1 s2.0 S014111361930830X Main
1 s2.0 S014111361930830X Main
1 s2.0 S014111361930830X Main
Keywords: In marinas and harbours, the accumulation of pollutants in sediments, combined with poor exchange of water
Development with the open sea, poses a major environmental threat. The presence of photosynthetic organisms and the related
Marine pollution oxygen production, however, may alleviate the negative effects of environmental contamination on heterotro
phic organisms, enhancing their physiological defences. Furthermore, possible transgenerational buffer effects
Anthropogenic impact
may increase the ability of natural populations to face environmental stress. Here we tested the occurrence of
Water turbulence transgenerational effects on larvae of the sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus, whose parents were exposed, during the
gametogenesis, to contaminated sediments subject to two temporal patterns of water re-suspension events and
normal- (90%) vs. super-saturated (200%) levels of O2. The study site was Bagnoli-Coroglio (Gulf of Naples,
southern Tyrrhenian Sea), a historically polluted brownfield and Site of National Interest for which environ
mental restoration options are currently under exploration. Larvae from different adult populations were
significantly, although not linearly, affected by the interaction of all factors to which parents were exposed, at
both 24h and 48h post fertilization. Specifically, the exposure of larvae to elutriates from contaminated sedi
ments determined a developmental delay, a reduction in size and an increased percentage of abnormalities in all
larval populations independently of their parental exposure. On the contrary, larvae from parents exposed to
contaminated sediments, when reared in clean filtered sea water, succeeded in developing until the echino
pluteus stage after 48h, with size and abundance comparable to those of larvae from control parents. Pre-
exposure of parents to contaminated sediments did not successfully buffer the negative effects of elutriates on
their offspring, and no positive effects of ‘super-saturated’ levels of O2 in response to contaminants were
observed, suggesting that the Bagnoli-Coroglio area is currently not suitable for the re-stocking or re-introduction
of this species.
* Corresponding author.
** Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (A. Chiarore), [email protected] (M. Munari).
Received 11 December 2019; Received in revised form 19 March 2020; Accepted 21 March 2020
Available online 27 March 2020
0141-1136/© 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A. Chiarore et al. Marine Environmental Research 159 (2020) 104967
A. Chiarore et al. Marine Environmental Research 159 (2020) 104967
Fig. 2. Adult experimental design. See M&M section for details. POP 1 and POP 2: control adults without sediment, 90% oxygen saturation, aggregated and spaced
pattern of turbulence respectively; POP 3 and POP 4: adults with sediment, 90% oxygen saturation, aggregated and spaced pattern of turbulence respectively; POP 5
and POP 6: adults with sediment, 200% oxygen saturation, aggregated and spaced pattern of turbulence respectively.
industrially contaminated region located in the south-eastern part of the Paracentrotus lividus is not protected or endangered and all experimental
Pozzuoli Bay (Gulf of Naples – southern Tyrrhenian Sea, Fig. 1), char procedures on animals were in compliance with the guidelines of the
acterized by sandy and clay substrates protected by artificial rocky reefs European Union (Directive 609/86).
