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Clin Lab Med. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2018 December 04.
Author Manuscript
Yehoda M. Martei, MDa, Lydia E. Pace, MD MPHb, Jane E. Brock, MBBS PhDc, and Lawrence
N. Shulman, MDa,*
of Hematology-Oncology, Department of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania,
Abramson Cancer Center, 3400 Civic Center Boulevard, Philadelphia, PA 19106 USA;
Author Manuscript
Breast cancer; Pathology; Sub-Saharan Africa; Low- and middle-income countries; Cancer control
The global burden of cancer is increasing worldwide, with most new cancer cases and
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A country’s strategy for national cancer planning requires knowledge of the disease burden
in the country, information that is obtained when it is possible to make an accurate cancer
diagnosis and document all relevant prognostic factors for a tumor. With this information, it
is then possible to allocate available resources for patient care. Accurate diagnoses require
timely and adequate pathology support.4 Current reports show a significant deficiency in
both professional and technical pathology services in LMIC, with some of the lowest
Corresponding author. University of Pennsylvania, Abramson Cancer Center, 3400 Civic Center Boulevard, Suite 12-111 South,
Philadelphia, PA 19104. [email protected].
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sub-Saharan Africa vary from that in Mauritius, where there is approximately 1 pathologist
for every 84,133 persons, to Niger where there is one pathologist to 9,264,500 persons.5
Moreover, countries like Somalia, Benin, Eritrea, and Burundi have only one or no
pathologist in-country.6 By comparison, the pathologist-to-population ratio in North
America is 1 to 17,544 persons.7
Most patients in sub-Saharan Africa present with advanced stage disease: stage III and IV.
8–15 Despite the advanced stage of their disease, many of these patients can benefit from
these merit different treatment approaches.16 A significant proportion of breast biopsies for
palpable masses in a large cohort of breast cases in Ghana and a retrospective analysis of
breast presentations in Rwanda was benign.9,16 Thus, it is unethical and unsafe to offer
mastectomy, cytotoxic chemotherapy, or other systemic therapy to a woman without having
a pathologically confirmed diagnosis of breast cancer at the onset, and optimal treatment
depends on the elucidation of both the stage of disease and the biologic markers, hormone
receptors, and Human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2).
Prognostic factors, including tumor size, grade, estrogen receptor (ER) status, and nodal
involvement, drive treatment choices. These prognostic factors are obtained from gross
examination of a surgical specimen and subsequent histopathological review under a
microscope. Tissue samples obtained by fine-needle aspirate (FNA), core-needle biopsy, or
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excision biopsy can all be adequate specimens for diagnostic purposes. In the United States,
initial diagnosis with core-needle biopsy is recommended. It is more likely to yield adequate
tissue to assess invasive versus in situ status and hormone receptors and HER2 than FNA
and is less invasive than excisional biopsy. For patients who ultimately have a benign
diagnosis, it avoids surgery altogether. Obtaining a complete and timely histopathological
review is a tremendous challenge in LMIC given the lack of access to high-quality tissue
processing facilities and prognostic marker evaluation. Innovative approaches to breast
cancer diagnostics are needed to more rapidly satisfy the demand for accurate diagnoses at
the point of care in the absence of adequate tissue processing facilities, trained technicians to
run those facilities, and pathologists in LMIC. The goal is to demonstrate the extent to which
timely and accurate histopathological diagnoses of breast cancer are critical to delivering
high-quality breast cancer care to patients in LMIC.
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the ability to prognosticate and treat patients adequately. The most important prognostic
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factors in breast cancer along with tumor size and nodal status are tumor grade and ER
status. HER2 status is important in countries where specific targeted therapies are available.
