Dago Calculations

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IGARN ToovemeasTe ETD. BreucTuase CALCULATIONS jh Bree =P. ~ sBasemenk Floor on grade L sWezzanine Floor n = Aportnent/elats fleers, 13 = w Fatiore fall 7 _Gllous ounce) We = Ss 28 ~Kansporh coduits | a Skate —uncased but Pully Quonaeted ond braced (beams 4 Chowne) a Lift well Single core Ae wallig not odquate for lateral loracing ond leading. a's Bic FAAMUSG “Te TARE BOTH veaTIOM, pp Lavedal Lokbin Ge = Design and detailing wus provide for a L_puetyuny 1 topes — pasign codes Bs Btt0-1,2,3 (1997) — Lise of slvctueal concrete or = Loading | + bondon 2004 = ulldiag Regulations . = Fartkquate code. M1 = Rewfirced Concrele (RC + Seustural_conceete dota : =Slaby 4 beams — Grade Cas/aown agar. Chypical floors) “t = = Grode_c30/re mw Z| (omer, fooseusat Fears)» | aCelumnt = rade _¢4o froma | Wags = Qracke (at /20 mus zMatecial fockor Y= 1S. a = Gakic coashing eagle dewked Figs > £. * RefinGreement steel_data. Se a lage eM gremtdgg Tm —fy2 Se Wu Yi 2 bn ar he, is i fic = o-s7hy. 3. Lermwre — Vecbteat Commit) eadiig on Cleces +Living toms ontypieg| fears /aadne & wn? «Stairs and [Pt Lobby. z3u f- Mezzanine Ploor Claricing) ae — haleral Clorizen Wi See eee “a Wisid Dpeed = asmer! Cbuilt/plouted envicwn) ‘Packt. “+ Selgnte (gartpquake) bading Nontnal = 033g = O33 G91-ms%)= 5.27 med a Ht He ExPogune - mild Crropteal) = Fire protection required _ =a Hours a nell rain formu + Slabs. = RO mem beams as «walls =3o + sCalamns he = ~Fecking /Retoining, Walle =S0 + IG.Soltg = Firm glfahim achioved at Balm (.Qock’) No Sul fates + Rebese = 0 la bearing capadty taken av Aso las/u sGround water /falte found = Nene fe one Weeemanon — aDimevsions on drawirgl a wai (\CiaaTeed (wus) + Levels in melres (us) STAIRCASE Thupleal Flor Flights: Sferey lift = 2650 Rises = Iso assofiso = 19 Nes 0 | et ee ee ee e 1 i of Neo (waist : a e250} 5 he, a 3 teeo = Ved esc fas TAIR Pde. = = (1ge9 | | toading | Fnskes 15 (8 | ena oat san ieee a Deadioad, DLs Gu 71 |________ 0S 4V (pas o-edor fords 0943 | shaicgose Conk BZ_mO-B4gd = 094204) = _1RC.22B mm, Retnfrcement Ay = Ma /o-sk _ Scones = Hol-od mnt a 2» Rpuide: TG t0o(SeS mm) Of Proie Toe aso Gl4 nm®) 62 ie 410 per step (62) . Patait Crockiig Baz Bah 2 dod > Meomete D Oe wh Crockee “Dellecksn ae Babi = b150/inge W985 > eh > chedk req’d | ut sons Sia ae 220 = Wro@-9 + YAW 2 gH 9G (O18 BED) (HON D4/ BERS —I = TSS F SSAESS) Sasecare Cowat'd) Sz octkesse = 17-164 < V4 [3S Fig ok & hla: | Lier