(Bertocci et al., 2019; Cocco et al., 1988; De Pippo et al., 1988). In
dustrial activities were developed in this area from 1905 to 1990, pre 2.4. Adult sea urchin rearing mesocosms
dominantly in the form of steel production, asbestos manufacturing,
concrete and chemicals production. In 1994, the Italian Government ‘Ad hoc’ mesocosms comprising twelve independent, closed recir
implemented a remediation plan for this brownfield, which was classi culating tanks (~50 L each), filled with natural sea water, were set up in
fied as a SNI in 2001. Previous studies on the chemical composition of the facility for the maintenance of marine organisms of Stazione Zoo
coastal marine sediments in the Bagnoli area highlighted heavy logica Anton Dohrn in Naples. Each tank had an internal filter divided
contamination by metals, PAHs and PCBs (Albanese et al., 2010; Arienzo into three sequential compartments. The first compartment was filled
et al., 2017; Trifuoggi et al., 2017). High sediment concentrations of with filtering wool and foam sponges, ensuring mechanical filtration by
heavy metals such as Cu, Fe, Hg, Mn, Ni, Pb and Zn, were reported by collecting particulate matter and debris. The second compartment
Romano et al. (2018), although they could also be related to local hy housed SUBSTRATpro (Ehiem GmbH & Co. KG, Deizisau, Germany), a
drothermal activity and other anthropogenic sources (De Vivo and Lima, pearl-shaped sintered glass specifically designed for the colonization of
2008). aerobic chemoautotrophic bacteria belonging to genus Nitrosomonas,
Environmental data including temperature, conductivity/salinity, Nitrosococcus and Nitrospira (Schreier et al., 2010) as well as several
dissolved oxygen and fluorescence profiles were collected during five ammonia-oxidizing archaea (Hatzenpichler, 2012), to ensure biological
cruises from February to October 2019 in seven stations within the filtration. The third compartment contained a Syncra Silent recirculat
Pozzuoli Bay, and results are shown in Margiotta et al. (2020). ing pump (pump flow rate 700 L/h, pump wattage 8 Watt; SICCE S.r.l,
Analyses of historical data on the benthic diversity in the Bagnoli- Pozzoleone, Italy) to ensure water recirculation in the internal filter. The
Coroglio site reported the occurrence of P. lividus in this area in the sea water level was checked on a daily basis and manually adjusted to
past (Gaglioti et al., 2020), although further studies are needed to assess balance evaporation. Chemical and physical variables of both sea water
the current state of the local P. lividus populations. and sediments are reported by Ruocco et al. (2020).
2.2. Field oxygen data collection 2.5. Adult sea urchin experimental design
To evaluate natural fluctuations in water oxygenation, dissolved The bottom of eight tanks, randomly chosen out of the total twelve,
oxygen was monitored by mooring an oxygen probe equipped with was covered with approximately 5 centimeters of sediment collected
calibrated dissolved oxygen concentration (optical) sensors (MiniDOT from a sampling station located within the Bagnoli-Coroglio area
sensors, PME, Vista, Ca, USA). The probe, with a logging frequency of 5 (40� 480 25.9’’N, 014� 090 33.2’’E; water depth: 3.8 m). This sediment
min, was deployed within a seagrass (Posidonia oceanica) meadow in an came from the same sampling core and was uniformly mixed before
uncontaminated area in the Gulf of Naples (40� 430 58"N 13� 570 59"E; being used. Data regarding the composition and quantification of the
temperature 15.00 � 0.50 � C, salinity 38.00 � 0.03 psμ), in order to contaminants within the sediment are described in Morroni et al.
reflect the expected conditions at the study site once the local ecosystem (2020).
was possibly restored. The remaining four tanks were maintained with sea water without
sediment. Two of these tanks without sediment, and four of the tanks
2.3. Animal collection with sediment were randomly assigned to exposure to the ‘spaced’ tur
bulence pattern (two events, 48h duration, separated by two weeks
Total 200 adult P. lividus individuals were collected in March 2019 at within one month of exposure). The remaining tanks were assigned to
San Pancrazio (40� 420 15.0"N 013� 570 22.3"E), Ischia Island (Gulf of the exposure to the ‘aggregated’ turbulence pattern (two events, 48h
Naples), at a maximum depth of 5 m with the authorization of the Ma duration, separated by three days within one month of exposure). This
rine Protected Area ‘Regno di Nettuno’. Animals were kept in a cool box allowed the manipulation of the temporal variance of turbulence events,
after collection and in the laboratory prior to experimental procedures. while maintaining the same the total frequency and intensity of events
A. Chiarore et al. Marine Environmental Research 159 (2020) 104967
At the end of the exposure period, adults from each tank were
weighed and the test diameter of each individual was measured. A
minimum of three females and three males from each experimental
condition (n ¼ 6) were separated to constitute pools of gametes in order
to establish six unique laboratory populations of embryos. Sperms were
collected with a micropipette and kept dry on ice in a plastic tube until
use. Eggs were collected in 500 mL beakers filled with 0.22 μm FSW.