The prognostic and predictive significance of these features have been demonstrated and
validated in multiple studies. Tables 1 and 2 summarize current American Joint Commission
on Cancer staging for breast cancer, 7th edition. In the National Surgical Adjuvant Breast
and Bowel Project B-06 trial, an increase in the number of positive lymph nodes was
associated with a worse prognosis.17,18 Tumor size, perimenopausal status, number of
axillary lymph node metastases, poorly differentiated grade, and presence of lymphatic
invasion were also identified as negative independent predictors of prognosis.19 In a long-
term follow-up of patients with breast cancer with stage I and II disease followed for a
median of 18.2 years, the risk of local recurrence at 20 years for T1N0 and T1N1 (1–3
positive nodes at diagnosis) disease was estimated at 2.8% and 6.5%, respectively.19 Tumor
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biology heavily influences the time course for local recurrence, with most recurrences in
ER-negative tumors being within 8 years of diagnosis, and risk of recurrence in ER-positive
tumors increasing annually for the lifetime of the patient. Annual recurrence risk is 1% to
2% in N1 disease and 3% to 4% annually in N2 disease (≥4 positive nodes).20 In addition,
recent studies have shown that in multivariate analyses of patients with operable breast
cancer treated according to standard protocol, histologic grade remains an independent
predictor of breast cancer–specific survival and disease-free survival when analyzed as a
whole and within stage subsets.21–23
carcinoma of no special type (~60%), and invasive lobular carcinoma (~15%), more than 20
different subtypes of breast carcinoma exist, each with different risk factors, patterns of
spread, and response to therapy.24 Tumor subtypes with a better prognosis include tubular
and cribriform, which are always ER positive, but also mucinous carcinoma and some other
rare subtypes, such as secretory carcinoma and adenoid cystic carcinoma, which have a good
prognosis despite their ER-negative status.25–27 ER-negative breast cancers typically have a
worse prognosis with an early risk of recurrence compared with ER-positive tumors, and
when feasible, chemotherapy is offered to improve survival and decrease risk of recurrence
if the tumors are greater than 1 cm in size. It is important to be able to recognize rare
subtypes of ER-negative cancer like adenoid cystic carcinoma and secretory carcinoma to
prevent overtreatment with chemotherapy when it is not indicated.
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an anti-estrogen, binding the estrogen receptor. It reduces the risk of recurrence by half and
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slows tumor growth in sensitive tumors, but there is no benefit from endocrine therapy in
tumors not expressing ER, and therapy should be avoided in these patients given the
potential side effects of hormonal therapy, which include menopausal symptoms,
thrombosis, osteoporosis, and very rarely, endometrial carcinomas.28,29 Endocrine therapy
with tamoxifen is affordable and widely available in most LMIC. Furthermore, it is less
toxic than intravenous and oral systemic chemotherapy and requires less frequent visits and
monitoring. It is therefore critical for basic pathology evaluations to include an assessment
of ER status by immunohistochemistry to identify those women who could benefit from
endocrine therapy. Seventy percent of tumors in developed countries overexpress ER. The
proportion of women in LMIC that have ER expression is less, around 60%, primarily
because of different population demographics. The proportion of the population that is
postmenopausal and/or obese is lower in LMIC compared with high-income countries, and
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44–47 The heterogeneity of these data is more likely to be a phenomenon of tissue handling
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identified that delays in excess of 3 months before initiating therapy led to stage migration in
patients with breast cancer.55 In some cases, even more timely pathology is needed to
identify patients who might benefit from more surgery, such as re-resection of positive
margins and residual disease, or complete axillary lymph node dissection for patients
wherein positive sentinel lymph nodes have been identified. A retrospective review of TAT
from Butaro Cancer Center in Rwanda reported a median TAT from specimen receipt to
reporting of 32 days.56 Another retrospective analysis from Malawi identified median TAT
for cancer specimens paid out of pocket as 43 days, and 101 days for nonpaid for specimens,
which rely on state funds.57 The CAP recommends a TAT of 2 business days for biopsy
specimens.58 Two days is likely not an attainable goal currently in most LMIC. A realistic
goal of maximum TAT of 1 week will still be timely to aid in most of the clinical
prognostication and management choices discussed in this article.
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daily for 5 years in the adjuvant setting and daily until time of tumor progression in the
metastatic and palliative setting.59,60 In addition, as HER2 biosimilars become available,
there might be utility in assessing HER2 status and determining whether this is a cost-
effective therapy that can be financed by LMIC governments. Breast cancer is commonly
managed by a multimodality specialty team, involving surgery and radiation oncology. In
countries where this is outsourced to specific public surgical centers or private radiation
facilities, quality pathologic evaluation is needed to predict the utilization of these modalities
and to guide future resource allocation to the different arms of breast cancer control. The
elements of a pathology evaluation, including tissue handling, tissue histology, and
immunohistochemical evaluations of the key prognostic factors described above, inform key
holders about the distribution of disease. Quality pathology evaluation is a key factor along
with access to medical and surgical therapies and interventions to increase earlier detection,
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with the goal of improving outcomes for women with breast cancer in LMICs.
