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How to Lie With Computational Predictive Models in Drug Discovery

by andreasbender13/10/20203 Comments
Predictive Models – Is There Anything Wrong?

Computational modelling of data (or ‘Artificial Intelligence’ if you prefer) has

made huge advances, most recently particularly in areas such as image and speech
recognition – and some of those applications have led, or may well lead, to
practical applications (just to pick cellular phenotyping as an example). Whether
the immense investment also translates into a benefit for society remains to be
seen of course.

However, advances in other areas than speech and image recognition, in particular
drug discovery, are much more difficult to clearly identify. One particular reason
for this is, besides the (small) amounts of (in vivo relevant!) data available, the
inconsistency of its labeling (since labels, such as toxicity, or the indication of
a drug, etc.) depend on dose, assay setup/disease endotype, etc. (we will get to
that in an upcoming Drug Discovery Today Technologies article; I will link it from
here when available [update 22 Jan 2021: The articles are now being published in
Drug Discovery Today, see]).

But another aspect is the way models have been validated, and often are still
validated within the domain, and which in my opinion is often somewhere between
insufficient, or outright meaningless in the way they are presented in for example
scientific publications. But – it is not all up do the individual – model
validation, and here we will mainly focus on property models of small molecules, is
simply much more difficult than it sounds! Some of the reasons why model validation
is difficult are relatively easier to address and only require suitable effort,
while some others are domain-specific, and it is very hard to do anything about
them (at least without considerable, and often unfeasible, experimental effort that
would be required). Still: The more aware we are what the pitfalls of model
validations are, the better we can at least do what is possible, which in the
medium term will be of benefit for the field, science as a whole, and ultimately
society (e.g. by helping drug discovery in a meaningful way, in the real world).

A remark before I am getting into it: I have certainly committed some of the sins
outlined below myself – and this is precisely why I feel exceptionally qualified
talking about them right now! I will hence use some of my earlier work in this
article, and revisit it in the form of a self-critical review, which I believe is
also important for myself, to advance my own science. If others can learn from this
text as well – then even better.

The Disconnect Between Happy Publications and Sober Reality

When doing my PhD I certainly was part of the ‘we need to pump up those numbers’
brigade – whatever the data set and its biological meaning, from bioactivity (in
the virtual screening setting) to toxicity prediction, the aim was to improve
recall, accuracy, or whatever other performance measure was desired. And why not?
After all ‘pushing the numbers a bit’ ensured a publication, and wasn’t that all
that was required? I didn’t pay real attention to the endpoint that had been
measured (whether it was only a proxy measure, or had a meaning it its own right
for example); the reproducibility of the data; the question to what extent a
certain type of data set split translates to prospective performance (!); or the
context a model is embedded in (e.g. to make a drug, instead of a ligand, you need
to consider properties far beyond on-target activity itself of course), etc. etc.

This problem became even clearer to me when applying models in practice, be it in

the academic or applied drug discovery context – the models simply didn’t turn out
to be as good as promised by the numbers in previous ‘validations’. So, were those
validation then valid, after all? It is now apparent that there is a fundamental
underlying disconnect between establishing, and reporting, performance of models on
the one hand, and ensuring their suitability for prospective application on the
other hand – and both are even existing, as it sometimes appears to me, in parallel
universes. This goes beyond pure science of course, for example there are wrong
incentives at play (e.g. you need to ‘pump up the numbers’ to be able to publish),
but unfortunately this means that the translation into practice (as described in
further detail below) nearly necessarily loses out: There is simply a huge conflict
between ways scientific ‘progress’ is evaluated when it comes to publications, and
what matters in a real-world scenario.

Sounds cryptic? Read on and we’ll go right into it!

So what is the problem when it comes to model generation, and reporting model
results, in particular when modelling properties of small molecules?

A handy ‘cheat sheet’ of what we will discuss in the following here as a table,
with a convenient dual use: To choose your favorite way of cheating, or as a
checklist (be it as an author or a reviewer) to ensure a given piece of work is as
good as possible!

# Aspect Why It Matters Frequent Problems Addressable?
1 Data set size, composition, coverage, and training-test split are
insufficient Performance and data used to obtain a given performance are
intrinsically related Data sets are unavailable for comparison; they are biased;
insufficiently large/diverse; train/test splits splits chosen are irrelevant for
prospective performance Only very partially (by reporting data for comparison); not
fundamentally though, since (a) we cannot describe chemical space, hence cannot
sample it or describe any inherent data set biases; and (b) future chemistry to
predict for will likely be different from any training/test sets available today
2 Prospective validation is still generally insufficient to estimate model
performance Predicting new molecules is the proof of the pudding – but only if
sufficient in number, distribution and without human intervention! Too small
numbers of molecules tested; manual intervention in selection process; insufficient
attention to baseline control (if used at all); extrapolation to different/future
chemistry still impossible In principle, but virtually impossible practically
(due to time and expense needed).