wets rset! (fe = dorifout) Lift mol ase for laitival systou PBualy Grovify (tacking coustdared : leidag Lobley Ste’ = Ws.cq2 lavhy Roo tide (.C sat all 2(2-35)44) % 4 = 19.459 + thor. leodk_= LAG +1604 __= 84. Bhy_ 1 _pev love aires bis > 23G4 244) = Nu = Sotbia -. © Kandgbion Lt a = BS Muc ob Puke + 09tPetge | poe 4 fea he jg |e mashes, We do (280 060 ~ iste 7 Si hee = _hse= -Ve =m Gry Nomlasl Ani Fou caste rad ® Aas beh Oh =_0: COM (\c00 % od) bean = Got pv feet Purges T2@aro (Ste wnt) Ee Dubipuba: Tio ane Ye TST IAT Ye (Barta water : ates (main Stal) + el Typicat ges peared 6 | acse Safe, CAx 00 * Bao deoms, Bi, 62,03 84,85, 66,07, 68 = HS0 200 Belcowy St — 'So Thicke. loaling + Foighes = 18(ue) aise leah |= Hale = 010A) I DL eS : WY = UL = Ralho) = GI 16Qk = 3.20 =Choractaristic ood L4G 4NGQK = BGG = O° fp Bell ee PR tata dee SHPS Sp Teeae pMain Ceinfrreusst » (pie ase t) {omega Tee - cece ere ae) ____-aulilwer detail. | Moment, us ose? = 208(8:GaX(I4s%) 22.73 Judy ther 9278410 = MK 2 faut gow temiyee ee: e = A = OSH VOas— veda fos Sse a eet aed — fet omfie ____ Provide: Tw @ 250 Je [34am] TH __Dieltibuhin: TR@mefe [aFQwwt] Ta, Dellackin , S442 "Yq = 65k ole be R-WAY PLBELS (G2) ~159 Thick Ardopt gome for panels 94, 95,37. at5(i0), 21:50 kifn- a 015024 2360 + = Molo) Roo : * 27:10 4G 2 94 _ T2sGhel = Qk #200 (G@ue 3.20 | Chomelaetelie (odd 21-4 G+ 1-6 = Ba ‘WMowert, Me eo Bee = be08s ee Spon, © = 4.38w Wax = Rexwfe a@-oBs)(15.1\4.954) = 21013 laine fw : eae = Mur/Paodt Wie a 0-055 = 398 coe O42 ts ‘a 2015 +VO.25— 0.085 /o.9) = 0198S. Sao ees pods 20-9280 ferro | Relnfovuasat ay. QE —— = W1B-Aeau? sige e ed Spang tye Hkgm Magus Aoveusi ales wien ags = (Slanfu a Asy = Ei bdiw-de = 099g mut ide, Te ©200 4c [3A] Ba. a ‘Supports G&S eho ce aN, oaul? = Ode IIE Ade = 92.4 alneln of SEES eer ere eg ee ketene cee ee) oS oe ee ma Os Ms oss Vos K hs) a 2054 [O-20— 053/09) = eek = sal BBTF Fe As. J Tis e180 f5a3uu4 J. Z abs oe Sina eine aire Be oe = 88.08 1 | [ese= usrey Preuens ($3) & (80) - Se TRE | (cade = 13:14 oe pan, 2 = 3.65 w ‘Noman Was oveBeusl® 5 1B C15.1KC3.658) = 15.05 fase a Mas oswWlers—com/eayec.9s 2 se-osd ees) = 117. Be = 2B. Tet es Peyatde, To © aoe fe (EFS mo) Be Diskxiloation Tee teal. GSA) OT wd EC USC_Whuye capgenl Protdes Tis OS Fe (STEW TT Dishe: (444) 78 | bs. Tyeicat, FlooR Geass. Beams <0 6 (89) 450800 roading. [lal s ta.14 (2128) = 21.923 asf Bean = ©-2)0.WSV94) BIA = _B. 014 serail _» @.2\(2.4\ 20) be = '3.uhe os Chirock load, Os 44.387 = 4d. 387 Jae