Prior to use, egg and sperm quality and quantity were evaluated. Pools
of eggs and sperms were established using the same number of gametes Fig. 5. Somatic (SS) and oral (OS) spicules at 48 hpf.
from each individual, in order to have the same contribution from every
parent during fertilization. A constant sperm:egg ratio (1250:1) was
the potential to highlight: (a) specific effects of parental exposure on
used (Moschino and Marin, 2002), and fertilization was checked after
embryonic and larval development through comparing with larval
30 min by observing the elevation of the jelly coat. Embryo populations
populations reared in FSW; (b) selective pressure acting during game
were then maintained in 25 ml vials, three replicates for each experi
togenesis and resulting into a better response to stress of offspring from
mental condition, for 48h of exposure at 22 � C. To test parental effects in
adults reared in harsh conditions (in this case adults with the highest
response to the experimental factors, offspring from each parental
phenotypic plasticity are most likely to spawn and pass down their ge
population were exposed to the conditions that parents experienced
notypes to the next generation).
during gametogenesis. Embryos coming from parents exposed to sedi
ments were reared in elutriates. Elutriates were prepared as reported by
Gallo et al. (2020) from the same sediment core used in the tank where 2.7. Larval developmental traits
adults were kept. Specifically, POP 1 and POP 2 embryos were exposed
to FSW at O2 90%-saturation level (FSW_90% O2), POP 3 and POP 4 to The effects of the three combined factors on larval growth were
elutriate at O2 90%-saturation level (ELU_90% O2), and POP 5 and POP examined at two developmental stages (24h and 48h post-fertilization).
6 to elutriate at O2 200%-saturation level (ELU_200% O2). Furthermore, Embryos at 24h and 48h post-fertilization (hereafter as hpf) were
POP 1 and POP 2 embryos were transplanted into FSW at ‘super-satu observed with an optical macroscope (Leica Z16 APO), equipped with a
rated’ O2 level (FSW_200% O2), into elutriates at ‘normal-saturated’ O2 Leica DFC 300FX camera connected to a computer with the Leica LAS
level (ELU_90% O2) and elutriates at ‘‘super-saturated’’ O2 level program (Leica Application Suite, Version 4.5). A minimum of 100
(ELU_200% O2), while POP 3, 4, 5 and 6 embryos were transplanted into embryos per replicate were photographed. Different developmental
FSW at ‘normal-saturated’ O2 level (FSW_90% O2). This approach has stages were distinguished to evaluate any delay after 24 and 48 h of
A. Chiarore et al. Marine Environmental Research 159 (2020) 104967
F(1,17) ¼ 429.680
F(1,17) ¼ 472.850
F(1,17) ¼ 112.050
F(5,17) ¼ 246.920
F(1,17) ¼ 50.987
F(1,17) ¼ 205.34
PC - rearing
PERMANOVA results. Pseudo–F values (indicated as F) and Monte Carlo p-values for all the parameters measured for larvae reared in both filtered sea water FSW and under parental conditions (PC).
Oral Spicules (OS) 48h
F(1,17) ¼ 137.52
F(1,17) ¼ 19,239
F(5,17) ¼ 33.995
F(1,17) ¼ 4.654
F(1,17) ¼ 5.433
p(MC) ¼ 0.001
p(MC) ¼ 0.049
p(MC) ¼ 0.035
F(1,17) ¼ 4.328
p(MC) ¼ 0.057
FSW - rearing
F(1,17) ¼ 2389.7
F(1,17) ¼ 1653.2
F(1,17) ¼ 364.79
F(1,17) ¼ 776.57
F(5,17) ¼ 1043.8
F(1,17) ¼ 0.421
p(MC) ¼ 0.529
PC - rearing
Fig. 6. Diel seawater dissolved oxygen fluctuations (5 min logging frequency).
F(1,17) ¼ 34.023
F(1,17) ¼ 16.886
F(1,17) ¼ 11.190
F(5,17) ¼ 11.260
p(MC) ¼ 0.001
p(MC) ¼ 0.007
F(1,17) ¼ 1.865
F(1,17) ¼ 1.321
gastrulae, distinguished by the onset of invagination; 3) prism, charac
p(MC) ¼ 0.196
p(MC) ¼ 0.272
FSW - rearing
terized by the early development of calcareous rods and the typical
cuboid shape of the embryos; 4) early plutei, distinguished by the
beginning development of the four appendixes; 5) echinoplutei, i.e., the
48 hpf stage characterized by the total development of oral and aboral
rods (Fig. 3).