And: “Model validations are process validations.”

3 Baseline model not properly chosen, optimized, or compared A baseline defines
advancement made over existing methods Unclear which baseline method to choose;
less incentive to optimize baseline method than new method under development;
differences are often not as significant (or relevant) as described Yes, with
suitable effort
4 Data quality not assessed or taken into account when reporting performance
Models are based on data, and its quality defines the upper limit of model
performance Model performance is reported without paying attention to data quality
used for model generation Data quality cannot be changed (except by generating
more/different data), but can (and should be) reported
5 Irrelevant model endpoints chosen or not discussed in context of actual model
application Model can only be used in practice if the endpoint it models matters
for the end goal one aims to achieve Increase in model performance is reported
as an end goal in itself, without discussing relevance of endpoint for decision
making in a real-world setting In principle yes – but frequently large data
sets are only available for (easily measurable) proxy endpoints whose impact on
decision making is subjective. Also wrong incentives in publication process are a
problem (see main text)
6 Ascribing model impact on complex outcomes is impossible If a model claims
to be used in the drug discovery context then its impact on this endpoint (and not
‘ligand discovery’ etc.) needs to be quantified It is either possible to evaluate a
model in context of early, data-rich, but less relevant endpoints; or in the
context of late, data-poor, but relevant endpoints No. Retrospective evaluations
may provide some guidance, but suffer heavily from ‘survivor’ (and other) biases

And: “Model validations are process validations.”

Showing 1 to 6 of 6 entries
1. Model Performance and Data are Intrinsically Linked – And One Does not Mean
Anything Without the Other

While performance of a model is reported as standard, the data set – and its
characteristics – usually aren’t

That datasets differ in size and distribution of data points is a given; and (in
the chemical field) luckily making datasets available to reproduce results (or
obtain results on a given benchmark data set using a new method) has become more
common over the ten years or so. However, while the performance of a method is
usually characterized with a variety of performance measures, the same is not true
for the datasets themselves. This is a problem, since the numerical performance of
a method, the data set used to evaluate the method, and its prospective performance
are intrinsically related. And if we don’t understand whether the chemical space
covered by a given test set is comparable to that of another, or to our chemical
space of interest in the future (which we are usually not even aware of
ourselves!), then reporting numerical performance of methods is by and large
meaningless. (More formally speaking, the data of our sets are not exchangeable.)
While this is the case in any area, it is an even bigger problem in the chemical
domain, since (a) chemical space is (very large, (b) available data samples it only
insufficiently, and (c) future applications will only require predictions for a
very small subset of chemical space. In other words: The performance of a given
method on a new data set will look (often vastly) different – and you need to start
afresh with what you learned regarding the performance of a method. This results in
obvious problems.

Why is chemical space so unique? There are many reasons for it – most notably its
size, and on the other hand our inability to know anything about the underlying
structure of this space: We don’t know whether the chemistry exhibiting bioactivity
against a target is similar due to synthesis (or other) bias – or due to the
underlying selectivity and activity preference of this particular target. We don’t
know which chemistry is more (or less) common among the ca 1063 small molecules
that are thought to exist up to a molecular weight of 500. This is different from
most other areas, say, biological sequences, where you have the significance of
replacing amino acids, such as in case of BLOSUM (or other) matrices – none of this
exists in the chemical domain in a meaningful way. We cannot state anything about
the underlying data distribution of chemical space – so we don’t know where we are
in this space; we cannot describe what a ‘representative sample’ is in any way; and
we cannot estimate future performance. (This is the global view on molecular
property models – of course this gets put into a different context if one accepts
that any models is only a local model, but this is not the way models are usually
presented in the current literature.)