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variations in disease burden and molecular subtypes. These efforts are severely impaired by
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the deficit of pathologists in LMIC. Innovations in leapfrog technology have been used in
various LMIC by partnering with other institutions in developed countries to assist with
pathology reporting. One such example is the collaboration between Ministry of Health in
Rwanda, Partners in Health, and the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute in providing remote
pathology assessment via telepathology to assist with breast cancer and other pathology
diagnoses. The setup of whole slide image scanning and the automation of processing have
helped with the provision of timely and complete pathology services for patients with cancer
in Rwanda.61 In Kenya, task shifting is being used to increase pathology capacity in-country
by training pathologists to teach medical officers, who then teach other medical officers, to
perform biopsies, FNAs, and bone marrow biopsies.62
stain diagnoses from pathology specimens. Inadequate IHC capacity limits the ability to
provide the prognostic marker ER status for women with a cancer diagnosis. One solution is
to use molecular pathology to solve this problem. Although molecular pathology remains a
challenge even in countries where pathologists are able to perform histopathologic
assessments, point-of-care testing could be a reality. The GeneXpert technology is a
platform for performing quantitative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction that is
already widely distributed in LMIC for a variety of tests, including rapid diagnosis of
tuberculosis using a simple dedicated cartridge. A dedicated cartridge that can perform
messenger RNA amplification of ER, PR, HER2, and Ki-67 and give breast cancer
biomarker results from formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded is anticipated to soon be available,
which can be used to provide prognostic markers in the absence of access to ER
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A future need in LMIC is to have low-cost point-of-care tests for molecular evaluations like
OncotypeDX, but it is not an urgent need right now because very few women present with
early breast cancer (tumors <5 cm and axillary node negative), and there is less of a dilemma
in most of the breast cancer population as to whether to offer chemotherapy or not. In high-
income countries, additional molecular testing, such as OncotypeDX, provides prognostic
information on the risk of recurrence at 10 years in ER-positive tumors that are either node
negative (N0) or node positive (1–3 positive nodes). It is frequently used in a predictive
manner to help in the decision-making process whether to withhold chemotherapy and offer
only endocrine therapy. Tumors with low recurrence scores (RS <11) do not need
chemotherapy, and those with inter-mediate scores (RS 11–25) are likely to have minimal
benefit from chemotherapy.64–68
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Improving clinical research and pathology capacity in LMIC will enrich the knowledge of
unique variations in the molecular and genomic landscape of breast cancer among different
racial and geographic populations. A recent study of the genomic alterations in breast
tumors from Nigeria, West Africa compared with African American women and women of
European ancestry, analysis on structural variants (SV) showed genome-wide SV counts
among the 3 populations are comparable in ER-negative cancers; however, among ER-
positive cancers, Nigerians had significantly more SV counts compared with African
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breast cancer and the need to improve quality pathology, which would inform accurate
prognostic risk assessment and choice of targeted therapy to specific diverse populations.
Finally, in areas where there are high burdens of infectious comorbidities, such as HIV,
quality pathology reviews of tissue specimens and clinical research will help to better
understand whether worse outcomes reported in HIV-positive patients with breast cancer are
due to treatment-related toxicity or to interaction with the biology of their disease. In
addition, there is significant potential for research to help to identify breast cancer risk
factors and employ the right tools to mitigate the high cancer burden. Ultimately, increased
pathology capacity will help provide timely information to guide clinical care and help
narrow the survival gap between patients with breast cancer in developed and developing
Author Manuscript
Disclosure Statement: J.E. Brock received research funding from Cepheid. Y.M. Martei, L.E. Pace, and L.N.
Shulman have nothing to disclose.
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• Breast cancer is the leading cause of cancer mortality among women in low-
and middle-income countries (LMIC). Timely and accurate histopathological
diagnoses of breast cancer are critical to delivering high-quality breast cancer
care to patients in LMIC.
• The most important prognostic factors in breast cancer along with tumor size
and nodal status are tumor grade and estrogen receptor status. Human
epidermal growth factor receptor 2 status is important in countries where
specific targeted therapies are available.
• Detailed and complete cancer registry data are needed to assess a country’s
disease burden and specific patient population needs to guide disease
prioritization and allocation of resources for breast cancer treatment.
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Table 1
American Joint Committee on Cancer TNM summary staging system for breast cancer
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Staging in boldface represents staging information that can only be obtained via pathologic assessment. Metastatic disease at the time of initial
presentation will also require pathologic assessment to confirm diagnosis.
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Data from American Joint Committee on Cancer. Breast cancer staging. 7th edition. Available at:
quickreferences/Documents/BreastSmall.pdf. Accessed October 19, 2017.
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Table 2
Receptor Status
T2 N0 M0 HER2-directed NO YES NO
Stage IIB T2 N1 M0 Chemotherapy a YES YES
T3 N0 M0
T4 N1 M0
T4 N2 M0
Stage IIIC Any T N3 M0
+/− is indicated for subsets for which genomic assays assist with clinical decision regarding the additional benefit of chemotherapy versus not.
In the metastatic setting, chemotherapy for ER/PR-positive tumors is recommended only for patients with visceral crisis or those who have failed
multiple lines of endocrine therapy.
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