F(1,17) ¼ 14.360
F(1,17) ¼ 726.17
F(1,17) ¼ 182.86
F(1,17) ¼ 19.840
F(1,17) ¼ 14.588
F(5,17) ¼ 190.4
p(MC) ¼ 0.749
For echinoplutei, the frequency of abnormal larvae (Fig. 4) was
evaluated and the length of somatic (SS) and oral (OS) spicules (Fig. 5) PC - rearing
was assessed using image analysis software (IMAQ™ Vision, National
Instrument™, Version 6.0).
F(1,17) ¼ 31.554
F(1,17) ¼ 19.808
2.8. Statistical analyses
F(5,17) ¼ 11.417
Anomalies 48h
F(1,17) ¼ 2.655
F(1,17) ¼ 3.928
F(1,17) ¼ 0.170
p(MC) ¼ 0.116
p(MC) ¼ 0.063
p(MC) ¼ 0.749
FSW - rearing
F(1,17) ¼ 84.888
F(1,17) ¼ 17.435
F(1,17) ¼ 8.8705
used to test for differences among larval populations reared in FSW_90%
F(5,17) ¼ 41.511
p(MC) ¼ 0.004
F(1,17) ¼ 3.405
p(MC) ¼ 0.067
cases where results were significant, PERMANOVA was used to test for
the interactive effect of turbulence pattern, sediment presence and
Developmental stages 48h
F(1,17) ¼ 23.206
F(1,17) ¼ 26.779
F(1,17) ¼ 2.651
F(1,17) ¼ 1.595
p(MC) ¼ 0.121
p(MC) ¼ 0.229
FSW - rearing
F(1,17) ¼ 26.045
F(1,17) ¼ 24.294
F(5,17) ¼ 17.248
3. Results
F(1,17) ¼ 8.133
F(1,17) ¼ 7.864
p(MC) ¼ 0.011
PC - rearing
F(1,17) ¼ 31.161
F(1,17) ¼ 40.853
F(1,17) ¼ 10.559
p(MC) ¼ 0.0014
p(MC) ¼ 0.0271
F(5,17) ¼ 22.551
F(1,17) ¼ 4.086
FSW rearing
Sediment, S
O2 (S)
(Table 1). Overall, the adults that had experienced a spaced pattern of
A. Chiarore et al. Marine Environmental Research 159 (2020) 104967
Fig. 7. Percentage of developmental stages at 24 hpf. On the X axis the parental populations (POP1-6) and larval exposure conditions are shown. Significant dif
ferences (p < 0.05) among larval populations reared in FSW for each experimental parental condition are represented with lower-case letters (a–d), while capital
letters (A–E) represent the significant differences among the larval populations reared under similar parental conditions. Asterisks represent the intra-group
(FSW_90% O2 vs. all other larval conditions) significant differences (*: p < 0.05, **: p < 0.01, ***: p < 0.001), n.s. ¼ not significant (p > 0.05).
turbulence gave birth to a higher percentage of early plutei than those almost all (99%) larvae from POP 3 and POP 4 succeeded to develop up
having experienced an aggregated turbulence pattern. In general, an to the echinopluteus stage, while the average amount of echinoplutei
average 65% of early plutei from parents exposed to a spaced pattern of between POP 5 and POP 6 was around 87% (Fig. 8). These results,
turbulence was recorded, while an average 41% of early plutei from however, take into account the total percentage of echinoplutei without
parents exposed to an aggregated pattern was observed (Fig. 7). distinguishing among normal and abnormal ones.