Data splits – there is no right way, only differently wrong ways

The question of how to ‘split data’ for validation has been the subjective of
intense research, and approaches such as cross-validation, leave-class out and time
split validation, etc. exist, with results showing in one study that “time-split
selection gives an R2 that is more like that of true prospective prediction than
the R2 from random-selection (too optimistic) or from our analog of leave-class-out
selection (too pessimistic).” However, does this hold true in any case? I would
probably agree that cross-validation overestimates performance, while leave-class
out validation underestimates it – if you cross-validate (and assign compound
randomly into folds) you sample from the same underlying distribution (leading
hence to an overestimate in model performance), while in the leave-class out
setting you go to the opposite extreme of predicting far away from your training
data set. But: time-split performance often fluctuates, which makes it also
difficult to come to a conclusion as to model performance (but which of course may
very well lie in the nature of the matter). And why are time splits problematic
conceptually? While they do approximate the situation of ‘predicting the future’
during time split you don’t care about the sampling – you assume that going from
time t to time t+1 will have an approximately similar effect as going from t+1 to
t+2. However, most people would agree with me that going from 2019 to 2020 felt
rather different, compared to going from 2018 to 2019 – there is nothing fixed, or
constant, about going one time element into the future, when it comes to the data,
such as molecules being generated in a pharmaceutical company. A time split is not
performed in the chemical domain – so what you assume is that, on average, the
novelty/extrapolation power of data splits approaches that in the future. This may
be the case in some areas, but probably not in others (e.g. for new modalities).
Time-split uses just a random piece of ‘new’ chemical space, of limited size –
given we don’t know how representative that is either, we are ‘just’ (in both the
positive and negative sense) sampling model performance, from the whole chemical
space the model might be applied to in the future. So do I recommend not using
time-split validation? Not really – it might very well be the best we can do
retrospectively, so among all the wrong ways of validating retrospectively this
might well be the least wrong one of all.

(A related quote I quite like regarding time-split validation from a recent paper:
“Time-split cross-validation – like all other retrospective methods – can only tell
you about how the model will perform if it is never used in the decision-making

For further related reading the interested reader may be referred to e.g. The
Importance of Being Earnest: Validation is the Absolute Essential for Successful
Application and Interpretation of QSPR Models, to more fundamental treatment of the
subject matter of model selection available.

So should we ‘design’ validation datasets?

One argument to get around ‘biased’ validations that has been made in the past is
that we should ‘design’ datasets to remove said biases during model validation (see
e.g. MUV , AVE, LIT-PCBA approaches etc.). However, the problem is that we don’t
have knowledge of the underlying total chemical space at all, and neither any
theoretical basis of the chemical space possessing a certain property, such as
activity against targets etc. Hence, should we retain (and during validation ‘re-
discover’) close analogues, or not? This is impossible to say; we only have the
data available in databases (which huge analogue bias etc.) and cannot estimate in
any reliable way how representative the sample is for the underlying distribution.
So in my opinion all you do is swap an unknown (implicit) bias with a known
(explicit) bias – and this ‘devil you know’ might feel more comfortable than the
devil you don’t know. But will this bring us closer to estimating prospective
performance now? Evidence rather points to the contrary, that removing ‘biases’
does not improve performance on distant molecules (see e.g. here and here) – and,
rather, taking advantage of data biases might be a more practically useful path to
take in practice, to bias our models towards identifying molecules with the
property of interest. In the end we don’t want a model that is unbiased but doesn’t
work – we would probably rather have one that does the job, even at the cost (if it
is one in the first place) of bias. From what I can see there is no real way of
‘designing’ ourselves out of the problem of data availability in retrospective
validation studies in its entirety.
Core of the problem: Chemical space!

To now come to the core of the problem of the above points: We don’t know what is
‘all chemical space’, what matters, and we cannot sample it (and existing samples
are hugely biased). In biology (e.g. for sequence clustering) the situation is
quite different – we have mutation probabilities, which we can observe from
evolution. In chemistry, we can sample chemical space up to a point (such as up to
17 heavy atoms in GDB-17) – but apart from the molecules being predicted and not
covering larger structures we even more importantly do not know what the underlying
distribution of data points with a given label of relevance is. So how diverse is
the total chemical space binding to a given receptor? We don’t know – some
receptors are more promiscuous than others. But we don’t know – so we can only
remove bias with respect to an arbitrary viewpoint.

Beware of the numbers

In this section I should include various ‘data enrichment’ strategies which have
been reported which lead to increased performance, in particular the addition of
negative samples. We have done this before ourselves in the context of targets
prediction (where we performed sphere exclusion of inactive compounds to add
structures to the negative data set), and there are other studies on e.g. adding
stochastic negative examples in the same application area. And, as has been
reported in both studies you do improve numerical performance in a cross-validation
setting, so isn’t this laudable? Well, not really – since, in the first case, you
are making the classification problem simply easier for the classifier if you pick
inactives which are by design more dissimilar to actives in the first case. Yes,
your numbers get better – but will a prospective application agree? In the latter
study the authors report themselves that a temporal split showed markedly less
improvement in performance, and in some cases even no improvement at all. Hence,
beware: A performance number reported in one context (and retrospective validation)
simply cannot be translated to a number reported in another context (of a true,
prospective application of the model).