AESE Se ysy acon Mament, ly = ouaseol® 5.015444 SBT 41G57 = 119-97 knw, w Ke a ds 460-46 ~ 10 = drovsun. TENET oat “ge ncstrar Os 4 = 054 (oas-Khoy 2 OS+lO2S- OKI A.8) 2 01 Bo > ___2 so.Bosd so.besc4) = SBI. Ge 0 Reinforcement a Sora 7 : 19.97 ase = 881.89 walt ETERS SRL CS 4 Frovieles 3.720 (948 rwn8)_Be [Beams = OCGA KI Oadeduhted. geo sia Prsrde Tie et fe — lu Few each supped: & + — 1), BE) — 458 Xoo —_| = AlSom (gptu 5=6) aT Wen s Sakon Bpow 224-35 (Apos 6-5) Me TEC ISac/e Seckew: Cantilevws = IS on Beam G7) Mezevrine CPaaniusgy Pheoi > 4gse ese 4cs0 MEZZANINE Floo@ PLAN ____SLAB - Iso Heke —______CA= 000 # Boo Strchure: Gols: Cl = 1000 000 | Beans: M3 -1000% Geo | Qu = 4.bo Ww - = 4s —Charachrtstic lodd: Gn +GQu =o = 16.74 Panels Sint, Sma, send SMoment, Mla = etasesta las Cle t4yctisay . 2.17 Ved Ain __Qe7e74 tot K + fhe = etiecow eae Qs: 205+ oak _2 08 + /(028~ 0/0072 /0.9) « 0.992.>0.95. Z 20-%d 20.95(24) 2 N28 rei. Reinforcement ‘Ag = Me oe R767 108 2 abtegeo bing > Shmme gmine Ovcatbeh a Bo 1neld 00d ve 1S0)= 19s nat LTB@Roo BI CASawut) fae ane ta a Panels 8m5, sme, m7, Sm: __| = 3:65 - Panels sing, 9n7. _ | “Momawl, My» 0086001? —____ — pO ORG TAVSGS%) 19-10 laws _| 4 19.1BetoS _ Abd2 Qsktoon sing * PPS Yq a oss [[os—iehea) _ - aers/ 125- org 19) 2 094 /- Zw widAtd 2 0941 C24) %_16F ym _ | “ReloGercamen|: Ag = Ma 15.18 & 0 = BIU-823 mom oORE Sep Geoier) a | Provide te oe % Bt CRs mud) — Tg Re fe PA GStwty =! C Gegports_b sind C- - _ | rNomest, 2 ji ade uisteN4 e659 = Oh — Ma. oe ee K + ENE * aetna OF Yy 2 8 54 [@25-kKh-) _ aos» (Oras ©-064/o.5) 20.923" 02, _| Slab Supporte_6 and c | Reinforcement | AS = Mo om Re 2 24.582 & tot O-BT¥ Sook 14-48 Provide; Tio © tS0 ‘fe C523 wi) Povide : 4+ 4)78 (Fay Panets_gm4, Sm Span, P= 0.325m- 2 Suppata. | nhomenk tas dew FE OTCCTHNR BS = Ses kam Reinfeemet As = 205 gargs a (7e.ap wt | Tats 0 4 | _____ TR Pao fe_ 82 - Prvcke Te eden de CTEM 4 _ Qs, | Ramp = tGormm Tick Ad. = (hadi 5 lee7e ay Aiyrabi ons _ ath = 3. [mDdesye td 2 wagoog Ran Span Pe else | Mental Ma one? 2 2A (2808) (41S) BR 06 Nadim | Jas %y FoseJearakjosy 20.54 V(OIF~ 0.099 4+9)2 0.974 2 omdd SOR HIId 9 [SSP ao —————— [ete Tete eS PS Reeufda; Tra@ioe (tse wut) Ds Spous 2 eae ts (S $ “| Frey a ee oz tee @ boy ey Ramp Bean Q8- Godeegoo Qpon 0 = 435m Wowenk ru = Bulag oof AOVSHUG TA 1S) 46S) = 757.4 lol 7 Ab TSI dk HOS 2B pb + eemmacea > OEP OUT , wp Qufrression steel nag) ds Al, = KK Bu iedt eS At bah, aaa 2 O39-8\SC_ BS# Boo SCQ Todsaduct 4:81 # Geo EET : Pov 4.Ta5 Cactwt) TR . 