Oxygen super-saturation had a negative effect on the percentage of
early plutei as well. In particular, an average 78% of early plutei be 3.2.2. Transgenerational effects of parental exposure on larval
tween POP 3 and POP 4 was observed, while the average between POP 5 developmental stages
and POP 6 was around 41% (Fig. 7). In general, after 24 and 48 hpf, a buffer effect of the adults’ pre-
At 48 hpf, the interaction between the pattern of turbulence and the exposure to contaminated sediments was not observed in larvae
presence of sediment were significant (Table 1). Overall, the averages of reared in the presence of elutriates. Larvae grew better in FSW inde
4-arms echinoplutei from both parents exposed to the spaced and the pendently of the origin of their parents. For each experimental larval
aggregated pattern of turbulence were comparable (89% and 94%, population, the percentage of developmental stages of larvae reared in
respectively) (Fig. 8). At 24 hpf, the oxygen super-saturation had a FSW and of those reared in the presence of elutriates was always
negative effect on the average percentage of echinoplutei. In particular, significantly different (Table 1). At 24 hpf, all the interaction between
A. Chiarore et al. Marine Environmental Research 159 (2020) 104967
Fig. 8. Percentage of developmental stages at 48 hpf. On the X axis the parental populations (POP1-6) and larval exposure conditions are shown. Significant dif
ferences (p < 0.05) among larval populations reared in FSW for each experimental parental condition are represented with lower-case letters (a–b), while capital
letters (A–F) represent the significant differences among the larval populations reared under similar parental condition. Asterisks represent the intra-group (FSW_90%
O2 vs. all the other larval conditions) significant differences (*: p < 0.05, **: p < 0.01, ***: p < 0.001), n.s. ¼ not-significant (p > 0.05).
parental factors were significant (Table 1). Overall, as observed in all (Table 1).
larval populations reared in FSW, at 24 hpf a negative effect of the pre- The interaction between turbulence pattern and the presence of
exposure of adults to the aggregated pattern of turbulence was recorded sediment affected the normal formation of the calcareous structures in
in the larvae reared in the presence of elutriates (Fig. 7). Oxygen super- larvae maintained in FSW (Table 1). Overall, the percentage of normally
saturation had a negative effect on the average percentage of early plutei developed echinoplutei from parents who experienced a spaced vs. an
as well in all larval populations exposed to elutriates (Fig. 7). aggregated pattern of turbulence was comparable (77%) (Fig. 9). Oxy
At 48 hpf, all the interaction between parental factors were signifi gen super-saturation had a negative effect on the proportion of normally
cant (Table 1). The same trend described for larvae at 24 hpf was developed echinoplutei. In particular, an average 88% of normal echi
recorded for the larval development at 48 hpf, i.e., a negative effect of noplutei between POP 3 and POP 4 was observed, while the average
adults’ pre-exposure to both aggregated pattern of turbulence and ox between POP 5 and POP 6 was around 65% (Fig. 9).
ygen super-saturation (Fig. 8). The length of both SS (Fig. 10 A) and OS (Fig. 10 B) was significantly
affected by the parental population of origin in larvae reared in FSW
(Table 1). In general, larvae reared in FSW had longer SS and OS
3.3. Larval skeletal abnormalities and growth
compared to their siblings reared in elutriates (Fig. 10A–B), regardless of
the parent of origin.
3.3.1. Effects of parental exposure on larval skeletal development in FSW
After 48 hpf, the percentage of normally developed echinoplutei was
dependent on the parental pre-exposure for larvae reared in FSW
A. Chiarore et al. Marine Environmental Research 159 (2020) 104967
Fig. 9. Percentage � SD (n ¼ 3) of normal echinoplutei at 48 hpf. On the X axis parental populations (POP1-6) are shown. Larval exposure conditions are shown in
the legend. Significant differences (p < 0.05) among larval populations reared in FSW for each experimental parental condition are represented with lower-case
letters (a–d), while the capital letters represent the significant differences among the larval populations reared at the same parental condition. Asterisks repre
sent the intra-group significant differences (*: p < 0.05, ***: p < 0.001, n.s. not-significant; n ¼ 3).