One interesting (but at the same time somewhat trivial) observation is that
increasing performance numbers and practical model utility are often anti-
correlated – larger performance numbers seem to indicate better models, but at the
same time lower coverage of chemical space; while lower numbers explain more
diversity in the data, but which results in more difficult datasets, and hence
numerically worse models. We pretend to build models with best performance for
future applications, but I am not sure we currently validate models in a way to
really reach this goal.

Conclusion: Performance reported depends on a particular data set, and numerical

performance cannot be compared between datasets. Likewise, there is no real way to
estimate prospective performance of models – all our attempts are just about
‘choosing our preferred devil’ when validating models, be it cross-validation, time
split validation, etc. We do not understand chemical space, and our sampling for
any label is biased in an unknown way, hence we cannot estimate (or remove) any
bias present in the data. There is no right way to validate a model – just ‘more’
or ‘somewhat less’ wrong ways.

2. Prospective validation is often still insufficient in practice

One might now be tempted to argue that a prospective validation will tell us how
well a model is working – it is predicting the future (unseen compounds) after all,
isn’t it! However, there are (at least) four reasons why this sounds easier than it
is in practice.:

Firstly, validation sets are often too small – and this is of course due to
practical limitations of any study. A better example of our own work (where a
somewhat larger validation set was used) is probably Proteochemometrics Modelling
for Bromodomains where 1,139 compounds were tested prospectively and where
selection followed a standardized protocol to the largest extent possible (though
aspects such as compound availability still introduced a significant bias in the
validation). A worse example is probably the selection of 50 positive predictions
and 10 negative predictions for a hERG model, which is smaller (in particular the
inactive set), and where manual selection was involved. Basically, the latter
attempt at model validation is more closely related to ‘proof by example’ – and we
cannot really say how good the model would be on a large, unbiased sample of
chemical space based on this experiment.

The latter validation brings me, secondly, to the point of manual (or real-world)
intervention – in many cases selecting the top-ranked examples automatically for
validation is not of interest (for example due to a large number of analogues); and
even if it is possible, the validation is limited by the compounds available from a
vendor or library (or, in the case of virtual library, of the reagents and
reactions available etc.) Hence there is always some kind of fiddling with the
algorithm predictions involved when moving to experiment. So what is the
contribution of the model, and what is the contribution of the manual steps
involved after obtaining results back from the experiment? This is simply
impossible to say. (One other way to express this is that model validation is
always process validation, there is simply no way of validating a model on its

Thirdly, there is the baseline control. In experiments we need a positive and a

negative control to put response to a new compound into context. The same is true
for a predictive model – and the problems with choosing an appropriate baseline
control deserves a separate point below. Here we will only focus on the problems of
performing prospective validation for the baseline control: Even if we picked a
large number of compounds predicted by the model, in an unbiased fashion, and say
spent considerable resources synthesizing (or purchasing) 1,000 compounds predicted
to be active for a model, would be do the same for the compounds predicted to be
inactive, or a control group? This halves the resources to be spent on the actually
interesting part of the project, so this is often (and understandably) not done.
But even if we did invest those resources, then our baseline control will
necessarily come up with other compounds suggested for testing, which has its own
compound availability etc. bias – so even if we wanted to, we were not able to
perform a prospective validation that compares a new method and the baseline method
in a fair way. But this is not even the worst point, which is probably…

Fourthly, that we still don’t know how representative compounds selected by a

method are of future applications of the model. We evaluate on what is known today
(be it actives, or known chemistry such as in vendor catalogues, or even virtual
libraries, based on known reactions) – but how representative is all that for the
next project, a next target class, new chemistry etc.? Due to the size of chemical
space, and the impossibility of measuring how well one samples it we have no way of
knowing how much we know, compared to what we don’t know. (And no, approaches of
plotting what we known in various ways doesn’t cut it, the problem is much more
fundamental than that – projecting high-dimensional chemical space into 2D PCA
plots is simply unfeasible. Take the dimensionality and the choice of descriptors
for a start – and think about the relevance of those descriptors for an arbitrary
endpoint next, in a sparse data set. Do you really know which compounds should be
plotted next to each other in this representation?) So should we do e.g. a
diversity selection for prospective validation instead? This is not really feasible
either – which descriptor would you choose, and … do we really care about all
chemical space equally? We can gain confidence, we can show for parts of chemical
space (the ‘Applicability Domain’, if we manage to define this practically) of a
model that it works. After all, maybe this is what we need to become comfortable
with – all of our models are in the end just local models, that are numbers
assigned on an arbitrarily chosen test or validation set, and this is as much as we
can do in practice.

