Demamd Side Managment (DSM)

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Demand Side Management: An Intelligent and

Economic Load Shifting Approach for Distribution



Subha Darshani Misra Dr Tapas Kumar
Research scholarin EEE DEPT Dr Bishwahit Dey, Mahapatra
GIET GUNUPUR Assistant professor,EE Associate professor, EE
[email protected]
[email protected] BBSR,INDIA,
[email protected]
Abstract— This paper proposes an during peak times [2]. The use of energy
optimization technique connected with management systems in a residential area lowers
demand side management(DSM).In this peak demands and energy costs. Hence Both DR
paper genetic algorithm is involved with and DSM are made possible by a home energy
various types of distributed energy management system in a particular smart grid.
resources(DER).The proposed topic All the DR action might either be a time-based
formulated as bi - objective optimization programmed or a direct load control. Despite of
problem according to the point of demand widespread agreement that the use of a particular
side management(DSM).This paper mainly fossil fuels in energy production may be
analyzes comparison of DSM i.e. Total reduced in order to slow the rate of global
DSM is same as total DSM after reduction in warming, so energy consumption is fast
different level and also analyzes that there increasing as a result of developments in a
is a change in reduction at different level of number of technological fields strategy[23]. A
percentage of DSM. And also there is a widespread use of plug-in hybrid electric
increase in LOAD FACTOR at every change vehicles (phevs), and data centres for the
of DSM level. Micro grid is a kind of storage and processing of large amounts of data,
distribution system was electricity is [23] and also pervasive artificial intelligence
generated, transmitted and confined to a applications will all result in an increase in the
small geographical area. given amount of energy needed; so as one
specific illustration, the initial household energy
Keywords— Demand-side side management,
load for PHEV (plug-in hybrid electric vehicle)
Genetic algorithm, micro grid, energy
charging should be doubled in a given range.
usually The development of new things like
1. Introduction smart factories and data centres thanks of
information and communication technologies
A. Overview:
(ICTs) and cloud computing has resulted in a
Connected units of the power system does significantly increased load demand in A precise
not produce equal amount of power for a mannor.
specific load. So according to dynamic
economic dispatch [1] optimization problem
some of the loads are involved for same
cost for equal load. Otherwise some of the loads
are cost expensive. So DER (Distributed
energy resources) faces more problems [13][4].
Renewable energy sources are main functional
unit of economic load dispatch for cost of
production.DSM [3] is focus on reduction of the
grid's peak load requirements. So the multiple
link between the utility and the end user, as well
as the end user’s normally change their
electricity services, in fact it is crucial for the
successful implementation of the particular
DSM algorithm [3]. By shifting electricity use
from peak to off-peak hours, highly cost
effective power generation may be avoided and Figure -1: MG architecture for homes that
the cost of production is Also decreased. Hence incorporates DSM
Smart metres and a sophisticated
communications network can allow for multiple
communications between the utility and the end
user, and the end user's will alter their use will
enable DSM to face the reality [3]. Choosing
Utility firms today have been implemented a
number of measures for the optimal use of
electricity in a safe mannor. This makes a
possible format for the utility company and the
end user to communicate directly. By providing
the end user with real-time information on the
basis of their respective consumption rates, the
energy management system optimizes the use of
energy. So The smart grid places a strong
emphasis on off-peak energy consumption as
utility companies will charge more for electricity
Figure- 2: DSM procedures of dynamic test to identify the one that provides an
appropriate difference between the cost of generation
and pollutant emission. By doing the comparable
B. literature review investigation on a grid-connected micro grid system, for
this paper fills the knowledge gap left[21] . In order to
Different research papers have been published in increase the complexity of the work, two distinct grid
order to meet the most cost effective distribution for pricing algorithms of balancing trade-off were used.
various renewable energy generations. The primary [27] The generation cost as well as pollutant emission
goal is to provide a specific reference not only towards magnitudes were determined. Hence, additionally, the
the economy of our power generation process but also DSM technique is used to restructure the load model,
the competitiveness of renewable energy sources and also the effects on the generation costs and also
(RES). Hence RES is one of the main solution of the pollutants released were carefully done [7]. The main
Government’s for the fuel price and more important for aim of this given work is to reduce computational costs
the environment. Whenever the cost function is and efficiency in order to address pollution-related cost-
continuous, smooth, no convex and differentiable, then effective micro grid challenges.. However different ,
computational methods have been used to solve the methods like the sine cosine algorithm (SCA),
problem. But these processes are not recommended in GWO(Grey wolf optimization),[19] and CSA(crow
case where actual physics constraints are present, search algorithm),[25] [26], others, have been used in
hence for such a dynamic non-smooth and convex big dimension difficult constrained optimization
problem classical optimization algorithms are used to situations in a particular problem[5][18].
solve ELD over time, but lambda, gradient methods
and dynamic programming are used in smooth ELD[1]. Additionally, the CSA[20] is likely to get stuck in
