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IGARN ToovemeasTe ETD. BreucTuase CALCULATIONS jh Bree =P. ~ sBasemenk Floor on grade L sWezzanine Floor n = Aportnent/elats fleers, 13 = w Fatiore fall 7 _Gllous ounce) We = Ss 28 ~Kansporh coduits | a Skate —uncased but Pully Quonaeted ond braced (beams 4 Chowne) a Lift well Single core Ae wallig not odquate for lateral loracing ond leading. a's Bic FAAMUSG “Te TARE BOTH veaTIOM, pp Lavedal Lokbin Ge = Design and detailing wus provide for a L_puetyuny 1 topes — pasign codes Bs Btt0-1,2,3 (1997) — Lise of slvctueal concrete or = Loading | + bondon 2004 = ulldiag Regulations . = Fartkquate code.M1 = Rewfirced Concrele (RC + Seustural_conceete dota : =Slaby 4 beams — Grade Cas/aown agar. Chypical floors) “t = = Grode_c30/re mw Z| (omer, fooseusat Fears)» | aCelumnt = rade _¢4o froma | Wags = Qracke (at /20 mus zMatecial fockor Y= 1S. a = Gakic coashing eagle dewked Figs > £. * RefinGreement steel_data. Se a lage eM gremtdgg Tm —fy2 Se Wu Yi 2 bn ar he, is i fic = o-s7hy. 3. Lermwre — Vecbteat Commit) eadiig on Cleces +Living toms ontypieg| fears /aadne & wn? «Stairs and [Pt Lobby. z3u f- Mezzanine Ploor Claricing) ae — haleral Clorizen Wi See eee “a Wisid Dpeed = asmer! 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[email protected]
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Little Women
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Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
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