3.3.2. Transgenerational effects of parental exposure on larval skeletal Carballeira et al., 2012; Corinaldesi et al., 2017; Morroni et al., 2016,
development 2018). Marine sediments close to marinas, harbors and industrial plants
After 48 hpf, the percentage of normally developed echinoplutei was are likely to be enriched, in particular, with heavy metals and PAHs, as
dependent on the parental pre-exposure for larvae reared in the presence recently documented in the Bagnoli-Coroglio area (Morroni et al., 2020;
of elutriates (Table 1). Ruocco et al., 2020). Exposure to these substances can jeopardize the
In general, it is possible to observe a negative effect of both aggre normal development of early life stages of echinoderms, and make their
gated pattern of turbulence and super-saturated oxygen level to which populations more sensitive to environmental perturbations (Byrne,
parents were exposed (Fig. 9). Furthermore, no normal echinoplutei 2012). Despite the large number of studies that have addressed the ef
were observed in both POP 2 and POP 5 when exposed to elutriates fects of single stressors on benthic organisms, those that experimentally
(Fig. 9). examined the interaction between different types of physical, chemical
The length of both types of spicules was affected by parental expo and mechanical variables are scarce and often focused on a single life
sure as well (Table 1). Larvae maintained in elutriates had shorter stage.
spicules compared to their siblings reared in FSW, regardless of the Furthermore, in natural habitats, increased water oxygenation due to
parent of origin, with a mean length reduction of 40% for both somatic the photosynthetic activity of algae and macrophytes can have a positive
and oral spicules (Fig. 10A–B). effect on the physiological performance of associated or nearby organ
isms. Giomi et al. (2019) found that ‘super-saturated’ (140 � 3%) oxy
4. Discussion gen conditions increased the LT50 of six Red Sea species (one decapod,
one echinoderm, one holothurian, one bivalve, two teleost fishes) by 2
In this study, the combined effect of contaminated sediment and its
C compared to those maintained at normal oxygen saturation levels (97
re-suspension associated with different turbulence patterns at both � 2%).
normal and ‘super-saturated’ levels of oxygen were studied for the first Migliaccio et al. (2015) found that the exposure of P. lividus adults for
time. A generally negative effect of the pre-exposure of adults to the nine days to cadmium (Cd) and manganese (Mn) during gametogenesis
examined experimental factors on larvae was observed. Furthermore, resulted in a higher percentage of abnormal larvae and delayed larval
larvae derived from parents maintained in the presence of sediments did development when compared with larvae from control parents,
not perform better when exposed to elutriates, even when reared at a although all larval populations were reared in control sea water.
‘super-saturated’ level of oxygen. Conversely, in our study, when all larval populations were exposed to
Echinoderms, including the sea urchin P. lividus, have been widely elutriates to mimic the effect of re-suspended sediments, there was a
used as marine model organisms to study the effect of different significant difference in larval development when compared to their
anthropogenic stressors such as heavy metals, personal hygiene prod siblings reared in FSW_90% O2. These findings are in accordance with
ucts, PAHs, as well as environmental variability (Byrne, 2012; several studies that found the exposure to a mix of heavy metals present
A. Chiarore et al. Marine Environmental Research 159 (2020) 104967
Fig. 10. A–B: Mean length � SD (n ¼ 3) of somatic (A) and oral (B) spicules at 48 hpf. On the X axis parental populations (POP1-6) are shown. Larval exposure
conditions are shown in the legend. Significant differences (p < 0.05) among larval populations reared in FSW for each experimental parental condition are rep
resented with lower-case letters (a–b), while capital letters (A–E) represent the significant differences among the larval populations reared under the same parental
conditions. Asterisks represent the intra-group (FSW_N–O2 vs. all other larval conditions) significant differences
(*: p < 0.05, **: p < 0.01, ***: p < 0.001), n.s. ¼ not-significant.
in marine sediments to cause a negative effect on larval development in which could have led to oxidative damage by causing the accumulation
echinoderms, including the sea urchins P. lividus, Psammechinus miliaris of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in larval tissues (Hassoun and Stohs,
and Strongylocentrotus intermedius, and the sea star Asterias rubens 1996), and the subsequent intensification of the sensitivity of cells to
(Coteur et al., 2003; Marin et al., 2001; Xu et al., 2011). It is widely other co-occurring toxicants (Brzo�ska et al., 2008; Chowdhury et al.,
known that the combination of different heavy metals is often more 1987).