1 2 Ags K+ mee © “wrISG (REX seertoua™y inea.g4 » BSCEXGerCone 2 BBGS-S wu? Ponda: 77as S (426 wad) as — ee + fn ils (fate Gack): Wri Be Mowe es TBS iit — ] STs GBT a ates ot —__Seehise SP Pow Bem 26 Googe | _ 2. MEZZANINE Poot Bris ___ Secoridaty beams — Goo & 2e0 M4 MS MC AT Spam , R= hy 3Sw aud Sapper gC foodiv'g: Slabo_-= 16:74 (3-65) 2 ltol lake | wel = susan 2 \o.068 Beom = (AVEC > Ax _ 1: Wena, Wa stl SENTYCISS WSS = 19,30 el (aa 1 - K 2 We edt Cas\Qoarsery OM as Bq rosr@3e- Ups) zors+(Orw-o. +9) 200 2o-paid =o sertsery > 499.5500 Rerm facto tix ; BA 7 [4n-3r inf era | QL | Seennbdoy Beous —GovttA Qou, 2s Ate Weoss shy = OesePr I 3 peldp.g2 = la p.ogp tania —<——_—_—_ _"% a ee | {2B 08S > KS SENDE 7 so =» As (aaa 1S Se-sIet 7” wide: oeT4s C28 wat) tot: ~ ee er LP eT UU -2Tey" x t 2D Tes? tf ere \" 1] [RTe Prog Ome eg _| a | ewe : art 1 ws Vas ! 28. Reiman Beows Rove Box beoud (800% Goo — eS fmt es : <7 jo P[ lewd: 72-8, wd.35 fm lhe 898 ob | DaKibubed 3 Biople Ursusal | May = 104 Wal Wa fof # (08 SES tor Oo. | a % e054 JO %-Ke dy sors + f(0.ac- woorsor8) 2 1992. 0805 > Use R Leo-g¢d x 0.354625 213-Gun, Reigpoowrs os wee ew? = aesssas | Ste Teo much, Be forse» Crimony Beow - cout | ST2S Top 4312 Sgslrooi ~ Priwany Beau ~ (0% Geo [Columns a Conereté grade CAo => fous do luni” Y { columna ix ceokeo Can G03“ C3—3eay200 af ro os 8} F =TiT ast if a leading — c [Drea cut) = HAS HONIS.9.05 — ISHANESITGH ——BoHLB e 3.0 Slab 2 B.654 231-790 aaa | beans 18.698 $6. tua 494 eS Nay eat 46,360 Ber oy ove [ele -beawsors UBS Wests, sant ‘s 192-137 287.495 Ss-0tc rectal teacling for wind [and gaismic @ stop —O_|sbinys = S% eT 3.251 lay Stop Sheass 201.744 Iolemeckiate 19. (37 97-435 65.016 Ho Menisaie = Ste 38.763 Sot | Jower typfeat. ae B81. 426 @5.267 _ fiers GS hes) = 20%, 38-427 Tr 48s. 083 B30.S84 HSh.St6 93.320 a Renae Paring) Floors leachiag | Ci= 1200 4 'e60, Ga= 000 Bee C3 360h200 { Oreos «2 S08 86 26 ghb = (ste nas.294 1-304 Booms s (000% boo, 46.872 90.720 aa errs (eotag, Reade 5-322 Cols. aloe tos 10 .Be0 Bo.¢40 6-048 316.978 499-994, wre _._ lish Blesy to Rock oh c= Gu0 4 30 Can Geox dee Sa-teorus Mus — 12ie. kod dey 2673. 364cloy) Arh Co) hg 2 =ve Gueinal) =Ve (Svowinal) ae on lett Gmre/reemolies. ¢.71a/Tee meatus Ataf oan, Th = stn Floor | DATS ST Clas) S430.372 Clan) 94.162 Gn) Agce ~ve non) 0086-81 (ond) AVE (aon - foulpol GT fre er00 12. TQS (S84 mat) AsTHe/e tise) a a Tio@2ee Ciuks Bee re (i 7 Tee iso ag ings) TES Ce tee. =a Sechon CO SachovCe2y Sek GD Th_= te Th_Plesc 22. [Col, ct Gen#'3e0 C.2-G00 300 C3- Beene Ny s_ 3746-676 (ku) 7987.38 dw? Sig. Was) Asc = 68-44 Guat) 191199. 