found that 90.9% of researches from Arab countries were for a resident. Time for research activities should be allocated
published in international journals while publications in in the curriculum as requested by most residents (86%)3.
local and regional journals account only for 4.6% each8.
This might be explained by the fact that articles published in Academic institutions, faculty and fellowship programs must
local and regional journals are unlikely to be indexed in the be armed with well-trained research fellows using collaborative
commonly used online databases, especially those written in and interdisciplinary approaches22. A clinical research support
Arabic8. Moreover, some academic institutions consider only center should be established to provide initial advice regarding
publications from indexed and abstracted biomedical journals research design10. Financial assistance is also needed for the
or from internationally recognized media such as Medline, research itself and for the publishing process11.
PubMed, ISI Web, etc11. However, top quality manuscripts
of some inexperienced authors are published in non-indexed The study was limited by missing details related to the type
journals11. and year of some publications. Another limitation is that most
of the research producers were from a consultant level which
In the current study, 76.6% of pediatricians who published does not reflect the entire pediatric staff.
scientific papers were consultants and faculties at universities
and only 23.4% were residents. This could be due to the lack CONCLUSION
of research training within the pediatric residency program at
SMC. Sumi et al found that faculties (89.1%) were more likely The last four decades have witnessed a remarkable increase
to have past participation in clinical research compared to in the number of pediatric research publications in the main
residents (53.5%)10. Programs that involve high-school, college, hospital in Bahrain, with special emphasis on hematological
and medical students into pediatric research led to a long-term and gastrointestinal problems among the pediatric age
interest in research7. However, there is still a shortage of young group. Pediatricians in Bahrain needs more support and
pediatricians whose aim is to carry out fundable research7. training on the how to conduct clinical research.
Although this study did not show any gender difference in
publication, there are several evolving trends in pediatric Author Contribution: All authors share equal effort
research related to gender16. Spector et al found that fewer contribution towards (1) substantial contributions to conception
women enter research compared to men16. Therefore, as the and design, acquisition, analysis and interpretation of data;
proportion of females increases in pediatric departments, (2) drafting the article and revising it critically for important
the number of pediatric researchers might decrease16. The intellectual content; and (3) final approval of the manuscript
overall underrepresentation of females as main editors and on version to be published. Yes.
the editorial boards may partially explain the gender gap in
Potential Conflict of Interest: None.
Competing Interest: None.
Our study showed that 48.9% of pediatricians did not publish
any scientific papers. Many ethical and practical problems Sponsorship: None.
have led to a paucity of high quality pediatric research5. The
evolution of children’s medical care depends on their inclusion Acceptance Date: 30 March 2019.
in clinical trials18. However, children’s involvement in research
and exposure to risk might be difficult to be ethically justified Ethical Approval: Approved by the Secondary Care Medical
especially that they could not give their own informed Research Subcommittee, Salmaniya Medical Complex,
consent15,19. Over the years, ethical guidelines started to be Ministry of Health, Kingdom of Bahrain and conducted in
embodied in regulations20. In developing countries, pediatric accordance with the principles of the Helsinki Declaration.
research regulations are often rigid, confusing or even non-
existent6. REFERENCES
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