Embedded System

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University Assessment

Paper/Course Code: USIT402 Introduction of Embedded System Time:2hr.30min.

Instructions for all the candidates:
1.All questions are compulsory.
2.Draw neat labelled diagrams and sketches wherever necessary.
3.Make suitable assumptions whenever necessary and state the assumptions made.
4.Answers to the same question must be written together.
Q.1) Multiple choice Questions (10 Marks)

1. which memory storage is widely used in PC’s and Embedded systems?

a) EEPROM b) Flash Memory c) SRAM d) DRAM

2) which of the following task swapping method is a better choice in the embedded systems design?

a) time slice b) RMS C) co-operative multitasking d) pre-emptive

3) which activity is concerned with identifying the task at the final embedded systems?

a) scheduling b) task-level concurrency management c) high level transformation d) compilation

4) which level simulates the algorithms that are used within the embedded systems?

a) algorithmic level b) switch level c) gate level d) circuit level

5) How an embedded system communicates with the outside world?

a) Memory b) output c) peripherals d) Input

6) which of the following helps in reducing the energy consumption of the embedded system?

a) Emulator b) debugger c) simulator d) compilers

7) which of the following is a traditional method for emulating the processor?

a) CPU simulator b) SDC c) ICE D) low-level language simulator

8) which of the following unit protects the memory?

a) memory management unit b) peripheral unit c) execution unit d) bus interface unit

9) which of the following offers external chips for memory and peripheral interface circuits

a) Embedded system b) peripheral system c) micro controller d) micro processor

10) what kind of socket does an external EPROM to Plugged in for prototyping?

a) piggyback reset socket b) multi-socket c) piggy back d) single socket

Q.2) attempt any five of the following (25 marks)

1) compare CISC and RISC processors

2) compare Harvard and Van Neumann Architecture

3) explain about the status register PICI8F458

4) Explain program counter

5) Explain the switch constructs control structure used in embedded c

6) Explain any three addressing modes of PICI8 with one example each

7) explain the program memory map for PICI8F458

Q.3) Attempt any four of the following (20 marks)

1. Explain different I/O ports and associated SFRS of PIC18F458

2. Explain stack organization of PICI8F458 microcontroller

3. explain with reference timers and the terms of pre scalar and post scalar

4. draw TOCON register and explain function of individual bits of it.

5. what is the function of barrel shifter in ARM data flow model.

6. explain the 5 stage pipelining implemented in ARM9 Processor

Q.4) Attempt any 4 of the following (20 Marks)

1. Explain and detailed about light sensitive sensors with neat labelled diagram

2. Explain various Types of communication system

3. Explain Air quality monitor using Arduino

4. Explain wireless radio frequency

5. List and Explain any 5 extended libraries of Arduino

6. write an Arduino program to blink an LED

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