45 Gunit) as Bia @Siswit) — (esT3Q (12! Sesuul) — ses Dea. pena O Lt Ciuc) Seckion (C1) Wi” Mezzanine — Sih Shor Na = 5014-789 ww) 10'944-368(a) 342.35 B(6! Age x S0B4.95 (ust) 181 299-1 Crm?) ave | i TAS (49eF ue 18.732 (19! Zoduudy, Te ree ThoCasoye TAP hoofe A Claus) Gos Gag oe ETN x Fs t t eat iene a eo | 4 eo cB tera Fee a EEE A eascre FE ote T " Gates TB@sos. geetion GD Leche G2) Bu ouwpstion — Merwe fleo coh ev (000 _C:9- [080 & Bea. C3-Sevr aso Nu_=_ 5712+ 4 (us) WSoB. 176 (ae! 1079-71 Ga =N8, BRC G2) 4g 800. Pa , i eae + ft eyed epee eer Jatt! wate; [ates 4 a TOE 2v05fe aa me fer Sechion CI) Sechinu(Ca) a 83 Basement Plvor- So Tx Halo on Grade Use To @aec RW TH T2' aa Tte @aso Se a iso 2c Was CGrase G25) - ESp-Bol fabueb bleaching as = [doo Hardcore (compacted _Sechan Of Eosenecy Slab Es FooTs¢s ‘Ar founcaton Nw = 57)9-134 lew +Gucharge ond Gall whe oi, = 1142.407 + C854. Sc bvorking Load us 2 4569-701 0.0 base = = 48657107 if nd at Bearing Tapa a5 a Ly Qidefiscde a B = yloted 23.1870. Use base 3.06% 3.6 % 0.0m Tick =u 6854-561 Od Gessure, v9 = BO peat $ oe = G8s4-6ct_ = 664-4 5 Gio Knfu® Basd-A | Memeats Ma 2 0-503 Guance T canbe - 2OS(BTOMHIE) = 405.35 Ww ct = (Ges - Se = 30/2) = S4aus Kam Sande cS 0S BO 2 prose ertss J BS e000 #540 = yz os+ Voas-kf-9) 20s lone fo. a6 = Orosst/o+3) = 0.an4. 720.9044 2 9.034(540) = Sod3tmmy | | | Base @\- conttd ReinReromeny i Way [aE = 495-35 £0 = 1848 mone 091K Foo % S04. 36 z | (tk [Ji atas et alowed Li r eel Te Goo Te each wot Cola ad Prurde: Tie@wo (goto wm®)_B Eachwoy Ost 2 [Column CQ 1900 ¥ Boo - Bose B2- Nu = [email protected] Ky 2 2e%f Nsouis 1960-394 luring load, Lt Ww = $434.93 bp. 3 Osea SL v2ehangulay bose, _ AL + 843493 ep stea wt 46 7 y cae % | aes = A welooweXersy | = = 408+ hom | we WGx + OB 1 Ax” + Bi Gm + 01% = 18.744. | sie Ao 3.0 = 17.9463 O_ 2 4 | 2 oe. arte 2 1.7150" | Prue | Bast Aides w 2.200 % diem tek: APA aye 65a FE 8s. Lat | tae eg 32. fast B= 41am me de Dw we 0 Gur —Contich Wom Wu = Ocul? ae 2 OS¥ CWS w 17% aos. 83 lain, —_————_ = Ce Os Fe 2 OS (oxs=1 oxy) zo [lo3s= 0186 fo.) o:3\s Z_ =o Bed = 681 (Sdo)e 4do.crnu Rabebrresels ‘Ma XK, 78 rege 89.0} wi0 © | = SE pee bow = SIM AQ WE Provete’. Tas e109 (4 Sto m2) B[W “Bor. = cat /az 3) gare Ba Lo Coline C3 Bane Qax Qo x ONT. Powides sb bt Glu bre Lite ere SM Gor

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