toxic than one alone, due to additive and/or synergistic effects Furthermore, abnormal larval development can be due to the
(Kobayashi and Fujinaga, 1976; Pagano et al., 1996). Xu et al. (2011), reduction of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) activity in plutei, as observed
for example, highlighted that the combination of heavy metals, such as by Maisano et al. (2015) after larval exposure to increasing concentra
Cd, Cu, Pb, Zn, had a negative synergistic effect on the larval develop tions of CuO nanoparticles for 24h. AChE plays a pivotal role in the
ment of S. intermedius. This can be explained with the presence of Cd, migration of primary mesenchyme cells (PMCs) and spicule elongation
A. Chiarore et al. Marine Environmental Research 159 (2020) 104967
(Ohta et al. (2009). PMCs are responsible for the formation of skeletal draft, Writing - review & editing, Project administration. Alessandra
spicules, which migrate into the blastocoel and produce these calcareous Gallo: Conceptualization, Resources. Antonio Cannavacciuolo:
structures. Moreover, PAHs can interfere with echinoderm larval Formal analysis, Data curation, Writing - original draft. Mirko Muta
development, as observed in sea urchin Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus lipassi: Resources, Writing - original draft. Davide Caramiello: Re
larvae exposed to two PAHs, namely benz[a]anthracene (BaA) and sources. Folco Giomi: Resources, Writing - original draft. Marco Fusi:
4-hydroxybenz[a]anthracene (4-OHBaA), for 53h post-fertilization Resources, Writing - original draft. Roberto Danovaro: Writing - orig
(Suzuki et al., 2015). This was due to a reduction of the expression of inal draft, Funding acquisition. Marco Munari: Conceptualization,
several genes involved in the formation of spicules, which the authors Formal analysis, Investigation, Resources, Data curation, Writing -
attributed to the suppression of the transcription factor for spicule for original draft, Writing - review & editing, Visualization, Project
mation by 4-OHBaA. Furthermore, Pillai et al. (2003) suggested that administration.
several PAHs (phenanthrene, fluorene, and pyrene) can cause exogas
trulation in exposed embryos, causing a vegetative state and death. This Acknowledgement
is corroborated by the high percentage of dead embryos in larval pop
ulations exposed to elutriates at both 24h and 48h post fertilization in This study was supported by the project ABBaCo funded by the
our study. Italian Ministry for Education, University and Research (grant number
Contrary to the expectation that adults experiencing more stressful C62F16000170001). Dr. Antonia Chiarore was supported by a fellow
conditions would produce more resistant offspring (Thor and Dupont, ship funded by ABBaCo. We thank Dr. Elisabetta Tosti for coordinating
2015; Weston et al., 2013), larvae from parents reared with sediments at the work package for the experimental research in this project. We thank
both O2 levels and turbulence patterns were less resistant to elutriates Marco Cannavacciuolo, Giovanni De Martino and Francesco Terlizzi for
than those from control parents, as highlighted by the total absence of assistance in the field during sea urchins sampling.
echinoplutei in POP 5. Nevertheless, it may be possible that one month
of exposure during the gametogenesis was too short to trigger a trans
Appendix A. Supplementary data
generational buffer effect against sea water pollution.
Furthermore, no positive effects of higher oxygen levels were
Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https://doi.
observed, since larvae exposed to oxygen super-saturation showed an
even higher percentage of abnormal larvae and echinoplutei compared
to larval populations reared in FSW_90% O2. Consistently, it was re
ported that the accumulation and toxicity of Ag, As, Co and Cr in the References
freshwater species Daphnia magna after 53 days of exposure was
Agardy, T., Alder, J., Dayton, P., Curran, S., Kitchingman, A., Wilson, M., Catenazzi, A.,
enhanced at 90% oxygen saturation compared to exposure at 40% ox Restrepo, J., Birkeland, C., Blaber, S., 2005. Coastal systems. In: Ecosystems and
ygen saturation (De Jonge et al. (2012). The authors suggested that Human Well-Being: Current State and Trends. Island Press, Washington, DC,
elevated oxygen levels resulted in the increased leaching of pp. 513–550.
Agrawal, A.A., Laforsch, C., Tollrian, R., 1999. Transgenerational induction of defences
sediment-bound metals and their bio-availability (De Jonge et al., in animals and plants. Nature 401 (6748), 60.
2012). In addition, it may be possible that increased oxygen availability Albanese, S., De Vivo, B., Lima, A., Cicchella, D., Civitillo, D., Cosenza, A., 2010.
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