Conclusion: Prospective validation sounds good in theory, but there are real
practical and conceptual problems with it. On the practical level, the prospective
sample is often either too small, and/or biased, and not representative of any
other future applications of the model. This is particularly of relevance given the
size of chemical space, and our ability to prospectively validate a meaningful part
of this chemical space. On the conceptual level, model validation is always process
validation and a model cannot be validated by itself, without the surrounding
process of applying the model. Hence, prospective validation is the right thing to
do in principle, but very difficult to impossible to perform in practice.

3. Comparison to state of the art is more difficult than it sounds

When publishing a new method we need to compare it to the state-of-the-art in a

meaningful way, in order to measure whether true progress has been made. However,
this is more difficult than it sounds, be it due to choice of the baseline method
in the first place, the care applied to hyperparameter and parameter optimization
during model training, as well as the numerical comparison of model performances
which may be misleading.

Picking a baseline method is a often by what is generally accepted to be a well-

performing method for modelling data – 10 or 15 years ago one might have chosen a
Support Vector Machine for this purpose, today probably a Random Forest, and you
will have (usually) done a good choice for a method that is frequently used, and
that performs well in many situations. Is this the best current models can do
though? We only know what we try, so we cannot really say. Also, what is equally
useful as a baseline is a very basic method – say, how well does e.g. a mean
predictor perform, (partial) linear regression, or ‘dumb features‘ (counts of
atoms) in a virtual screening setting? That is a useful negative control to add as
well, just to keep us grounded – in this way we will be able to detect whether the
complexity of the methods we employ is actually justified, by increased performance
compared to the very simple baseline. So we can conclude that there is generally a
degree of arbitrariness involved in selecting a baseline method, and that we need
to ensure if the complexity of any of the methods employed are justified by
performance improvements over any very simple baseline. Only if employing a new
method is justified in both regards we can truly talk of progress when reporting a
supposedly superior performance of any new new method or model.

However, things get worse when training the baseline method – since, of course,
hyperparameter exploration and parameter optimization is needed here, and with the
same rigor as for the new method under development. However, is this really done
for optimizing a ‘bog standard’ Random Forest model, when the novel method is so
much more exciting, and one needs this improved performance for a publication?
Here, in the bigger picture, incentives for publications (and academic career
progress etc.) might simply get into the way of the best science possible. Still –
the baseline must be allowed to be as good as possible, to really claim an advance
of a new method or model, compared to the existing state-of-the-art, otherwise
there will not be a fair comparison.

And once the baseline method has been obtained, how does one compare it to the new
method under development? Of course science is quantitative, so ‘proof by example’
won’t do – but do we really pay attention to practical relevance of improvements in
model performance, or only statistical significance (and if the latter, do we
really calculate this in the right way)? It should be stated explicitly here that
statistical significance does not imply practical relevance – in case of large
numbers of samples rather small effect sizes can become significant, so both
aspects of model performance need to be considered individually.

Let us turn to a concrete example of current interest: Does, say, deep learning
outperform other methods in bioactivity prediction, or not? Deep learning is
sometimes performing better in this area than other methods (but not always); and
it has been pointed out that attention needs to be paid to how performance is
evaluated. So what does a proper performance evaluation comprise from the numerical
side (even beyond other aspects of model validation discussed elsewhere in this
article)? At the very least paying attention to the right performance measure (in
this case, use of Precision-Recall Curves is advocated in addition to ROC curves;
for further characteristics and limitations of ROC curves see this work), and
ensuring significance of changes in performance (if this is what one is after),
given the size and number of datasets available. In this particular study it has
been found that, in a target prediction setting, Support Vector Machines give
rather comparative performance to deep learning methods under the criteria for
performance comparison employed.

As an aside on deep learning methods, in other areas again the (small) amounts of
data available may render such methods nonviable – and the general limitations of
‘pushing the numbers’ on proxy endpoints are discussed in point 6 of this article.
My personal feeling (from both direct experience and available literature) is that,
yes, there is quite likely a value in deep learning for large datasets, and that
also transfer learning seems to improve performance in particular for small
datasets. Still, how much better are we really – and does this really matter in the
drug discovery context, and to what extent? I am overall skeptical to what extent
predicting proxy measures better numerically will really improve our ability to
make decisions in the drug discovery context.