It has spawned a large no of research papers on micro minimum solutions comparing to many other algorithms
grid [2] [17] energy management, which includes the because it can handle all enormous population sizes[8].
article, used the imperialist competitive algorithm Each iteration of GWO has a sizable number of
(ICA) and matrix real coded generatic algorithm (GA) equations and phases, which is one disadvantage.[14]
to reduce the cost of generation of a grid connected to The method described in the given paper tries to attempts
micro grid (MRCGA). They can apply the algorithm to avoid it in order to lower the computing cost.
through rigorous testing in a various scenarios, also
including DERs with narrow operational ranges it
changes power prices and variable loads. [16]The
authors also studied a single utility company with
various residential energy uses for DSM by using a
game theory approach, whereas day ahead pricing 3. Mathematical modeling of fitness function
scheme and an energy consumption game were used to
implement the day load shifting DSM approach. The A. Objective function
multiple objective of particle swarm optimisation The main goal of this function is to lower the micro
technique were used by the authors thereby to deal the grid’s generation costs and emissions, which can be
multiobjective dynamic economics and emission mathematically represented as
dispatch problem with demand side management called
as DSM strategy. Usually under the centralised energy
system customers are normally bought electricity for
…… (1)
fixed prices and assured for quantities. Hence in
contrast to that distributed energy system and micro
Where Fj is the power output of the jth distributed
grid, which gives an adversary of generation, storage,
generating unit and Fj is the fuel cost coefficient. The
and monitoring and control solutions such as
electrical market pricing known as C grid is used by the
renewable generation sources from solar and wind
grid to purchase and sell energy.[11] Micro grid system
emission dispatch [12][13].
For calculating the amount of carbon dioxide
2. Contribution of the paper released in the atmosphere at the end of the day from the
fossil fuelled conventional generating sources, Where
1 . Different Load Demands has been performed CO2 is the carbon dioxide emission coefficient and
basesd on various level of DSM. EMD is the total carbon dioxide emission.
2. Genetic algorithm has been applied. B. FP based combined economic emission dispatch
3. Different types of DSM Participation has been Using this method mainly two competing and
done. conflicting goal function made up of the same choice and
4. Different types of DSM Participation has been same control variables are solved as a ratio. ECD stands
done. for the economic dispatch equation represented by
technical equation whereas EMD stands for emission
.Motivation dispatch, which is mathematically described by equation.
References are carried out for an intriguing study in By reducing the EMD, ECD ratio a compromised
which several Methods for CEED(Combined economic solution may be discovered using the FP approach.
and emission dispatch) were assessed on various types [9]]10]
a. The original anticipated peak load of the
power system is not exceeded by the peak load demand f
………… (2) ollowing the given application for the DSM approach.
CEED= Combined economic emission dispatch.
EMD= Empirical mode decomposition c. The sum of the total load and average of the load
for the system remains the same with and without DSM
ECD= Energy conversion devices at the end of the day also.
DSM urges for preventing consumers from using less
energy during peak hours or from transferring their
energy use to off-peak hours like the weekend or at
C. Operating constraints night. This may not be actually resulting in less energy
being used overall. DSM also refers to programmers and
The operating restrictions provided by Equations tools that nudge people into maximizing their use of
are bound to be the DERs and grid. energy. Potentially, a specific DSM [6] has two
advantages. First, by modifying when and how much
electricity is used, consumers can lower their monthly
electricity costs. Hence, in order to match the energy
supplied by the utility, the demand side management
plan is developed to determine the instantaneous tariff
………………… (3) and the combined power (P) of two consumers. The
choice value, the utility’s maximum value provided (Z).
[15]The different value determines how load control
works. Loads are following types
 Shift able loads
……………………. (4)  Non-shift able loads
Shift able loads are priorities for being curtailed. To
facilitate automated shedding, loads can be divided as
non-shift able loads and shift able loads.
……………………… (5)

E. Descriptive case study

A. Result and discussion
………………………. (6) In this paper 10%, 20%, 30%, 40% of reduction
Were of Demand side management has been done.

= Demand for t hours

= RES output
D. Demand side management
Various utility companies are used to lower their
system’s peak load and also save money; hence,
utility companies typically offer incentives for
customers for getting them involved in given
Filling of valleys, pick clipping, shifting of loads, and incr
ease in static load demand strategic conversion and
variable load shaping, normally the first three are
primary level types, while the last three are secondary
level types that use system planning and operation to
control total load demand by restricting or extending it.
The most important load control technique is the load
shifting approach, which can combines peak clipping
and valley filling. Specific use of the adjustable loads
allows for load shifting at the customer level. The load
shifting approach also shifts the controllable loads from
peak to off peak periods with no change in energy usage.
of the key components of the load demand model res
tructuring utilising DSM techniques as follows :
Figure-3: 10%DSM
Figure-4: 20%DSM

Figure-6: 40%DSM

Figure- 5: 30% DSM


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