Finally, one needs to be careful how results are presented – e.g. in a recent study
on analyzing Electronic Health Records with deep learning the abstract describes
the virtues and performance of this particular method used, but omits that the
confidence interval of the performance of the logistic regression baseline overlaps
with the deep learning method (see last part of SI for the baseline information) –
so even if the information of a baseline method is available, one needs take care
not to put any subjective spin on the numbers one obtains (… which of course brings
us back to the many wrong incentives driving scientific publications again).

Conclusion: We are only able to determine whether we make progress beyond the
state-of-the-art if we compare a new method or model thoroughly to what exists
already. This involves in particular the choice of baseline method, its parameter
and hyperparameter optimization, as well as a suitable quantitative approach of
comparing model performance. Only if all of those aspects are fulfilled we are able
to state that a new model is better than a previous one (and that is within the
limitations described elsewhere in this article).

4. Not considering data, data quality, and the context of a model

Generating a model, validating it (to the extent possible), and publishing

it/making it available is of course not an end goal in itself – we don’t just want
an algorithm to ‘give us numbers’, we want predictions which we can use to make
decisions, and in many cases those predictions are mean to be used either in place
of, or at least to prioritize, subsequent experiments. And as any experimentalist
will be aware: (a) Data comes with an error; and (b) assays come with assay
conditions. What does this mean for us? It means that (a) there is an upper limit
of model performance that we can expect from a model (the model cannot be better
than the data used to generate it); and (b) there is not only one way to ‘generate
a model’ for an endpoint, but there are rather many ways to experimentally
determine endpoints, and often they do not agree with each other. As an example
from the bioactivity space take kinase inhibition, which can be measured in various
different types of assays and with different ATP concentrations etc. (see this
review for details). But also something as apparently ‘trivial’ as solubility
depends heavily on the setup chosen, where kinetic and thermodynamic solubilities,
and hence ways of measuring this endpoint exist. Even more so, complex biological
endpoints such as DILI come with different annotations which makes their modelling
non-trivial. We will leave the second point – of choosing practically meaningful
assay endpoints – to item 5. in this list, and focus here on the variability/error
of an assay which is inherent to the particular assay endpoint chosen.

Of course, error in the data can be quantified – say in cytotoxicity data or public
databases such as ChEBML and so on. One can then put maximum model performance into
the context of assay reproducibility, which has been commented on already more than
a decade ago, and also for regression models in detail more recently. Just: This is
hardly ever done when model performance is reported in the literature, be it due to
neglect, or since this is often difficult to do in practice (e.g. due to lack of
replicates). This, however is a major shortcoming of any predictive method which
does not consider the error in the data. Experiments give you a value, and an
associated uncertainty of a measurement. In the same way, a model also needs to
give you a value, and an associated uncertainty of this prediction – and the latter
cannot be detached from the uncertainty of the experimental measurement.

Conclusion: Both measurements and computational predictive models provide a value,

and an associated uncertainty of the measurement (or prediction). Given that a
predictive model is based on experimental data, it also needs to take into account
the uncertainty of the underlying measurement it uses for model generation.

5. Relevant and irrelevant models – “It’s more important to do the right thing,
than to do things right”

In some sense this is probably the most important part of the generation of
computational models; what is the endpoint we decide to model in the first place,
and is it actually of relevance for the real-world questions asked?

And here a core problem comes up, that is frequently not even mentioned in
scientific publications: Endpoints are treated as ‘the real gospel’, as if they
meant something by themselves in every case. However, this is far from true – often
experiments are designed for endpoints not because they are of the utmost relevance
in drug discovery, but because they are somehow associated with relevant endpoints,
and they are easily measurable. Take for example logD, which is associated with
solubility, permeability, metabolism (and hence essential PK properties of a
molecule). and which is hence an important parameter which determines behaviour of
a small molecule. But is this property used for decision-making just by itself? Of
course not – the whole context of the particular project (e.g. desired PK to reach
a particular target tissue etc.) as well as other properties of the compound need
to be taken into account for any decision that will be made. So, say, a
computational model for logD (or any other proxy endpoint) is just that: “a model
of a model” (to quote Graham Smith of AstraZeneca) here – i.e. a computational
model for a proxy endpoint.

This has profound implications in practice: Many of the currently published studies
of using ‘AI/ML in drug design’ are validated by optimizing numbers for proxy
endpoints – but how does this then translate to any practical decision-making? Is
an improved prediction of a proxy endpoint by a few percent with say a huge neural
network really helpful in practice? The impact of the current (third; after the
1980s, and 2000) hype of computational approaches to drug discovery is still not
really apparent, in particular in relation to the resources invested – and a focus
on modelling proxy data (and, in turn, shying away from complex biological
question) is in my personal opinion quite a likely contributor to that. Turned on
its head: Quite possibly we would do better by understanding the question better,
and generating the right type of data in the first instance- instead of getting
stuck with proxy endpoints forever, and choosing such endpoints to claim victory
when it comes to AI in drug discovery in many instances.

Ligand discovery is simply not drug discovery – and from predicting on-target
activity and logD it is just a long way to efficacy and safety in vivo.

Choosing ‘wrong’ endpoints is not really a lie, I should add here – but it is at
the least overclaiming the relevance of the model, by removing it from its context.
As particular examples, again from my own work, I would like to point to models we
generated for drug-likeness, for drug-disease associations and compound synergy,
which I would like to critically assess here myself. Why do those endpoints modeled
need to be understood in context? Well, drug-likeness is based on purely historic
evidence of which drugs have been discovered (and where often a large amount of
serendipity was involved, even if neat diagrams of ‘drug discovery processes’ try
to tell you that this is a completely rational process; the discovery of penicillin
may be a nice history example). So the drug space we know is not based on any
underlying fundamental laws of nature; it is a chemical space that is biased by
chance, and which in addition ‘moves’ considerably, both due to new chemistry
aiming at difficult-to-drug proteins, and completely new modalities, such as
oligonucletodies (ASOs), PROTACs, etc. However, modelling ‘drug-likeness’ means
simply describing what has been done historically, thereby – if applied in the
wrong way – hampering future discoveries outside the box. (I should add that all
what Chris Lipinski claimed was that the majority of compounds with particular
structural properties are available orally, with explicit reference to exceptions
for active transport etc. However, the concept was used, and also abused, in
various ways subsequently – and modelling ‘drug-likeness’ as an endpoint is likely
less useful than modelling say oral bioavailability, which has a physical basis.
See also ‘Inflation of correlation in the pursuit of drug-likeness‘ for a more
detailed discussion of the topic.) As for drug-disease associations, similar
caveats apply: Datasets are necessarily those which are known already, we don’t
know ‘false false positives’ in particular, which are of actual key interest of a
model, meaning the new drug-disease associations which haven’t been known before.
Hence, performance numbers generated by any such model will necessarily emphasize
(and be optimized towards) ‘re-discovery’, and not discovery of something new
(which will in fact decrease numerical model performance!). So here the problems
are less in the concept (although factors such as dose etc. are insufficiently
considered as well), and more in the data available to really validate such a
model, even on the conceptual basis. Finally, what is not so trivial about
modelling synergy? The problems with synergy are that firstly (and as summarized in
recent articles) the definition depends on the null hypothesis one (by and large
arbitrarily) defines, meaning that synergy mathematically derived from a dose-
response matrix of two compounds using one null hypothesis can even be interpreted
as antagonism in another (!). Furthermore, if we consider practical utility of such
a model, data can reasonably only be obtained on cell lines; so how does any
synergy finding translate to the in vivo situation (where disease is more more
heterogeneous, compounds are available at different concentrations, etc.)? This is
a particularly difficult point since synergy is usually dose-dependent, and hence
PK of compounds in a combination really matters in practice. Due to all of those
reasons this makes the modelling of cell-line derived synergy values using one
arbitrary synergy annotation simply less relevant in practice. It’s not only about
the numbers, also in the cases discussed here – and the embedding of the model will
define whether the model will have a meaning in the end, or not.

What of course often happens is that fields evolve to adopt early benchmark data
sets – and subsequently those benchmark datasets are accepted as ‘state of the art’
and required for benchmarking. ‘Competitions’ have a similar effect on the field.
The problem with this is that any limitations of the accepted benchmark data set
become less important, and the field moves on to ‘increase numbers’ as their
primary objective – which, however, does not necessarily imply increased practical
utility of a model.

Data that is based on a suitable hypothesis will be of considerable more practical

utility than data that has been generated in a hypothesis-free manner. Every other
aspect of model utility follows from there.
Conclusion: “It is more important to do the right thing, than to do things right” –
which means, we firstly need to find the right endpoints to model, which needs to
be followed by the identification of suitable data, an appropriate representation,
and only finally the appropriate modelling method. This is visualized in the figure
above – and only in this way we will reach the final goal of AI having a meaningful
impact on drug discovery. Improving the prediction of proxy endpoints numerically
is on the other hand less likely to achieve this.

6. Defining contribution of a computational method to project success

And finally, let’s imagine we have worked on all of the above items, with an
enormous budget and sufficient time available. A compound that was, say, selected,
or designed de novo in the computer, has become a drug (or validated in other ways
in an in vivo setting)! Can we say what the contribution of the algorithm was, in
this particular case? This is virtually impossible to do – the list of choices has
simply been very long to reach this stage (see preceding items of this article for
some of them). In which way did compound availability influence the compounds taken
forward? Other human interventions? Has really been a suitable baseline control
been performed? All of those points would need to be addressed though to be sure
about the contribution of a computational model to overall project outcome. A
recent paper phrased it succinctly in this way: “It is critical to emphasize that
prospective studies validate processes and not models.”


To come back to the above list, and to summarize either ‘how to lie best’, or of
course also to to describe which pitfalls to watch out for in one’s own work (or
when reviewing papers):

# Aspect How to lie best Will I be found out? What can be addressed?
1 Data distribution and split Select data set/split which gives best
performance Medium- would need to be reproduced by others Sufficient
characterization of data set; using different splits
2 Prospective validation Pick examples you know which work (selective
reporting would be the other option) Impossible (the referee/reader will not
be able to judge hypothetical other model outcomes) Choosing prospective examples
on a large scale and in as unbiased a way as possible
3 Use of baseline model Pick baseline which looks plausible but performs
badly (and don't optimize model parameters properly) Only if data set provided;
otherwise the referee/reader will not be able to judge hypothetical other model
outcomes Choice of suitable baseline models, paying as much attention to their
performance as to the main model
4 Data quality Ignore any aspects related to data quality Only if
explicitly asked for - not apparent from model performance itself Assessing
uncertainty in data and maximum possible model performance. Taking uncertainty into
account in modelling process
5 Modelling irrelevant endpoints Ignore the point, and just 'pump up the
numbers' If the referees and readers are aware of the way the model is used in a
real-world situation then yes, otherwise no Considering both the model itself,
and its embedding in a real-world process embedding
6 Ascribing outcome of process to model Don't mention alternatives and
leave contribution of model as the only plausible choice why a process succeeded
Unlikely - readers or referees are unable to re-implement alternative model
scenarios and to investigate other Addressing the points above properly, and
discussing other possible contributions to process outcome
Showing 1 to 6 of 6 entries
So… where are we?

It might have become apparent that there is no easy solution here – a true gold
standard of ‘validating a model’ is not easy (and, in the absolute sense, even
impossible) to achieve. Still, some aspects probably can be addressed by
practitioners in the field, in order to make models derived as relevant to real-
world applications in the drug discovery context as possible. This means for
example that data sets can and should be provided where possible; they need to be
characterized to put any derived model performance into context of the data set;
different and suitable data set splits should be performed to estimate model
performance in at least an approximate way; prospective validation should be as
large and unbiased as possible; a baseline model should be used and sufficient
attention be paid to its parameter and hyperparameter optimization; and data
quality and real-world model use should be discussed along the model performance of
the particular endpoint being modeled. Finally, when ascribing the outcome of a
process to a model care and critical self-review needs to be in place.

We should use data, absolutely – it would be foolish not to make use of what we
already learned in the past. But if we get stuck with the current all we do is the
‘my number is higher than yours game’, then all of us lose out in the end, in the
longer term (since resources of society are not used in the best possible way).
Credibility is important for the experimental/modeller interface, see what happened
to QSAR/CADD in and after its first peak in the 1980s. We need to be realistic what
is possible and what is not, be it related to data, methods or other aspects of
what we do.

Of course there are also underlying driving forces that push into the opposite
direction, such as the ‘need’ for academics to publish in ‘high impact factor
journals’, which leads to a ‘prestigious grant’, and vice versa (repeat ad
infinitum), Bigger driving forces in society, such as the current hype of AI, and
using metrics in all walks of life, equally don’t really help – but all of those
points will deserve their separate blog posts in the near future.

I would like to conclude by repeating two quotes I very much like. and which have
been used several times above, from a recent publication:

“Time-split cross-validation – like all other retrospective methods – can only tell
you about how the model will perform if it is never used in the decision-making
process.”; and

“It is critical to emphasize that prospective studies validate processes and not

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